dia 10th birthday issue - Dubai International Academy

D I A 1 0 T H B I R T H D AY I S S U E
DIA NOW 2015
DIA NOW 2015
Dear Parents, Students and Colleagues,
Today is a major milestone in the history of DIA as we complete our first decade.
It is with great pride that we can all look back at our humble beginnings on 10 September, 2005.
We are truly blessed with a very supportive parent community and a dedicated team of educators.
In an ever changing world, it is imperative that we embrace methods and technologies that best develop and support
active learning. Innoventures Education is committed to its vision of providing world class education made possible
through the dedicated efforts of each and every staff member.
Together as a team, we have delivered on our promise to students and their parents over the past decade. Highlights
have included excellent results and progress made by our students, outstanding university placements, recognition by
different forums, and high quality student achievements in academics, arts and athletics.
Let us continue on this remarkable journey of life-long learning while firmly establishing DIA as one of the world’s
foremost schools.
Poonam Bhojani
CEO Innoventures Education
Dear DIA,
Today is our 10th birthday, we are now one decade old! DIA has grown into something to be proud of. On this day I
would like to pause and reflect on 10 reasons to celebrate you, our school.
First of all it is our INTERNATIONALISM, which goes beyond flags, festivals, food and fashion. Through continuous
cultural interaction we learn that “other people with their differences can also be right.”
The LEARNER PROFILE is deeply embedded in our psyche as are the core values: Achievement, Collaboration,
Integrity, Respect, Responsibility. We are Inquirers and critical thinkers, ethically resolving real life dilemmas.
The students study a CURRICULUM that is broad and balanced with applications to real life. They make smooth
transitions between programmes, and many have the opportunitiy to study their mother tongue.
TEACHING & LEARNING is personalized so that every student is able to achieve their full potential. Students often lead
classrooms and learning happens in a variety of contexts.
There are many platforms for the development of STUDENT LEADERSHIP: MUN, senior prefects, Student Council, Eco
Club, house system and a variety of student initiatives.
DIA is very much part of the local and global COMMUNITY, assuming responsibility for our planet and for the people
who live on it.
They say that it takes a village to raise a child; PARENTS are our PARTNERS in the education of their children.
Sometimes they participate in learning or provide support during key events.
The HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT of our students empowers them to pursue their passions and achieve their goals to
become tomorrow’s leaders.
We have such dedicated STAFF who ensure, through the use of diverse and flexible methodology, that every child
achieves their full potential. As life-long learners they continue to develop their own professional skills.
Of course, the best are the STUDENTS who excel in academics, sports, debating, poetry, music, art; but more
importantly are wonderful human beings.
Happy birthday, DIA; wishing our school many successful decades ahead!
Yours sincerely,
Pratibha Rao
Happy 10th Birthday DIA!
Ten years is an important milestone for our school. To me, it represents a new level of maturity that we as a school
have reached. Just as a child feels that much more grown up once they reach double figures, so we as a school can
celebrate our ‘growing up’. As part of this maturity as a school, we are continuing to develop our personality and
define our relationships with the community and Dubai at large.
Over the last 10 years, the ‘International’ vision that is such an important part of DIA has come to the fore. Not only
do we have over 80 different countries represented in our staff and student body, but our teaching and learning
approach embodies internationalism. Open Mindedness is a key ‘Learner Profile’ and represents an important
approach to accepting and celebrating diversity in our community. Our Mother Tongue groups enable children far
from their ‘home’ country maintain that connection which is so important for second and third culture children. Our
focus on inquiry enables children to contextualise their learning in a wide range of different settings, Dubai and
elsewhere and our celebration of events from all over the world reminds our children that they are a part of a global
So, our celebration this week is not just a birthday celebration for DIA, it’s a celebration of success. Success embodied
in the core values, mission and beliefs of the school and success in applying these for the last 10 years and for the next
10. It’s a celebration we all should be proud to be a part of because this is our school and our party!
Tim Richardson
Head of Primary School
Dear Parents, Students and Colleagues,
“All the very best to everyone on this momentous day: commemorating and celebrating a decade of exceptional
learning at DIA, and looking forward to further enrichment for the next 10 years!”
