Volume 4 Bibliography
June 2015
Prepared for
Victorian Heritage Council
and Victorian Aboriginal
Heritage Council
 Context Pty Ltd 2014
Project Team:
Dr Helen Doyle
Dr Georgia Melville
Ms Chris Johnston
Mr Ian Travers
Report Register
This report register documents the development and issue of the report entitled
Acknowledgement of Places with Shared Values: Vol 4 Reference database undertaken by
Context Pty Ltd in accordance with our internal quality management system.
Issued to
Bibliography and Thematic
Tanya Wolkenberg
Vol. 4. Bibliography(
Damien Welch
Vol. 4 Bibliography (Revised Draft)
Leo Martin, Damien
Welch, Kristy Yeats
Vol. 4 Bibliography (Final Draft)
Leo Martin, Damien
Welch, Kristy Yeats
Vol. 4 Bibliography (Final Draft)
Leo Martin, Damien
Welch, Kristy Yeats
Context Pty Ltd
22 Merri Street, Brunswick VIC 3056
Phone 03 9380 6933
Facsimile 03 9380 4066
Email [email protected]
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1 1 1 2 Background
The brief
Developing the bibliography
Developing a reference database
3 2.1 2.2 3 9 Primary sources
Secondary sources
24 3.1 3.2 24 25 Theme 2: Contact with newcomers
Theme 4: Incarceration and segregation
1.1 Background
This report forms part of a four volume set arising from this project which focused on how
Aboriginal and ‘shared’ values could be considered in the assessment of places for the
Victorian Heritage Register (VHR).
The project purpose, objectives, tasks and outcomes are described in Volume 1. Volume 2
outlines a proposed methodology for the assessment of Aboriginal and ‘shared’ values based
on learnings from the present project. Volume 3 comprises documentation on places used as
case studies in the present project.
1.2 The brief
The project brief required the development of an annotated bibliography designed to be used
in this project and in future research and place assessments where Aboriginal and ‘shared
values’ were likely to be present.
Development of a bibliography was seen as requiring an extensive literature review covering
secondary sources, published and unpublished research reports and heritage studies, and
theses, including significant primary sources and collections. The approach to this task is
described below, and the resultant bibliography is contained in Section 2.
The brief sought an annotated bibliography to enhance its use for future researchers as well as
to this project. The idea of indexing the bibliography by region or theme was suggested.
Further the bibliography was seen as potentially being a separate product and therefore needed
to be presented as a stand-alone volume.
1.3 Developing the bibliography
A wide range of sources was examined in the preparation of this bibliography, drawing on the
holding of public libraries, public archives, university libraries, government reports, and other
relevant collections. Previous bibliographies and source guides of material relating to
Aboriginal history in Victoria have also been consulted, for example those prepared by the
State Library of Victoria (SLV) and the Public Record Office Victoria (PROV).
The resulting bibliography is provided in Section 2 in Word format, arranged in a conventional
manner according to primary and secondary sources.
The primary sources section starts with a listing of materials held in key repositories and
collections, arranged by repository or collection. Some are types of materials such as the
‘Pastoral Run plans’ held by the PROV while other listings are of specific materials.
The secondary sources are arranged with publications first, followed by archival and
bibliographic guides and databases, theses, unpublished reports, and digital resources
(including websites).
While every attempt has been made to cover as wide a scope as possible, it is certain that
numerous unpublished reports of relevance to the scope of this project that are not on this
bibliography. This so called ‘grey literature’ is often the hardest to locate, and repositories such
as OAAV, the Koorie Heritage Trust, RAPs and other Aboriginal organisations in Victoria,
and the AIATSIS Library in Canberra are vitally important in this regard. New university
theses are also regularly completed and an exhaustive list of relevant works of this kind across
all Australian universities has not been undertaken. There are too, of course, many private
papers, oral history records, and other documents of significance that are not available to the
general public.
Section 3 then presents short bibliographies for two of the themes presented in the thematic
framework as an example of how the bibliography could be indexed by theme. The two
themes are:
 Theme 2: Making contact with newcomers
 Theme 4: Segregation, incarceration and institutionalisation
The bibliography was presented as an initial draft to the Project Steering Committee. It has
been expanded substantially since, with new reference items added during the course of
researching the case study places.
1.4 Developing a reference database
Further development of the bibliography into a reference database was anticipated in the brief
but proved to be a more substantial task than anticipated and was ultimately beyond the
resources available.
The concept of a reference database is for an electronic, indexed database.
Such a reference database could be layered – that is organised in terms of primary and
secondary sources, as well as organised thematically and linked to the themes in the Thematic
Framework (see Volume 1).
To provide the most valuable resource for both Heritage Councils and other researchers, an
electronic reference database could contain the following searchable fields:
 Author
 Title
 Publisher
 Publication date
 Type of source: (primary or secondary?)
 Theme/s
 Sub-theme/s
 Locality (if relevant or whole of Victoria
 LGA (if relevant or a region or whole of Victoria)
 Specific example/s of place/s (if relevant)
 Aboriginal RAP / TO group / language group (if known and specific to particular groups)
 ‘Comments box’ (for example if the reference requires an annotation).
2.1 Primary sources
Public Record Office Victoria
Batman, John. Treaty document, 1835.
Board for the Protection of Aborigines, Correspondence files, 1869-1946. VPRS 1694. (re:
housing, rations, access and visiting Aboriginal reserves at Lake Condah, Coranderrk and Lake
Tyers, and various depots throughout Victoria).
Chief Secretary’s Correspondence.
City of Melbourne archive collection.
Crown Lands and Survey. VPRS 242.
Harris, Thomas. Journal, Coranderrk Station, 1874-77. VPRS 16648.
Historic Plans Collection. VPRS 8168
Letter Book, Coranderrk, 1898-1924. VPRS 926.
Lunatic Asylums.
Native Police records, c.1838–50. (eg. Native Police Day Book 1847-1849, VPRS 90).
Pastoral Run files.
Pastoral Run plans.
Port Phillip Protectorate.
Thomas, William. Correspondence, 1841.VPRS 11, box 8.
Note: the full collection of material that relates to places of significance to Aboriginal people is
vast; rather than include the full list a limited selection is included here. It is recommended that
the following guidebook to PROV material should also be consulted:
walata tyamateetji: A guide to government records about Aboriginal people in Victoria. Public Record
Office Victoria and National Archives of Australia, North Melbourne, 2014.‘My Heart Is
Breaking’: A joint guide to records about Aboriginal people in the Public Record Office of Victoria and the
Australian Archives, Victorian Regional Office / Australian Archives and the Public Record Office of
Victoria. Australian Government Public Service, Canberra, c.1993.
