NATO UNCLASSIFIED DI SHAREPOINT PORTAL User Guide NATO UNCLASSIFIED -1- NATO UNCLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 SECTION 1: DI PORTAL ACCESS .................................................................................................................. 4 REQUEST USER ACCESS ................................................................................................................................ 4 To register ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 SIGNING IN TO THE PORTAL ........................................................................................................................ 8 To sign in to the DI Portal ............................................................................................................................. 8 To recover your password if you have forgotten it ....................................................................................... 9 SECTION 2: SETTING UP YOUR USER ACCOUNT.................................................................................. 11 MANAGE YOUR PERSONAL DATA .............................................................................................................. 11 To change your personal data ..................................................................................................................... 11 MANAGE YOUR ALERTS ............................................................................................................................... 12 To create an alert ......................................................................................................................................... 12 To modify an existing alert ......................................................................................................................... 14 To delete an existing alert ........................................................................................................................... 15 MANAGE YOUR COMMUNITIES OF INTEREST ......................................................................................... 17 To add another COI to your list .................................................................................................................. 17 To edit an existing participation to a COI ................................................................................................... 19 To end your participation with a COI ......................................................................................................... 19 CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD .................................................................................................................... 20 To change your password............................................................................................................................ 21 SECTION 3: BASIC NAVIGATION ............................................................................................................... 22 SUB-SITES AND COIs .................................................................................................................................... 22 Sub-Sites ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 Communities of Interest pages .................................................................................................................... 23 Left navigation menu .................................................................................................................................. 23 VIEWING DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 24 To view a document .................................................................................................................................... 25 To search for a document ............................................................................................................................ 25 To sort a list of documents in a library........................................................................................................ 27 VIEWING AN EVENTS CALENDAR ............................................................................................................... 28 The DI Portal Shared Calendar ................................................................................................................... 28 COI Events Calendars ................................................................................................................................. 28 To view an event ......................................................................................................................................... 29 USING A COI’S DISCUSSION BOARD ......................................................................................................... 30 To view a discussion ................................................................................................................................... 31 To start a discussion .................................................................................................................................... 31 To post a reply to an existing discussion ..................................................................................................... 33 To modify an existing post .......................................................................................................................... 35 To delete a discussion thread or a single post ............................................................................................. 35 To create a new alert ................................................................................................................................... 36 To modify an existing alert ......................................................................................................................... 