Kind regards,
James Roberts
Head of Secondary School
Happy 10th Birthday DIA!
Congratulations! This month marks my tenth year at DIA. Time goes by so fast. I still remember my journey started
with a discussion about an IT infrastructure setup for DIA at a Starbucks café. Ten years down the line I am proud to
be part of this journey of success. I must say I have learnt a lot and it has shaped my career. I hope DIA reaches new
heights in the coming years and I wish our school the very best for the future.
Uttam Yadav
Group Manager, Technology Operations
Happy Birthday DIA!
I wish you 100 years of success, excellence and great achievements.
Dina Yehia
Group Compliance Manager
Wish you a happy 10th anniversary DIA!
May you long continue your fruitful mission in widening educational horizons. Because of you, we dream & get
inspired & achieve.
All the best!
George Adel
SS Science Teacher
Happy 10th Birthday DIA!
Looking back, it seems only like the other day that I joined DIA.It was only a part time assignment as there were less
than 500 students!! The clinic had one nurse, and the basic requirements. My first day was ‘a new’ learning
experience. Little ones came in saying they had a tummy pain and the nurse would say ‘have some sips of water’.
Another would come saying he had a headache and again nurse would say’ sips of water’. Thereafter, with a little bit
of TLC they were asked if they felt better and then told to go back to their class with the advice, that if they did not
feel better to come back to the clinic. They went back smiling. It was scary for me coming from a busy hospital and
clinic, I had to restrain myself from putting them on the examination table and examining them, the way we are
taught when someone complains of a tummy ache Needless to say, even, I have tried the water therapy. It works!!
Our clinic has grown like our little ones. We now have three full time nurses and doctor. We go through our yearly
inspection with KHDA and are proud to say we have always had an outstanding rating. A trophy was also awarded by
the Department of School Health to the Innoventures Education which DIA is part of, for excellent services and
responsible conduct. From a single nurse with a stethoscope we now have a Defibrillator, Autoclave and all the
equipment that is necessary for a Modern School Clinic.
Dr. Indira George
Group Medical Superintendent
Dear DIA
Happy Birthday...and as we say to our kids in the Primary School, welcome to double DIGITS!
Wishing you another happy and prosperous 10 years.
TEN YEARS where you will continue to grow in strength and reputation in Dubai and the UAE...and Internationally!
Dubai International Academy...this is YOU…looking forward to what you will do next…
Candice Combrinck
Primary School Deputy Principal and Primary Years Programme Coordinator
Happy Birthday DIA! Congratulations for:
achieving 10 years of stimulating student learning through inquiry
generating knowledge by embracing all three IB programmes
thinking carefully about all aspects of education
enthusiastically communicating this
encouraging students to stand by their principles
being open-minded and embracing all cultures
caring enough to provide a safe learning environment
being a risk-taker through innovations
balancing academic achievement with enrichment activities
reflecting on strengths and weaknesses to improve the quality of learning
Here’s to another 10 years towards being a life-long learner!
Stephanie Duarte
MYP Coordinator
Here we are as the staff and students who have been at
DIA since day 1! We have had many wonderful years
together and have watched our students grow and
blossom into young adults.
Looking forward to many more wonderful years together!
Sally Saaid
PS Teacher
As a mother I was overjoyed when I heard we would have our first IB continuum school opening in Dubai in September 2005. So it was not long before I had found my way to the Lakes Club to sign up my four children at Dubai
International Academy. I was confident of my decision then and here I am 10 years down the line with confirmed
confidence and extreme pride for being part of the DIA family.
DIA started as a small school, I remember the first year we all fit into a couple of corridors so we have come a long
way! DIA has gone from good to better and is now a hub of internationalism and multiculturalism continuously
thriving for excellence in education.
What do I like most about DIA? Definitely the sense of community and belonging that it radiates, the students,
parents and staff at DIA form one big family. We work collaboratively to make DIA diversely successful and produce
students that are leaders in academics and confidence.