National Archives of Australia
Central Board for the Protection of Aborigines Correspondence Files, B313/1.
Minutes of the Board for the Protection of Aborigines, B314/5.
Oglivie, Christian. Journal, 1875-77. NAA B2057.
Koorie Heritage Trust Inc.
Koorie Oral History Program.
Museum Victoria
Image Collection.
Collections of Aboriginal cultural material.
State Library of Victoria
Aborigines’ Advancement League 1960–90. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Action for Aboriginal Rights.1973. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Barak, William, ‘Articles on Barak, last chief of the Yarra tribe’ 1882–1931. Australian
Manuscripts Collection.
Barwick, Diane. Records, 1772–1986. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Batman, John. Treaty, 1835. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Black, Niel. Diary. Australian Manuscripts Collection. [Account of a massacre of Aborigines]
Brough Smyth, Robert. Papers. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Council for Aboriginal Rights. Records, 1951. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Donnelly, Hugh. Letters to T.H. Osbourne, 1888–1896. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Henty Family Papers. [This is an extremely large collection with a descriptive list; these records
relate to the Henty family at Portland from 1834]
Howitt, A W. Papers. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Le Souef papers. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Lindsay, James. ‘Aboriginal language and legends of Lake Condah’, [1878?]-1892.
Port Phillip Association. Records and papers, 1835–1837. Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Selby, Penelope. Letters 1839–51. MS 9494.
Tanner, Rachel. ‘What Aborigines? The history of the Gunung Willam Balluk of the Macedon
region, pre-settlement to the year 2001’. 2001.
Todd, William. ‘Journal June to November 1835 at Indented Head’, MS 7692, Box 28/11.
Thomas, William. Papers, Australian Manuscripts Collection.
Thomas, William. ‘Brief remarks on the Aborigines of Victoria’, 1838.
Tuckfield, Francis. Letters, 1839–40 re: Buntingdale Mission. Australian Manuscripts
Winter-Cooke Family Papers, MS 10840. [This is an extremely large collection with a
descriptive list; these records relate to Murndal, near Hamilton]
State Library of Victoria Picture Collection.
Mitchell Library, Sydney
Dawbin, Annie Maria (Baxter). Diaries 1834–1868. Ref MSQ 181/2–3 (Dixson Library).
Thomas, William. Papers (Journals; Letterbooks), 1840–1842.
National Library of Australia
Bringing Them Home Oral History Collection.
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
Batman papers.
Isaac Selby Papers.
Port Phillip Association papers.
Image collection.
Reserve files, held DELWP
A number of Crown reserve files relate to land use by Aboriginal people, for example:
Rs 2581 Police Paddock Reserve - former Goulburn River Protectorate Station site,
Rs 8972 Aboriginal Reserve, East Cunninghame.
Rs file. Tower Hill State Game Reserve.
Former AAV library
A large collection of documentary reports is held by the AAV Library collection.
Other Archives
Local keeping places, for example at Brambuk, Halls Gap, where important collections of
historical material are held.
Police Historical Unit, Melbourne. (Their holdings include, for example, plans of police
paddocks which sometimes indicate the location of Aboriginal burial sites).
Melbourne University Archives appears to have a limited amount of relevant material. One
collection of relevance is a collection of material relating to various protest movements in the
1960s and 1970s, including the land rights movement.
Local historical societies across Victoria hold a large amount of significant documents (such
as diaries and letters and other family papers) relating to pastoral settlement, and ‘collections’
of Aboriginal cultural material. It might be a useful task to go through any existing
‘Significance Reports’ that have been completed to date to ascertain the extent of this
significant material and its usefulness as a resource for this project.
Government publications
Aborigines (Australian Colonies): Return to an Address of the House of Commons, dated 5 August 1844 for,
copies or extracts from the despatches of the Governors of the Australian Colonies, with reports of the protectors
of Aborigines, and any other correspondence to illustrate the condition of the Aboriginal Population. House of
Commons, London, 1844.
Australian Aborigines. . .copies of Extracts of despatches relative to the massacre of various Aborigines of
Australla, in the year 1838, and respecting the trial of their murderers. London, [Printed for] The House
of Commons, 1839.
Bringing Them Home: Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Children from Their Families. April 1997.
NSW. Select Committee on the Condition of the Aborigines. 1845. [includes evidence of G.A.
NSW Government Gazette.
Victoria. Royal Commissions.
Royal Commission on the Aborigines. Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the
Present Condition of the Aborigines of this Colony, and to Advise as to the Best Means of Caring for, and
Dealing with them in the Future: together with Minutes of Evidence and Appendices. Victorian
Parliamentary Papers, no. 76, 1877, pp. 1–129.
Victoria. Aborigines Welfare Board. Report of the Aboriginal Welfare Board. Government Printer,
Melbourne, 1958–1974, 14 volumes.
Victoria. Coranderrk Aboriginal Station: Return showing the value of the produce of the cultivated lands at
Coranderrk for the year 1868 as furnished by the Inspector on 1st December 1868. Government Printer,
Melbourne, 1869.
Victorian Parliamentary Papers. [eg Select Committees – various]
Victoria.Report of the Board Appointed to Enquire into and Report upon the Condition and Management of
the Coranderrk Aboriginal Station. Papers Presented to Both Houses of Parliament, Victoria’,
Session 1882–1883. VPP.
Victoria. Board for the Protection of the Aborigines. Reports. 1880–1912. [Annual record of
names and dates of births, marriages and deaths at Coranderrk, Framlingham, Lake Condah,
Lake Wellington, Lake Tyers, Lake Hindmarsh; various details included about the reserves]
[1871–1925 - SLV]
Victoria. Select Committee of the Legislative Council on the Aborigines … Report. Government Printer,
Melbourne 1859. [Includes the 22 children attending and formerly attending the Aboriginal
school at Mount Franklin, including age, attendance and residence; also includes a list of names
and ages of the Aborigines occupying the Wannon Valley.]
Victoria. Aborigines, Guardian of Aborigines. Return to Address, Mr. Parker 21st October 1853.
John Ferres (Government Printer), Melbourne, 1854.
Victorian Government Gazette.
