Interns - Universitatea Constantin Brancoveanu

at Campus
- the creative
Inês, Manuela, Flavia, Catarina and Pedro
Manuela Pinho,
Porto, Portugal
“When I came to Romania, I had another
idea about the country. In Pitesti there are
many places to go to, to visit and have fun.
I like very much the experience of living
in Romania because the people are very
helpful and the city is pretty. This is one of
the best experiences that someone can have
because is very important for our careers,
for our studies and ourselves.
University because it has great facilities to
study and work. It’s a great opportunity to
learn more things like new cultures, the
English language and is very good for my
If you choose CBU, you will have many
good surprises!”
Inês Lima, ISCAP, Porto,
“The first thing that went on my mind
when I came here was that Romania wasn’t
a very developed country and I was thinking
“What will I do here, what will I learn?“.
But once you’re in a different country, you
realize that it doesn’t matter if it’s a powerful
country or not. You just give in to this new
culture and to a new way of thinking.
CBU offers you the experience in many
fields you may be interested. I am personally
loving that I am learning a lot about my field
- Marketing - and it will be very good for my
I adapted really well in Romania since the
people are all nice and cozy and very helpful
like in Portugal! And the food is good too!
Choose CBU, choose a better future for
Flavia Macedo, ISCAP, Porto,
“Since I heard about the opportunity
of coming to Constantin Brancoveanu
University to do an internship, I was very
excited from the beginning! I knew that
going abroad would be a good experience
for me and it would make me more open to
new ideas and new horizons.
I think in the future I would like to work
with communication so I am in the perfect
place to learn! The Communication Office
really opened up my perspectives!
I love the people in this country and
Romania has a lot of beautiful places to visit
and nice things to see about its history.
I think that choosing CBU is a benefit for
your future!”
Pedro Gomes, ISCAP, Porto,
“I think we have something to gain as
human beings from this experience. Our
horizon broadens and we are not limited to
our small world, thinking our life will always
just be about a particular place.
I love the experience of tasting the
traditional cousine and dealing with
the culture of the local people. Here at
Constantin Brancoveanu University, I had
the opportunity of knowing a little bit more
about Romania and its values. I am very
thankful for it!”
Catarina Rodrigues, ISCAP,
Porto, Portugal
“I am a very active and adventurous person
so this internship opportunity is perfect for
me. Being in a foreign country with such a
different culture, history and lifestyle made
me grow as a person in every possible way.
There are some differences between the
Romanians and the Portuguese, even if both
are very friendly people. I managed to keep a
similar lifestyle to the one I have back home,
but with some challenges to face, such as the
language barrier or the schedules, nothing a
Portuguese can’t handle.
All in all, I am very pleased to be working
in Pitesti, at Constantin Brancoveanu
University. I found all the perfect conditions
for working, as well as very helpful people
and a relaxed environment. Its reputation
as one of the top educational institutions in
Romania definitely precedes it.
If you are thinking about coming to
Romania for you ERASMUS Placement, this
is place to be!”