As a DIA parent and member of staff I would like to wish DIA a very Happy 10th Birthday.
Manuela Watfa
PS Dean of Students
Celebrating 10 years…
Let’s count how many different ways we can say “Happy Birthday” to Dubai International Academy.
Congratulations to Dubai International Academy on their 10th anniversary.
May you continue to have many more years of success.
Donica Cuspard
Deputy Head of Primary School - Early Years
Congratulations to DIA on its 10th birthday! It has been a privilege to be part of this wonderful journey as we celebrate
our international learning community and amazing students. Looking forward to the next 10 years!
Seema Desai
Deputy Head (Academic) of Secondary School
As we look back at this point on the course of the ten years of Dubai International Academy, we can recognize how far
we have come in providing the systems of care and delivery of education in this learning community.
As part of this, we can recognize that the distinctive advances of DIA are to be seen in how the school truly adopts the
International Baccalaureate Learner Profile and puts the ideals of international education into daily practice. This is
seen very obviously through the list of successful school events over the course of every academic year and the
ongoing appreciation of visitors to the school. Again and again, we hear from school visitors how impressed they are
with seeing what a truly internationally cohesive school looks like in practice, and it is a pleasure for us all to be part
of what this means in the world we live in today. Indeed, DIA stands out as a beacon and an example of ‘how things
could be’ for so many.
Alongside this, through all of these achievements and activities, there is one distinctive characteristic of DIA that has
allowed us to rely on the support and participation of every student and member of staff in this school. That is the
characteristic of deep respect and appreciation for the individual and the individual’s own context. In this way,
diversity in our school truly becomes expressed as the art of thinking independently together.
Happy birthday, Dubai International Academy!
Robert Jennings
Deputy Head of Secondary (Pastoral)
Congratulations to Dubai International Academy as we celebrate our 10th birthday! It has been an amazing journey
and we are pleased to be part of its growth and success. The institution’s educational philosophy continue to inspire
both students and teachers alike and we are so proud to see how naturally the IB Learner Profile is demonstrated in
our daily routine. This is a true testament to he hard work put forth by our teachers and the student’s willingness to
be part of an international community. We wish everyone at DIA the best and know that the years to come will be
just as impressive as the past 10.
Jennifer Hager
IB DP Coordinator
Dubai International Academy is a prime example of a place where dreams can be achieved. From September 2005
onwards, hundreds of students have accomplished their dreams, and reached their goals. And through innovation and
expansion, it has now become one of Dubai’s most highly valued and acknowledged schools. In this year of DIA’s 10th
year anniversary, as a part of the Head Students team, I have the privilege to contribute all I possibly can to its further
growth in becoming a place where dreams become reality. This year marks a great accomplishment for DIA, the first
decade of many to come, and I am extremely humbled and excited to be a part of it.
Felix P. Kempf
Head Boy
Dubai is a city characterised by growth and innovation. Dubai International Academy is no different. On September
10th 2005, the doors were opened to 500+ students, and since that ground-breaking year, the school has continued to
grow from strength to strength. In this monumental year of DIA’s 10th anniversary, the Head Students are privileged
to act as the bridge between 2000+ students and the wonderful staff. We look forward to growing the school this
coming year to form a strong, lasting community that will stay with the school long after we have graduated. 10 years
is just the beginning, there is so much to look forward to in DIA’s future, and we are excited to take it head on.
Kirsten Erasmus
Head Girl
Dubai is a rapidly developing city, and as such, the facilities that support it's growth must keep up with its pace.
Schools, hospitals, and other institutions in Dubai are at the core of its developmental success. Dubai International
Academy is no exception to this phenomenal growth. In only ten years, DIA has become one of the leading IB schools
in the UAE. To have been a part of this school for six years, I have witnessed, firsthand, the changes that DIA has
undergone in the pursuit of reaching this level of excellence. The committed management, dedicated teachers and
determined students have all been integral parts of DIA's great achievements. I am certain that DIA will continue to
excel and develop in the coming years to become an even better example of excellence.
