CCHSG E-Newsletter December 2016

CCHSG E-Newsletter
20 December 2016
2-3 4
6 7 8-9
19 -23
Feedback on Communications Survey
Winter Concert
Science Club
Visit by Will Quince MP
Trussell Trust Food Bank Donation
Bio Bake Off
Alumni - Ten Year Reunion
The Languages Department
Operation Christmas Child
Economics - Target 2.0 Competition
Student Voice - Anti-Bullying Week
PTA Christmas Fayre
Drama News
Sport Colchester Award
Sports Headlines
Headteacher’ s Notes
We have come to the end of a long term
and the whole school community is looking
forward to a well-earned rest. The prospect
of Christmas lifts our spirits and provides
time for reflection. Sadly, it is also a time
when we say goodbye to some of our staff;
Mrs Jenny Johnson leaves us after 10
years of dedicated service on reception.
Jenny has been the first point of contact
for many of the students and their families;
she cares deeply for the students and
wishes the best for them all. She sends
the following message: “I just wanted to
take the opportunity to say goodbye to all
the staff and students and to wish you all
a very happy and prosperous New Year. I
have enjoyed working at CCHSG and will
miss you all.”
Trudi Day has worked with us for eleven
years. Trudi has provided the much
needed reprographics service and
recently supported the modernisation
of the department and covered during
staff absence. Trudi is always bright and
cheerful and we wish her every success in
her academic studies.
Year 11 have worked hard completing their
mock examinations and we look forward to
their results in January which I am sure will
be pleasing as they conducted themselves
very well during the exam season. I have
had the opportunity to work closely with
many of the students in the year group and
they are tremendous ambassadors for the
CCHSG Christmas Tree kindly
donated by Poplar Nurseries
of Coggeshall Road, Marks Tey
We look forward to our end of term finale,
the Twelve Days of Christmas (students
all know about this tradition), cinema trip
and Christmas lunch. On the last day of
term we all sit down to eat a home cooked
lunch together. This is a true community
event and I would like to
thank Martyn Gosling and
his team as they prepare
the food using fresh
ingredients, cooking all of
the turkeys on site. In our
final assembly we will remind the students about road safety and e-safety but can we ask parents to be vigilant about the
use of age appropriate social media and reinforce safety messages? It has been a real pleasure to involve many students
in the assembly readings. Well done to all who have volunteered.
Following the Christmas story, the assembly focusses on the following themes: Taking time to rest
Reflecting - using time off to consider the past and look forward to the future. Each of us will have heard various people’s
thoughts about our lives. We may have experienced many positive and negative predictions about how we will develop
and succeed or fail in the future. However, it is really our thoughts and actions that will map out the path we will individually
Rejoicing - At Christmastime, Christians are thankful for the birth of Jesus. However, even if you don’t adhere to this
belief, we all have things to be thankful for, whether they are individuals in our lives or opportunities presented to us. Why
not be thankful for all that we have and focus upon the blessings in life.
Resolution - Thinking about what you want to be different this coming year. How can you realistically bring about increased
happiness to yourself and others? Think about a resolution and perhaps write it down later. Our final assembly message
includes the following statement: “Our canvases are not fixed. They are not the same year by year, day by day or even hour
by hour. We can change things and perhaps go in a different direction. We can wipe parts of the canvas clean and start
sections again, making different choices. Embrace that ability to be creative and free, and live your life in bright colour.”
Parental Voice
We are always pleased to hear from our parents and carers, please do come along to our next parental voice meeting on
Monday 16 January 2017 at 9.30am-11.00am. If you would like to attend please email [email protected]. There is also a parent /carer drop in session on Thursday 9 February 2017 between 3pm and 4.30pm; this is for
any minor concerns or Q and A session.
I am sure that you would like to join with me in thanking all of the Staff and Governors for their continued, tremendous
hard work and commitment to the students of the school during the year. Once again I thank the parents for their loyal and
unstinting support of the school: you are indeed a pleasure to work with.
On behalf of everybody at CCHSG we wish all our students, parents and families a peaceful Christmas and every blessing
for the New Year.
