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Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
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To make a donation now click on the
Donate Today image below:
Lost Sponsors
Child Sponsorship
Scholarship Sponsorship
Senior Sponsorship
To sponsor a child click on their picture or
email [email protected]
Child Sponsorship Program ($40 per month)
The child receives clothing, school shoes,
medical and dental checkups, Christmas
and birthday gifts, and a monthly food
package for his/her family. Every family is
positively impacted. A more balanced diet
help eliminate malnutrition, improves one's
ability to learn, as well as many other health
benefits. Our Guatemalan Health Care
Workers have reported an improvement in
the health of the children since Loving Arms
has instituted this Program.
Scholarship ($50/mo. or a one-time
donation to the Program or Sponsor a
Specific Child)
Elder / Family Sponsorship program ($20
per month)This Program provides a monthly
food package to elders/families. This
project provides relief and gives hope to
those who do not have the ability to
provide food for themselves or who do not
have children who are part of the Loving
Arms' Child Sponsorship.
The Scholarship Program provides
opportunities for impoverished teens/youth
to achieve a higher level of education.
Students in this Program are able to attend
a private school, High School or College.
Your donation provides the student with
their registration fees, monthly school fees,
project fees, uniforms, books and
transportation, where available.
$20 pays for school supplies for one child
$60 pays for a teachers school supplies
$50 educates a child for one month
$100 sponsors an English
$300 sponsors a teacher/expenses for a
$800 pays for a classroom to be
refurbished (Adopt A Classroom)
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Lost Sponsors
Angela Lourdes
Sajche Sinto
Cristian Ramiro
Suy Siquinajay
Birth Date: March 12, 2009
Birth Date: July 6 2001
File Number: P08
Angela is 13 years old. She is a shy, helpful and kind girl.
This coming year she pass 7th grade. She likes studying
her favorite subject is math her favorite color is red, her
favorite sport is soccer, her favorite food is chicken fry
File Number: PR135
Cristian is 5 years old; he is a friendly, quiet, and kind
boy. He lives in Parramos.
Cristian is not at school but he has a desire to be at
school. He likes drawing and painting.
Angela's Mother is: Maria Cristina sinto, age 45, she
works in the fields.
His favorite color is blue and his favorite food is Pepian,
on the weekends he goes with his father to work in the
Angela's siblings are: Miguel Angel, age 22, he works in
the fields; Luis Roberto, age 17, he helps at home; Yesica
Paola, age 15, she is in 9th grade; Edgar Adolfo age 10, is
in 5th grade.
Cristian´s parents are: Jose Ramiro suy, age 27, works in
the fields, and his mother, Maria Alicia Siquinajay, age
25, she is a homemaker.
They have a close family. The mother is trying to help
her children and give them all she can, but she is limited
by their economic situation
Their home is made of cement block. They have water
and electrical services. They have stove donated by
Loving Arms. They need furniture such as: a bed and a
With your love, prayers and support, Angela and her
family will know that God loves them. They will know
someone cares and is willing to help make a difference
in their lives.
Cristian´s sister is: Arely Guadalupe is 4 years old.
They are a close family. The parents are trying to help
their children and give them all can, but they are limited
by their economic situation.
Their home is made of cement blocks. They have water
and electrical services. .
With your love, prayers and support, Cristian Ramiro and
his family will know that God loves them. They will know
someone cares and is willing to help make a difference
in their lives.
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Lost Sponsors
Erick Raul
Coroy Alvarado
Birth Date: January 19th
File Number: P13
Erick is 14 years old; he is a kind and helpful boy. He lives
in the village of Parrojas.
Erick is in 7th grade. He likes studying. His favorite
subject is math.
His favorite color is black, his favorite food is chicken,
and his favorite sport is soccer. He helps his father
collect wood on weekends and also works in the fields.
Erick´s parents are: Bacilio, age 43, he works in the
fields, and his mother is Hilda Yolanda Alvarado, age 40,
she is a housekeeper.
Erick´s siblings are: Marvin Eli age 22, he works in the
fields; Abner Amilcar, age 20, is in 12th grade; Melvin
Orlando, age 17, is studying to be a musician; Keyli
Lourdes, age 10 is in 4th grade; Luis Jose, age 12, is in 6th
grade; Marlon Rodrigo, age 7, is in kindergarten; Wilder
Osvaldo is 3 years old and Elmely Susana is 6 months.
