A. Comprehension

Grade 3
Summer Worksheets
Name: ___________________
International School of Arts and Sciences ISAS
2012 – 2013
A. Comprehension
Don’t throw your English book yet.
Your teacher has chosen some selections from the book.
Find each story in your English book. Read it well, then answer
the questions that follow in complete sentences.
Selection 1: The Day Eddie Met the Author By: Louise Borden
a. Who are the main characters?
b. Where did the story take place?
c. What is an important event in the story?
d. Was Eddie nervous before the assembly? If yes, why? And if not,
why not?
e. How many questions did Eddie ask during the assembly?
f. Describe Eddie and the setting of the story. Close your eyes,
imagine, write, draw and color!
Selection 2: Ellen Ochoa Astronaut
By: Janet Michaels
a. How did Ellen Ochoa spend her childhood?
Are you spending it the same way?
b. Was she working hard during school years?
Explain your answer. Tell how you know.
c. What did Ellen invent?
Do you think it is useful?
d. How did music help Ellen in her life?
e. Was Ellen a good person? If yes, give two reasons.
a. Get some fun materials, think about a way to use them to invent
a useful thing and write down the steps you followed to make it.
Save it to show to your teacher and classmates.
Selection 3: The Babe and I
By: David A Adler
a. What was Jacob's job?
b. Why did the narrator have to work with Jacob?
c. How did the author feel about Jacob's job?
d. Who gave the narrator 5$ for a newspaper?
e. What did the narrator do with the money?
f. How did the author feel at the end of the story? Why?
g. Jacob is a smart boy. Is this a fact or an opinion? Explain.
h. Think about what you would like to do in the future. Write a
short paragraph explain what it is and why you would like to do
then draw a picture about your job.
Selection 4: Aero and Officer Mike: Police Partners
By: Joan Plummer Russell
a. Is the story fiction or nonfiction? How can you tell?
b. Do you think that Aero likes his job? Give examples from the
story to support your answer.
c. How can Officer Mike talk to Aero?
d. How can Aero's nose help him in his job?
e. How often does Aero receive training?
f. Summarize the daily activities Officer Mike and Aero do in order.
Use your own words. You can use time order words. Then draw
these activities in the box below showing the correct order.
Selection 5: Stone Soup
Retold by: Jon Muth
a. What is the main idea of the story?
b. What is an important detail that supports the main idea?
c. Is this story a folktale or nonfiction? How can you tell?
d. How did the monks change the village?
e. Do you think this change will continue after the monks went?
f. How did the monks convince the villagers to participate in
making the soup? Did they give direct reasons? Or did they
convince them indirectly? Explain your answer.
g. Close the book. Close your eyes. Remember the events of the
story. Rewrite the story in a shorter way using your own words.
Then draw what you wrote in the box below.
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Selection 6: Loved Best
By: Patricia C.McKissack
a. Who are the main characters in the story?
b. Where did the story take place?
c. What was the problem the main characters had?
Could they solve it? How?
d. What is one important event in the story?
e. Why did Carolyn sob onstage?
Did she try to say the poem again?
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f. Describe a time when you felt shy onstage and your parents supported
you to act bravely.
g. This year, the school organized a music concert and you took part of
it. Write a short paragraph explaining what you did in the concert,
how you prepared for it and how you felt that day. Then draw what
happened that day in the box below.
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Selection 7: A Tree Is Growing
By: Arthur Dorros
a. Is this story fiction or nonfiction? Give examples from the story to
support your answer.
b. Why do you think the author wrote this story?
c. Do you think that the author is interested in plants and how they
grow? How can you tell?
d. According to what you read, what do trees need to grow and change?
e. Describe a time when you planted a tree. What are the stages it went
through till it became a tree? Then draw what you wrote.
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B. Vocabulary
After reading the selections that your teacher has chosen, you
should understand by now the meaning of the keywords. So let’s
see how good you are.
1. Look at each picture, then write the correct word under the
picture that matches it.
assembly scent
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2. Use each of the following words in a meaningful sentence. And
draw a picture of every sentence you write.
a. plenty: ___________________________________________________________
b. dismiss: __________________________________________________________
c. hinder: __________________________________________________________
d. invention: ________________________________________________________
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e. research: ________________________________________________________
3. Fill in each blank with the correct keyword to complete the
paragraph below.
embarrass - curiosity - midst - generous
gaze - banquet
- research
Long ago, the workers in China prepared _______________________
meals for the emperor. For each _______________________, the cooks did
so much _______________________ about what the emperor loved and
_______________________ would lead them to find new kinds of food.
Then they start preparing many kinds of meat, fruits, and desserts.
