rowan dorin - Department of History

Harvard Society of Fellows
78 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge MA 02138
dorin [at]
Assistant Professor of History, Stanford University
Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows
Ph.D. in History, Harvard University
Dissertation: “Banishing Usury: The Expulsion of Foreign Moneylenders
in Medieval Europe, 1200-1450”
M.Phil. in Medieval History, University of Cambridge
A.B. summa cum laude in History, Harvard College
Selected Grants & Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship
Graduate Associate, Joint Center for History & Economics, Harvard
Arthur Lehman Merit Fellowship, Harvard
Visiting Researcher, École normale supérieure – Paris
CLIR Mellon Dissertation Research Fellowship
Research Fellowship, Centro Studi “Renato Bordone” sui Lombardi,
sul credito, e sulla banca, Asti (Italy)
Sosland Family Graduate Fellowship, Harvard
Short-Term Pre-Doctoral Residency, Dumbarton Oaks
McArthur Research Grant, Faculty of History, Cambridge
Eddington Research Grant, Trinity College, Cambridge
Eben Fiske Fellowship at Trinity College, Cambridge
Charles S. Noble Scholarship, Harvard
Prizes & Awards
January 2017July 2015-
Leonard Boyle Dissertation Prize, Canadian Society of Medievalists
Derek Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching, Harvard
Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (Awarded 4 Times), Harvard
Wood-Legh Dissertation Prize, Faculty of History, Cambridge
Fay Prize for Outstanding Original Research, Harvard
Hoopes Prize for Excellence, Harvard
Washburn Prize for Best Senior Thesis in History, Harvard
Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Iota Chapter of Massachusetts
Detur Book Prize for Academic Achievement, Harvard
“‘Once the Jews have been Expelled’: Intent and Interpretation in Late Medieval
Canon Law,” Law and History Review 34/2 (2016), 335-362.
“L’expulsion des usuriers lombards hors de France à la fin du XIIIe siècle,”
Hypothèses: Travaux de l’École doctorale d’histoire de l'Université Paris I
Panthéon-Sorbonne 17 (2014), 153-162.
“Canon law and the problem of expulsion: The origins and interpretation of
Usurarum voraginem (VI 5.5.1),” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für
Rechtsgeschichte 130, Kanonistische Abteilung 99 (2013), 129-161.
“Les activités économiques des familles vénitiennes dans l’Adriatique ( XIIe et
XIIIe siècles),” in Les réseaux familiaux: antiquité tardive et moyen âge. In
memoriam A. Laiou et É. Patlagean, ed. Béatrice Caseau (Paris: ACHCByz,
2012), 325-332.
“Adriatic Trade Networks in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries,” in Trade
and Markets in Byzantium, ed. Cécile Morrisson (Washington, D.C.:
Dumbarton Oaks, 2012), 235-279.
“The Mystery of the Marble Man and his Hat: A Reconsideration of the Bari
Episcopal Throne,” Florilegium 25 (2008), 1-24.
“Ragusan Trade with Egypt (1200-1500),” Tempus: The Harvard College History
Review 7/1 (2006), 7-19.
Edited Volumes
Angeliki E. Laiou, Economic Thought and Economic Life in Byzantium, co-edited
with Cécile Morrisson, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Farnham UK:
Variorum Reprints, 2013).
Angeliki E. Laiou, Byzantium and the Other: Relations and Exchanges, co-edited
with Cécile Morrisson, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Farnham UK:
Variorum Reprints, 2012)
Angeliki E. Laiou, Women, Family, and Society in Byzantium, co-edited with
Cécile Morrisson, Variorum Collected Studies Series 988 (Farnham UK:
Variorum Reprints, 2011).
Book Reviews
Review of Jacques Labrot, Affairistes et usuriers au Moyen Age, t. 1: Les
Lombards, l’hérésie, et l’église (Flaujac-Poujols: La Louve, 2008), in Revue
Numismatique 167 (2011), 562-63.
