Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean C. Logan A��tr•1·A«OfdnlC01Jt>ryO..k Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk 12400 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, NORWALK, CALIFORNIA,90650 COUNTY INITIATIVE PROCEDURES NOTICE The publication is intended for general reference and guidance only. The Los County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk does not provide legal advice to the public on matters relating to elections. Individuals with questions relating to subject matter of this material should consult legal counsel. PREPARED BY THE ELECTION COORDINATION UNIT (562) 462-2912 WWW.LAVCITE.NET TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages SECTION ONE: SAMPLE OF TIME FRAMES TO QUALIFY A COUNTY INITIATIVE ............................................................................. 1 SECTION TWO: COUNTY INITIATIVE PROCEDURES Filing of Notice of Intention .............................................................................. 2 Ballot Title and Summary ................................................................................ 2 Proponent to Execute and Submit Statement of Acknowledgment ................. 3 Circulation and Publication of Petition ............................................................. 3 Board of Supervisors Action During Circulation ............................................... 3 Filing of Petition ............................................................................................... 4 Examination of Signatures ............................................................................... 4 Board of Supervisors Action if the Petition is Sufficient ................................... 4 Filing of Arguments.......................................................................................... 5 Official Sample Ballot Booklet Mailing ............................................................. 5 Contact Us ....................................................................................................... 5 EXHIBITS Word Counting Guidelines ........................................................................................ A Proponent Statement of Acknowledgment ................................................................ B “Sample” – Initiative Measure to be Submitted Directly to the Voters ....................... C Argument and Rebuttal Form .................................................................................... D Declaration by Author(s) Ballot Argument and Rebuttal ................................................................................... E General Information Campaign Statement Filing Requirements Authorization for Another Person to Sign Rebuttal Argument .................................... F SECTION ONE SAMPLE OF TIME FRAMES TO QUALIFY A COUNTY INITIATIVE Following are key dates and events. These dates are approximate and can vary due to weekends and holidays. Dates and events will depend on the actual date the proponent files the Notice of Intention, the completion of Title and Summary, and the number of days the proponent takes to circulate the petition. State statute mandates some deadlines; others are suggested time frames in order to provide the maximum amount of time to circulate petitions. E-MINUS BEGINNING DATE E-MINUS ENDING DATE E-447 E-344 E-447 E-344 E-432 E-329 E-431 E-328 Proponent shall, prior to circulation of the Petition, publish the Notice of Intention with Title and Summary and file Proof of Publication with the County Elections Official. E-251 E-148 Proponent shall submit Petition with signatures within 180 days after Proponent receives Title and Summary from the County Elections Official or after termination of any action for a writ of mandate pursuant to § 9106 and, if applicable, after receipt of an Amended Title or Summary or both, which ever occurs later. (E.C. § 9110) E-221 E-118 County Elections Official has 30 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays) to examine and verify petitions.(E.C. 9115 (a)) E-220 E-117 County Elections Official submits to the Board of Supervisors an item for the Board Agenda to certify result of the examination. E-203 E-100 Board of Supervisors may call the election or adopt the ordinance without alteration. E-88 E-88 Last day Board of Supervisors may consolidate a measure with a regularly scheduled election. E-89 E-89 County Elections Official will publish the deadline for submitting Arguments. E-81 E-81 Last date to submit Arguments. E-81 E-81 Last day for County Counsel to submit Impartial Analysis. E-80 E-71 Public examination of Arguments/Analysis. E-71 E-71 Last day to submit Rebuttal Arguments. E-70 E-61 Public examination of Rebuttals. E-40 E-21* Mail Official Sample Ballot Booklets. 0 0 +2 +28 EVENT County Elections Official receives Notice of Intention and a request that a Ballot Title and Summary be prepared. County Elections Official delivers Notice of Intention and request for Ballot Title and Summary to County Counsel. Within 15 days, County Counsel delivers Title and Summary to the County Elections Official who then delivers to Proponent.