They made sure to prepare the best meals because the emperor might
_______________________ them if he didn’t like the food served.
However, every time the food was on the table, everyone could only
_______________________ at the wonderful and delicious meals served.
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C. Grammar
1. Read each sentence then tell whether each underlined word is a
noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, or adverb.
a. How did you do on the big test this morning? ____________
b. Play as loudly as you can at the beginning of the march.
c. Mandy skated beautifully in the figure skating competition.
d. The children went off to the park happily.
e. Work quickly on the test so you will have time to proofread before
turning it in. ____________
f. Marissa is going to plant sunflowers in her garden because they
are so cheerful. ____________
g. My sister drove all the way across the country last summer.
h. My dad brought flowers to my mom when he came home.
i. Do you want to go to the mall with me on Saturday?
j. After you mow the lawn, you can have your allowance.
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2. Read the text and circle the correct verb that will complete the
By Christine A. Deacon
The giant panda ( is - are) about 1.5 meters long and (weigh - weighs)
about 100 to 135 kilograms when fully grown. Its bones (are - is) very
heavy, making it about twice as heavy as you would expect for an animal its
size. Pandas (was – are) patterned in black and white, with large black
patches over their eyes. Their fur (is - are) very thick and rough, up to 5
centimeters long all over their bodies. Their skin (are - is) two‐toned, like
their fur: dark underneath the black fur and pink under the white fur.
Pandas (has - have) very long heads. Their jaws (are - is) very strong, and
they have thick, wide teeth.
3. Add a helping verb to each sentence and correct the underlined
word if needed.
a. Jessica __________________ always getting good grades.
b. Marcus __________________ mow the lawn after he finishes eating.
c. Mandy __________________not want to volunteer for the fundraiser.
d. Carlos and Jamal __________________ argued about the game.
e. I __________________ gone to Disneyland few years ago.
f. I __________________ work on my science fair project tonight.
g. Grace __________________study for an hour.
h. My friend __________________ already leaving for school when I
i. I __________________ wash the dishes before I can go.
j. My brother __________________ be six years old tomorrow.
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4. Read each sentence. Tell whether it is in the future or in the
past. Then change the future-tense sentences into past – tense,
and the past-tense sentences into future sentences.
a. Daniel will choose a baseball bat. ____________
b. He steps up to the plate. ____________
c. The pitcher tossed the ball. ____________
d. Daniel will swing hard.
e. The ball struck the bat.
f. The ball flies through the air. _____________
g. It landed over the fence. ____________
h. Daniel will run around the bases. _____________
i. The crowd screams loudly.
j. He will slide into home plate.
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5. Add a past tense verb to each sentence.
a. Jessica's dog _________________ out of his cage.
b. I _________________ my mother a necklace for her birthday.
c. I _________________ my times tables before Jesse.
d. I _________________ a woodpecker on my way to school.
e. Carlos _________________ a Lego set with his allowance.
f. We _________________ swimming 5 times already.
g. Mandy _________________ a lot of water after the race.
h. Our teacher _________________the bell six times this morning.
i. Julia _________________ really well on the last test.
j. Michael _________________ a wonderful picture of a racing car.
6. Add an adjective to describe each underlined noun.
a. Alex only played in the ________________ quarter of the soccer game.
b. The school ________________ band is practicing down the street.
c. Kyle saw three ________________ snakes on the nature walk.
d. There were ________________ snowflakes tickling their cold noses.
e. I love the stuffed ________________ elephant I got for my birthday.
f. Do you like the ________________ poodle or the ________________ cat
the best?
g. I got ________________ candy bars and ________________ lollipops for
h. Can you buy ________________ cookies when you go to the grocery
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i. Which of the ________________ kids do you think will make the
cheerleading team?
7. Look at each picture below and write sentences using adjectives
for each one.
8. Add an adverb that describes the underlined verb. Then tell if it is
an adverb of place, time or manner.
a. The kayak was speeding ___________________ through the rapids.
b. We went to the beach ___________________.
c. We visited my grandma ___________________ that summer.
d. Emily worked ___________________ on her report.
e. My brother ___________________ picks on me.
f. The horse was galloping ___________________.
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g. Darren ___________________ deleted three hours of homework with
one click.
h. Noah shouted ___________________ at his sister.
i. The children worked
___________________ on their first art project.
j. We will be there ___________________.
9. Write the contraction of each of the underlined words.
a. I am going to visit my grandmother today. ______________
b. Max and Joel have not finished their science project. _____________
c. Do you know what she is going to wear for Halloween? ___________
d. Do you think it is going to snow today?
e. I wonder what they are up to this time.
f. I believe he will win the race this time. ___________
g. She has not learned to do a front flip. ___________
h. You are going to get hurt if you climb that tree. ____________
i. I think he is really going to score a goal this time. ____________
j. On Tuesday we are going on a field trip. ___________
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