Newspapers and journals (a select list)
Abo Call.
Ballarat Guardian.
Geelong Advertiser.
Healesville and Yarra Glen Guardian.
Herald (Melbourne).
Illustrated Australian News.
Horsham Times.
Northcote Leader.
Port Phillip Patriot.
Portland Guardian.
Victorian Naturalist.
Warrnambool Standard.
General published works
Aboriginal Mission Station Ramahyuck. Reports, 1874–1876. The Mission, 1875–77.
Anon. A Plea on Behalf of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Victoria. Printed for private circulation,
[Geelong], 1856.
Baylie, W.H. ‘On the Aborigines of the Goulburn District’, Port Phillip Magazine, no. 1, 1843.
Beveridge, Peter. Aborigines of Victoria and the Riverina. Hutchinson, Melbourne, 1889.
Billis and A.S. Kenyon. Pastoral Pioneers of Port Phillip. Melbourne, 1932.
Board for the Protection of the Aborigines. Annual Reports, Melbourne, c.1860s-1920s.
Bonwick, James. The Port Phillip Settlement. London, 1883.
Bonwick, James. John Batman and the Founding of Melbourne. Fergusson and Moore, Melbourne,
Boldrewood, Rolf. Old Melbourne Memories. George Robinson & Co., Melbourne, 1884.
Bride, T.F. (ed.). Letters from Victorian Pioneers: A series of papers on the early occupation of the colony,
the Aborigines, etc. addressed by Victorian pioneers to His Excellency Charles Joseph La Trobe, Esq.,
Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Victoria. 2nd edition, William Heinemann, Melbourne, 1969
(reprinted 1983).
Brough Smyth, Robert. The Aborigines of Victoria: with notes relating to the habits of the natives of other
parts of Australia and Tasmania … 2 vols. Government Printer, Melbourne, 1878.
Brown, P.L. (ed.). Clyde Company Papers, vols 1–5. London, 1941–63. [Includes a vast collection
of business and private letters and papers relating to pastoral settlement in Geelong and
western Victoria from c.1836]
Bunce, Daniel. Languages of the Aborigines of the Colony of Victoria and Other Australian Districts.
Daniel Harrison, Melbourne, 1851.
Cannon, Michael (ed). Historical Records of Victoria, vol. 2A: The Aborigines of Port Phillip, 1835–
1839. PROV, Melbourne, 1982.
Cannon, Michael (ed.). Historical Records of Victoria, vol. 2B: Aborigines and Protectors, 1838–1839.
PROV, Melbourne, 1982.
Curr, E M. The Australian Race. Government Printer, Melbourne, 1886–87.
Curr, E.M. Recollections of Squatting in Victoria, then Called the Port Phillip District, first published
1883 (abridged by H.W. Forster, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1965).
Dawson, Isabella Park. Letter to the Australian, 19 March 1870.
Dawson, James (with an introduction by Jan Critchett). Australian Aborigines: The languages and
customs of several tribes of Aborigines in the Western District of Victoria, Australia. Canberra, 1981 (first
published by Robertson, Melbourne, 1881).
De Castella, Hubert (translated by C.B. Thornton-Smith). Australian Squatters. Melbourne
University Press, Carlton, 1987 (first published 1861).
Dredge, James. Brief Notices of the Aborigines of New South Wales, including Port Phillip, in reference to
their past history and present condition. James Harrison, Geelong, 1845.
Finn, Edmund (‘Garryowen’). The Chronicles of Early Melbourne. Fergusson and Mitchell,
Melbourne, 1888.
Griffith, Charles James. The Present State and Prospects of the Port Phillip District of New South Wales.
William Curry, Jnr. and Company, Dublin, 1845.
Hagenauer, F.A. Mission Work Among the Aborigines of Victoria. Diocesan Book Society,
Melbourne, [1880].
Haydon, George Henry. Five Years’ Experience in Australia Felix. Hamilton, Adams & Co.,
London, 1846.
Hayler, Henry Heylyn. Handbook to the Colony of Victoria. Melbourne, 1884.
Hebb, Isaac. The History of Colac and District. The Hawthorn Press, Melbourne, 1970 (first
published 1888).
Hoddle, Robert. A Chapter on Port Phillip, Being an Account of the Settlement of the First Settlement
from Formation. Garravembi Press, 1991 (first published c.1851).
Howitt, A.W. The Native Tribes of South East Australia. Macmillan, London, 1904.
Howitt, A.W. ‘The Jeraeil, or Initiation Ceremonies of the Kurnai Tribe, Journal of the
Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 14, 1885, pp. 301–325.
Howitt, A.W. ‘On the migrations of the Kurnai ancestors’, Journal of the Anthropological Institute of
Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 15, 1886, pp. 409–422, pp.411–412.
Howitt, Richard. Australia Felix: During four years residence in that colony. Longman, London, 1845.
Jose, Arthur Wilberforce (ed.) Australian Encyclopedia. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1925.
Kenyon, A.S. ‘Aboriginal Protectorate of Port Phillip: Report of an expedition to the
Aboriginal tribes of the western interior by the Chief Protector, George Augustus Robinson’,
VHM, vol. 12, no. 3, 1928, pp. 138–71.
Kirkland, Katherine. Life in the Bush, by a Lady. Chambers Miscellany, Edinburgh 1845;
reprinted in Hugh Anderson, The Flowers in the Field: A history of Ripon Shire. Hill of Content,
Melbourne, 1969.
Labilliere, Peter Francis. Early History of the Colony of Victoria. Sampson Low, Marston, Searle
and Rivington, London, 1878.
Lang, Gideon Scott. The Aborigines of Australia in their Original Condition and in their Relations with
the White Man. Wilson and Mackinnon, Melbourne, revised edn, 1865.
[Le Souef.] Auctlon sale of Curios of the late WH.D. Le Souef late Director, Melbourne Zoological
Gardens: Tuesday, December 4th at two’clock at the prlvate entrance Zoological Gardens (close to main gates)
Royal Park Melbourne. [Melbourne], L Joel, [1923].
Leason, Percy. The Last of the Victorian Aborigines. National Press, Melbourne 1934. Issued in
conjunction with an exhibition of portraits at the Athenaeum Gallery, Melbourne, 1934.
Mackaness, George. George Augustus Robinson’s Journey into South-Eastern Australia, 1844 with
George Henry Haydon’s Narrative of Part of the Same Journey. Published by the author, Sydney, 1941.