37 To delete an existing alert ........................................................................................................................... 38 NATO UNCLASSIFIED -2- NATO UNCLASSIFIED PREFACE Welcome to the Defence Investment Division Web Portal (henceforth DI Portal) based on Microsoft SharePoint. Instructions in this user guide will provide you with guidelines on basic navigation (how to get around) and how to set up your user profile so that your email account will receive alerts/notifications when certain items in the DI Portal are modified (i.e. documents and/or libraries added, edited or deleted, events calendars updated, etc...). It will focus on basic SharePoint functionality which you need to know in order to remain aware of the information that is being shared on the various Sub-Sites and their respective Communities of Interest (henceforth COI) pages. This User Guide is divided into three sections : Section 1 : DI Portal access; Section 2 : Setting up your user account; Section 3 : Basic Navigation. Note that for this User Guide : All words in bold indicate a command you must click on in order to perform a function; All text within “quotation marks” refers to content found on the site (i.e. field names or instructions); and, All text in italics indicates content that you, as the user, must type into the various forms (i.e. data into a field). Should you require any user assistance, contact the respective Sub-Site Administrator for the COI in question. This list of Sub-Site Administrators is available in the ‘Help’ section on the DI Portal. Simply click on Help either in the top links bar or in the left navigation menu. This User Guide is also available in the ‘Help’ section in the document library below the list of SubSite Administrators. Simply click on the document name in the “Name” column. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -3- NATO UNCLASSIFIED SECTION 1: DI PORTAL ACCESS REQUEST USER ACCESS If you are entering the DI Portal for the first time, you will be required to register in order to gain access. You will be asked to complete a user registration form which will be either approved or disapproved by the Administrator(s) of the Sub-Site(s) you are requesting access to. With the registration form, you will be able to specify which sites you wish to join, as well as your level of participation (for example, “member” or “only interested in the information”). Note : You must possess a valid email address from a known government body or private company (i.e.,,,, etc ....) in order to register for access to the DI Portal. You will be required to enter that address when completing the registration form. Personal email addresses from known social networking providers are not valid for registration (i.e.,,, etc ...). To register Note : All fields marked with a red asterisks (*) are mandatory. 1. From the DI Portal Home page, click on Request Access. You will be directed to the “User Registration Form”. 2. Fill in your personal information. Click on the icons to select your date of birth, gender, citizenship, title and military rank (if applicable). NATO UNCLASSIFIED -4- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 3. Choose your username and password. The “Username” will be generated automatically once you enter your first and last name in the previous section. If the username already exists, the system will attribute a number at the end (for example “smith.john2”). Choose a password that has a minimum of nine (9) characters and contains at least one (1) number, one (1) uppercase letter, one (1) lowercase letter and one (1) special character (like *+-%). Click on the icon to select a password question that will be used if you forget your password. Note : The password answer is case sensitive. Be sure to type it in the exact way. 4. Fill in your user representation information. Click on the icon to select your nationality and then click in the circle next to “Organization” to select where you work. Click in the circle next to “Other” if you wish to include additional information. Type in your work address. 5. Fill in your contact information. Reminder : You must enter a valid NATO email address in the mandatory field “Official Email”. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -5- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 6. Select the Communities of Interest you wish to join : a. To request access to a COI, click on Add, click on the COI name in the tree view, select whether you wish to be a member or only be informed and click on Save. Repeat this process to add more than one group. b. To edit a group selection you have made before submitting your registration form (for example you want to only be informed instead of being a full member), click on the group name, click on Edit, make your modifications and click on Save. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -6- NATO UNCLASSIFIED c. To remove a group from your list of selections before submitting your registration form : click on the group name and click on Delete. 7. The last section of the registration form shows you a security code called “CAPTCHA”. 8. Once you have entered all the information, enter the CAPTCHA code in the supplied field and click on Submit to send your registration form to the Administrator(s) of the Sub-Site(s) you have requested access to. Note : The Submit button will be enabled when the code you enter is correct. If you are still on the registration form, check if you have no mandatory fields to fill in. The fields are followed by a * or a red error message like “You must select at least one COI!”. Repeat then step 8. 9. You will be directed to a confirmation page informing you that your registration was successful. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -7- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 10. You will also receive an email notification summarizing the data you have provided. Note : A successful registration does not grant you immediate access to the DI Portal Sub-Sites. Your request must first be approved by the Administrator(s) of the Sub-Site(s) you have asked for access to. Once that Administrator approves your request, you will receive another email notification informing you that you are approved for access. You will also be informed in the email of the security group to which you belong (for example “Readers_NATO”). You will receive an email notification each time your request to participate to a COI is approved by an Administrator. SIGNING IN TO THE PORTAL The DI Portal’s Web address is To sign in to the DI Portal 1. From the DI Portal Login page, enter your username and password in the login box to the right of the screen, put a checkmark in the white box to indicate you have read and acknowledge the ‘Terms and Conditions’ for the site and click on Enter. Note : The Enter button will not become enabled until you put a checkmark in the ‘Terms and Conditions’ box. 2. After you sign in, a “User Info” box will appear indicating your last login date and your password’s expiration date; NATO UNCLASSIFIED -8- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 3. You now have access to click on a Sub-Site’s tab in the top links bar in order to consult a Sub-Site and its subsequent COI pages. To recover your password if you have forgotten it Note : Using this function does not perform a recovery of your current password but an automatic generation of a new one. 1. In the login box, click on Forgot your Password ?. You will be directed to the DI Portal Password Recovery Form. 2. Type in the username and the date birth you specified during your registration. Click on Next. 3. Enter your password answer when prompted by the system with the question you selected during your registration. Note : The answer is case sensitive and needs to be entered exactly how you submitted it during your registration. Click on Submit. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -9- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 4. You will receive a confirmation page that your password was reset. An email will be sent to your address with the newly generated password. 5. Use the password provided in the email you received to sign in to the DI Portal. Once you are signed in, you can personalize your password in your user account settings, as detailed in the section To change your password. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -10- NATO UNCLASSIFIED SECTION 2: SETTING UP YOUR USER ACCOUNT All of the options to manage your user account are located under the “Welcome [your username]” menu in the top right corner of your screen. From this menu, you can : Manage your personal data Manage your DI Portal alerts Manage your participation with Communities of Interest Change your password. MANAGE YOUR PERSONAL DATA In this option, you can manage all of the personal data you entered during your registration, such as your email address, telephone number, work address, etc. To change your personal data 1. Click on Welcome [your username] and select Manage your Personal Data. You will be directed to the “My Personal Data Management Form”. 2. Click on Change Personal Data button at the bottom right of your screen. The form will become enabled allowing you to modify your personal data (see image on next page). NATO UNCLASSIFIED -11- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 3. Once you’ve made your changes, click on Update Personal Data button at the bottom right corner of your screen. The form will become disabled and your changes will be saved. MANAGE YOUR ALERTS This menu option allows you to manage alerts you have created for various Sub-Sites or COIs to be notified when documents, events or discussions are uploaded to the DI Portal. To create an alert 1. Navigate to the Sub-Site or COI where you wish to create an alert (for example NAAG > LCGDSS); 2. Click on Welcome [your username] and select Manager your Alerts. You will be directed to your list of active alerts for that particular site. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -12- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 3. Click on Add Alert. 4. Choose a list or documents library to be alerted of when items are added, changed or removed. Click on Next. 5. Use the alert creation form to : a. Give your alert a title. b. Specify the type of changes you wish to be alerted to c. Specify the frequency of the alert. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -13- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 6. Click on OK. The alert will be displayed in your list of active alerts under your user account profile. You will also receive an email notification. To modify an existing alert 1. Navigate to the Sub-Site or COI where you have created the alert (for example NAAG > LCGDSS). 2. Click on Welcome [your username] and select Manager your Alerts. You will be directed to the list of active alerts for that particular site. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -14- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 3. Click on the name of the alert you wish to modify. 4. Make your modifications, such as change the alert title or the send frequency. 5. Click on OK. To delete an existing alert 1. Navigate to the Sub-Site or COI where you have created the alert (for example NAAG > LCGDSS). 2. Click on Welcome [your username] and select Manager your Alerts. You will be directed to the list of active alerts for that particular site. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -15- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 3. Select the alert you wish to delete by putting a checkmark in the box to the left of the alert name. 4. Click on Delete Selected Alerts. 