Feedback from Students’ School Communications Survey
November 2016
Thank you to all those students who responded to our recent online survey. The results are based on 234 responses from
students in Years 9, 10 and 11. We have also been
talking to Student Voice about the survey.
We asked you if you were happy with the way in
which we keep you informed about the activities
and achievements of the school and its students
67% of respondents said that they felt well informed
and an additional 19% were unsure
We asked you if you would like a Weekly Bulletin
specifically for students
63% of respondents said that they would like this and
an additional 20% were unsure
• Next term we will introduce a weekly Student
Bulletin with reminders about upcoming events and brief news items
• We will try to ensure that this is easily accessible in school by providing a printed copy per form via tutors
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We asked you whether the school values your opinion and listens to your feedback
41% of respondents agreed. You told us that you would like more feedback from Student Voice and more opportunity to
raise issues through the meetings
• We will give you the opportunity for more regular feedback from the Student Voice meetings
• We will explore ways of widening student participation in Student Voice
• We will be more active in communicating our responses to the issues raised.
You told us that you would like more information about how the school and other agencies can support you if you are
facing personal and academic challenges
• We will continue to use assemblies, PSHCE and tutor time to cover relevant areas of health and wellbeing.
• We will be more active in communicating about and sharing resources from, the programmes that the school runs such as the PSHCE Programme and we will continue to support the work of the Youth Health Champions
• We will create new website content and use the new Student Bulletin, Year noticeboards, E-newsletter, Bulletins, Facebook and Twitter to publicise relevant school activities and provide contacts for external support agencies for both students and parents
• We will carry out wider evaluation work and give you more frequent opportunities to provide us with individual feedback about your experience at CCHSG
We asked you about the website: 41% of respondents look at it regularly
35% of respondents find the content informative and useful.
55% of respondents find the site well structured and can find what they need
65% of respondents like the appearance of the new site
You told us that you found the initial layout of the site made it difficult to access Email and Moodle
We have restructured the site to place these icons near the top of the home page and will continue to review and refine the structure and content of the site
You told us that you do not often use the website
We will add more items which are useful and interesting to students. Student Voice have suggested sections
advertising work experience opportunities, competitions or content written by students for students
We asked you about the monthly E-Newsletter (CCHSG News) - this is our main way of documenting and sharing the
activities and achievements of students
66% of respondents said that they were interested in finding out about activities and events that students have been
involved in but it was clear that many respondents did not read the previous monthly E-Newsletter or were unsure how to
access it
You told us that you would like a more visual and varied format with shorter articles and wider coverage of events
• We have used different software to upgrade the publication - we hope you like it
• We will be working to provide increased coverage, including photographs, of a wider range of school activities and asking students themselves to make a greater contribution
You told us that you could not access the publication or were not aware when it was published
We will display printed versions in Form Rooms or on Year noticeboards and ask your tutors to remind you when it is published
We asked you about use of social media
Only a small percentage of respondents were interested in finding out about CCHSG events through Twitter or Facebook.
This confirms the view we already had that the audience for our Facebook and Twitter accounts is primarily parents and the
wider adult community, rather than students.
• We will continue to use all existing methods of communication and implement the additional actions listed above so that there will be no disadvantage for those students or parents who do not choose to use these particular social media or social media in general
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The spectacular Winter
Concert involved around
180 students who performed
to full houses on both nights.
The audience clearly very
much enjoyed the varied
programme of Music and
Audience Comments
Well done, everyone! Great way
to kick off Christmas, and lovely
to see the creative side of the
Thank you to everyone involved
with the wonderful winter
concert - a perfect start to
Christmas. Loved every minute.
Enjoyed joining in with the
finale and was thankful for
having the words to remind me
on the programme.
Great concert - very festive!