Cristina Rognoni, “Legal Language and Practice in Twelfth- and ThirteenthCentury Messina: The Evidence from Greek Private Documents,” in
Multilingual and Multigraphic Manuscripts and Documents of East and West,
eds. Giuseppe Mandalà and Inmaculada Pérez Martín (Piscataway, NJ:
Gorgias Press, 2016) [translated from Italian; 20 pages]
Nathalie Delierneux, “The Literary Portrait of Byzantine Female Saints,” in The
Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography. Volume II: Genres
and Contexts, ed. Stephanos Efthymiadis, 363-386 (Farnham UK: Ashgate,
2014) [translated from French]
Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, “From Words to Deeds: Reflections on the
Efficacy and Effects of Preaching,” in From Words to Deeds: The Efficacy of
Preaching in the Late Middle Ages, 1-19 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014)
[translated from Italian]
Angeliki E. Laiou and Dieter Simon, “Of Monks and Mills: the Case of the Mill of
Chantax,” in Angeliki E. Laiou, Economic Thought and Economic Life in
Byzantium, eds. Cécile Morrisson and Rowan Dorin, Variorum Collected
Studies Series, item X, 1-50 (Farnham UK: Variorum Reprints, 2013)
[translated from German with Cécile Morrisson]
Andrea Giardina, “Explosion of Late Antiquity,” in Late Antiquity on the Eve of
Islam, ed. Averil Cameron, 1-23 (Farnham UK: Ashgate, 2013) [translated
from Italian]
Alessia Rovelli, Coinage and Coin Use in Medieval Italy (Farnham UK: Variorum
Reprints, 2012) [12 articles translated from Italian]
Conference &
Seminar Papers
“Sicut in generali concilio est statutum: Councils, Synods, and the Diffusion of Law in
the later Middle Ages,” in Fifteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law
(Paris, France), July 2016
“A Connected Sea? Trade and Travelers in the Medieval Adriatic,” in Rethinking
the Adriatic: Movements of People and Goods, Middle Ages to the Present,
University of Minnesota, May 2016
“A Heretical Perspective on Medieval Usury,” American Society for Legal History
Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C), November 2015
“Moneylending Maggots: Foreign Usurers and the Rhetoric of Expulsion in the
Late Middle Ages,” American Historical Association Annual Meeting (New
York, NY), January 2015
“’Varied are the opinions of the doctors’: Canon Law and the Expulsion of the
Jews in the Late Middle Ages,” American Society for Legal History: Workshop
on Medieval Legal History (Denver, CO), November 2014
“Princes, Prelates, and the Problem of Moneylending in Thirteenth-Century
Western Europe,” in Institutions, Credit, and the State. The Third Annual
History Project Conference, Yale University, October 2014
“From Jew to Foreigner : Canon Law and the Expulsion of Jews in the Late
Middle Ages,” in Foreigners in the Deep Heart of Medieval and Early Modern
Societies (Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Muslim World), European
University Institute (Fiesole, Italy) June 2014
“Theme & Variations: Canon Law and the Expulsion of the Jews in the Late
Middle Ages,” in New England Historical Association: 2014 Spring Conference,
Springfield College (Springfield, MA), April 2014
“Canon Law and the Challenge of Usury in the Late Middle Ages,” in Finance in
Religious Law. A Comparative Conference: Christianity, Judaism, Islam,
Harvard Law School, December 2013
“L’expulsion des usuriers hors de France à la fin du XIIIe siècle,” Journée
d’études: Les mobilités contraintes, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
March 2013
“Expelling Usurers in Late Medieval Europe,” Medieval Structures of Power:
Graduate Conference in Medieval Studies, Princeton University, April 2012
“L’espulsione dalla città dalla tarda antichità alla fine del Medioevo,” Seminar
on “Storia delle città” (dir. M.G. Muzzarelli), Università di Bologna, Dec. 2011
“Les activités économiques des familles vénitiennes dans l’Adriatique, XIIe et
XIIIe siècles,” Réseaux familiaux à la fin de l’Antiquité et au Moyen Age, in
memoriam A. Laiou et E. Patlagean (Paris, France) November 2010
“Of Commerce and Coattails: Third-Party Institutions in Twelfth and
Thirteenth-Century Mediterranean Trade,” Negotiating Trade: Commercial
Institutions and Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Medieval and Early Modern
World, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, SUNY Binghamton,
September 2010
“Tolls and Triumphs: Strategic Taxation and the Expansion of Empire in the
Late Roman Republic,” Center for History and Economics Graduate
Workshop, Harvard University, February 2010
“Failure to Launch: Savonese Trade in the Mediterranean, 1100-1250,” Center
for History and Economics Graduate Workshop, Harvard University,
February 2009
“A Muslim Merchant on a Christian Throne?” Central Medieval Postgraduate
Workshop, University of Cambridge, January 2008
Theses Advised
Alicia Alvero Koski (Harvard), “Perceptions of Medieval Queenship:
Patronage, Warfare, and Legitimacy under Urraca of Léon and Castile”
Lauren Tiedemann (Harvard), “Crown and Consumption: A History
of Swans in Late Medieval England”
University Service Departmental Teaching Fellow, History Department, Harvard
Coordinator, Digital Teaching Fellows (DiTF) Program, History
Department, Harvard
Presidential Instructional Technology Fellow, Harvard
Co-Organizer, Harvard-Yale Graduate Conference in Medieval History 2013, 2014
Co-Convenor, Medieval History Workshop, Harvard
2009-11, 2012-14
Non-Resident Fellowships Tutor, Adams House, Harvard
Non-Resident History Tutor, Adams House, Harvard
2009-11, 2012-13
Faculty Advisor, Harvard Canadian Club
Angeliki E. Laiou Fund Committee, History Department, Harvard
French (R/W/S); Italian (R/W/S); Latin (R); German (R); Spanish (R); Catalan (R)
Medieval Academy of America
Canadian Society of Medievalists
American Historical Association
International Society of Medieval Canon Law
American Society for Legal History