They have a close family. The parents are trying to help
their children and give them all they can, but they are
limited by their economic situation.
Their home is made of cement blocks. They have water
and electrical services.
With your love, prayers and support, Erick Raul and his
family will know that God loves them. They will know
someone cares and is willing to help make a difference
in their lives.
NAME: Juan Andres
Birth Date: July
24th 2005
File Number: P58
Juan is 9 years old; he is a friendly, quiet, and an
obedient boy. He lives in the village of Parrojas.
Juan is in 3rd grade in his community school. He likes
His favorite color is blue and his favorite food is eggs. He
helps at home by sweeping and mopping.
Juan´s parents are: Cesar Rolando Sinto, age 33. He
works in the fields. His mother, Maria Filomena
Alvarado, age 37. She is a homemaker.
Juan´s siblings are: Jose Humberto, age 10, is in 4th
grade; Ana Carolina, age 6, is in kindergarten.
They are a close family. The parents are trying to help
their children and give them all can, but they are limited
by their economic situation.
Their home is made of cement blocks and wood. They
have water and electrical services. They have a stove
donated by Loving Arms.
With your love, prayers and support, Juan Andres and
his family will know that God loves them. They will know
someone cares and is willing to help make a difference
in their lives.
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Lost Sponsors
Victor Rufino
Sula Tajtaj
Birth Date: August 26th
File Number: PR137
Victor is 10 years old; he is friendly, quiet and obedient
boy. He lives in Parramos.
Victor is in 2nd grade, in Parramos School. He likes
studying; his favorite subject is Language.
His favorite color is green his favorite food is chicken he
goes with his mother to collect wood.
Victor´s parents are; Maria Angela, age 14, is in 7 grade;
Irma Yolanda, age 12, is in 4th grade; Mario Josue, age 7,
is in 1st grade; Luis Antonio is 2 years old.
It is a close family. The parents are trying to help their
children and give them all can, but they are limited by
their economic situation.
Their home is made of cement block. They have water
and electrical services. They need furniture such as; a
bed, a wardrobe, a table and chairs.
With your love, prayers and support, Victor and his
family will know that God loves them and someone
cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Child Sponsorship
Birthdate: April 5, 2004
Abner is 9 years old; he is a happy quiet, and playful boy. He
lives in village of Corrales.
Abner likes to study. He is in 3rd grade at the school in his
His favorite food is chicken
with rice; his favorite sport
is soccer.
Abner helps his mother to
collect wood to cook.
Abner´s parents are: José
Ricardo Camey, 35 years
old, works in the fields and
his mother, María Verónica,
35 years old, does the
home chores.
Abner´s siblings are: Herbin
Aroldo who is 17 years old.
He works in the fields; Doris
Liliana who is 15 years old. She does the home chores; Merlín
Gabriela who is 12 years old. She does the home chores and
Gustavo Adolfo who is 1 year old.
Their home is made of cornstalks. They do have water and
electrical services.
Birth date: May 24th, 2004
Yoselin is 9 years old; she is a quiet, playful and smiling
girl. She lives in the village of Corrales. Yoselin likes to
study. She is in 1st. grade in her
community school, and her favourite
subject is math. She likes to play dolls
with her friends.
She helps her mother collect firewood.
She sweeps her home and washes
dishes. Her favorite food is meat.
Yoselin´s parents are: Flavio Xetey who is 51 years old
and works in the fields, and her mother is María Noemí
Loch who is 46 years old and does the home chores.
Yoselin´s siblings are: Hermelinda who is 22 years old.
She works in the fields and she is married; Fredy who is
19 years old. He works in the fields; Elida Carmencita
who is 18 years old. She does the home chores; Olivia
who is 16 years old. She does the home chores; Wilmer
Alexander who is 14 years old. He is 6th grade and
Winter who is 12 years old. He is 3th grade.
It is united family as the parents are trying to help their
children and give them all they can, but they do not have
the resources to send their children to school.
Their home is made of block. They do have water and
electrical services.
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Child Sponsorship
Birthdate: June 19, 2006
Cristel is 7 years old; she is a happy and playful girl. She likes
to study. She lives in the village of Corrales. Cristel is in 2nd
grade in her community school. Her favorite subject is Math.
Her favorite food is noodles. Her
favorite color is red. She helps her
mother with the home chores.