Wonderful musical talent in the
Winter Concert - 30 November
The Winter Concert included items performed by all our extracurricular Music
groups: the Orchestra, Wind Band, String Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Junior
Choir, Senior Choir, Ukulele Band, Sixth Form Singers, “Non-Fiction”, the
Chamber Choir and Year 7 and 8 Drama Students. Thank you particularly to
the Music Department, Miss Bugden, Mrs Cudmore-Rice, the peripatetic Music
teachers, Music Technicans, Site Team and all the staff supporting with the two
Over 180 students took part in the concert
....and meanwhile,
For daily news updates
follow CCHSG on
Facebook or Twitter
Page 4
to Amber Hua
in 8O who has
recently passed
her ABRSM Grade
6 piano exam with
Congratulations to Vivien Wong in 8E has been offered a place in the
Under 13 section of National Children’s Orchestra as a clarinetist.
NYO recruits young musicians who have already achieved the very
highest degree of technical facility on their instruments. Members of
the orchestra benefit from working with the NYO’s world-class team
of tutors and by peer learning and teaching.
Thank you from the Science Department to Emily Elliot in 10H who has given up two of her lunch times to talk to
VetSoc and MedSoc about artificial pancreases and using a mobile phone app to monitor blood glucose levels.
Science Club
“Science Club has been a really fantastic
experience: it has been a great way to have fun and
make new friends whilst exploring what chemicals
can do. Miss Murison has given us a lot of exciting
experiments to do on a Tuesday lunchtime: we have
written our names in fire; we changed the Queen’s
face on a 2p coin to a 10p coin and a 10p coin into
a 2p coin; we have made a rainbow caterpillar and
dyed a white flower pink and last but not least made
our own bath bombs!
All these experiments have been really enjoyable
and they have all worked out brilliantly. We have also
been helped by Chloe, Zoe (Sixth Formers) and Mr
Humphries. They have been extremely supportive
when we needed them. I am very grateful to have
had the chance to enjoy Science Club, so thank you
Miss Murison for organising it”.
By Matilda Strevens 7O
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MP Will Quince Visits CCHSG
Sixth Form students find out about life as a politician
Mrs Marshall and Mr Blundell were
delighted to welcome Colchester MP
Will Quince to CCHSG for a tour of the
school and meeting with Sixth Form
Students were keen to pose questions
on topics ranging from the future for
young people in Britain following Brexit
to how the country should respond to
the current refugee crisis. On a more
local level they also raised concerns
about the provision of mental health
services in Colchester.
The issue of the gender pay gap was
also on the agenda and with students
keen to know which strategies
Mr Quince thought could be used to
address this in the future. He also
pointed out the under representation
of women in Parliament, where
only 30% of MPs are female. He
spoke openly about the challenges
of balancing family life and career –
something which, with a young family
of his own, he is only too familiar.
He described his typical day and the
long hours in the House where votes
can sometimes take place throughout
the night and in to the early hours of
the morning.
Asked for advice on how to enter
politics Mr Quince stressed the
Only 30% of PMs are women
need to get involved with voluntary
and community activities and to gain
experience in wider areas of life
alongside political interests.
He was keen to emphasise the rewards
of working closely with people in the
constituency as well as in Parliament.
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Food Bank Collection
Thank you to all the students and staff for the generous
Thank you to students and staff across
the school for their generous food
donations to support local people in
difficulty. Thirteen million people live
below the poverty line in the UK, with
individuals going hungry every day for
a range of reasons, from benefit delays
to receiving an unexpected bill on a low
The Trussell Trust’s 400-strong network
of foodbanks provides a minimum of
three days’ emergency food and support
to people experiencing crisis in the UK. In
2015/16, 1,109,309 three day emergency
food supplies were provided.
The Head Girl Team co-ordinated the
collection of food items and their delivery
to the local Trussell Trust Food Bank. We
were delighted to be able to make a very
substantial donation.
Year 9 Lucy Molnar selected for the “Leaders of Tomorrow” Programme
run by the Stanway Learning Centre
The course is aimed at high achieving
students and is delivered in partnership
with ACS International School at Cobham.
It brings together students from state
schools to work with students from
the Cobham independent school. The
aim of the programme is to develop
leadership skills and qualities in the
students, to motivate them to achieve
their full potential in their education and
to inspire them to be ambitious leaders.
The selection process involved students
writing a letter of application which
was judged against the
criteria of how well they
demonstrated ambition,
ability, leadership
potential, self-reflection
and relevant experience.
