March - FTCKY MOAA Home

Volume V, Issue 3
P.O. Box 3569, Clarksville, TN 37043-3569
The Next Meeting Will Be
on Saturday, 15 March
Assemble at 1200; meal at 1230
Sportsman's Lodge
6633 Sportsman's Lane, Ft. Campbell KY
March 1, 2014
Inside this Issue
President's Comments.
Leadership Summary
Ladies' Activities
Reports & News
Membership Application
LTG "Hugh" G. Smith, USA (Ret)
LTG Smith is an active member of the Chapter and an excellent example of the
talent within our own structure that we should be listening to. He will talk about
what is going on in places like Fort Campbell and Clarksville that we need to
know about--it will be interesting.
Directions from Clarksville:
From the intersection of Fort
Campbell Blvd. and Lafayette
Rd., follow Lafayette Rd.
westward for 4.9 miles to the
traffic light at 101st Airborne
Division Rd.
Option from the North: From the intersection of Fort Campbell Blvd and Purple Heart
Pkwy (TN-374), follow Purple Heart Pkwy for 2.2 miles to Lafayette Rd. Turn right
onto Lafayette Rd. Follow Lafayette Rd for 1.7 miles to the traffic light at 101st Airborne
Division Rd.
Both Options: At 101st Airborne Division Rd., turn left and drive for 0.3 miles to
Sportsman's Lane. Turn right; Sportsman's Lodge will be at the end of the road.
Menu : (Buffet) Fried Chicken and Ham; Oven-roasted Red Potatoes; Green Beans;
Coleslaw; Tossed Salad w/ Ranch or Fat-free Italian; Dinner Roll w/ Butter; Peach
Cobbler; and water, iced tea, and coffee service
$18 per person, includes gratuity
If your e-mail address
changes or if you have an email address but you still
received this newsletter by
regular mail, please let me
know at 931-648-4743 or
[email protected]
Sick or hospitalized?
Chaplain Eddie Sumbler
[Chairman, Personal Affairs
Committee] at 931-216-7504
(or any elected officer) to be
placed on the prayer list. We
will try to arrange a visitation
if appropriate.
We wish all of our sick a
speedy and full recovery.
IMPORTANT: R.S.V.P. As Soon As You Can; NLT NOON on Monday, 10 March
For Reservations, Regrets, or 'Maybe', CLICK HERE or visit 'Next Meeting' on the Website Calendar
or contact
KY: CDR Neldon Whitty: [email protected]
TN: CW2 Warren Evans: [email protected]
Please don't wait to be called; be proactive, and help them out
Chapter Policy on Luncheon Reservations
When reservations are made for Chapter meetings, commitments are made to the restaurant/meeting place to pay for the
number of reservations reported. If you make a reservation and then later determine you cannot attend, please call your reservation
chairperson as soon as possible. If you are unable to give sufficient notice of your cancellation, please send a check for the
appropriate amount to P.O. Box 3569, Clarksville, TN 37043-3569.
President Tom Borlund
Officers and Committees
President: COL Tom Borlund, USA (Ret).
1st Vice President: (Programs) CAPT/O6 Barbara Braden, USPHS (Ret).
2nd Vice-President: CDR Ivan Adames, USN (Ret)
Secretary: CDR Neldon Whitty USN (Ret)
Treasurer: LTC Dave Marr USA (Ret)
Personal Affairs & Chaplain: CPT Eddie Sumbler, USA (Ret)
Auxiliary Liaison: Ms Nancy Evans
Legislative: Col Rich Stevenson, USAF (Ret)
Historian: 1LT Lisa R. Boyd,
Newsletter Editor and Webmaster: LtCol J.T. Smith, USAF (Ret)
Scholarship Committee: COL Jeff Yaeger, (Chn), COL Natalie Shriver,
LTC Dave Marr, & CW4 Howard French
Directory Committee: CW2 Warren Evans(Chn)
Recruiting Team: CW4 Howard French, MAJ Bob Posley, & Capt Eldon Pontius
We have been encouraging all members to monitor
what is going on in MOAA and the Fort Campbell
Chapter by going to our website (first
print this page). For the benefit of all but especially
those who may not be familiar with our web page, go
to the headers on the top and click on Links, six subjects will appear to the left and below, click on MOAA
National Website, on that page under Legislative Update click on Budget Targets TRICARE, Pay, Commissary and the article under that title will appear.