McCombie, Thomas. History of the Colony of Victoria. Sands and Kenny, Melbourne, 1858.
McCrae, George. ‘Early settlement on the eastern shores of Port Phillip: With a note on the
Aborigines of the coast’, Victorian Historical Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, 1911.
Mitchell, T.L. Three Exhibitions into the Interior of Australia. London, 1839.
Morgan, John. The Life and Adventures of William Buckley. A. MacDougall, Hobart, 1852.
Morrison, Edgar. The Loddon Aborigines: Tales of Old Jim Crow. The author, [Yandoit?], [1971].
Osburne, Richard. The History of Warrnambool, capital of the western ports of Victoria, from 1847 (when
the first government land sales took place) up to the end of 1886. Facsimile edition 1980 (first published
Chronicle Printing and Publishing Company, Prahran, 1887).
Parker, Edward Stone. The Aborigines of Australia: A lecture delivered in the Mechanics Hall,
Melbourne. Hugh McColl, Melbourne, 1854.
Parris, H.S. The First Residents of the Shires of Goulburn and Waranga. Melbourne, 193-?
Scott, Ernest ‘The Early History of Western Port’, Victorian Historical Magazine, vol. 6, 1917–
1918, pp. 1–18.
Shillinglaw, J. (ed. C.E. Sayers). Historical Records of Port Phillip: The first annals of the Colony of
Victoria. Heinemann, Melbourne, 1972.
Spencer, Sir Baldwin. Guide to the Australian ethnological collection exhibited in the Natlonal Museum of
Yictoria. 2nd edn. Melbourne, Public Library, Museums and National Gallery of Victoria, 1915.
Stawell, Mary. My Recollections. London, 1911.
Stone, A.C. The Aborigines of Lake Boga, Victoria. Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne, 1911.
Sutherland, Alexander. Victoria and Its Metropolis, vol. 1. McCarron Bird & Co., Melbourne
1888. [See in particular Chapter 1: ‘The Aboriginal Era’ and Chapter 14: ‘The treatment of the
Aboriginals, 1838–1846’]
Tuckey, James Hingston. An Account of a Voyage to Establish a Colony at Port Phillip in Bass’s Strait,
on the South Coast of New South Wales, in His Majesty’s Ship Calcutta, in the years 1802–3–4. Marsh
Taylor & Walsh, North Melbourne, 1974.
Walch, Garnet. Victoria in 1880. Melbourne, 1881.
Westgarth, William. Australia Felix: Or, a historical and descriptive account of the settlement of Port
Phillip, New South Wales. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1848.
Westgarth, William. A Report on the Condition, Capabilities, and Prospects of the Australian Aborigines.
Printed by William Clarke, Melbourne, 1846.
Worthington, J.M. Index to Parliamentary Papers, etc. Government Printer, Melbourne, 1909.
2.2 Secondary sources
ADB entry – William Thomas
ADB entry – James Dawson
ADB entry – William Barak
ADB entry – William Cooper
ADB entry - Derrimut
Aboriginal History Programme. Lake Condah Mission. Aboriginal History Programme,
Collingwood, 1984.
A Journey Through Time: Brambuk Living Cultural Centre. [n.d., c.1993].
Adams, A. ‘The Ebenezer Aboriginal Mission’, Heritage Australia, vol. 9, no. 1 (Autumn 1990)
pp. 33–37.
Arkley, Lindsey. The Hated Protector: The story of Charles Wightman Sievwright, protector of Aborigines
1839–42. Orbit Press, 2000.
Arnold, John and Bain Attwood (eds). Power, Knowledge and Aborigines. La Trobe University
Press in association with the National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University, 1992.
Attwood, Bain. A Life Together, a Life Apart: A history of relations between Europeans and Aborigines.
Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 1994.
Attwood, Bain, ‘My Country’: A history of the Djadja Wurrung 1837–1864. Monash Publications in
History, Department of History, Monash University, Clayton, 1999.
Attwood, Bain. ‘Off the Mission Stations: Aborigines in Gippsland 1860–1890’, Aboriginal
History, vol. 10, 1986, pp. 131–151.
Attwood, Bain. ‘Space and Time at Ramahyuck, Victoria, 1863–85’, in Peter Read (ed.),
Settlement: A history of Australian Indigenous housing, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, 2000, pp.
Attwood, Bain. ‘… In the name of all my coloured brethren and sisters: A biography of Bessy
Cameron’, Hecate: A women’s interdisciplinary journal, vol. 12, nos. 1–2, 1986.
Attwood, Bain. The Making of the Aborigines. Allen & Unwin, North Sydney, 1989.
Attwood, Bain. Rights for Aborigines. Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2003.
Attwood, Bain and Andrew Marcus. Thinking Black. William Cooper and the Australian Aborigines’
League. Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, 2004.
Attwood, Bain with Helen Doyle. Possession: John Batman and the matter of history. Miegunyah
Press, Carlton, 2009.
Ball, Desmond. Aborigines in the Defence of Australia. Australian National University Press,
Sydney, c.1991.
[Barak, William] and various, Remembering Barak. Ian Potter Centre, National Gallery of
Victoria, Melbourne, 2003.
Baker, D.W.A. The Civilised Surveyor: Thomas Mitchell and the Australian Aborigines. Melbourne
University Press, Carlton, 1997.
Barwick, Diane. ‘Coranderrk and Cumeroogunga: Pioneers and policy’ in T.S. Epstein and D.
H. Penny (eds), Opportunity and Response: Case studies in economic development. C. Hurst, London,
1972, pp. 11–68.
Barwick, Diane Elizabeth. ‘Mapping the Past: An atlas of Victorian clans 1835–1904’, Part 1.
Aboriginal History, 8 (1/2), 1984, pp. 100–131.
Barwick, Diane E. Rebellion at Coranderrk. Aboriginal History, Canberra, 1998.
Bassett, Marnie. The Hentys: An Australian colonial tapestry. Oxford University Press, Melbourne,
1962 (first published 1954).
Birch, Tony. “‘Death is forgotten in victory’: Colonial landscapes and narratives of emptiness’.
Object Lessons: Archaeology & Heritage in Australia. Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 2005, pp.
Birch, Tony. ‘The True History of Beruk’, Meanjin, vol. 65, no. 1, 2006.
Blainey, Geoffrey. Triumph of the Nomads: A history of ancient Australia. Macmillan, South
Melbourne, 1975.