Faris Omair
Deputy Head Boy
DIA has had an incredible 10 years; each year growing and evolving into the close-knit community it defines itself as
today. Fortunately, I have had the privilege to be a part of this community for 8 years and witness DIA grow. I don’t
see the school as a place where we are forced to learn in order to graduate, I see it as a second home where the
students and faculty are able to come together as a family and operate as one. As my journey with DIA comes to an
end, I know the imprint DIA leaves on their students will last forever. This year I am fortunate enough to be working
with my fellow Head students, as well as the prefect body and the entire Class of 2016. 10 years is only the first of
many major milestones this wonderful institute will have.
Ananya Jain
Deputy Head Girl
It’s been 10 years already, time files. I remember when I joined DIA on 5 th Sept 2005 in KG1. I
was only about four years old back then but I can say those were some of the best days. I would
like to say thank you to some of the most amazing people in the Primary School.
Ms Anupama Mirle my first KG teacher who I will always remember for the skills she taught me
in KG.
Ms. Cathrine Grigg, Mr. Swan, Ms. Trish, Ms. Sally Saaid; Mr Donovan & Mr Julian the most amazing Heads and Ms
Candice Combrinck the most amazing Yr 6 teacher we had who would make us feel like we were ready for secondary
school but still pamper us like children.
Thank you once again for being such lovely teachers and to this day, I still meet some of them in the quadrangle!
As I moved to MYP, things got tough, but I sailed through it with the help of some wonderful teachers.
Thank you to some of my teachers in MYP. Ms Pam, we were lucky to have you as our Year 7 English teacher, and I
hope to have you as my English teacher once more in the future.
Mr Mc Breen, PE is always one of the highlights of my week, because it’s so enjoyable. Ms Sara Mohammad you made
me realise the importance a good lab report. Ms Hager and Mr Platt , the Gateway programme has opened doors
with so many opportunities and the World Scholars cup trip to Singapore with you was so much fun.
This list can go on and on with all my new and amazing teachers in Yr 10 but I am sure I will run out of space.
I would like to congratulate Ms Bhojani and the wonderful team at DIA and it’s a great feeling to know that in a few
years time a few of us will be the first students to have gone from KG1 to Year 13. This will be another milestone for
DIA to celebrate.
Happy 10th birthday to DIA.
Arun Pancholia, Year 10B
Happy 10th Birthday!
DIA is 10 years strong!
Janna - Year 1AW
Hendry - Year 2LD
Andrew - KG2HP
DIA is the greatest
Happy Birthday!
As a newcomer to DIA, both
as a parent and a teacher it fills my heart with joy and
pride to be part of such a
warm, caring and happy
Tine Kaalund
I love DIA!
Happy Birthday!
Happy 10 years to DIA!
Sushmeta Pancholia
Happy 10th Birthday!
I am proud to be student here.
Allen Lopez, Year 12E
Happy Birthday DIA!
We are happy to be part of DIA
for the 7th year!
DIA 10th Birthday!
Congratulations to you on
your birthday!
For all your ups and downs
you stand strong.
We love you!
Happy Birthday DIA!
You are an amazing school
that touches so many
Happy Birthday!
DIA is not only our
school but our home!
Happy Birthday DIA!
A whopping 10 years old!
You have reached double digits!
Here’s to another
Dynamic Incredible Awesome 10
Happy Birthday DIA!
We have learned so much!
What started as a dream has now
become an inspiration for so
many with achievements of our
lovely students and staff! I am
humbled to be a part of this
wonderful community called DIA!
Here’s to the next 10!
Thank you students, parents and
May the school be blessed to
grant knowledge to many more!
Happy returns of the day!
Happy Birthday DIA!
Happy Birthday DIA!
Great job!
Happy Birthday DIA!
I wish you the best!
Happy Birthday DIA!
Have the happiest birthday
from Dorothy
Happy Birthday to DIA!
Zahra B
Happy Birthday DIA!
Happy Birthday DIA!
I am proud and thankful to
be part of the DIA team.
Many many happy returns of
the day DIA.
Best school ever!
Happy Birthday DIA!
Zoe, Year 4LM
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday DIA!
Love you DIA!
Happy Birthday!