FoiigM^lpsle SeiM-Wcjefely Eagle, Weflnesday, April 16, 1890i A State A rchitect.—Tbis state has taJfet things: the settlement of intemaTimely AnnlTersarles. Itjem s. one office which at present is loot only a fftonal disputes by arbitration, reciprocity AprU 14.' sinecure, having a large esAtsry attached, of commerce, the increase of regular THE YTEATHER FOB TO-DAY",... PO IilTICA JQ N O T E S. ISSa^Edinburs^ university charwith no corresponding duties, but a me’"' means of communication between na » A I t Y A 5tD S B S II'W E E K IiX . diuin through which the fortunate in tions, an international system of coinage, 1803 —Bank -of France e s t a b VTashinctox, April 14—8 p. m.' Susan B. Amthony is amused at the re cumbent is given opportunities to get and the estabfishment of an internation port that she i* to be a senatorial candi 3 BOTjff XIGWI^^X'QX FAPXB8J lished. For 94 hour*, commcacing at 8 p. m. . re-established b e large outside .fees from tlie state uasder al bank with branches in the various date from Wyoming. That coming state I814r-Peace April 14. ^ f i ie ^ e p ©!6l i c a n p a p s h s o p d u t g h e s s tw een England and France. / circumstanoeathat axeaet a great ®iany countries^, for the facilitation of ex might do worse. She isn’t any more of lg49_Independence of Hungary^ cQtJNrsr. For Eastern New York, fair, cooler proclaimed: Kossuth, govdegrees remowed from “^alte pretmces.” change. I f these can b t established the an old w o m a n than some of the senators. weather, northwesterly winds. The -EASLE Is a assaher of the S* A1»o- We i«afer to th e office <0f “ comnaSasioner Congress will have accomplished all that Hartford Pott. 1857—Princess Beatrice Fedora, F o r’Western New York, fair weather, Free traders will, of courie, view with "tfeiatedR«5»s, and ttnss'abla to furnish tlx6 lalost of the new Capitol” a t Albany, This of its most sanguine advocates expected daughter of Queen Victoria, lo m s kossuth. alarm the fact that a Chicago concern "STelegfral^h News frdikhll parts of titeo^orML up bom; married, July 23,18S5, to Prince Henry Tuesday and Wednesday, warm er fice wa« created in 1888, white Grover from it. has recently received an order to furnish the Bilnute of Sdhsts topress. northeasterly winds. ten tons of tin plate. The promise of 1884^ ^ ^ u r e Chincha Islands by Spain. ClevelLw!ad was goveasior, and a t ,hii esAiTXKeihW is paid to x ^ J h . '«hws. The death of Hon. SamuelJ.-Randall, protection begins to operate upon the in 1865—AbrahamLincoln shot byJohn Wilkes Booth The 3>iiLY is ^f^xered to subiftiriberE in the pec^L^ggestion. He sent a'mesiage to Kew Adveptlsements. in Ford'* theatre, Washington, while witness fant industry, and the American de ^ity at their hoaistsor by mail to any ywint in the Eegiilature Which he urged the noted in our telegraphic columns, re fenders of the British monopoly will ing the play “Our American Cousin.” Parasol notice, Luckey, Platt & Co. ■^tho'^Boiintry exeiy vlay but Sunday. moves one of the most conspicuous men 18M—^Imposing ceremonies a t Fort Siunter, in the Clothing notice, Rogers, Peet & Co. Tke S®Mi-W«a«2.Yis printed 'On Ttrosdayfand importance of a. speedy etompletion of of the country, and deprives the Demo howl louder than ever against the ^‘rob presence of several thousand spectators, on ber Springfield Union. adopition of meas #»<lay momingii, and mailed- free ^ any part thc'capitol, and the occasion of the hoisting of the old flag A Handsome Street. cratic Party of one of its most illustrious d)t tile countey. which had floated there during peace by Gen. The announcement i* made that Mr. ures which, -as he represented, would Eobert Anderson, by whom it was surrendered Almost every fence on both sides o f ©AILY, p©r:y!ft*,r................ $7 OO •enable it to be-.done during his term of members since the death of Samuel J. Randall is strong enough to read the In 1861. Rev. Henry W ard Beecher delivered 1 7« office. An‘« ^knate of #he total cost was Tilden. The announcement of Mr. Ran Congressional Record. A man who can ^ IL Y , p«*34tKirter......... Clinton Street from Church to Hookeran oration. read that lively publication with care ^AILY, per <(week............. ................ 15 dall’s death will be no surprise. The Avenue, has been taken away. It is a great., each day must De in robust health and 1878—Earthquake destroys Cua, Venezuela. ^SEMi-W8>ES^IiY, per year.-.-. ................. %<0O submitted, the amoUntv-asked for at the A p r i l 15. improvement, and makes that always^^EMI-'WEESSLY, six montha................. X<00 tti*ae wa* ja!|i3»:Qpriated, the office creat public has been prepared for the event strength.