Running errands with authorities when moving to Finland and other information
How can I get started? This is what you should do first!
1. Southwest Local Register Office, Pori Unit (Lounais-Suomen maistraatti, Porin yksikkö): Registrations and
personal identity code, official notification of moving (to Pori or elsewhere), municipality of residence, etc.
Take with you: passport, residence permit card or residence card and other relevant documents (eg. marriage
certificate, divorce certificate, death certificate, children’ birth certificate)
(add. Pohjoisranta 11 E [Puuvilla], 28101 PORI, Mon–Fri 9.00–16.15)
2. Southwestern Finland Police Department, Pori Police Station (Lounais-Suomen poliisilaitos, Porin
poliisiasema): Registrations, residence permits. 1) handles residence permit and citizenship applications, etc; 2)
sends documents forward to Finnish Immigration Service, Helsinki; 3) handles continuation permits locally; 4)
changes driving licenses. Take with you: passport, other relevant documents, personal identity code if you have.
(add. Satakunnankatu 5.) http://www.poliisi.fi/# / http://www.migri.fi/frontpage
3. Satakunta Employment and Economic Development Office (TE-toimisto): Registration as a jobseeker,
initial assessment and/or integration plan, application for language course or work try-out, etc. Take with you:
(add. Teljänkatu 5. tel., Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00, 0295 045 011) Note! Appointment to Päivi Myllykoski or Minna
Kylä-Kause http://toimistot.te-palvelut.fi/satakunta/yhteystiedot
4. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA): Eligibility for Finnish social security coverage is based
on residence in Finland. Everyone residing permanently in Finland can apply for social security coverage.
Everyone who is covered under the Fin. social security system is entitled to social security benefits from KELA.
a) Pori office: Application for social security coverage when moving to Finland/KELA-card (Y77e form);
KELA-benefits (general housing allowance, labour market subsidy, child benefit, pensions etc.) Take with you:
passport. When you are applying for general housing allowance, take with you: the lease agreement,
information about all the incomes of the family, proof of pensions received from abroad, etc.
(add. Yrjönkatu 23.) http://www.kela.fi/web/en
b) Moving to or from Finland (in Finnish and English): tel. +358 20 634 0300 Social security issues when
moving to or from Finland and in other international situations
c) Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare, tel. +358 20 634 0400 (Mon–Fri 9.00–16.00)
KELA’s website as well as the application forms are available in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and
English. Selected information can be found in other languages as well: http://www.kela.fi/muutkielet
5. Social services/adult social work (Sosiaalipalvelut/aikuissosiaalityö): Immigrants’ initial assessment
and/or integration plan (mostly in co-operation with the TE-office), income support applications and other social
services. Take with you: 1) KELA’s statement that you belong to the Finnish social security system 2) income
support application with your signature (check the instructions) & clarifications of the purposes for which you
need income support 3) relevant documents of all incomes and expenses of the family 4) bank statements. Other
social services. (add. Antinkatu 16 B 5. floor) www.pori.fi
Public health services (Terveyspalvelut): Main health care centre, district health care centres (consulting hours
of physicians, public health nurses and registered nurses). Take with you: KELA-card. www.pori.fi
7. Education department (Sivistyskeskus):
Early childhood education: Day-care and pre-school services are offered in day care centres and in some lower
level comprehensive schools;
Lower and upper level comprehensive schools; Preparatory education for immigrant pupils in Kaarisilta and ItäPori schools (add. Otavankatu 3, 3rd floor) http://www.pori.fi/sivistyskeskus
8. Satakunta Tax Office (Satakunnan Verotoimisto): Tax card and other taxing issues. Take with you: suitable
document to prove your identity, eg. driving licence or KELA card
(add. Itäpuisto 7) https://www.vero.fi/en-US
The City of Pori
Immigration coordinator Su Ran Kim
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• the lease agreement (in writing!): Terminate the previous agreement and make an agreement to the new
• moving to another apartment: Terminate the tenancy with a minimum of one-month notice. Leave the
apartment in a clean and tidy condition (otherwise you might get a cleaning bill). Return all your keys to
the landlord/representative of the housing agency
• other things to remember: Fill in an inspection form of the current condition of the tenancy before
moving in
• electricity contract: Terminate the electricity contract in your previous residence and make an electricity
contract to your new residence (the figure from the electricity meter of the previous residence has to be
reported to electric company when terminating the contract)
• housing rules (silence period generally starts at 22.00 o’clock, etc.)
• use of the laundry room
• rules on sorting out the waste
Other things
• Bank: Opening a bank account. Take with you: passport or some other suitable document proving
your identity. Application of a debit card, net bank code and username (for paying your bills online, etc.)
• Porin Linjat local bus company: Bus tickets, routes etc.
• Note! Office opening hours: State and municipal offices are generally open between 8.00 and 16.00 but it
is recommended to check the opening hours of the particular office before visiting there.
Special features of education arrangement:
• comprehensive school
– preparatory education for immigrant pupils in Kaarisilta and Itä-Pori schools
– moving from the preparatory grade to the neighbourhood school
– LUVA (Lukioon Valmentava Koulutus) gives training for general upper secondary education in the
Pori Upper Secondary School for Adults (Porin Aikuislukio)
• labour market training in cooperation with the Employment & Economic Development Office
– Finnish language courses on different levels and at different length; trainers are
WinNova: http://www.winnova.fi/, http://www.winnova.fi/maahanmuuttajakoulutus/ and
SataEdu: http://sataedu.fi/maahanmuuttajat/maahanmuuttajakoulutus, etc.
– labour market vocational training programmes
• self-motivated education (WinNova) = as labour market training
– VALMA-course is an abbreviation of the Finnish expression for preparatory vocational basic
education for immigrants (maahanmuuttajien ammatilliseen peruskoulutukseen valmistava
koulutus). It gives preparedness for vocational studies. The course is for over 15-year-olds. Language
requirements: Finnish language proficiency is required to be at level A2.2 (Finnish language
elementary level) or completed basic level Finnish language course
• vocational or professional education (possible support measures)
The City of Pori
Immigration coordinator Su Ran Kim
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