Blake, L.J. ‘Education at Ebenezer’, Educational Magazine, vol. 24, no. 1, February 1967, pp 37–
Blake, L.J. (ed.). Vision and Realisation: A centenary history of State education in Victoria. Department
of Education, Melbourne, 1973. [re: schools at Aboriginal reserves and missions]
Bird, C.F.M. Aboriginal Sites in the Horsham Region: A report prepared for the Victoria Archaeological
Survey. Victorian Archaeological Survey, Melbourne, 1990.
Bridges, B. ‘The Native Police Corps, Port Phillip District and Victoria, 1837–1853’, Journal of
the Royal Australian Historical Society, vol. 57, 1971, pp. 113–42.
Briggs, Carolyn. The Journey Cycles of the Boonwurrung: Stories with Boonwurrng language. Victorian
Aboriginal Corporation for Languages, Melbourne, 2nd edition, 2014.
Briggs, Maxine, Jane Lydon and Madeleine Say. ‘Collaborating: photographs of Koories in the
State Library of Victoria’, La Trobe Journal, no. 85, May 2010, pp. 106–124.
Broome, Richard. Arriving. Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, McMahon’s Point, 1984.
Broome, Richard. Coburg: Between two creeks. Lothian, Melbourne, 1987.
Broome, Richard. Aboriginal People of Victoria. ATSIC, Canberra, 1990.
Broome, Richard. ‘Aboriginal Workers on South-eastern Frontiers’, Australian Historical Studies,
vol. 26, no. 103, 1994, pp. 202–220.
Broome, Richard. ‘Victoria’, in Ann McGrath (ed.), Contested Ground: Australian Aborigines under
the British Crown. Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1995.
Broome, Richard. Aboriginal Australians: Black response to white dominance 1788–1980. George
Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1989 (first published 1982).
Broome, Richard. ‘Dangerous and Marvellous Encounters: Early Aboriginal and European
contacts in the Melbourne and Plenty regions’ in Lucy Grace Ellem (ed.), The Australian
Experience in the Plenty Valley, La Trobe University and Plenty Valley Arts Inc., Bundoora, 1996.
Broome, Richard. Aboriginal Victorians: A history since 1800. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest (NSW),
Broome, Richard. ‘There Are Vegetables Every Year Mr Green Was Here: Right behaviour
and the struggle for autonomy at Coranderrk Aboriginal Reserve’. History Australia, vol. 3, no. 2
(December 2006), pp. 43.1 – 43.16.
Broome, Richard. The Colonial Experience: The Port Phillip District 1834–1850. La Trobe
University Studies in History, second edition, 1999.
Broome, Richard. ‘Changing Aboriginal Landscapes of Pastoral Victoria, 1830–1850’, Studies in
the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes, 2011, vol. 31 (2), pp. 86–96.
Broome, Richard. ‘At the Grass Roots of White Support: Victorian Aboriginal Advancement
League Branches 1957–1972’, special edition of the La Trobe Journal, Indigenous Victorians:
Repressed, Resourceful and Respected, no. 85, May 2010, pp. 141–56.
Bulbeck, Chilla, ‘Aborigines, Memorials and the History of the Frontier’, in John Rickard and
Peter Spearritt (eds), Packaging the Past? Public histories, special issue of Australian Historical Studies,
96, April 1991, pp. 168–78.
Byne, Denis and Maria Nugent, Mapping Attachment: A spatial approach to Aboriginal post-contact
heritage. Department of Environment and Conservation, NSW, 2004.
Bryne, Denis, Bradshaw, Helen and Tracy Ireland, Social Significance: A discussion paper. NSW
Parks and Wildlife Service, 2001.
Cahir, Fred. ‘“Are you off to the Diggings?” Aboriginal guiding to and on the goldfields’, La
Trobe Journal, No. 85, May 2010, pp. 22–36.
Caldere, D.B. and D.J. Goff, Aboriginal Reserves and Missions in Victoria. Aboriginal Lands
Group, Department of Conservation and Environment, 1991.
Campbell, Alistair. John Batman and the Aborigines. Kibble Books, Malmsbury, 1987.
Campbell, Alastair (and edited by Ron Vanderwal). John Bulmer’s Recollections of Victorian
Aboriginal Life, 1855–1908. Museum Victoria, Melbourne, 1994.
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Andrew Ross Museum, Kangaroo Ground, 2009.
Woiwood, Mick. Forgotten Country: The hidden cultural landscapes of Melbourne’s Middle Yarra, 1837–
1851.Andrew Ross Museum, Kangaroo Ground, 2011.
Putting it Together. Aboriginal History Programme, Collingwood, c.1983.
Yarwood, A.T. and M.J. Knowling (eds). Race Relations in Australia: A history. Mentheun
Australia, North Ryde, 1982.
Archival and Bibliographic Guides and Databases
Evans, Heather. The Aboriginal People of Victoria: Select bibliography of pre-1960 printed sources in the
collections of the State Library of Victoria. State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, 1993.
Heritage Victoria. Cumultative list of archaeological reports. [c.2013]
Massola, Aldo. Bibliography of the Victorian Aborigines: From the earliest manuscripts to 31 December
1970. Hawthorn Press, 1971.
OAAV. Database of resources from the former OAAV Library (electronic copy supplied).
My Heart Is Breaking: A joint guide to records about Aboriginal people in the Public Record Office and the
National Archives, Victorian Regional Office, Melbourne, c.1991.
Walata tyamateetji: A guide to government records about Aboriginal people in Victoria. Public Record
Office Victoria and National Archives of Australia, Melbourne, 2014.
Allen, Mollie. ‘An Analysis of Victoria’s Aboriginal Massacre Sites’, BA (Hons) thesis,
Department of Archaeology, La Trobe University, 2009.
Ashton, Shirley E. ‘The Failure of the Buntingdale Mission and Port Phillip Protectorate: Some
aspects of Aboriginal–European contact’. BA (Hons) thesis, University of Melbourne, 1965.
Atkinson, Wayne. ‘Not One Iota: The Yorta Yorta struggle for land justice’, PhD thesis, La
Trobe University, 2000.
Attwood, Bain. ‘Blacks and Lohans: A study of Aboriginal-European relations in Gippsland in
the 19th Century’. PhD thesis, La Trobe University, 1984.
Blaskett, Beverley. ‘The Aboriginal Response to White Settlement in the Port Phillip District,
1835–1850’, MA thesis, University of Melbourne, 1979.