Cristel´s parents are: Everildo
Socoy,30 years old, works in the
fields and her mother, Maria
Delfina,26 years old, does the
home chores.
Birth date: August 11, 2004
Denis is 9 years old; he is a happy, playful and friendly boy. He
lives in the village of Corrales.Denis likes to study. He is in 1st
grade in his community school. His favorite subject is
geography because he learns about his country. His favorite
sport is soccer, and he plays soccer with his friends at the
He helps his mother to collect
firewood; on the weekends he
helps his father in the fields.
It is a united family. Their parents are trying to help their
children and give them all they can, but they are limited by
their economic situation.
Denis´ parents are: Ambrosio
Xicay, 40 years old, works in the
fields, but unfortunately he has
alcohol problems. His mother is
Teresa Pérez, 37 years old, works
sometimes and she does the home chores.
Denis´ siblings are: Ceferina who is 18 years old works in the
fields; Filomena who is17 years old,helps with the home
chores; José Audencio who is 14 years old. He is 4th grade;
Amílcar Darío who is 13 years old. He is 4th grade and Dinael
who is 12 years old. He is 3rd grade.
Denis´ mother weaves to support her children.
Their home is made of concrete block; they do have water and
electrical services.
Their home is made of concrete block and they do have water
and electrical services.
Cristel´s siblings are: Delfina Marili
who is 9 years old; she is 2nd grade; Dilmer Lisandro who is 5
years old and Andry Ronaldo who is 3 years old.
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Child Sponsorship
Birth date: May 25, 2004
Julio is 9 years old; he is a helpful, smiling and happy
boy. He lives in the village of Corrales. Julio likes to
study. He is 3rd grade at the
school in his community; his
favorite subject is Math. Julio
helps his mother to collect
firewood; he also works in the
Julio´s mother is: Aura Marina
who is 32 years old. She works in
the fields and she does the home
Julio´s siblings are: Carlos Enrique who is 15 years old.
He works in the fields; Víctor Manuel who is 13 years old
and Esgar Geovany who is11 years old. He is 5th grade.
This family is humble and united. Julio´s mother does not
have the resources to both support all the children nd
send them to school.
Birth date: September 27, 2007
Lusbi is 6 years old; she is a helpful, smiling and playful
girl. She lives in the village of Corrales.
Lusbi likes to play dolls. Her favorite
color is purple and her favorite food
is chicken.
She helps her mother wash dishes
and sweep the kitchen.
Lusbi´s parents are: Santos Felipe
who is 35 years old and works in the
fields. Her mother is María Petronila
who is 35 years old and she does the
home chores.
Lusbi´s siblings are Edgar Santos who is 15 years old. He
is 9th grade and Cesar Gerardo who is 13 years old. He is
in 7th. grade.
Their home is made of block and tin. They do have water
and electrical services.
Julio´s father left them and now lives with another
woman; he does not help them.
Their home is made of concrete block and cornstalks;
they do have water and electrical services.
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Child Sponsorship
Birth date: December 1, 2005
Birth date: April 19, 2006
Víctor is 7 years old; he is a social, happy, obedient boy.
He lives in the village of Corrales. Víctor likes to study.
He is in 1st grade at his community’s school.His favorite
subject is Science. His favorite food is
chicken. His favorite sport is soccer; he
plays with his friends at school. He helps
his mother to collect firewood, and he
also helps his father in the fields.
Yenifer is 7 years old; she is a happy and obedient girl.
She lives in the village of Corrales.
Victor´s parents are: Román Raxon who
is 38 years old. He works in the fields and
his mother is Ana María Hernández who is 38 years old.
She does the home chores.
Victor´s siblings are: Edgar who is 17 years old, he works
in the fields; María Amalia who is16 years old. She does
the home chores; Gustavo Raxon who is 13 years old. He
works in the fields and Erick Alexander who is 12 years
old. He is in 6th grade. It is united family. Their parents
are trying to help their children and give them all they
can do but are limited by their economical situation.
Their home is made of cornstalks; they do have water
and electrical services. They have received items from
Loving Arms.
Yenifer wants to study. Her
favourite color is purple. Sahe
likes to play dolls, and her
favorite food is choamin.
She helps her mother sweep
and she washes dishes; she
likes to play with her siblings.
Yenifer´s parents are: Eugenio Fernando who is 30 years
old and works in the fields ,and her mother is María
Yolanda who is 29 years old and does the home chores.
