Dumbarton Middle School From the Principal`s Desk….

Dumbarton Middle School
300 Dumbarton Road,
Baltimore, MD 21212
410-583-7020 fax
A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Sue Harris, Principal
December, 2014
Liz Heil, Assistant Principal
Cheryl Scott, Assistant Principal
Jenn Burch, Assistant Principal
From the Principal’s Desk….
I hope you and your family enjoyed Thanksgiving. We are certainly
grateful for the 492 parents/guardians who visited DMS during American
Education Week. We hope you noticed our new banners in the lobby
extolling the values that DMS students and teachers determined represent
our school. In addition, updated student SMART goals have been posted to
demonstrate our commitment to a growth mindset as the school year
progresses. Effectively educating students is truly dependent on having a
strong school-parent partnership. We appreciate the compliments and
feedback provided to us during American Education Week. Your support and
insight is crucial to the success of our school.
DMS in December is a busy place! Interim grade forms will
come home on 12/8/14 along with conference information.
The format of the interims has changed due to our new
grading program. Please visit BCPS One to access specific details on your
child’s academic progress. This is especially important as BCPS One
verification codes expire on January 4, 2015 if not used. During the week of
12/8 we will hold our annual Book Fair. Parents are invited to purchase items
during the school day and on conference night (12/10) until 5:30 pm. For
those of you that are new to DMS, our concerts occur in January since
December is a very busy month for families.
Information on the Microsoft Office 365 Student Advantage Program will
be sent home with interims. This is a wonderful opportunity for our families.
BCPS has entered into an agreement that provides students and their family
members access to as many as five free copies of the Microsoft Office 365
suite for personal computers, tablets, iPads, iPhones, and Android devices.
The Microsoft Office 365 suite contains all of the most widely used Office
functions – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher. Further information can
also be found on the BCPS website.
Snow and ice already? This is a good time to review plans with your child as
to where he/she should go in case of early closings. DMS clubs and after
school care are always cancelled when BCPS closes due to inclement weather.
We appreciate that parents use the following resources to access
closing/delay information instead of calling our school since our two phone
lines can become quickly overwhelmed:
1. BCPS Web Home Page links to page displaying emergency
2. The Education Channel, Comcast Cable Channel 73 or Verizon Channel
3. BCPS Telephone Information at 410-887-5555
4. Local radio and television stations
We also like to celebrate our talented youth! On Tuesday, 12/23/14 our
school will gather to watch the DMS Talent Show coordinated by Mr.
Ferenschak and Mr. Sievers. Each year we are amazed by the variety of
performances. This is a fun way to conclude our last day of 2014 together
as winter break begins at the end of the day. Thank you for continuing to
communicate with DMS staff regarding your child’s experiences and
progress at DMS. We certainly wish you and your family a safe, warm and
productive month of December!
Susan E. Harris
Susan E Harris
Assistant Principal News
Youth Risk Behavior Survey
DMS was not selected to participate this year
Each year select BCPS schools are identified to participate in the Youth Risk
Behavior Survey. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) provides data on healthrisk behaviors among 9th–12th grade students in the United States, including
behaviors that contribute to injuries and violence; alcohol or other drug use;
tobacco use; sexual risk behaviors; unhealthy dietary behaviors; and physical
inactivity. YRBS also measures the prevalence of obesity and asthma among youth
and young adults. Dumbarton Middle School was not selected to participate in the
YRBS this year.
Hand Sanitizers
To limit the transmission of germs, especially during the winter
months, hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed in
common areas such as the main office, the school counseling
office, and the cafeteria. Proper hand washing and the use of
hand sanitizer will help to reduce the spread of germs related
to cold and flu this winter.
P.E.R.P. Program
The 8 grade team of teachers has begun recognizing students
exhibiting positive behavior through the Positively Engaged
Referral Program (PERP). 8th grade PERPS receive positive
office referrals and have Polaroid pictures taken and affixed to
“Wanted” Posters which are hung outside the main office.
PERPS are being recognized for everything from kindness and
generosity to leadership. Way to go, 8th grade PERPS!
For more information about the PERP program, contact Cheryl Scott, 8th grade
Assistant Principal
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing
Fall MAP scores were distributed to students last week, along with a parent
brochure from the BCPS Department of Research, Accountability, and Assessment
that describes the test and explains how the test results will be used. The winter
MAP testing window is from January 5-February 14, 2014. Parents are asked to
encourage students to do their very best on this computer based reading and math
test so student test scores will be an accurate reflection of student progress.
