Grapevine Root Growth Dynamics and Effects of

Grapevine Root
Growth Dynamics
and Effects of
Markus Keller
Grapevine root system
• Cuttings: Primary roots grow from cambium
• Branching into secondary, tertiary etc. lateral roots
• Number and placement of lateral roots is not
predetermined; growth depends on soil properties
• Roots detect resource availability and grow preferentially
in water- and nutrient-rich patches
• Young, fine roots (<12 wk) are responsible for resource
acquisition, take up most of a vine’s water and nutrients
• Older, woody roots provide anchorage, transport, and
storage for water and nutrients
5 m (>16 ft)
Huglin & Schneider (1998)
Root anatomy
• Apical meristem: Cell division → Root
elongation growth
• Root cap: Protects meristem from
abrasion, but requires constant renewal.
Contains starch grains as gravity sensors
• Endodermis: Divides root into cortex and
stele. Impregnated with Casparian band
• Cortex: Nutrient uptake and starch
• Stele (vascular cylinder): Xylem and
phloem for water and nutrient transport
• Pericyle (below endodermis): Produces
lateral roots in root elongation zone
• Absorption zone behind growth region:
Water and nutrient uptake
Root anatomy and development
• Suberization (light-blue staining) in grapevine fine roots
• Mainly in endodermis (Casparian band, + lignin) and
exodermis (root/soil boundary)
• Impregnates cells for control of water and nutrient access
Gambetta et al. (2013)
Primary and secondary growth
• Primary growth from apical meristem → Root length 
• Secondary growth from vascular cambium (lateral meristem)
starts ~4” behind tip → Xylem + phloem → Root diameter 
• Pericycle forms
cork cambium
→ Periderm
(Secondary cortex +
cork cambium + cork)
• Exodermis + cortex
+ endodermis are
sloughed off
Xylem = wood
Gambetta et al. (2013)
Root distribution
Roots are concentrated in the top 2-3 ft of soil but can grow
to >30 ft depth
Soil depth (cm)
Root weight (%)
V. cordifolia
V. rupestris
V. riparia
V. berlandieri
Huglin & Schneider (1998)
Plumbing system priming
• Bleeding (sap flow) before budbreak
• Exudation of xylem sap (0.1 – 1 L/day)
• Starts at soil temperature >45°F
• Caused by root pressure (0.2 – 0.4 MPa):
Remobilized nutrient reserves → Xylem
osmotic pressure  → Soil water uptake 
• Restores xylem function: Dissolves air
bubbles (cavitation) formed during freezethaw cycles in winter
• Rehydrates buds:
<50% → 80% water content
• Requires moist soil
Gone too far: Trouble at budbreak
• Dry winter → Vines cannot initiate sap flow
• Delayed budbreak, stunted shoot growth,
aborted clusters, poor fruit set
• Measure soil moisture before budbreak
• Irrigate if soil is dry (>3-4% below FC)!
Shoot vigor (cm/d)
Days to budbreak
22 24
10 12
12 14
14 16
16 18
18 20 22
Soil moisture
moisture (%)
Seasonal root growth
• Growth requires auxin from shoot tips and sugar
from leaves or reserves
• Growth throughout growing season (mostly
prebloom – veraison); even in winter in warm soil
• Roots have no winter dormancy, do not seal
phloem with callose nor convert starch to sugar
• Fine roots (<1 mm) are short-lived → Replacement
• White → Brown (5 wk) → Black (8-11 wk)
• Browning = End of ‘functional’ period (metabolism),
but root can still serve as water pipe
• Lifespan is shorter prebloom, with heavy pruning,
or in shallow soil
• Shoot hedging temporarily arrests root growth via
auxin elimination
Temperature and root growth
Temperature  → Root growth 
Lower temperature threshold: 43°F
Optimum temperature: 86°F (almost never in vineyards!)
Higher temperatures kill fine roots within days
Soil buffers temperature fluctuations
Dry and sandy soils have lower buffering capacity
Smith, 2004
Erlenwein, 1965
Soil moisture and root growth
• Roots grow downward, following path of
least resistance (soil pores, cracks), but
grow towards moist soil regions
• Hydrotropism: Roots grow away from high
osmotic pressure (can override gravitropism)
• Roots grow preferentially in moist soil
patches → Concentration beneath drip lines
• Roots may find water below
bedrock → Root zone 
→ Vigor control?
How roots cope with stress
• Roots can grow at lower water potential (Ψ) than shoots
• Some ABA → K+ release into xylem  → Root Ψ 
→ Phloem water import 
• More ABA → Root growth 
• Osmoregulation: Root tips accumulate sugar and amino
acids → Root Ψ  → Water uptake continues
• Hydraulic redistribution: Wet roots supply water to dry roots
• Water deficit reduces root growth but favors root over shoot
growth → Root:shoot ratio 
• Water deficit reduces radial root growth more than root
elongation → Root thickness 
• Severe deficit (drought) → Phloem flow and root growth
stop, storage reserves (starch)  → Spring growth 
• Extreme deficit (prolonged drought) → Root death
The good news: It’s in the book!