Guided Reading Strategies 3.1

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Guided Reading Strategies 3.1
The United States Constitution
READING THE SECTION As you read the section, complete the following chart by
listing the powers that the Constitution provides under each column heading.
Federal Government
State Governments
Shared Powers
POST-READING QUICK CHECK After you read the section, consider whether the
statements below are true or false. In the space provided write a T beside true statements
and an F beside false statements.
______ 1. The Preamble explains why the Declaration of Independence was written.
______ 2. The Mayflower Compact established consent of the governed for the
______ 3. In a federal system, there is only one level of government.
______ 4. The principle of majority rule in the United States disregards the rights of the
______ 5. Limited government is government with defined restrictions on its power.
______ 6. Concurrent powers are powers left to the states.
______ 7. Rights guaranteed to the people of the United States are described in the Bill
of Rights.
______ 8. State governments can raise funds through taxes, but the federal government
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Holt Civics
Guided Reading Strategies
Name _________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________
Section 1 continued
Main Idea Activities
EVALUATING INFORMATION Mark each statement T if it is true or F if it is false.
1. The framers of the Constitution wanted to emphasize the importance of the people.
2. The Preamble is law.
3. If U.S. citizens become dissatisfied with the way their representatives are
governing, there is nothing they can do.
4. Our republic is based upon the idea of minority rule.
5. In a federalist system, the powers of government are divided between the
national government and the state governments.
6. The U.S. system of government is based in part on the Magna Carta.
REVIEWING FACTS Choose the correct term from the word pair to complete each
statement below.
1. Our government is a __________________________, meaning that there are certain
limitations to its power. (concurrent powers / limited government)
2. The powers that are set aside for the states or the people are called
__________________________. (preambles / reserved powers)
3. The powers that the Constitution specifically gives to the federal government are
called __________________________. (delegated powers / majority rule)
4. __________________________ means the consent of the governed. (Limited
government / Popular sovereignty)
5. The opening sentence of the Constitution is the __________________________; it
explains why the U.S. Constitution was written. (Preamble / majority rule)
6. The United States adheres to __________________________ so that when people
disagree, everyone accepts the decision of the majority. (concurrent powers /
majority rule)
7. Powers shared by both the federal and state governments are called
__________________________. (concurrent powers / popular sovereignty)
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Chapter 3
The United States Constitution