Note that it is dated February 28, 2014 (hot off the
press overnight just in time for our March 1 Newsletter) and the FY 2015 defense budget will not be officially released until March 4. This is a great summary
of what to expect and MOAA's position. Note also
that in next week's Legislative Update on this page
MOAA will have a full analysis of the FY 2015 budget
have three subjects: Health Care, Compensation and
Benefits (correspond to TRICARE, Pay, Commissary the three targets). Click on Compensation and on that
page click on Cola Cut - An Immaculate
Misconception, at the end of the article on that page
click Cola Fight Webpage for an excellent rundown on
this issue, on that page click CONTACT YOUR
LEGISLATOR (either at top or bottom) and you will
be at the Legislative Action Center - note the Action
Alert. Go back (4 clicks) to Enjoying Retirement.
Click on Health Care and on that page click on TFL
Mandatory Mail-order Rx Coming, note what will
happen on March 15, 2014 (our Ides of March meeting
date). Then go back (2 clicks) to Enjoying Retirement.
For the third subject of Benefits, we need only speculate
that will soon be dealing with commissary issues.
If you made it through this orientation, thank you
for your patience and perseverance. Due to a
One other familiarization drill using our website.
scheduling conflict I will not be able to attend the
Go to the headers on the top and click on News (in red) March 15 meeting but will return shortly after to
and under This Just In (Breaking News), click MOAA hear LTG Hugh Smith's presentation on tape - would
Top Issues. On that page of five subjects, click
not want to miss a word because it should be one of the
Enjoying Retirement and the page with that title will
best that we've had.
To see the latest issues facing the military, visit the Take Action page on the MOAA website:
Some members have not been able to use the 'R.S.V.P.' email links in this Newsletter and on the Website, because
of the way their email system works. These links are important, because they make it quick and easy for you to
make reservations or send regrets, both of which help those who would otherwise have to make many more phone
calls. So the links have been revised to be entirely independent of your email system (even if you don't have email
you can still use them) They now take you to a short 'Reservations/Regrets/Maybe' form on the website. Just fill in
the form and click 'Submit.' Try it; I think you'll like it.
Note: Other links to an individual's email address remain as they were, working for some and not for others.
March 2014 ◦ Volume V, Issue 3
Page 2 of 4
Ft. Campbell Chapter ◦ Military Officer's Association of America
2014 Chapter Dues: $12,
Fifty one members and guests assembled at Center Pointe Hall in Clarksville
Payable Now.
for a delicious meal catered by Margie Crain. Mrs. Patricia Bergquist-Those who have not paid by 31
Chairperson, MOAA Auxiliary Member Advisory Committee and Auxiliary
March will be removed from
Liaison for the Tennessee Council of Chapters--gave an interesting and
Chapter membership
informative presentation on Personal Affairs with emphasis on preparing for
end-of-life issues and using the MOAA Personal Affairs Action Guide*. She
Many members are paid ahead; so, check
also gave a status report on legislation of interest, including the SBP-DICwith Dave Marr (931-358-0101 or
offset repeal effort. Several comments from the members reinforced and
[email protected]) to see if you owe.
amplified the points covered by Mrs. Bergquist.
*Available HERE
as of March 1, 2014
General Fund
Scholarship Fund
$ 11,164.75
Chaplain Sumbler will be setting up a table at monthly membership meetings so members can discuss or report
illness of members or any other issues regarding personal affairs. 41 members have yet to pay their 2014 dues. If
four scholarships are awarded this year, it may create an unusual number of guests at the award meeting. Annual
JROTC awards are being scheduled at several local high schools starting in March. Col Stevenson and, for the interim, LtCol Smith will be Legislative Committee Co-Chairmen for KY and TN, respectively. Emailing reservations and regrets worked well in February, and another “Maybe” option is being added for those who are unsure
(see the Website Update, above).
The Next Ladies Luncheon
Will be on Thursday, 20 March at 1130
The Olive Garden,
2782 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37040
GPS: 36º 35.121'N
87º 17.738'W
Please join us for good food and fun conversation. Let's get better
acquainted, and bring a guest or two--even a relative. We will order from
the menu and pay individually.
R.S.V.P. by noon on Tuesday, 18 March
call or email one of the following:
Dede Anderson at (931) 647-1298 [email protected]
Florence Grant at (931) 648-9406 [email protected]
Nancy Evans at (931) 647-5808 [email protected]
Please don't wait to be called; those who do the calling will appreciate it.
March 2014 ◦ Volume V, Issue 3
Page 3 of 4
Ft. Campbell Chapter ◦ Military Officer's Association of America
Who Can Join?
You can! We welcome active duty, former, retired, Reserve and National Guard commissioned and warrant
officers and cadets and midshipmen of the uniformed services— Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast
Guard, Public Health Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration— and their surviving
Our members are close friends, and we have a great time when we get together. Our common interest is to
support the Military Mission and those soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen protecting our nation.
*Auxiliary membership