(E.C. § 9105(a)) Election Date. Official Canvass. LEGEND: E- = Election minus or plus days before or after an election date. * E-10 when the election is a presidential primary. County Initiative Procedures 2015 Page 1 SECTION TWO COUNTY INITIATIVE PROCEDURES County Ordinances may be enacted pursuant to Division 9, Chapter 2 of the California Elections Code, commencing with Section 9100. The principal procedures in qualifying a County Initiative are as follows: FILING OF NOTICE OF INTENTION (E. C. §§ 9103, 9104 and § 9105) Before circulating a County Initiative, proponents must file with the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk the following documents: 1. The Notice of Intention to circulate a petition containing the names, business or residence addresses of at least one but no more than five proponents. A written statement, not to exceed 500 words, stating the reasons for the Initiative may also be included. Refer to EXHIBIT A (Word Counting Guidelines). 2. Written text of the Initiative. NOTE: There is no established fee in Los Angeles County for submitting a Notice of Intention to circulate a County Initiative. BALLOT TITLE AND SUMMARY (E. C. §§ 9105 and 9106) A) The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk shall upon receipt of a Notice of Intention, immediately transmit a copy to County Counsel. Within 15 days after the request for Ballot Title and Summary is filed, County Counsel shall prepare and transmit to the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk the Ballot Title and Summary, which shall not exceed 500 words and consist of a true and impartial statement of the proposed measure’s purpose. The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk in turn shall provide a copy of it to the proponent. B) The proponent or any elector of the County may file a writ of mandate requiring that the Ballot Title or Summary prepared by County Counsel be amended. A peremptory writ of mandate shall be issued upon proof that the Ballot Title and Summary is false, misleading, or inconsistent with the specified requirements of the law. County Initiative Procedures 2015 Page 2 SECTION TWO (continued) PROPONENT TO EXECUTE AND SUBMIT STATEMENT OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT (E. C. §§ 9608, 9609, 9610, and 18650) No one shall knowingly or willfully permit the list of signatures on an initiative petition to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the proposed measure for the ballot, except as provided in Section 6253.5 of the Government Code. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor. A proponent of an initiative measure shall execute and submit, along with the request for a Title and Summary for the proposed measure, a signed statement. (EXHIBIT B) The certification required by Elections Code § 9608(a) shall be kept on file by the agency authorized to prepare the Title and Summary for the proposed initiative measure for not less than eight months after the certification of the results of the election for which the Petition qualified for, or if the measure, for any reason, is not submitted to the voters, eight months after the deadline for submission of the Petition to the County Elections Official. Failure to comply with this section shall not invalidate any signatures on a state or local initiative petition. CIRCULATION AND PUBLICATION OF PETITION (E.C. §§ 9101, 9103, 9105, 9108 and § 9110) A) The proponent must publish the Notice of Intention and the Title and Summary of the initiative at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. The proponent shall also file Proof of Publication with the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s office. B) After publication of the Notice of Intention and Title and Summary, the petition may be circulated. (EXHIBIT C) Each petition section (page) must comply with the requirements of Sections 100, 104, 9020 and 9105 of the Elections Code and contain a copy of the Notice of Intention, Title and Summary, and Full Text of Initiative. C) Petition signatures shall be filed within 180 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Title and Summary, or after termination of any action for a writ of mandate and, if applicable, after receipt of an Amended Title or Summary. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION DURING CIRCULATION (E. C. § 9111) During the circulation of the petition or before taking any action to either submit the initiative to the voters or enact the ordinance, the Board of Supervisors may refer the initiative to any county agency for review and a report on its effect on specific issues including those relating to the use of land and housing impact to the effected community as well as fiscal impact. This report shall be presented to the Board of Supervisors no later than 30 calendar days after certification of the petition’s sufficiency by the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. County Initiative Procedures 2015 Page 3 SECTION TWO (continued) FILING OF PETITION (E.C. § 9113) A) All sections (pages) of the petition shall be filed at one time and may not be amended or supplemented. B) The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk shall determine the total number of signatures affixed to the petition. If the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk determines that the number of signatures thereon equals or is in excess of the number of signatures required, the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk shall examine the petition to determine the number of qualified signers. If the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk determines that the number of signatures does not meet the minimum number of signatures required, no further action shall be taken. EXAMINATION OF SIGNATURES (E.C. §§ 9114 and 9115) A) Within 30 working days from the date of filing, the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk shall verify the signatures thereon either from a 100% check or a random sampling. If the petition contains more than 500 signatures, the random sampling technique may be used to verify 3% of the signatures. 1. If the statistical sampling shows that the number of valid signatures is within 95 to 110 percent of the number of signatures of qualified voters needed to declare the petition sufficient, the County Elections Official shall, within 60 days from the date of the filing of the petition, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, examine and verify each signature filed. B) The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk shall certify as to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the petition. 1. If the petition is insufficient, no action is taken. 2. If the petition is sufficient, the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk certifies the results to the Board of Supervisors at the next regular meeting of the Board. NOTE: Supplemental petitions are not permitted. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION IF THE PETITION IS SUFFICIENT (E.C. §§ 1405, 9107, 9116 and § 9118) A) If the petition is signed by voters not less in number than 20% of the entire votes cast within the county for all candidates for Governor at the last Gubernatorial Election preceding the publication of the Notice of Intention, the Board of Supervisors shall either: 1. Adopt the ordinance, without alterations, at the regular meeting in which the certification is presented or within 10 days after it is presented. 2. Immediately call a special election, if it is legally possible, at which the ordinance, without alteration, is to be submitted to the voters. County Initiative Procedures 2015 Page 4 SECTION TWO (continued) 3. Order an impact report at the regular meeting at which the certification is presented. The Board of Supervisors shall, after receiving the report, either adopt the ordinance within 10 days or call an election pursuant to number 2 above. When legally possible, the election may be consolidated with a regular or special election held within six months (180 days) or the special election shall be held not less than 88 or more than 103 days after the date of the order of election. However, the 103 day deadline may be extended in certain cases. The intent is that not more than one special election for a County initiative measure may be held by a jurisdiction during any period of 180 days. B) If the petition is signed by voters not less in number than 10% of the entire votes cast within the County for all candidates for Governor at the last Gubernatorial Election preceding the publication of the Notice of Intention, an election to vote on the question shall be consolidated pursuant to Elections Code § 9118(b) and 1405(b) with the next Statewide Election occurring not less than 88 days after the date of the Board order or after the Board of Supervisors is presented with the impact report. The vote for Governor in 2014 in Los Angeles County was: 1,463,328 10% = 146,333 20% = 292,666 FILING OF ARGUMENTS (E.C. §§ 9120, 9162 and § 9167) Arguments in Favor or Against shall not exceed 300 words. Rebuttals in Favor or Against shall not exceed 250 words. Refer to EXHIBIT A (Word Counting Guidelines). The Board of Supervisors or any member or members thereof, or any individual voter who is eligible to vote on the measure, or bona fide association of citizens, or any combination of such voters and association may file a written Argument For or Against the measure. (See EXHIBITS D, E, F) OFFICIAL SAMPLE BALLOT BOOKLET MAILING (E.C. §§ 9119 and 9160) Arguments For and Against the measure and the Impartial Analysis prepared by County Counsel shall be mailed with the Official Sample Ballot Booklet. The Board not less than 88 days before the election may direct the County Auditor to prepare a fiscal impact of the measure for inclusion in the Official Sample Ballot Booklet. A printed copy of the ordinance shall be made available to any voter upon request. CONTACT US For more information, please call (562) 462-2912 or email us at [email protected]. County Initiative Procedures 2015 Page 5 EXHIBIT A WORD COUNTING GUIDELINES CANDIDATE STATEMENTS – WORD COUNTING GUIDELINES (Elections Code Chapter 1 General Provisions, Section 9) The following guidelines are used by the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's Office for counting words on candidate statements, ballot measure text, arguments, rebuttals and other ballot enclosures. The guidelines do not apply to ballot designations for candidates. If the text exceeds the specified word limit, the author will be asked to delete words or change text until the statement conforms with requirements. 