5. Click on OK when asked to confirm the deletion. The alert will be removed from your list of active alerts for that particular site. Note : You can create alerts while consulting the Events Calendar or Discussion Boards of the COIs you are a member of. Click on Actions above the Calendar or Discussion Board, select Alert Me and use the alert creation form to set your preferences for that Calendar or Discussion Board. More information on creating alerts is available in the sections VIEWING AN EVENTS CALENDAR and FOLLOWING A COI’S DISCUSSION BOARD. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -16- NATO UNCLASSIFIED MANAGE YOUR COMMUNITIES OF INTEREST This menu option allows you to manage your participation to the Communities of Interest you requested to join during your registration. You can either end your participation, edit your level of participation within the COI(s) or request to participate to additional COIs. Even COIs for which you are awaiting approval to participate will appear in this list. The checkmark in the “Requested” column indicates that you have submitted a request to participate to that COI. The checkmark in the “Approved” column indicates that you are authorized to access information on that COI’s pages. To add another COI to your list 1. Click on Welcome [your username] and select Manage your Communities of Interest. You will be directed to the Personal COIs Management Form. 2. Click on Add. 3. In the treeview that appears on the right, click on the name of the COI you wish add. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -17- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 4. Select whether you want to be a member or that you are only interested in that COI’s information. 5. Click on Save. The new COI name will appear in the list and it will be indicated that your request to participate has not been submitted or your access approved. 6. Click on Submit at the bottom of the form in order to send your request to that COI’s Administrator. You will receive an email confirming your successful registration. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -18- NATO UNCLASSIFIED To edit an existing participation to a COI Note : You can only modify your participation to COIs for which you have not yet been approved to access. You cannot edit a COI in your list that has a checkmark in the “Approved” column. 1. Click on Welcome [your username] and select Manage your Communities of Interest. You will be directed to the Personal COIs Management Form. 2. Click on the name of the COI to select it and then click on Edit. 3. If you wish to replace a COI with another, click on a new COI name in the treeview and click on Save. 4. You can also change your position in the COI (member versus only informed) by selecting the other option and then clicking on Save. To end your participation with a COI 1. Click on Welcome [your username] and select Manage your Communities of Interest. You will be directed to the Personal COIs Management Form. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -19- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 2. Click on the name of the COI and click on End. 3. A checkmark will appear in the box under the far right column (if you wish to remain a participant of the COI, click on UnEnd to remove the checkmark). 4. Click on Submit at the bottom of the form to end your participation with that COI. The page will refresh and the COI will be removed from your list. You will receive an email confirming that your request to end your participation was successfully executed. CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD This menu option allows you to reset your password at any time. The steps detailed in this section make up the same process for renewing your password on the date of its expiration, as indicated on the DI Portal Home page login box. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -20- NATO UNCLASSIFIED To change your password 1. Click on Welcome [your username] and select Change your Password. You will be directed to the DI Portal Password Reset Form. 2. Type in your current password and click on Check. 3. Type in your new password in both fields and click on Submit. 4. You will receive a confirmation page indicating that your password was changed successfully. You will also receive an email notification with your new password inside it. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -21- NATO UNCLASSIFIED SECTION 3: BASIC NAVIGATION This section will simply focus on navigating from one page to the next one. It will provide you with information on what to expect when visiting a Sub-Site and its subsequent COI groups. As a basic user, the only functionality available to you is clicking on items to view them, such as documents, events and discussions. Depending on your security profile and on which COIs you have permission to access, there is certain information you will be able to read and other information which you will not be able to view. SUB-SITES AND COIs Note : At any time when consulting the various pages of the DI Portal, you can use the page hierarchy line, located beneath the top links bar, to know at which level you are navigating and to navigate back to previous pages. Simply click on the page in the page hierarchy line to move back to that page. Sub-Sites Throughout your navigation of the DI Portal, the top links bar, below the NATO banner, will always be displayed for you to click on in order to access the next Sub-Site. Simply click on the name in order to move from one Sub-Site to the other. When placing your cursor over a Sub-Site name, a menu of pages will appear displaying any available documents library, members list, events calendar, discussion boards, COIs, etc… If you wish to navigate towards a specific Sub-Site item or to one of its COIs, simply place your cursor over the page or group name and click once. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -22- NATO UNCLASSIFIED Communities of Interest pages Each COI page, as a standard, is equipped with a Home page, a documents library, an Events Calendar and a Discussion Board. Some COI pages will have additional information such as a Members List or Working Group Organization Structure. To access a COI item, simply click on the name in the left navigation menu for that COI page. Left navigation menu A left navigation menu will always be displayed to the left of the page. Its content will change depending on where you are on the DI Portal. Three levels of left navigation menus you can expect to see are : DI Portal Home page level Sub-Site Home page level NATO UNCLASSIFIED -23- NATO UNCLASSIFIED COI Home page level To access any item within any left navigation menu, simply click on the name. Arrows next to items within the left navigation menu indicate a sub-menu. Place your cursor over that item to display the sub-menu. To select an item within a sub-menu, simply place your cursor over the item name and click on it. VIEWING DOCUMENTS As a member of a Sub-Site, with access to its COI pages, you have the privilege to view all documents listed in that Sub-Site’s libraries. Some Sub-Sites will have documentation at the Home page level and each COI will have its own library. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -24- NATO UNCLASSIFIED To view a document 1. Navigate to the Sub-Site or COI library where the document is contained (for example NATO LCMG WG/1 > Documents). 2. Click on Documents in the left navigation menu. 3. A view of all documents divided into specific folders appears. Once the correct folder found, click on the + to expand the list of documents. 4. Click on the document name in the “Name” or “Title” column (in blue) to open the document and view its content. The document will open in the same Internet Explorer window. 5. To exit the document and return to the DI Portal, click on the back button in your Internet Explorer toolbar. To search for a document Note : Every document library on the DI Portal is equipped with a column filtering function which allows you to narrow your search for documents by focusing on specific metadata. For example, you can use the filtering function in the “Title” column to look for documents that concern a specific title; or, you use the filtering function in the “Releasable To” column to look for documents that are only releasable to NATO readers, PfP readers, ICI Readers, MD Readers, etc. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -25- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 1. Navigate to the documents library you are searching in. 2. Expand the correct folder by clicking the +. 3. Place your cursor over the column Title where you want to use the filtering function and click on the dropdown menu arrow. 4. Click on the metadata you want to focus on (for example a specific title or “Releasable To” user group). 5. The library will be reduced to all documents associated with the specific metadata you have selected. While the filtering function is being used, a funnel icon will be displayed next to the name of column being filtered. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -26- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 6. If you want to remove the filtering function and return to the complete list of documents, simply click on Clear Filter from [Column Name]. To sort a list of documents in a library Note : You can sort documents by column in alphabetical order, either ascending or descending. This function can be better used in the “Name” or “Title” column in order to sort documents in alphabetical order. The steps to sort a list of documents are largely the same as the steps for using the filtering function described in To search for a document. 1. Place your cursor over the column title you want to use to sort the documents and click on the dropdown menu arrow. 2. Click on either A on Top (Ascending) or Z on Top (Descending) depending on your preference or simply click on the name of the column. OR 3. The library will sort according to your choice and an arrow icon will appear next to the name of the column you are using to sort. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -27- NATO UNCLASSIFIED Note : If you click again on the same column name, the sorting will be reversed. VIEWING AN EVENTS CALENDAR The DI Portal Shared Calendar The “Shared Calendar”, accessible through the top links bar, is a collective view displaying all events for the entire DI Portal. Any event inserted in the calendar of a Sub-Site or its COIs will appear here. As a simple user with only Read access, you only have the privilege to view events in the Calendars of the COIs you have access to. To view all events stored on the DI Portal, simply click on Shared Calendar in the top links bar. COI Events Calendars Each Community of Interest within a Sub-Site is equipped with a calendar of events accessible through the left navigation menu. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -28- NATO UNCLASSIFIED To access a COI’s calendar, navigate to that COI’s Home page and click on Events Calendar in the left navigation menu. The page defaults to a monthly view which you can change to a daily or weekly view by clicking on the calendar icons in the top right corner. Use the side arrows in the top left corner to navigate to the previous or next month / week / day. To view an event 1. Click on the event name where it appears in the calendar. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -29- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 2. You will be directed to that event’s details page. 3. If you wish to create an alert for this COI’s calendar, click on Alert Me in the top left corner and follow the instructions in the section To create an alert. 4. If you wish to export the event details to your Microsoft Outlook Calendar, click on Export Event, click on Open in the File Download window and click on Save and Close in the Outlook Appointment window. 