Yenifer´s siblings are: Sindy Maritza who is 12 years old.
She is 5th grade; Fernando Octavio who is 10 years old.
He is 3rd grade and Eddy Ernesto who is 09 years old. He
is 1st. grade.
Their home is made of oncrete block and cornstalks.
They do have water and electrical services.
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Scholarship Sponsorship
Birthdate: 1999
She is 16 years old. Her greatest dream is to be able to study
and become a professional. She wants to work so that finally
her mother will be able to stay home and look after her
The Sol Muxin family is one of the neediest families in our
program since the mother is a widow with 6 children. Their
lives are hard but through this program things have been
Last year she studied, but her mother found it difficult
sometimes to buy the material she needed so she couldn’t
present the projects. This year she made a big effort and she
got good grades in all the units.
For this year, her approximate costs would be $1700.00 which
includes her monthly fees, registration, supplies,
transportation, uniform and project money.
Carmen is 40 years old. Her greatest dream has been to
study, and in 2011 she was part of our Literacy program
where she got her 6th grade certificate. Carmen wishes
to continue her education and asked Loving Arms to give
her the opportunity to continue her studies. This year
she will be finish her junior high school.
Carmen’s dream is to continue studying and she is
10thgrade of the secretarial program. Carmen goes to
school all day Sunday but he also needs to look after her
7 children.
Carmen is an admirable woman; she is so eager to learn
and thus be able to provide a better life for her children.
For this year, her approximate costs would be $1,700.00
which includes her monthly fees, registration, supplies,
transportation, uniform and project money.
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Scholarship Sponsorship
Cristian Leonel Puluc Ajpop
Birthdate: June 7th, 2000
Cristian is 13 years old; he is a friendly boy who lives in
Cristian likes to study, and this year he is in 7th grade,
his favorite subject is natural sciences.
Gerson David Saloj Sanjay
Birthdate: January 7TH , 2000
Gerson is 14 years old; he is a friendly boy who lives in
the village of Paraxaj.Gerson likes to study, and this year
he is in 8th grade. His favorite subject is Math.
Gerson´s dream is continue study next year, but
unfortunately this year his parents needed to confront
many challenges to keep him in school. He was also
working on weekends in order to help his parents.
Cristian´s dream is continue study this year, but
unfortunately this year his mother had to confront many
challenges to keep him in school. His mother is Lilian
Aracely Ajpop who is 31 years old. She is widow and she
works as a labourer.
Gerson´s parents are Ismael Saloj who is 45 years old. He
works in the fields. His mother is Carmen Sanjay who is
40 years old. She does the home chores, is also part of
our Sewing Co-op & attends school on Sundays.
Cristian’s siblings are: Wilson Alexander who is 11 years
old. He is in 4th grade, and Heidy Jesenia who is 8 years
old. She is in 3rd grade.
Gerson´s siblings are Jesica who is 17 years old and in
high school; Erick who is 16 years old and in high school;
Mayra who is 11 years old and in 6th grade; Dorcas who
is 9 years old and in 2nd grade; Cindy who is 5 year old
and in kindergarten and Daniel who is 2 years old.
Cristian’s mother’s dream is that all her children get to
study and become professionals, but right now she is
really concerned and sad. She does not have the
resources to send her son to school this year.
Cristian’s approximate costs for this year would be
$500.00, which includes his registration, monthly costs,
supplies and project material fees for the year.
Gerson’s parents’ dream is that all their children get to
study and become professionals,. However, they do not
have the resources to send their son to school next year.
Gerson’s costs for this coming year 2014 would be
$500.00, which includes his registration, monthly costs,
supplies and project material fees for the year.
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.
Loving Arms Charitable Corporation
Senior Sponsorship
Maria Gilberta Alvarado Lopez
Birth date: March 4th, 1943
Maria Gilberta is 70 years old. She lives in Parrojas.
Maria likes to cook, and her favorite food is Pepian.
Maria Gilberta is healthy; however, sometimes she feels
She had 10 sons. All of them are married and have family
but they cannot support her.
Her home is made of wood. They do have water and
electrical services. She needs furniture, such a bed and a,
To get started, Click on the picture of the person you would like to sponsor. With your love, prayers and support, these
people will know that God loves them and that someone cares and is willing to help and make a difference in their lives.