Voc/Vok – from the Latin noun “vox” and verb “vocare”. It has to do

Voc/Vok – from the Latin noun “vox” and verb “vocare”. It has to do with speaking, calling, and the use of the voice.
• equivocate – 1) to use ambiguous language, especially in order to deceive. 2) to avoid giving a direct answer.
• irrevocable – impossible to call back or retract
• vociferous – making noisy or emphatic outcries
Phon – Greek root meaning “sound,” “voice,” or “speech”. It is similar to “voc” in meaning but typically means only “sound”
• cacophony – harsh or unpleasant sound
• polyphonic – referring to a style of music in which two or more melodies are sung or played against each other in harmony
• phonetic – relating to or representing the sounds of the spoken language