Complex Sentences “Tomato Soup”

Complex Sentences
“Tomato Soup”
Examples: Below are 3 complex sentences about this art piece.
1. Unless he has a big can opener, the man cannot open the soup can.
2. Now that he caught the can, he can play air guitar with it.
3. The man in blue likes chicken noodle soup; however, he only bought tomato soup.
Reminder: A complex sentence has at least one dependent clause and one independent clause. Also,
remember to use the correct conjunction to join your clauses.
Practice: Now you write 5 complex sentences about the picture.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
1. Does each sentence have an independent clause? Box it.
2. Does each independent clause have a subject? Underline it.
3. Does each independent clause have a verb? Circle it.
4. Does each sentence have at least one dependent clause introduced by a subordinating
conjunction or a relative pronoun? Underline the dependent clause twice and place a triangle
over the subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun.
5. Does each sentence start with a capital letter?
6. Does each sentence end with punctuation?
Good Job!