1. PUNCTUATION MARKS are not counted. Symbols such as “&” (and), and “#” (number/pound) are not considered punctuation and each symbol is counted as one (1) word. 2. THE WORDS "I", "a", "the", "and", "an" are counted as individual words. 3. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES such as countries, states, counties, cities, towns, or jurisdictions are counted as one (1) word. EXAMPLE: “City of Los Angeles” = 1 word “City and County of San Francisco” = 1 word 4. ABBREVIATIONS such as acronyms or abbreviations for a word, phrase, or expression are counted as one (1) word. EXAMPLE: UCLA, PTA, USMC, LAPD, U.S.M.C. 5. HYPHENATED WORDS that appear in any generally available standard reference dictionary published in the U.S. at any time within the last 10 calendar years immediately preceding the election are counted as one (1) word. EXAMPLE: Attorney-at-law 6. DATES… consisting of a combination of digits are counted as one (1) word. EXAMPLE: 3/18 7/21/89 DATES… consisting of a combination of words and digits are counted as two (2) words. EXAMPLE: July 21, 1983 18 June, 1987 7. NUMERIC COMBINATIONS are counted as one (1) word. EXAMPLE: 1973 13 1/2 1971-73 5% 8/3/73 #14 8. MONETARY AMOUNTS consisting of a combination of digits are counted as one (1) word. EXAMPLE: $1,000.00 MONETARY AMOUNTS consisting of a combination of words and digits are counted as two (2) words. EXAMPLE: $4 million 9. NAMES OF PERSONS AND THINGS are counted as individual words. EXAMPLE: Gus Enwright (2 words) L. A. Basketball Team (3 words) 10. TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBERS are counted as one (1) word. EXAMPLE: 1-800-815-2666 1-562-462-2317 11. INTERNET WEB SITES/E-MAIL ADDRESSES are counted as one (1) word. EXAMPLE: http://www.co.la.ca.us www.lavote.net http://www.lacounty.Info EXHIBIT B PROPONENT STATEMENT OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT I, ______________________________________________ acknowledge that it is a misdemeanor under State Law (Section 18650 of the California Elections Code) to knowingly or willfully allow the signatures on an initiative petition to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the proposed measure for the ballot. I certify that I will not knowingly or willfully allow the signatures for this initiative to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the measure for the ballot. _____________________________________ (Signature of Proponent/Official/Circulator) Dated this _____ day of ____________________________, 20___ EXHIBIT C “SAMPLE” INITIATIVE MEASURE TO BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE VOTERS The County Counsel has prepared the following title and summary of the chief purpose and points of the proposed measure: (Insert Ballot title and Summary) The Ballot Title and Summary prepared by the County Counsel shall appear upon each section of the petition, above the text of the proposed measure and across the top of each page on the petition on which signatures are to appear, in roman boldface type not smaller than 12 point. §9105(c) Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition Notice is hereby given by the persons whose names appear hereon of their intention to circulate the petition within the County of Los Angeles for the purpose of (insert purpose of measure). A statement of the reasons of the proposed action as contemplated in the petition is as follows: A 500 word statement outlining the reasons for the proposed petition may be printed here. The statement is optional. The notice shall contain the printed name, signature, and business or residence address of at least one, but not more than five, proponents. §9104. To print on the petition, format the signature as “Name, Address, City, State, Zip”. Each section of the petition shall bear a copy of the Notice of Intention. §9108. So, if it is on the front side, it may be omitted on the back. The law does not specify the type size for the Notice of Intention, but it should not be less than 8-point. Insert text of measure in type not smaller than 8 point and, it must be clearly separated from the ballot title and summary above. §9105(c) if printed once on the back side, text must follow the Ballot Title and Summary. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC THIS PETITION MAY BE CIRCULATED BY A PAID SIGNATURE GATHERER OR A VOLUNTEER, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK. THE USE OF YOUR SIGNATURE FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAN QUALIFICATION OF THIS MEASURE FOR THE BALLOT IS A MISDEMEANOR. COMPLAINTS ABOUT THIS MISUSE OF YOUR SIGNATURE MAY BE MADE TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE’S OFFICE NAME 1 2 3 Print Your Name ………………………………………….…….. Your Signature as Registered to Vote ………………………….……………………… Print Your Name ……………………………………...………… Your Signature as Registered to Vote …………………………………….…………… Print Your Name ………………………………..…………..….. Your Signature as Registered to Vote ……………………….……………………..…. Print in 12 point type, prior to the portion for voters’ signature. §101, 101.5. RESIDENCE Residence Address ONLY …………………………………………...……….. City or Town ……………………………………………………. Residence Address ONLY …………………………………………...……….. City or Town ……………………………………………………. Residence Address ONLY …………………………………………...……….. City or Town ……………………………………………………. 1’ §100 Each petition Section shall have attached to it an affidavit to be completed by the circulator, §104, 9109. This declaration below may be omitted on front side if signature spaces are provided on both sides. The circulator’s declaration must follow the last signature block. DECLARATION OF PERSON CIRCULATING SECTION OF INITIATIVE PETITION (MUST BE IN CIRCULATOR’S OWN HANDWRITING) I ______________________________________________________ Declare: (print name) 1. 2. 3. 4. My residence address is _______________________________________________________ in ________________ County, California, and I am a registered voter in (insert electoral jurisdiction); I personally circulated the attached petition for signing. I witnessed each of the appended signatures being written on the petition and to my best information and belief, each signature is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be; and The appended signatures were obtained between the dates of ________________________ and ____________________ inclusive. (Starting date) (Ending date) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on _____________________________________ at _________________________________ , California. (Date) (City) _______________________________________________ (Signature) It is recommended that you leave a 1” margin at the top, and a ½” margin on the left, right and bottom. The full text of the proposed measure must also appear on the petition. You may want to print the text on the back side; however, the Ballot Title and Summary must appear above the text of the proposed measure. §9105(c) EXHIBIT D (FRONT) ARGUMENT AND REBUTTAL FORM ELECTION DATE: ________________________________________ MEASURE I.D. (if any): ____________________ JURISDICTION: ________________________________________________________________________________ (Please mark (x) in the appropriate box) Argument in Favor Rebuttal to Argument Against Argument Against Rebuttal to Argument in Favor Statements will be printed in uniform type, style and spacing. Use block paragraphs and single space format. Text submitted indented or centered will be typeset in block paragraph form. Entire statements in all capital letters are not acceptable. Indentations, circles, stars, dots, italics and/or bullets cannot be accommodated. However, you may use dashes/hyphens. Words to be printed in boldface type, underscored and/or CAPITALIZED are to be clearly indicated. Any combinations of enhanced words are counted as one word. The number of words/acronyms that are in boldface type, underscored and/or CAPITALIZED shall not exceed 30 words for Arguments and 25 for Rebuttals per documents. All statements should be checked by the authors for spelling and punctuation as the elections official is not permitted to edit any material contained therein. NOTE: Rebuttal arguments are not direct arguments. For example, a rebuttal to a direct argument in favor of a measure is NOT a direct argument against a measure. Please also note that rebuttal arguments are allowed only when both a direct argument for AND against a measure are filed. ALL AUTHORS MUST SIGN ON THE REVERSE SIDE Please type statements below in upper and lower case letters. Statement will be typeset in the Official Sample Ballot Booklet using DUTCH801 Rm BT font in 10 point size. However, statement can be submitted using any standard font. EXHIBIT D (BACK) LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGISTRAR-RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK ELECTION PLANNING SECTION (562) 462-2317 DECLARATION BY AUTHOR(S) OF ARGUMENTS OR REBUTTALS (Elections Code Section 9600) All arguments concerning measures filed pursuant to Division 9 of the Elections Code shall be accompanied by the following declaration to be signed by each author of the argument/rebuttal. Names and titles listed will be printed in the Voter Information portion of the Official Sample Ballot Booklet in the order provided below. The undersigned author(s) of the: Argument in Favor Argument Against Rebuttal to Argument Against Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of ballot measure ___________________________________________ at the ____________________________________ (name and/or letter) (title of election) election for the ___________________________________________________________________________ to be held on _____________________________________________________hereby state that such argument is true and correct to the (date) best of his/her/their knowledge and belief. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Printed Name Signature Title to Appear on Argument Date Printed Name Signature Title to Appear on Argument Date Printed Name Signature Title to Appear on Argument Date Printed Name Signature Title to Appear on Argument Date Printed Name Signature Title to Appear on Argument Date IMPORTANT FILING INFORMATION: I, _______________________________________________________ am the designated filer of the above titled argument/rebuttal. Please notify me of any questions pertaining to this filing. Below is my contact information. Mailing Address: ________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: _______________________ Contact Numbers: __________________________ _________________________ Daytime Evening OFFICE USE ONLY _________________________ Fax Time Stamp Word Counts NUMBER OF WORDS: NUMBER OF WORDS WITH BOLD FACE, ETC.: PROJECT CODE NUMBER: ELECTION DEPUTY: RF53 A&R.Nov14 EXHIBIT E BALLOT ARGUMENT AND REBUTTAL GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A ballot argument for any county, general district or school district measure shall not exceed 300 words in length. Exceptions: Ballot arguments to reorganize a school or community college district shall not exceed 500 words. (Ed. Code § 35758) 2. No more than five signatures shall appear with any argument. 3. The authors of an argument in favor or against a measure may prepare and submit rebuttal arguments, or may authorize in writing any other person or persons to prepare, submit, or sign the rebuttal. No rebuttal shall exceed 250 words. Authorization forms are available by calling (562) 462-2317. 4. All arguments and rebuttals concerning measures shall be accompanied by a statement, to be signed by each proponent and by each author, if different, declaring that the argument or rebuttal is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. 5. Whenever any ballot arguments for or against any measure are submitted, such arguments may be withdrawn by their proponents at any time prior to and including the final date fixed for filing arguments. 6. A public examination period is allowed for the review of arguments and rebuttal arguments. The inspection time is the ten-day calendar period immediately following the filing deadline for such documents. During this period, any person may seek a writ of mandate or an injunction to require any or all of the material to be amended or deleted. The writ of mandate or injunction request shall be filed no later than the end of the ten (10) calendar day public examination period. 7. Rebuttals for county, school and general district measures all need authorizations signed by the original authors of the argument. An original signer on an argument cannot authorize more than one signer on the rebuttal. Signers of rebuttals for city measures will be determined by the City Clerk. 8. Original signatures of faxed arguments or rebuttals must be received by this office within 48 hours. EXHIBIT F COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES REGISTRAR-RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK ELECTION PLANNING SECTION AUTHORIZATION FOR ANOTHER PERSON TO SIGN REBUTTAL ARGUMENT (Elections Code Section 9167, 9317 and 9504) I, ______________________________________________ authorize the person listed below to (Print name of AUTHOR of the Argument) sign the rebuttal to the argument in favor against Measure __________ (Check one) (Letter) for the __________________________________________________________ election to be (Jurisdiction) held on ____________________________________. (Date) Any Author of the Argument may be replaced with another author to sign the Rebuttal. _____________________________________________ (Print name of Rebuttal Author) _____________________________________________ (Signature of Rebuttal Author) _____________________________________________ (Title to appear on Rebuttal) Signature of Argument Author: ________________________________ Date: _________________ Attach this form to the “Declaration by Authors Form” submitted with the Rebuttal Argument. 2015 JANUARY S M T W FEBRUARY MARCH Th F S S M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 APRIL S M T MAY W Th F S 1 2 3 4 S M T W JUNE Th F S 1 2 S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 JULY S M T AUGUST W Th F S 1 2 3 4 S M T W Th SEPTEMBER F S S M 1 T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 30 31 OCTOBER S M T W NOVEMBER DECEMBER Th F S S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31
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