For more information about testing, contact Cheryl Scott, Assistant Principal in
charge of testing.
Educating students is a team effort. Please note that interpreters are
available to enhance communication between non-English speaking parents
and school personnel. Mrs. Williams ([email protected] ) who is our ESOL
department chairperson will continue to access these services for you in addition
to Mrs. Burch, ([email protected]) who is our bi-lingual assistant principal. We look
forward to hearing from you.
El programa de inglés para hablantes de otros idiomas (English for Speakers of
Other Languages, ESOL) ofrece servicios para ayudar a los estudiantes que
aprenden inglés y sus familias. Esos servicios incluyen: materiales del sistema
escolar importantes, coordinadores bilingües entre la escuela y la familia, y
intérpretes para conferencias. La señora Williams ([email protected]) nuestra
maestra de ESOL y la señora Burch, ([email protected]) nuestra asistente
principal bilingüe pueden ayudar coordinar estos servicios para usted.
BCPS Now is a free mobile application and communication tool for employees,
parents, and students when inclement weather affects school
openings and closings. With the latest release of BCPS Now,
mobile device users (Android, iOS, and Windows phones) can
receive alerts of important BCPS news and events, as well as
alerts for any disruptions to the delivery of instructional online
New BCPS Now users can access BCPS Now from his/her mobile device by
visiting http://www.bcps.org/mobile to download the application from the
Google Play Store, Apple App Store, or Windows Store.
Instilling a Growth Mindset:
Dumbarton Middle School provides a culture of encouragement fostering continual student
growth with the belief that through effort, motivation and resilience, all students will improve
academically and achieve personal success.
Work harder, get smarter!
As part of Dumbarton Middle’s Mindsets initiative students have created new SMART goals
for the second quarter. Even though it is the student that writes the goal, parents and
teachers can help guide them along the way towards seeing it achieved.
What is a SMART Goal?
A SMART goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic,
and timely. It is something students want to accomplish that
they plan in a detailed and constructive way. Goals might be
academic skills they want to work on such as studying,
organization, or homework or they could be related to other
activities important to them like sports, music, reading, or
Both parents and teachers are encouraged to ask students
their SMART goal for this quarter and use this table below to see if it meets the criteria used
to create a solid SMART goal.
S - Specific
Goals should be written and clearly defined showing what you are going to do- almost like a checklist!
M - Measurable
Ask yourself: “How will I know when it is accomplished?”
A - Achievable
Is the goal possible and important at this point?
R - Realistic
A goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to
T - Time Frame
When will it be done? If you anchor it within a timeframe, (“by January 1st”), then
you’ve set your mind to begin working on the goal.
Almost any goal can be turned into a SMART goal but children may also may need help and
support from adults.
Supporting SMART Goals at Home
Here are some ways parents can help children with their goals.
1. Have your child write down the goal he or she wants to achieve and hang it
somewhere he or she will see it regularly, like the refrigerator.
2. Develop a plan with your child about how he or she is going to reach his or her goal.
For example: schedule a specific time at night around dinner and free time for
homework every day for the entire week.
3. Encourage your child to try again if they do not complete their goal and help your
child adjust his or her goals when they become too easy or difficult.
4. Show them how it’s done by also setting and writing down a SMART goal for
yourself. This could boost their confidence and help you get something you’ve
wanted done at the same time!
Br-r-r-r is it cold!!! What a cold start to our winter season and hope this
isn’t a repeat of last winter with its extreme temperatures
and all that snow. Thanks to all our parents who make sure
our students come to school prepared to learn. Hearty
breakfasts and adequate rest go a long way in helping your
students stay engaged in everything that goes on at
Dumbarton each school day.
In looking ahead to preparing for next year, we
noticed that only 121 of our sixth grade students’ health files are updated with the
new changes out of our 355 total students. You may recall the new MSDE
immunization requirements that went into effect for all 7th graders going forward.
Parents, as you schedule your child for their healthcare visits, please remember to
request a copy of their current vaccination record which should include Meningitis
and TDaP (tetanus) in preparation for their 7th grade school year and send it in to
the school nurse.
Have an enjoyable and restful Winter Break. Treasure the days with your
remarkable children and pause to enjoy the magic of the season.
The Book Fair is Coming!