The first part of the programme was a two
day residential at the Bowles Residential
Centre in Kent. Further activities take
place later in the year, including the
opportunity to work with students from
the University of Essex.
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For those who have been missing the Great British version .. we have..
Ready, Steady, Bake! - It’s the Bio Bake Off 2016
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Students competed to produce a Biology related “Bake” of their choice - the only
rule being that it was edible.
And the winner is...
Year 7 - Bann Irbash (petri dish cupcakes)
Year 8 - Eleanor Frost (foot cake with amazing nails!)
Year 9 - lizzie Finch (bumble bee cake)
Year 10/11 - Ammarah Parker (kidney cake)
Many thanks from Mr Humphries and Dr Martin to everyone who baked
or bought cakes . We raised over £165 for the Royal British Legion.
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Ten Year Reunion for CCHSG Students
“The Facebook event had been sat in our calendars for ten years”.
Amy Hart
“This date was actually put in our diary whilst sat in the common room one day in the winter of 2006 and it’s remarkable
how fast it’s come around. Back then, we put it in the diary as 1st December 2016, and the original plan was to meet at
the restaurant at Harrods. Little did we know then that 1st December 2016 would actually be a Thursday and that Harrods
probably wouldn’t make the most sensible meeting point (not least because it’s still out of our price range)”.
Year 11 Class of 2006
Alice Gilbert (organiser):
“On December 1st 2006 we tried to predict
who’d be married and who’d have kids,
and how many, when we were to meet for
lunch in exactly ten years in Harrods. In
reality, Colchester was more convenient but
most importantly we’d never lost contact
so we knew there would only be one of
us with a wedding ring. Social media’s
great but nothing can replace the warm,
familiar feeling of being in the same room
as the girls you shared so many hilarious,
ridiculous, embarrassing and even mundane
moments of your life with for seven years.
This was the first time in years we’d all
been together and it really did feel like
nothing had changed - we all pretty much
look the same too. One of our PE teachers
coincidentally walked into the Church Street
Tavern as we were having our afternoon
tea so it almost felt like we were back in the
canteen at CCHSG; not quite though as
Martyn’s chocolate brownies were noticeably
absent but at least there was significantly
more wine! Thankfully the next date in the
diary is in less than a month rather than ten
years this time!”
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Amy Hart, Lucy Reynolds
Ruby Runnalls-Palmer
Jordan Sawyer
Sarah Chandler
Leanne Foster
Lauren Francis
Sophia Sleigh
Annie Homer
Lucy Golding
Hanya Wyganowska
Lucy Reynolds
Alice Gilbert
Charlotte Hooper (nee
Milly Hunt
Amy Hart
Asha Thobhani
Gemma Wilson
Mimi Brown
Left to right:
Mimi Brown,
Asha Thobhani,
Lucy Reynolds,
Ruby RunnallsPalmer,
Gemma Wilson
Hanya Wyganowska,
Charlotte Hooper
Amy Hart:
Alice Gilbert,
Gemma Wilson
Gemma was Head Girl
at CCHSG before going
on to study Medicine at
“I really think it’s testament to the
school and the amazing teachers we
had there that we have remained so in
touch as a group. Collectively we have
some amazing memories of our school
years and it was lovely to catch up and
reminisce together. We all consider
ourselves lucky to have met and look
forward to seeing where we are in the
next ten years.”
Do you remember any of these events from the photo archive?
Calling all CCHSG alumni
We are always delighted to receive emails and to hear news from CCHSG alumni and their
families We hope to have a regular section in the E-Newsletter with updates, messages and
news stories. Please send these to Kate Stubbs, [email protected]
You can also follow the activities of current CCHSG students via Facebook and Twitter.
Page 11
News from the
Languages Department
The CCHSG Languages Department
is always keen to host language
assistants as an additional way to
bring language learning to life for
students. The Language Assistant
Scheme is organised by the British
Council. Language assistants
are native speakers and cultural
ambassadors. They are up-to-date
with their local culture and news. This
means that they are well placed to
work with students on developing their
conversational skills and increasing
their awareness and understanding
of another culture. We currently have
assistants who are native speakers of
French, German and Chinese working
with our students.
