Producer- Organism that makes its own food

Parts of a
Food Chain & Food Web
Producer- Organism that
makes its own food
Kapok Tree
Largest Tree in the World
Sequoia National Park
Estimated Age: 2150 years
Height: 274.9ft
Circumference: 102.6ft
How Producers Make Their Food
Producers make their food through PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
Plants use Sunlight, Water and Carbon Dioxide to create
Sugar (called Glucose) and Oxygen
Glucose is the food for the plant.
Oxygen is not needed by the plant, so plants release it
into the air for animals to use.
Water + Light+ Carbon Dioxide = Food + Oxygen
Consumer- Organism that does
not make its own food
Consumer Types:
Primary ConsumerOrganism that eats Producers
1. Primary Consumers
2. Secondary Consumers
3. Tertiary Consumers
Banded Snails feed on green plants
Gazelles eat short grasses and herbs
Rhinos feed on grass and fruits
Primary Consumers are also called Herbivores
Secondary Consumer- Organism that eats
Primary Consumers
Tertiary Consumer- Organism that eats
Secondary Consumers
Owls eat snakes, a secondary consumer, making
them a teritiary consumer
A snake that eats mice is a
secondary consumer
A lion eats gazelle, zebra and other primary
Hawks feed on many things including lizards,
frogs and smaller birds
Tertiary Consumers are also called Carnivores
Secondary Consumers are also called
Other names for consumers:
1. Herbivore- Plant Eater
Decomposer- Organism that gets its energy by
breaking down dead organisms
2. Carnivore- Meat eater
3. Omnivore- Plant and Meat   Eater
Mushrooms and Bacteria are two common decomposers
Scavenger- A Consumer that feeds on the
body of a dead animal
Vultures and Hyenas are two
scavengers that feed off of an already
dead animal