5. Click on Close to return to the calendar view. USING A COI’S DISCUSSION BOARD Each Community of Interest within a Sub-Site is equipped with a “Discussion Board” accessible through the left navigation menu. To access a COI’s discussion board, navigate to that COI’s Home page and click on Discussion Board. You will be directed to a list of active discussions for that COI. Simple users can start new discussion threads, post replies to existing discussions and view any discussion in the COI they have access to. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -30- NATO UNCLASSIFIED To view a discussion 1. Click on the discussion topic under the “Subject” column. 2. You will be directed to a list of posts that have been made regarding the discussion in the order of latest to most recent. 3. If you wish to create an alert for this particular COI discussion thread, click on Actions, select Alert Me and follow the instructions provided in the section To create an alert. To start a discussion 1. Navigate to the COI Discussion Board page. 2. Click on New. You will be directed to the “New Item” page for a discussion topic. 3. Fill in the “Subject” field to give your discussion topic a title and type in the “Body” field to include a message (see image on next page). NATO UNCLASSIFIED -31- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 4. If you wish to attach a file, click on Attach File in the upper left corner, click on Browse to choose a file from your directory, once you’ve located your file click on Open and then click on OK to attach the file. 5. If you wish to check the spelling of your narrative in the “Body” field, click on Spelling… The Spell Checker dialog box will indicate any errors and propose corrections. Use the buttons provided to change or ignore errors. Click on Close to exit the Spell Checker. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -32- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 6. Click on OK. To post a reply to an existing discussion 1. Navigate to the COI where the discussion thread has been started. 2. Click on the discussion topic in the list of discussions. 3. Click on Reply to the right of the message. 4. Type in a reply in the “Body” field. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -33- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 5. If you wish to attach a file, click on Attach File in the upper left corner, click on Browse to choose a file from your directory, once you have located your file, click on Open and then on OK to attach the file. 6. If you wish to check the spelling of your narrative in the “Body” field, click on Spelling… The Spell Checker dialog box will indicate any errors and propose corrections. Use the buttons provided to change or ignore errors. Click on Close to exit the Spell Checker. 7. Click on OK. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -34- NATO UNCLASSIFIED To modify an existing post 1. Click on the discussion topic in the list of discussions. 2. Click on View Properties to the right of the post you wish to modify. 3. Click on Edit Item in the toolbar. 4. Make your modifications and then click on OK. To delete a discussion thread or a single post Note : You have the option to delete an entire discussion thread or only a single post from within an opened discussion that you create. 1. To delete an entire discussion thread, place your cursor over the discussion topic, click on the icon and select Delete Item. Click on OK when prompted to confirm the deletion. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -35- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 2. To delete a single post from within a discussion threat, click on the discussion topic in the list of discussions, click on View Properties to the right of the post you wish to delete, click on Delete Item in the top toolbar. Click on OK when prompted to confirm the deletion. To create a new alert You can create alerts to be notified by email whenever a new post is added to a Discussion Board. 1. Navigate to the COI where the discussion thread(s) reside(s). 2. Place your cursor over the discussion topic in the list of discussions, click on the dropdown menu icon and select Alert Me. 3. You will be directed to the alert properties page for that discussion thread where you can set the notification criteria. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -36- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 4. Click on OK. You will receive an email confirmation in your Outlook Inbox. To modify an existing alert 1. Navigate to the COI discussion board where you created the email alert. 2. Place your cursor over a discussion topic in the list of discussions, click on the dropdown menu icon and select Alert Me. 3. Click on View my existing alerts on this site at the top of the properties page. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -37- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 4. Click on the name of the alert you wish to modify. 5. Make your modifications and click on OK to save your changes. To delete an existing alert 1. Navigate to the COI discussion board where you created the email alert. 2. Place your cursor over a discussion topic in the list of discussions, click on the dropdown menu icon and select Alert Me. 3. Click on View my existing alerts on this site at the top of the properties page. 4. Select the alert you wish to delete by putting a checkmark in the box next to the alert name. NATO UNCLASSIFIED -38- NATO UNCLASSIFIED 5. Click on Deleted Selected Alerts above the list of alerts 6. Click on OK when prompted to confirm the deletion. Note : You can also access your alerts by clicking on Welcome [your username] at top right corner of the screen and selecting Manage Your Alerts (as detailed in the section MANAGE YOUR ALERTS). NATO UNCLASSIFIED -39-
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