Get Home Safely this Christmas

In this Issue
Get Home Safely this Christmas
Designated driver campaign
A Stress-free Christmas How?
Be Drink Aware at Christmas
Holiday Season Fitness
Coca-Cola Bottlers Ireland have provided a
nationwide Christmas campaign to encourage
consuming alcohol when visiting licensed
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of
Network News. As we approach the
Christmas break, you will no doubt have
plenty of parties and social occasions to
engage in. While these events should be
enjoyed as much as possible, they can
end up taking their toll!
To help combat the excess, this issue is
focussed on providing plenty of useful
information and advice on drinking
sensibly over the festive season, how to
deal with stress and of course, making
time for exercise!
Happy Christmas
Adrienne McDonnell,
Workplace Campaign Manager
premises over the holiday season. The 2007
Designated Driver Campaign offers three nonalcoholic beverages to drivers free-of-charge,
providing an added incentive to make the
responsible choice over the Christmas period.
Products on offer include regular and diet soft
drinks, juices and water.
The campaign will run throughout the month of
December and the offer is open to all
designated drivers. Ask for details in your local
pub or visit to find out
About Stress
While remaining calm and giving up control
it is possible to respond reasonably to the
situation and without the stress.
Stress has been described as a quiet killer.
Quiet because it goes unnoticed until some
unfortunate event results in dis-ease in the
person. It impacts on well-being, efficiency, and
productivity. It is costly at both a personal and
organizational level. It results in absenteeism,
which affects the bottom line and impacts on our
quality of life.
While this is only a snap shot of how to
So do we have some choice in how we
eliminate stress, there is an opportunity to
respond to stressors? If so, how and when can
examine this further.
we exercise our choice in the matter? What
are the real causes of stress within each of us?
PSM Training will facilitate the upcoming
How can they be addressed and where do we
Workplace Wellbeing Campaign Network
evening on Thursday 31 January @ 3.30
Identify your personal stress triggers
5 pm in IBEC offices. The theme will
Become aware of your usual response /
be stress in the workplace.
behaviour i.e. trying to change or control the
For more information on PSM training, please
Ask who is creating the stress
is it me or
is it the situation? In other words, take
contact Margaret Plunkett, PSM Training Ltd,
19 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4. Tel: 01-6606677.
another look.
Accept the situation and deal with the facts
To find out more about courses on stress or to
read articles written about its impact and
success, please visit:
Be Drink Aware
at Christmas
Christmas parties, drinks, shopping, Christmas dinners thank goodness
Christmas comes but once a year. The festive season can be heavy going on our
wallets, bodies and minds. Here are a few helpful hints on surviving the party
How to avoid an office party disaster
The Morning after the Night Before
Pace yourself, with water or a soft
drink between alcoholic drinks - this
smart tactic ensures you will stay
refreshed and sparkle all night long.
If you are drinking at a Christmas party tonight
but working tomorrow morning, you might be
over the limit to drive in so it's best to make
alternative arrangements.
Make sure that you don t drink on an
empty stomach.
The thing is, your body gets rid of roughly one
standard drink per hour that s half a pint of
stout/lager/cider OR a small glass of wine OR
one pub measure of spirits.
Use this online standard drinks calculator to
find out more >>
Trying to impress Ann in Accounts or
Michael in Marketing? Remember that
too much drink will do nothing for your
looks - you're drop dead gorgeous until
you drop down drunk.
We don't all have a reindeer nearby to
give us a lift, so plan a way to get home
before you go out. If you're driving
home, decide beforehand who'll be the
designated driver. Visit for a list of
premises where a designated driver can
avail of up to 3 free soft
drinks. Otherwise check out local public
transport Christmas services or taxi
options here>>.
No amount of black coffee or cold showers or
even a full Irish can speed up your body's
ability to eliminate alcohol (although you might
feel better temporarily!).
Click here to find out more what happens to
alcohol in your body >>
More information on how alcohol effects you
can be found at Webpages
can also be viewed in Irish, Polish, Lithuanian,
Latvian and Chinese.
To order convenient hand-held standard drinks
calculators or credit-card sized info cards (in
English, Irish or Polish; holders are also
available), call 01 6114811 or email
[email protected].
Holiday Season Fitness
Five ways to keep active during the Christmas break
When we are off work, it s very easy to lose
our routine and avoid doing certain things.
At Christmas time, exercise can sometimes
The Nutrition and Health
be forgotten about in the whirl of parties
Foundation would like to
and social occasions. Considering the fact
wish all Workplace
that we tend to eat more over the Christmas
Wellbeing Campaign
break, getting in some physical activity on a
participants a happy and
regular basis is more important than ever:
healthy Christmas, and a
peaceful new year!
Here are some tips to keep active during the
festive season:
1. Set a time each day to be active
whether it s a brisk
walk or a trip to the gym, remember that we need at
least 30 minutes exercise each day!
Coming in January!
2. Instead of meeting your friends in the local pub, why
not catch up while going for a long walk in the
countryside or nearby park?
Watch out for the New Workplace Wellbeing
Campaign Posters, which will be delivered to
Be active with the family
Get out and about with the
kids, giving them a chance to try out any new bikes,
your workplace in the New Year!
scooters or rollerblades brought by santa!
4. Try something new. There are several seasonal ice
rinks around Dublin. Give it a try!
5. Hit the Sales! Shopping for that all important bargain in
Nutrition & Health Foundation,
Confederation House
the Christmas Sales can use up quite a bit of energy.
84-86 Lower Baggot Street,
Try leaving the car at home if you can.
Dublin 2.; 01 6051677