Convert 3 existing 2P metered parking spaces to motorcycle parking

Convert 3 existing 2P
metered parking spaces
to motorcycle parking.
DOCS #9642190 SR # 2954611
Convert 3 existing 1P
metered parking spaces
to motorcycle parking.
Convert 2 existing 2P
metered parking spaces
to motorcycle parking.
Convert 1 existing 1P
metered parking space
to motorcycle parking.
WKO 449182
Alex Gorelik
SR 2954611
Convert 3 existing 1P
metered parking spaces
to motorcycle parking.
Convert 3 existing 2P
metered parking spaces
to motorcycle parking.
DOCS #9642190 SR # 2954611
Convert 2 existing 2P
ticket parking spaces to
motorcycle parking.
Convert 3 existing 2P
metered parking spaces
to motorcycle parking.
DOCS #9642190 SR # 2954611
It is proposed to design all of the centre-of-road
motorcycle spaces similarly to the above layout in
Exhibition St, south of Collins St.
DOCS #9642190 SR # 2954611
DOCS #9642190 SR # 2954611