Carole is mainly supporting our A level
linguists with their oral work, meeting
individually with them for general
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teacher of English in her home town of
Xiamen City in the Fujian Province of
China. As well as working with students
in Year 7-9 language lessons, teaching
Mandarin, she runs a lunchtime Chinese
Club. Activities this term have included
designing a menu for a Chinese meal,
learning about festivals, making a
traditional paper cut design and using
brush and ink for calligraphy. Look out
for the Chinese Spring Festival which the
Chinese Club will be running on 25 and
26 January 2017.
China’s economy is growing rapidly and
many predict that is will be the next world
superpower. Chinese will be one of
the most vital languages to the UK and
internationally, meaning that learning
Chinese is more popular than ever.
Language Assistants
Carole Le Meut, our
French Language Assistant
Chinese Language Assistant
Michele Li is a secondary school
conversation practice and specific
topic work. Carole also runs a
French Language Leaders club at
lunchtimes. Here students from
Years 7-9 learn about French culture
and prepare for a range of activities
which the group runs across the
wider school throughout the year.
Carole is originally from Rennes, in
Brittany. She is an English Literature
graduate. Last year she was given the
opportunity to study at University
College Dublin as an Erasmus Scholar.
The Erasmus Programme (European
Region Action Scheme for the
Mobility of University Students) is
Michele has found the teaching day in
the UK very different. She is used to
a school day which runs until 7pm in
the evening, and sitting down to a meal
with her colleagues during the two and
a half hour lunchbreak. Her school has
a dormitory where students who live
far from the school can take a nap over
lunchtime so that they are not tired for
afternoon school. She is very much
enjoying what is her first visit to England
and has been impressed by how
independent and inquiring the students
are. There is one thing she does miss –
late night shopping
- as in her hometown
all the stores are
open until 10pm at
an EU student exchange programme
which allows students to complete
part of their degree at a university in
another country.
The UK is one of very few European
countries where students do not have
to continue language learning after
the age of 16. In France everyone
continues learning English until they
are 18. Carole hopes that hearing about
her experience will encourage our
students to see the wider study, travel
and work opportunities that language
learning can bring. On her return to
France she intends to continue her
studies to Master’s level.
“Language learning is not just
about improving language skills. It’s
about opening up minds to new
ideas and meeting people from other
cultures. It’s an experience that boosts
adaptability, self-confidence and job
Androulla Vassiliou, EU
commissioner for education and
At CCHSG Students who are interested
in language learning can become
Language Leaders whose role is to
promote and celebrate the linguistic
and cultural diversity of our school.
Language Leaders clubs run at
lunchtimes with the aim of promoting
a love for language learning and
feeding the curiosity of our students
regarding language and culture. The
groups are working on a range of
Language Clubs
projects this year including support and
practise for the participants in the KS3
language competitions - Spelling Bee
(Year 7) and Translation Bee (Year 8 and 9).
The students organise a range of activities
throughout the year. In early January they
will be presenting assemblies.
There will be an International Bake Sale in
February and a French and German week
across the school in April. The groups also
prepare plays and activities for the Evening
of Languages, held in July where the
German group will be performing “Hänsel
und Gretel”.
“Language learning is about opening up minds to new ideas
and meeting people from other cultures”
German Assistant
Jenny Kutschera
Jenny originates from the Frankfurt
area of Germany. She has completed
a teaching degree at the University
of Marburg and is using her time in
the UK as part of her qualifying year
and to further develop her spoken
English. She is particularly keen to
see if she can move her accent from
its current American English to a
British pronunciation.
Jenny works with our A level German
linguists helping them to improve
their speaking skills and teaching
them about contemporary German
in the UK. The only thing that she
particularly misses from home is the
style of freshly baked bread or “brot”.
Qualifying to teach both English
and Geography in Germany, Jenny
is particularly interested in learning
about new cultures and in travel. Like
most students in Germany she began
to learn English in Year 3 and has
always considered language learning
as a natural part of her education.
On her return to Germany Jenny
will complete her qualification with
a further year of school placement.