12/8/14 – 12/12/14
Dumbarton’s Lobby
8 a.m. till 3 p.m.
Students will visit with their
Don’t Miss the Family Event of Wednesday,
December 10th from 3 p.m. till 5 p.m.!
BCPS National Division
Dumbarton Lions Basketball
Thursday 12/11- Away
Dumbarton @ Woodlawn
Tuesday12/16- Away
Dumbarton @ Windsor Mill
Thursday 1/8 - Home
Loch Raven @ Dumbarton
Thursday 1/15 - Home
Arbutus @ Dumbarton
Thursday 1/22 - Away
Dumbarton @ Old Court
Tuesday 1/27- Home
Sudbrook @ Dumbarton
Thursday 1/29 - Away
Dumbarton @ Woodlawn HS
(Scholars K-8)
Boys at 4pm/
Girls at 5pm:
Dec 11 Jan. 27
Jan 8
Feb 17
Jan 22 Feb 24
Thursday 2/12 - Away
Dumbarton @ Deer Park
Tuesday 2/17– Away
Dumbarton @ Pikesville
Girls at 4pm/
Boys at 5pm:
Dec 16
Feb 12
Jan 15
Feb 19
Jan 29
Thursday 2/19- Home
Southwest @ Dumbarton
Tuesday 2/24– Home
Franklin @ Dumbarton
* Jan 29
Girls /5:30pm
Boys/ 6:30pm
Shoebox Collection
For our December 11th meeting, the Kindness Club
is collecting:
 Empty shoeboxes in good condition
 Holiday wrapping paper
 Scotch tape
 Ribbons/Bows
Students will be filling these boxes with holiday
presents and wrapping them for underprivileged
elementary school students in Baltimore City.
Please donate any supplies to Ms. Sharbonda’s Room 210. Thanks!
Running Club
to the Dumbarton Running Club on a CHILLY
but successful race November 19th on our home turf. The temperatures were
cold but our runners were HOT!
In the girls’ race, with 29 runners, Lady Lions Jackie S. placed 2nd, Lily W.
placed 4th, Maddie T. placed 5th & Emily S. placed 8th. There were also
very strong performances from Megan W., Avery G.,
Jackelyn K. & Natalie B.
The boys race had 59 runners. 8th grader Dominic
C. roared to the finish in 1st place, Drew C. took 4th
place, Ethan S. took 6th place & Miles K. finished in 8th
place. There were also very strong performances from Ethan McN., Cormac
M., Sam F., & Griffin M.-C.
Congratulations to ALL the runners who participated, your coaches are very
proud of you! We hope you thawed out quickly! Our next race is
Wednesday, December 3rd at Hereford Middle School.
Thanks to all of the parents & Towson High school runners who donated their
time to make our home race special!
On November 15, the DMS cheerleaders performed during the halftime
performance at the Navy game along with squads from all over the region. This
was a Towson Rec sponsored event. They did a great job and are very fortunate to
have this opportunity. Coach Meyer is very proud of the girls!
Dumbarton will have a Spirit Day each month leading up to the SGA dance, which
will be March 20. Please encourage your student to participate. There will be signs
and morning announcements so that the students know how to dress. Each month,
those who dress accordingly will be counted, and the grade with the most
participants at the end will win.
BCPS makes Microsoft Office 365 software
available to all BCPS students and their families
Benefit supports school system’s 1:1 digital conversion program
TOWSON – Baltimore County Public Schools students and their family members
can now access free of charge up to five copies of the Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus
suite for their personal computers, tablets, iPads, iPhones, and Android devices – a
program that helps to support the BCPS 1:1 digital conversion initiative known as
The benefit to BCPS students and families, which is worth up to $11 million
annually to the school community, is possible through Baltimore County’s
participation in the Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus Benefit program. The same access
also is available to all BCPS teachers and staff, an annual value to the school district
estimated at $1.6 million.
“Microsoft is invested in providing educators with a variety of tools and resources that
help them leverage technology to the fullest for the benefit of their students,” said
Margo Day, vice president of U.S. Education for Microsoft. “Office 365 provides
students and teachers with the collaboration opportunities necessary to learn and teach
in new ways. We’re pleased to see Dr. Dance and his team taking the steps to ensure the
students of Baltimore County Public Schools receive a 21st century education.”
The program, which is included in the Microsoft licensing agreement and costs
BCPS nothing, is offered through the school system at no cost to students, their
family members, and staff.
The Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus suite contains all of the most widely used Office
functions - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher software tools. Proficiency with
the suite of applications is among the most commonly required skills among
employers both nationwide and internationally.
In addition, BCPS will be able to provide students and staff with unlimited free,
secure, and private storage of all documents and files. The online storage capabilities
may be used any time from any device.
To access the Office 365 benefit, BCPS students and staff should go to
www.bcps.org/Office365 and log in using their full BCPS username (including
@bcps.org) and password. Students who do not know their BCPS usernames are asked
to contact their school’s technology liaison for assistance. On the Installation page, make
sure the language is set to “English (United States)” and then click install. Users should
not change the default option of the Office 365 32-bit version.
BCPS students and staff who encounter any problems installing the software, or who
would like instructions for installing Office 365 on Apple or mobile devices, should
click the “Troubleshoot Installation” link on the main installation page.
Stelios A.
Max B.
Rukhma B.
Caroline C.
Bryce E.
Emily G.
Caitlin R.
Tommy T.
Miguel I.
Bronwyn M.
Caroline M.
Ben N.
Emma N.
Sara O.
Caroline R.
For November 2014
Ms. Sharbonda would like to congratulate the above students for
working especially hard in Algebra & Geometry.
Happy December!! We have had a very productive Fall at Dumbarton. The PTA has
already made plans to give grants to the following: The Kindness Club, the English
Department, the Art Department, and the Dumbarton Faculty Kindness Committee.
In addition, we are giving each grade funds to plan special events for each grade to
We also have two ideas for parents who wish to become more
involved. The first is a Mindset Book Club which meets on
December 8 from 5:30-6 p.m. in the conference room next to
the nurse's suite. You can join at any time and it is only a half
hour of your time!! Come check it out!!!
Also, there is a cool link on the BCPS website that has tons of information and
resources for parents, http://www.bcps.org/parents/ . Finally, there is a Parent
University that began last spring http://www.bcps.org/parentsu/ check it out!!
We truly appreciate all of our parent volunteers, input, comments, and supportWOW, DMS is a stellar place to be!!
Wishing you and yours a wonderful and healthy holiday season,
Amy Kline
PTSA President
At DMS, our pride is our future!
PTSA Contribution Update
Thank you!!! As of November 17, the DMS PTSA has collected donations totaling
nearly $14,000 from 240 families. Names of the students represented are listed
below. In addition, we had two anonymous contributions and two from DMS staff.
If you intended to participate, we would love to receive your contribution as we are
still about $1000 short of our budget for the year. Donations to the DMS PTSA
are tax deductible as charitable contributions, and they take the place of
fundraisers in our budget.
Logan A.
Grace A.
Andie A.
Sam A.
Stelios A.
Nancy A.
Jordi A.
Maddie A.
McKenzie A.
Ella A.
Caroline B.
John B.
Amanda B.
Max B.
Reed B.
Claire B.
Natalie B.
Michael B.
Brendan B.
Lukas B.
Austin B.
Roan B.
Mark B.
Shayna B.
Sophie B.
Audrey B.
Nate B.
Henry B.
Calvin B.
Julia B.
Aidan B.
Cole B.
Laurel B.
Sydney B.
Luca C.
Evelyn C.
Stephanie C.
Jack C.
Eamonn C.
Sara C-M
Brendan C.
Isabella C.
Aaron C.
Joy C.
Chloe C.
Nathan C.
Emerson C.
Ellie C.
Mason C.
Ava C.
Lucas C.
Kasey C.
Anna C.
Dominic C.
Keegan C.
Ian C.
Alick D.
Abigail D.
Julia D.
Hailey D.
Neeley D.
Brandon D.
Nathan D.
Emilia D-G
Frances D-G
Griffin D.
Logan D.
Maria D.
Maija D.
Maxwell D.
Philip D.
Jackson D.
Will D.
Jamie D.
Simone D.
Bryce E.
Erik E.
Grace E.
Matthew E.
Andrew F.
Alec F.
Ari F.
Laura F.
Anna F.
Samuel F.
Ben F.
Oliver F.
Lucas F.
Kenny F.
Hanley F.
Margo G.
Jenny G.
Julien G.
William G.
Aslynn G.
Isabelle G.
Maddie G.
Maggie G.
Maura G.
Sofia G.
Maddie G.
Robert H.
Cary H.
Julia H.
Clarissa H.
Grace H.