Canning, Shaun. ‘Contested Space: The role of Social Value in the Assessment of Cultural
Significance’. BA (Hons) thesis, Charles Sturt University, Thurgoona (Qld), 1999.
Carolane, Peter. ‘Instinct for Mission: John Bulmer, missionary to the Aborigines of Victoria,
1855–1913’, PhD thesis, University of Melbourne, 2010.
Cooper, Carol P. ‘The Beechworth Collection of Aboriginal Artefacts’, BA (Hons) thesis,
Australian National University, 1975.
Crawford, Ian Maxwell. ‘The Port Phillip Protectorate, 1838–1849’, MA thesis, School of
History, University of Melbourne, 1966.
Ellinghaus, Katherine. ‘Taking Assimilation to Heart: Marriages of white women and
Indigenous men in Australia and North America, 1870s–1930s. PhD thesis, Department of
History, University of Melbourne, 2003. [One of the case studies of marriages examined in this
thesis concerns an Aboriginal man who selects land in western Victoria under the Selection
Acts of the 1860s].
Furphy, Samuel. ‘Edmund E. Curr and the Tide of History’, PhD thesis, University of
Melbourne, c.2005.
Jensz, Felicity. ‘The Moravian-run Ebenezer Mission Station in North-western Victoria: A
German perspective’, MA thesis, University of Melbourne, 1999.
Kerley, William D. ‘In My Country: Race relations in the Portland–Warrnambool district,
1834-1886’, MA thesis, Department of History, La Trobe University, 1981.
Lydon, Jane. ‘Regarding Coranderrk: Photography at Coranderrk Aboriginal station’. PhD
thesis, Australian National University, Canberra, 2000.
Madden, Helen. ‘The Loddon District Aboriginal Protectorate’, BA (Hons) thesis, Department
of History, La Trobe University, 1976.
Manning, Corinne. ‘Humpies to Houses: Victoria’s transitional Aboriginal housing policy
1957–1969’. Ph D thesis, La Trobe University, 2001.
Mitchell, Jessie. ‘“Flesh, Dreams and Spirit”: Life on Aboriginal mission stations, 1825–1850’.
PhD thesis, ANU, 2005.
O’Neill, Frances. ‘The Visible State’. MA thesis (Public History), Monash University, 1993.
Pemberton, Jane. ‘Coranderrk Station and the Controversial Case of Bella Lee’, BA (Hons)
thesis, University of Melbourne, 2007.
Ryan, Ted. ‘Wergaia Worlds: A study of Indigenous/European Culture Contact in the Mallee
Region of Northwest Victoria, 1870–1910’, BA (Hons) thesis, La Trobe University, 1999.
Stephens, Marguerita. ‘White Without Soap: Philanthropy, caste and exclusion in colonial
Victoria 1835–1888: A political economy of race’, PhD thesis, University of Melbourne, 2004.
Taffe, Sue. ‘The Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait
Islanders: the politics of inter-racial coalition in Australia, 1958–1973’, PhD thesis, Monash
University, 2001.
Wilkinson, Linda M. ‘Aboriginality: The Framlingham experience’. PhD thesis, La Trobe
University, 1991.
Unpublished reports
Aboriginal Affairs Victoria in conjunction with the Kerrup Jmara Elders Aboriginal
Corporation. Lake Condah Heritage Management Plan and Strategy. Aboriginal Affairs Victoria,
Melbourne, 1993.
‘Aboriginal Heritage Walk’, Royal Botanic Gardens, 2001.
ACHM (Dr Shaun Canning and Dr Frances Thiele). ‘Indigenous Cultural Heritage and History
within the Metropolitan Melbourne Investigation Area’, prepared for VEAC, February 2010.
Alves, Lesley. ‘Dja Dja Wurrung Area: History of settlement and land use’. Department of
Natural Resources and Environment, 2002.
Clark, Ian D. ‘A History of the Goulburn River Protectorate Station at Murchison, 1840–1853:
A report to the Heritage Services Branch, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria’. Heritage Matters Pty
Ltd, 1999.
Critchett, Jan. ‘A Study of Aboriginal Contact and Post Contact History and Places’. Prepared
for the Land Conservation Council, Melbourne, 1995.
Context Pty Ltd. ‘City of Melbourne Indigenous Heritage Study: 1 report’. Prepared for the
City of Melbourne, 2010.
Context Pty Ltd. ‘Merri Creek Concept Plan: Heritage assessment of historic and Aboriginal
places along the Creek’. Prepared for Melbourne Water, 1992.
Context Pty Ltd. ‘Surf Coast Shire Heritage Study. Report on Stage 1’. Prepared for Surf Coast
Shire, 1998.
Context Pty Ltd. ‘Shire of Yarra Ranges Heritage Study’. Prepared for the Shire of Yarra
Ranges, 2000.
Context Pty Ltd. ‘Stonnington Heritage Study – final report’. Prepared for City of Stonnington,
January 2006.
Context Pty Ltd. ‘Lake Tyers Historic Precinct CMP’. Prepared for AAV, 2009.
Context Pty Ltd. Budj Bim Conservation Management Plan. 2012.
Context Pty Ltd. Ngootyong Gunditj Ngootyoong Mara Cultural Heritage and Social Values Assessment
vol. 2 Gunditjmara Thematic History, April 2012.
Critchett, J. 1995. ‘A Study of Aboriginal Contact and Post-Contact History and Places.
Historical Places Special Investigation South West Victoria’, unpublished paper for the Land
Conservation Council. Melbourne, 1995.
Downes, M.C. ‘Tower Hill: Historical material from History of Tower Hill to 1892’. 1977.
Du Cros & Associates. ‘Further Assessment of the Cultural Heritage Values of the Former
Coranderrk Aboriginal Reserve Archaeological Report: Stage 1’, report to Coranderrk Koori
Co-Op, September 1996. [ InfraLib]
Doyle, Helen. ‘Administering Aboriginal Affairs: A Cultural Sites Network Study’. Report
prepared for Historic Places Branch, Department of Natural Resources and Environment,
Melbourne, 2000.
Doyle, Helen and Context Pty Ltd. ‘Moyne Shire Heritage Study: Stage 2’. Prepared for Moyne
Shire, 2006.
Fahey, Charles. ‘Barmah Forest: ‘…One of the grandest public estates in the Colony’. Historic
Places Section, Department of Conservation Forests and Lands, Melbourne, 1987.
