Test Review 5-2 - Katy Independent School District

Name__________________________ Date Due: Tuesday, April 5, 2016
PRD ___
7th grade Academic Review 5-2
1. A baby giraffe was born at a zoo. Each visitor during the week voted on the name of
the baby giraffe. The results of the first day are shown in the table. If there are
2,500 visitors that will get to vote, approximately how many votes will be for the
name Talia?
Number of
2. The results of a survey that asked 50 seventh graders how many hours they play
video games are shown in the double box plot. Which statement is true?
A There is no difference in the maximum values.
B The difference in the maximum values is 1.5 hours.
C The median for the girls is 0.5 hour.
D The third quartile for the boys is 2.5 hours.
3. The manager of a cafeteria took a poll of 150
students to find the most popular lunch. The
manager drew a circle graph to display the
data. How many more students chose
spaghetti than corn dogs as their favorite
4. The school district surveyed 150 families about their preference for receiving
notifications from schools. The results are listed in the table. Predict how many more
of the district’s 1,200 families prefer to receive notifications through text messaging
than through e-mailing.
Notification Method
Number of Votes
Text Message
Phone Call
Regular Mail
5. The double box plot shows the cost of the top-selling lunch menu items at two local
restaurants. Determine which inference is true about the two populations.
A The spread of the data for Sophie’s Café is greater than that for The Red Brick Grill.
B The spread of the data for The Red Brick Grill is greater than that for Sophie’s Café.
C The data for The Red Brick Grill and Sophie’s Café are symmetrical.
D The median prices are the same for The Red Brick Grill and Sophie’s Café.
6. Which has a greater surface area: a box that is 2 inches by 3 inches by 2 inches or a
box that is 1 inch by 2 inches by 4 inches?
7. An entertainment company surveyed 360 people to find out their favorite type of
movie. The results of the survey are shown below.
Which statement is best supported by the graph?
A Fewer people prefer horror movies than those who prefer romance and science fiction
B Exactly 20 people prefer family movies.
C The number of people who prefer comedy movies is 120.
D Thirty-six more people prefer comedy movies than horror movies.
8. The bar graph shows the approximate population of Texas over the past four U.S.
Census reports. Write a ratio that compares the population in 2000 to the population
in 2010. Express this ratio as a fraction, decimal, and a percent. Then interpret the
ratio’s meaning.
9. The double dot plot shows the number of minutes two students spent practicing the
piano. Compare their centers and variations. Round to the nearest tenth. Write an
inference you can draw about the two populations.
10. Nara wants to determine how much ice it will take to fill her cooler that is in the
shape of a rectangular prism. If the cooler has a length of 22 inches, a width of 12
inches, and a height of 10 2 inches, how much ice will her cooler hold? (Hint: Draw a
11. The top of a gate post is in the shape of a square pyramid. The height of the pyramid
is 5 inches and each side of the base is 7.4 inches. Determine the volume of wood
needed to make the top of the gate post. Round to the nearest tenth. (Hint: Draw a
12. A roof is shaped like a square pyramid. One bundle of shingles covers 25 square
feet. How many bundles should you buy to cover the roof?