She is very much enjoying her time
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Operation Christmas Child
40 boxes collected
The Head Girl Team were delighted to have been able
to provide 40 shoe boxes full of gifts kindly donated
by CCHSG staff and Sixth Formers. The boxes go to
a local collection depot ready for delivery to children
across the globe in time for Christmas.
Year 12 Economics - Target 2.0 Competition
Target Two Point Zero is an interest rate challenge for students in the UK set by the Bank of England and The Times.
Students aged 16 to 18 are asked to take on the role of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, assess
economic conditions and the outlook for inflation and tell panels of judges what monetary policy they would set to achieve
the Government’s inflation target of 2.0%.
The students make a 15-minute presentation and are judged by Bank of England staff, through three rounds with an
ultimate winner being selected in a national final. Around 300 schools compete nationally. Congratulations to the CCHSG
team who, on 25 November, won the Essex Regional Finals of the competition. The year’s CCHSG team consisted of four
Year 12 students analyzing the following areas of the economy:
1. Amy Haines - Team captain and policy
2. Lorna Wheaton - UK domestic demand
3. Simran O’Shea - World economy
4. Emily Marsh - Financial markets
The team now move
on to compete in the
East of England stage
of the competition in
February. We wish
them well.
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National Anti-Bullying Week
14th-18th Nov 2016
Student Voice Assemblies
experience bullying at their school and outside school – but they
don’t have to put up with it. Almost 45,000 children every year talk
to ChildLine about bullying. NSPCC figures suggest nearly half of
children and young people (46%) have been bullied at school at
some point in their lives.
Student Voice presented assemblies to all Year
Groups during Anti-bullying Week to highlight the
serious impact of bullying and encouraging all
students to see it as their role to challenge bullying
behaviour whenever they see it.
Sadly many children and young people do
Bullying can take many forms, from teasing and spreading rumours,
to pushing someone around and causing physical harm. Social
media can also be used to bully and intimidate. Bullying often
happens in front of other people, or with others aware on social
media. Bullying includes name calling, mocking, kicking, taking
or messing around with people’s belongings, writing or drawing
offensive graffiti, gossiping, excluding people from groups, and
threatening others.
The CCHSG Anti-Bullying Policy is available from the Policies
section of the website
Student Voice Presenters - Anti-Bullying Week
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PTA Christmas Fayre
Our PTA Christmas Fayre was held on 26 November. Thank you to all the stall holders and visitors who made the fayre
such a success and a special thank you to all the PTA volunteers, Mr Coleman and Mrs O’Brien for organising the event.
Year 13 Philosophy Conference
On Friday 25 Novmber Year 13 Philosophy
and Ethics students attended a Philosophy
conference in Central London. The
conference was led by Dr. Peter Vardy and
featured guest speakers Stephen Law and
Dr. Claire Carlisle, both experts in their field.
The day was fascinating and enjoyed by all
that attended. Topics discussed included
Free Will and Moral Responsibility, the
Ontological Argument and a debate on what
it meas to fulfill human potential.
Year 13 Relgious Studies students would
like to thank Mrs Elder for arranging such
a wonderful trip and we look forward to the
Ethics conference early next year.
Hopefully we can get another group photo
with Dr. Vardy!
Helena Hicks
Page 16
CCHS Philosophy and Ethics students pictured with
Mrs Elder and Dr Peter Vardy
Drama & Music News
Save the date
Students are busy rehearsing
for our upcoming production
of “Guys and Dolls” which will
take place on Thursday 2 &
Friday 3 February 2017.
Carys stars as Shrek
On Saturday 3 December, a group of 7 girls from 10C went to
watch Carys Fardon, 10C, perform as Shrek, in “Shrek the Musical”
performed by the Starz Performing Arts Academy. She was coated
head to toe in green body paint and her Scottish accent was faultless.
There were a few technical difficulties but Carys took it all in her stride
determined to perform her best as she had practised 6 hours a week
prior to the day.
Not only was she the star role but she also helped out behind the
scenes and organised the delivery of 25 show hoodies.
Even though Carys was doing all of this work outside school, she
still managed to keep up with all the work from school. She worked
very hard to balance her school work, including revising and doing
homework, with her drama commitments, including learning lines and
practicing scenes.