Fels, Marie Hanson. ‘The Dandenong Police Paddocks’. Report prepared for the Department
of Conservation Forests and Lands, Melbourne, 1985.
Fels, Marie Hansen. ‘Report on Ebenezer Mission’, prepared for Victoria Archaeological
Survey and Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-operative, 1990.
Fels, Marie Hansen. ‘Some Aspects of Coranderrk’. Report prepared for AAV, 1998.
Goulding, Meg. ‘Aboriginal Historical Places in Victoria’. Report prepared for Aboriginal
Affairs Victoria and the Australia Heritage Commission, 1995.
Goulding Heritage Consulting Pty Ltd. ‘Moreland Post-Contact Aboriginal Heritage Study’.
Heritage Matters Pty Ltd. ‘Glenelg Heritage Study: Stage 2’. Shire of Glenelg, 2006.
Historica (Michele Summerton). ‘Burke Museum Collections Beechworth: Significance
Assessment’. Prepared for Heritage Victoria, October 2009.
‘Lake Condah Heritage Management Plan and Strategy: A Conservation Analysis, Policy and
Management Plan’. Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, 1991.
‘Lake Condah Mission Conservation Plan’, 2000.
Long, Andrew and Ian D. Clark, ‘Victorian Honorary Correspondent Supply Depots’.
Prepared for Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, March 1999.
Meredith Gould Architects. ‘Whittlesea Conservation Study, Part 1’. Prepared for City of
Whittlesea, 1991.
Raworth, Bryce and Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, ‘Ebenezer Mission Architectural Survey’,
Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, 1998.
Rhodes, David. ‘The History of Ramahyuck Aboriginal Mission and a Report on the Survey of
Ramahyuck Mission Cemetery’. Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, Melbourne, 1996.
Rhodes, David. Framlingham archaeological report, c.1998 (copy held).
Rhodes, David. ‘An Archaeological Report on the Ebenezer Mission Station’. Melbourne,
Rhodes, David. ‘Coranderrk Aboriginal Station: Archaeological survey’. Aboriginal Affairs
Victoria, 1998.
Wilkinson, Linda. ‘People and Place: A study of Aboriginal historical places in East Gippsland’.
Prepared for the Moogji Aboriginal Council, 1996.
Digital resources
Aboriginal History of Yarra:
Australian Heritage Photo Database:;barcode_no=dig008586
Atkinson, Wayne. On Country Learning Site: Yorta Yorta Wetlands:
Bell, Damein and Joy Elley. ‘Whose Heritage?’, Australian Heritage Commission:
Billibellary’s Walk: The University of Melbourne’s Parkville Campus:'s%20Walk%20%20Jan%202013.pdf
Bunjilaka: Aboriginal Cultural Centre:
Culture Victoria:
Footprints: The journey of Lucy and Percy Pepper. PROV and NAA, 2012.
Koorie Heritage Trust Inc.:
Koori History Website:
Koori People and Places, PROV:
Murphy-Wandin, Joy. ‘William Barak: The history of one of the greatest men of this area...’
[Internet].Melbourne: Catholic Education Office; c. 2000. Available from:
Museum Victoria. ‘Aboriginal Land’:
National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University. Australian Places Gazetteer [now
archived at NLA Pandora website]
O’Connell, Garth. Indigenous Australians at War:
Taffe, Sue. Collaborating for Indigenous Rights:
Treaty Republic:
This section presents two examples of a partial Thematic Bibliography, illustrating what could
be produced from a references database where references were tagged and searchable by
The examples shown are for Themes 2 and 4.
3.1 Theme 2: Contact with newcomers
Primary sources
Batman, John, Journal in James Bonwick, The Port Phillip Settlement. London, 1883.
Beveridge, Peter. Aborigines of Victoria and the Riverina. Hutchinson, Melbourne, 1889.
Bonwick, James. John Batman and the Founding of Melbourne. Fergusson and Moore, Melbourne,
Bride, T.F. (ed.). Letters from Victorian Pioneers: A series of papers on the early occupation of the colony,
the Aborigines, etc. addressed by Victorian pioneers to His Excellency Charles Joseph La Trobe, Esq.,
Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Victoria. 2nd edition, William Heinemann, Melbourne, 1969
(reprinted 1983).
Brown, P.L. (ed.). Clyde Company Papers, vols 1–5. London, 1941–63.
Curr, E.M. (Abridged by H.W. Forster). Recollections of Squatting in Victoria, then Called the Port
Phillip District.). Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1965 (first published 1883).
Dawbin, Annie Maria (Baxter). Diaries 1834–1868. Ref. MSQ 181/2–3 (Dixson Library).
Dawson, James. Australian Aborigines: The languages and customs of several tribes of Aborigines in the
Western District of Victoria. Robertson, Melbourne, 1881.
De Castella, Hubert (translated by C.B. Thornton-Smith). Australian Squatters. Melbourne
University Press, Carlton, 1987 (first published 1861).
Finn, Edmund (‘Garryowen’). The Chronicles of Early Melbourne. Fergusson and Mitchell,
Melbourne, 1888.
Griffith, Charles James. The Present State and Prospects of the Port Phillip District of New South Wales.
William Curry, Jun. and Company, Dublin, 1845.
Henty Family Papers, SLV.
Kenyon, A.S. ‘Aboriginal Protectorate of Port Phillip: Report of an expedition to the
Aboriginal tribes of the western interior by the Chief Protector, George Augustus Robinson’,
VHM, vol. 12, no. 3, 1928, pp. 138–71.
Kirkland, Katherine. Life in the Bush, by a Lady. Chambers Miscellany, 1845, reprinted in Hugh
Anderson, The Flowers in the Field: A history of Ripon Shire, 1969.
Lang, Gideon Scott. The Aborigines of Australia in their Original Condition and in their Relations with
the White Man. Wilson and Mackinnon, Melbourne, revised edn, 1865.
McCrae, George G. ‘Early settlement on the eastern shores of Port Phillip: With a note on the
Aborigines of the coast’, Victorian Historical Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, 1911.
Mackaness, George. George Augustus Robinson’s Journey into South-Eastern Australia, 1844 with
George Henry Haydon’s Narrative of Part of the Same Journey. Published by the author, Sydney, 1941.
Mercer, George. Papers, SLV.
Mitchell, T.L. Three Exhibitions into the Interior of Australia. London, 1839.
