General Tours

General Tours
An introduction of the project and its goals should be included. Clearly detail
the expected long-term and short-term goals of the project.
Short Term Goals
Redesign a website to promote their premium product offering
Launch site in time for peak traveling season
Long Term Goals
Shorten the content entry process
Streamline the process of editing both website and brochure content
Develop a strong analytics program which provided for smart, analytical view
of website traffic patterns
Identify particular issues that required attention.
8 Winchester Place Suite 303
Winchester, MA 01890
Dennis Franczak
[email protected]
Limited time to launch site for peak season
Current process took 3 months to update both website and brochure data
Extensive and variable complex pricing data
Limited number of internal staff to update website and brochure data
Summarize how you solved the problems that the client faced. Identify how your
company implemented the solution, as well as the time and steps it took.
Fuseideas and General
Tours undertook
a comprehensive website
re-design and redevelopment
project utilizing the Kentico
platform. One of the key
problems was the fact that
the marketing team was
responsible for updating
both the website and
brochure and that process
took 3 months and required
extensive duplicate content
entry between the brochure
and website.
“Fuseideas brings together
a rare combination
of technically proficiency,
upscale creative, and strong
analytics that was exactly
what we needed in developing
the General Tours World
Traveler website. Travel
websites look simple but are
really quite complex behindthe-scenes, and the Fuseideas
team pushed the Kentico CMS
to its limits to give our
website the same flexibility
that we offer our customers.
The site's graphics-heavy
design powerfully
communicates the wonder
of our exotic destinations, is
easy to navigate, and delivers
a great experience for both
web and mobile users. And
full analytics coverage means
we can understand how
travelers are using the site
and deliver just
the information they need.
Throughout the Fuseideas
team acted as true partners
and it's a pleasure to
recommend them.”
Craig Davis,
General Tours World Traveler
To streamline this process, Fuseideas developed a proprietary and advanced
interface engine which allowed content and excursion pricing data which was
developed for the brochure in Adobe InDesign to be ingested into the Kentico CMS
which meant that the content entry staff only had to update the content in one
place. This cut down the 3 month content updating window to less than 3 weeks.
Key criteria for selecting Kentico CMS
Ease of use for content entry staff
Extensive API support to allow us to integrate Adobe InDesign and Kentico
Number of out of the box features allowed for a quick deployment
Cost of licensing was well within the client budget