We looking forward to watching and supporting Carys in her future
Georgia Skelton and Lucy Parker 10C
10H Christmas Bake Sale
10H and Mr O’Reilly
raised over £190 with
their Christmas themed
Bake Sale.
Well done to all those
who baked and bought
the cakes.
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CCHSG Sporting Achievement Recognised in the
Colchester Sports Awards
The Colchester Sports Awards,
sponsored by the Daily Gazette,
Colchester Institute and the University
of Essex, recognise the achievements
of the town's amateur sportsmen and
During a glittering awards ceremony
at the Weston Homes Community
Stadium CCHSG was delighted to be
presented with a number of awards.
We were particularly pleased that the
strength of our PE and competitive
sport provision was recognised when
we were presented with the award
for “Development of PE and Sport for
Young People by a School or College”.
This is a real tribute to the work of the
PE Department, led by Mrs Daniels with
Miss Allason, Mrs Folkerd, Mr Williams
and Mr Nachman.
CCHSG was presented with the award for
“Development of PE and Sport for Young People by a
School or College”.
Students also received awards in a number of
Under 18 Sports Personality:
Winner Phillipa Davenhall (nominated by CCHSG and
Commendation Emily Dowding (nominated by
Under 14 Sports Personality:
Commendation Georgia Tombs
(nominated by CCHSG and Club)
Under 18 Team of the Year:
Winner CCHSG Year 9/10 Cross Country Team
Hannah Watson, Elsie Gray, Jasmine West,
Jessica Law, Philippa Garbutt
Follow the PE Department for results and live
updates at weekend and evening sport fixtures
and events - CCHSG PE Dept @CchsgD
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Sports Headlines
Christmas Volleyball Competition
Throughout the penultimate week of term, students
from Years 7 through to 13 have been getting into
the festive spirit in our annual Christimas Volleyball
Competition. With prizes for the best costumes and the
winning team, this was not a competition to be missed.
Over the course of the week over 100 girls took part.
The winning team in each year group then takes on the
teachers’ team.
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Inter-form Netball
At the start of this half term, our fantastic team of
Sports Leaders organised and ran inter-form netball
competitions for students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. This
involved setting dates and times, advertising the event,
creating teamsheets, umpiring, timing and scoring. It was
a fantastic effort from all involved and each event ran
like clockwork. Well done to all the Sports Leaders and
congratulations to 7O, 8C, 9E and 10O on winning their
Year Group competitions.
Lee Valley Athletics Cup
After a fantastic result with the
Inter girls it was now time for the
Junior girls to compete indoors
at the prestigious Lee Valley
Athletics centre.
The team consisted of:
Georgia Tombs, Kate Sheppard,
Chanel Mba, Lizzie Finch,
Rosanna Carscadden, Skye
Goodman and Mary Olayiwola.
There were some excellent
performances from Kate
Sheppard in the 60m hurdles,
Chanel Mba in the 60m and
Georgia Tombs in the 800m all
scoring the top points for the
After placing third in the first
round the team qualified through
to the Semi-finals where they
yet again performed to a top
standard and qualified for the B
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Swimming National Finals
It is fair to say that the swimming teams at
CCHSG are a force to be reckoned with!
All 3 teams qualified straight through to the
National finals having breezed through the
first round. The National finals were held at
the Olympic Park, Stratford on Saturday 19
The teams were:
Junior Girls: Anita Tien, Lucy Morgan, Isabelle
McPherson, Cerys Williams and Charlotte Norman.
The inter girls: Georgia Tombs, Olivia Norman, Maia
McPherson and Aoife Marley. The Senior Girls:
Hannah McNaul, Ellie Duley, Holly Thompson and
Anna Godwin.
The atmosphere was amazing and all the girls were
in the zone ready to give a performance of a lifetime.
The competition was tough, and we even saw the
likes of Laura Stephens who has represented Great
Britain and who was an ex CCHSG pupil!
Overall the Junior Girls came 10th in the country in
their 200m freestyle, the Inter Girls came 12th in the
country and the Senior Girls came in the top 20. This
is an incredible achievement, especially as it is the
first time we have ever entered this competition.