Nina H.
James H.
Brynn H.
Alex H.
Patrick H.
Max H.
Blake H.
Vivian H.
Cate H.
Reilly H.
Klara I.
Vincent I.
Alexander I.
Hunter I.
Eden J.
Sophia J.
Roland J.
Landon J.
Liam J.
Alice K.
Jackelyn K.
Rebecca K.
William K.
Miles K.
Lindsey K.
Jacob K.
Jack K.
Graham K.
Carter K.
Cate K.
Samuel L.
Ethan L.
Ellie L.
Hannah L.
Nathaniel L.
Johnathan L.
Susannah L.
Kate L.
Paul L.
Quinn L-B
Lillian L.
Matthew L.
Caity M.
Lucas M.
Sean M.
Nathan M.
Cameron M.
Ben M.
Owen M.
Gustavo M-T
Griffin M-C
Daniel M.
Neale M.
Avery M.
Kate M.
Rasha'ard M.
Marlo M.
Gabriel M.
Luke M.
Jemma M-B
Jenna M.
Nicholas M.
Grace M.
Mason M.
Willis M.
Elliott M.
Claire M.
Wes N-O
Lara N.
Luke N.
Ian O.
Emmett O-K
Max O.
Sara O.
Finn P.
Geoffrey P.
Cory P.
Sam P.
Kacy P.
Tim P.
Thomas P.
Blythe P.
Chloe P.
Gus P.
Coleman P.
Kate P.
Rachel P.
Sarah P.
Sebastian Q.
Patrick R.
Ellie R.
Noah R.
Sam R.
Lydia R.
Rose R.
Marlena R.
Harrison R.
Ben R.
Sydney R.
Colleen R.
Sebastian R.
Arden R.
Aidan S.
Caelinn S.
Katie S.
Ellie S.
Jacob S.
Nicholas S.
Oora S.
Fiona S.
Ethan S.
Peyton S.
Ian S.
Abigail S.
Chloe S.
Colin S.
Henry S.
Cole S.
Gerilix S.
Alex S.
Peter S.
Sofie S.
Emily S.
Hope S.
Aidan S.
Maria S.
Tyler T.
Alex T.
Sandy T.
Brandon T.
Clay T.
Sunil T.
Joseph T.
Austin T.
Isabel U.
Zachary U.
Anna V.
Tim V.
David V.
Jordan V.
Mason V.
Katia V.
Rick W.
Roc W.
Megan W.
Annie W.
Naomi W.
David W.
Evan W.
Oliver W.
Sylvia W.
Erin W.
Caroline Y.
Heran Y.
Caroline Z.
Chloe Z.
Emma Z.
Donations Needed for the
Ah-choo! Flu and cold season is upon us. We are asking for
tissue donations for the classrooms. Please help out and
donate a box or two to your child’s first period teacher.
Get Moving from the
PE Department
As the cold weather approaches, sometimes we lose the
motivation to exercise. To spark your motivation, the PE
Department created a calendar of exercises everyone can do
indoors to help jump start your day, boost your energy after
dinner or provide active sessions to do during TV commercials.
Everyone is at different levels of fitness so match the
exercises to your comfort level. If unsure about an exercise, ask your child
to demonstrate since they should be familiar with most of them. We hope
this helps inspire your family to get moving and grooving during the month of
December! The exercise calendar is located on the next page.
Order your
yearbook today!
Dear Parents and Students,
Don’t miss the opportunity to purchase this important
keepsake of the school year. The 2014-2015 DMS yearbook is in FULL COLOR and is
packed full of the memories you never want to forget. You can even have your child’s
name imprinted on their yearbook cover.
Mrs. Bell~ Yearbook Adviser
Mrs. Denmyer-Prenger~ Yearbook Adviser
Order Now, before it is too late!
New Ordering Procedure This Year:
The ONLY Option : Order Online. Go to yearbooksonsale.com. Find Dumbarton Middle School to place
your order. JANUARY 25TH is the last day you can order a book with name stamping.
Book Price:
$ 23.00 +tax
EXTRAS: If you would like extras you can add them on the site.
We will close online ordering in April. Order now,
don’t get left without a book.
*If you do not get your picture taken by Lifetouch on picture day or picture re-take day in
the fall then your picture will not be in the yearbook. If you missed both days please make
sure that you see either Mrs. Bell or Mrs. Denmyer-Prenger.
Our pride is
Our future!