Parris, H.S. The First Residents of the Shires of Goulburn and Waranga. Melbourne, 193-?
Port Phillip Association. Records and papers, 1835–1837. Australian Manuscripts Collection,
Todd, William. ‘Journal June to November 1835 at Indented Head’, MS 7692, Box 28/11.
Thomas, William, Papers, SLV.
Tuckey,James Hingston. An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Phillip in Bass’s Strait, on
the south coast of New South Wales, in His Majesty’s Ship Calcutta, in the years 1802-3-4. North
Melbourne, Marsh Taylor & Walsh, 1974.
Wedge, John Helder. Papers, SLV.
Winter-Cooke family. Papers, MS 10840, SLV.
Journals of G A Robinson.
Secondary sources
[Relevant sources here would also include a vast number of local historical accounts too
numerous to list]
Bassett, Marnie. The Hentys: An Australian colonial tapestry. Melbourne University Press, Carlton,
Broome, Richard. The Colonial Experience: The Port Phillip District 1834–1850. La Trobe
University Studies in History, second edition, 1999.
Campbell, Alistair. John Batman and the Aborigines. Kibble Books, Malmsbury, 1987.
Christie, M.F. Aborigines in Colonial Victoria 1835–86. Sydney University Press, Sydney, 1979.
Clark, Ian D. (ed.). The Port Phillip Journals of George Augustus Robinson: 8 March – 7 April 1842 and
18 March – 29 April 1843. Department of Geography, Monash University, Clayton, 1988.
Clark, Ian D. ‘George Augustus Robinson’s 1844 Journey through Gippsland’, Gippsland
Heritage Journal, no. 17, 1994, pp. 12–18.
Clark, Ian D. Scars in the Landscape: A register of massacre sites in Western Victoria, 1803–1859.
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra, 1995.
Clark, Ian D. ‘The Convincing Ground Aboriginal massacre at Portland Bay, Victoria: fact or
fiction?’, Aboriginal History, vol. 35, 2011, pp. 79-109.
Critchett, Jan. A Distant Field of Murder: Western District frontiers 1834–1851. Melbourne
University Press, Carlton, 1990.
Critchett, Jan. ‘A Study of Aboriginal Contact and Post Contact History and Places’. Prepared
for the Land Conservation Council, Melbourne, 1995.
Manifold, W.G. The Wished-for Land: The migration and settlement of the Manifolds of Western Victoria.
Neptune Press, Geelong, 1987.
Nance, Beverley. ‘The Level of Violence: Europeans and Aboriginals in Port Phillip 1835–
1850’, Historical Studies, vol. 19, no. 77, October 1981, pp. 532–52.
Reynolds, Henry. Frontier: Aborigines, Settlers and Land. Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1987.
William Buckley: Rediscovered, exhibition catalogue. Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, 2001.
3.2 Theme 4: Incarceration, segregation and institutionalisation
Primary sources
Aboriginal Mission Station Ramahyuck. Reports, 1874–1876. The Mission, 1875–77.
Victoria. Aborigines, Guardian of Aborigines. Return to address, Mr. Parker- 21st October 1853. John
Ferres (Government Printer), Melbourne, 1854.
Select Committees – various, VPP, 1850s-1870s.
Thomas, William. Papers, Australian Manuscripts Collection, SLV.
Tuckfield, Francis. Letters, 1839-40 re: Buntingdale Mission. Australian Manuscripts
Collection, SLV.
Secondary sources
Aboriginal History Programme. Lake Condah Mission. Aboriginal History Programme,
Collingwood, 1984.
Attwood, Bain, ‘My Country’: A history of the Djadja Wurrung 1837–1864. Monash Publications in
History, Department of History, Monash University, Clayton 1999.
Barwick, Diane E. Rebellion at Coranderrk. Aboriginal History, Canberra, 1998.
Blake, L.J. ‘Education at Ebenezer’, The Educational Magazine, vol. 24, no. 1, February 1967, pp
Broome, Richard. ‘There Were Vegetables Every Year Mr Green Was Here: Right behaviour
and the struggle for autonomy at Coranderrk Aboriginal Reserve’. History Australia, vol. 3, no. 2
(December 2006), pp. 43.1–43.16.
Critchett, Jan. Our Land Till We Die: A history of the Framlingham Aborigines. Deakin University
Press, Warrnambool 1992 (first published 1980).
Critchett, Jan. ‘A dispossessed but not a dying race: Framlingham: A case study’ in John
Sherwood et al. (eds), Settlement of the Western District: From prehistoric times to the present.
Warrnambool Institute Press, Warrnambool, 1984.
Culvenor, C.C. ‘The Boundaries of the Mt Franklin Aboriginal Reserve’ (1992).
Davidson, Rodney. ‘A Mission: Ebenezer’, in The Essential Past. ABC, Sydney 1969.
Jackomos, Merle. ‘The history of Lake Tyers’. Identity, 1971, 1 (2), 5–8.
Lydon, Jane. Fantastic Dreaming: The archaeology of an Aboriginal mission. AltaMira Press, Maryland
(USA), 2009.
Lydon, Jane. ‘“Watched over by the indefatigable Moravian missionaries”: Colonials and
photography at Ebenezer and Ramahyuck’, La Trobe Journal, 2005. [Article, Map : 2 versions :
2005 ]
Lydon, Jane. ‘“Our Sense of Beauty”: Visuality, space and gender on Victoria’s Aboriginal
reserves, south-eastern Australia’, History and Anthropology, vol. 16, no. 2 June 2005, pp. 211233. [re: Coranderrk and Ebenezer missions]
Macdonald, Colin. ‘Memories of Coranderrk Aboriginal Mission Station’, VHM, vol. 35, no. 3,
August 1964, pp. 102–115.
Massola, Aldo. Coranderrk: A history of the Aboriginal station. Lowden Publishing, Kilmore, 1975.
Massola, Aldo. Aboriginal Missions Stations in Victoria. Hawthorn Press, Melbourne, 1970.
[includes returns of births, marriages and deaths from Ebenezer, Ramahyuck and Lake
Condah, 1876-1912]
Morrison, Edgar. The Loddon Aborigines: “Tales of Old Jim Crow”. 1971.
Nanni, Giordano (and Andrea James). Coranderrk: We will show the country. Aboriginal Studies
Press, Canberra, 2013.
Savill, V. Dear Friends: Lake Condah Mission, etc. Hamilton, 1976.