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Phoebe’s Boxing Brilliance Continues
On the 22 October at St Benedicts school
my club held their homeshow. This is
where the club organised bouts for their
club boxers and many in the local area. I
had a rematch against the girl I boxed in
the Junior Cadet National Championships
and lost to in a close decision. This time
round I won unanimously in front or a
home crowd which added to the positive
atmosphere. The following weekend I
had the final of the Junior Development
National Finals against Maya Robertson
of Whiterose Boxing Club. Although
being put under constant pressure
throughout the three, two minute rounds
I gained a unanimous win and claiming
the title of Junior Development under
52kg National Champion. Now I look
forward to the National Young Boys and
Girls Championships (CYP) running until
Phoebe Davies
Gymnastics Success for Jasmine
Jasmine Morton from 8H recently
completed at the Bill Slater Junior team
championship, a two day competition with
clubs competing as teams but all around
medals on offer too at FIG level. Colchester
school of gymnastics took six girls, some
who had not competed at FIG before.
It was a great experience to perform
alongside the best 9-15 year olds in the
country at this level. Jasmine did herself
and the club proud by going clean on each
piece and is looking to build on her skills
to improve for next year’s competition.
Jasmine also competed in October in the
Essex county teams competition at FIG
level securing gold with her team mates.
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CCHSG Riding Team
On 10 December the CCHSG
Riding Team made the trip to
Jays Equestrian Centre in Bury St
Edmunds to compete in a NSEA
Arena Eventing competition against
other schools from Suffolk and
Essex. The girls looked particularly
smart in their new kit sponsored by
Alexander Cleghorn Ltd.
Arena Eventing requires the riders
and horses to complete a course
of coloured show jumps followed
immediately by a course of more
natural cross country style jumps
including a water splash. Penalties
can be accumulated by knocking
fences down or exceeding the
optimum time limit. Schools can
compete with 3 or 4 team members
with the lowest 3 scores to count.
Grace Goldsworthy (Yr7) riding Little Jigsaw, Gracie Tyte (Yr8) riding Muckrim Storm and Izzy Lane (Yr9) riding
Brackaloon Boy made up the team for the 70cm class and with all scores needing to count, the three girls rode
well to bring home the 1st place sash for the team, with Gracie winning the class, Izzy taking 5th and Grace 6th as
In the 80cm class the three girls were joined by Ellie Hastings (Yr7) riding Himself the Elf and once again the team
all rode well to win again, with Grace Goldsworthy coming 2nd and Gracie Tyte coming 6th as individuals. Ellie also
competed in the 90cm class. Well done to the girls and their ponies!
Strictly Ballroom at Blackpool
British National Dance Championships is a competitive dance
festival that covers three days and takes place in the beautiful
Empress Ballroom at the Winter Gardens. Every year the Festival
attracts more competitors, in 2015 the total number of entries was
541 and 10 Formation Teams, with many more spectators.
“On the 15 November, I went to the Blackpool Grand Finals
(National) dance competition. This is a competition for the dance
sport, Ballroom and Latin. It was a long journey up to Blackpool but
an excellent experience. I came back with 3rd place in the cha cha
cha Juvenile Social dance test.”
By Katie Chan 7O
Page 23
Second Hand Uniform Scheme
Easyfundraising - total so far £588.26
and rising! Hamper Draw Completed.
Please continue to send in your donations of second
hand uniform and brownie uniforms to the school
reception, particularly skirts, blazers and PE items.
Purchase enquiries can be directed to Agness
O'Brien, on 01376 573694 or 07951 511653. A
regularly updated stock list is available via the PTA
section of the school website.
The Easyfundraising Prize Draw for the Christmas
Hamper has been won by Marcus Law. Thank you
to all those who are supporting us in raising funds
through this scheme.
Colchester Half Marathon - 12 March 2017
A joint parent and staff
team will be running in the
Colchester Half Marathon
on Sunday 12 March to
raise funds for CCHSG.
Would you like to join
The 13.1 mile route starts
and finishes at the Weston
Homes Community
Stadium, and takes in
Colchester High Street,
East Hill and Ipswich Road
before heading into the
Places are limited and
filling fast.