us history - Mr Bello`s Blog

Chapter 5 (Sections 1-4)
1. What is associated with Progressivism?
 They believed that the government should take a more active role in solving society’s
 They belonged to both major political parties and usually were urban, educated middleclass Americans
 They generally believed that industrialism and urbanization had created many social
 An attempt to use scientific principles to improve society; a collection of different ideas
and activities
2. What was the Nineteenth Amendment?
Guaranteed women the right to vote
3. What was the idea that the government should own and operate industry for the community as a whole?
4. What were Teddy Roosevelt’s views?
 He expanded the power of government by passing several acts regulating meat
inspection, food and drugs, and conservation of the environment
 He supported imperialism
 He believed in progressive ideals for the nation
 He took on big business
5. Define Temperance Movement. Advocated the moderation or elimination of alcohol
6. List three ways President Taft alienated progressives.
1) Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy
2) Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act
3) Supporting Cannon
7. How did President Wilson attempt to reform the banking industry? (8 points)
He set up the Federal Reserve System to control the circulation of money in the United States.
Progressivism – Chapter 5 (Section 1-4)
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Use the numbers in below that corresponds to the appropriate term. (4 points)
6 Consumer
1 Knowledge
5 Nineteenth
3 Reformed
8 Labor
2 Industrialism
7 Building
4 Government
Week 12 of 13.
The 11th and last quiz
towards your midterm.
Progressivism – Chapter 5 (Sections 1-5)
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