—Hudson Republican. through the daily bulletins announcing handsome street, one of the finest, if notof Lord Baltimore' A New York paper wants “an angry lC ^i-j)eath SINGES ^.COPIES of •eadh paper tSiTeo es, as Gov. Cleveland proposed, and (George Calvert), foimder of his gradual decline, and the inevitable the finest in the city. Mr. Isaac <G. Perry was appointed comnation to arise and cast Chicago into the Marylaiid; aged CO. approach of the and. sea. We couldn’t do it, really. Trans Sample^pies free. raaiissioner. He was to be regarded as 1689—The epj^opocy abolished Amusement Notes. Mr. Randall was born in Philadelphia, portation is»too high. There are no ob InScotland. ADVElJJrTSBMENTS®nB®8»d in either ^mci- specially ^responsible to the governor, Robert 3Iantell, one of the leading ac- - ■ 'Wa»4^Y'%B Dailt at reacsoxahle rate*, 'stfhich and hisitcrm of office wa^ to expire with October 10, 1828, so that he was in his jections to casting it into Lake Michigan, 1790—U. S. patent laws adopted. however, and if New York insist* we 1800—Birth of Admiral Sir James tors of the eountry, will make his first "Will l3ie*£!urni8hedat Or by m«^‘On apClark Ross, famous Arctic that of i3ie latter, but he was to hold sixty-second year. His father was Jo- will take a day off and run down to do "plica'fiSB.. Address appearance at the Opera House Thurs na-vigator; died 1862. siah Randall, who was a prominent the job for them. We d-----^ do not mind -a tit litover usttil a successor was appoiaalted. PiAT-T PLATT, Death of Dr. Alexander day evening next in the five act drama,.Omaha World- 181S— tle thing like that.—< Murray, philologist; aged 88. No.'Ei Liberty SCSaet, This dast provision is the one which lawyer and politician. His mother was Herald. “Monbars.” This piece is said to be a 1814—Birth of John Lothrop j. n. motijiy. flPoughkeep»ie,-N. Y. has Gloated the 49ondition of wtiichwe a daughter of Gen. Joseph WorMotley, American historian. rall, a leading Democrat in Jef It has been settled more than once 1817—First deaf and dumb asylum opened in U. fine dramatic treat, having been first speak. Having^once got snugly into the t h e B & ader. produced in Paris in 1843, and held the= time. Mr. Randall ob that a man cannot fill the position of S. at Hartford, Conn. office^, Mr. Perryihas held <m 'to it, and ferson’s We are nofe ;at ?^resent offering •aaiy draws his salary of seven thousand dol tained an academic education, and state treasurer and sit in a poker game l&K^Death of Sir Thomas Drummond, inventor stage ever since. of Drammond light, also a statesman and at one and the same time with any satis i^p^ial preuiffiams ‘^or new sSiibscribffirs. lars -a year -regularly, whether there is after servmg in the counting house of a factory public guarantee of success.— philosopher; aged 43 U n f b r tu n a to H lo r a n L a w lo r. 1861—Fort Sumter evacuated by Maj. Anderson i i l get the s ^ ^ d M premiuisi' of i».63!ltra anything to do or not. . Gov. Hill has silk manufactory, engaged in the iron Kansas City (Mo.) Star. The many friend* of Mr. Kieran Lawand his men. They retain their arms and p 5iper each week—^fifty-tw©'extra-€(3^ies evidently fou.ud his services satisfactory business, and with the latter he has since property, salute the flag with flfty guns and lor ara full of sympathy for him. On. The nomination for governor in this o f the E agle iinsa year, wi&out a ^-cent to himself, for he has resolutely stood by been identified, being one of the most state is being actively hunted in both are transferred to the TJ. S. steamer Isabel. A gentleman standing near Maj. Anderson in Friday his eye, which was so seriously o f exj^nse. we thank is -liberal Beccry, through thick and tliin, has vetoed prominent iron men in Pennsylvania. parties. Yet most of the candidates, quired if thirty-four guns were not the salute. injured some time ago, was taken out by ‘^ o u g h . A5r4£erence to i^i'eYellMo Ad- every bill that referred to the capitol He early became connected with politics, when folks are looking, throw out their “No,” replied the gallant soldier, bursting into Dr. Kinkead, assisted by Dr. John P. and yell, “ Shoo! Go way!” when tears, “it should be one hundred, and th< dress iabaf show ju^Ihow near your which failed to make provision for him, and his name has been identified with hands it come* near them.—San Francisco Wilson. It was affecting the sight of: are not enough.” -tiine has (e^Cj^ired, and bE-about '-eut 1865—Death of President Lincoln; moiiming the other eye and had to be removed. and keeps-him in office, though his ex the politics of the country for many Alta. throughout the nation. Vice President An :,post due^ :ths subscripiften price ^2.00 travagance has been so great that in sev years. In 1856 he was elected to the But was it a “secret” ballot? Manifest drew Johnson takes the oath of office and suc liO c t u r e o n T e m p e r a n c e . - a year skcnildibe sent at snee. 'E@r those eral years-the Legislature has refused to Pennsylvania State Senate as a Demo ly not. The law is merely local option. ceeds him. ’ who waaat to save moui^y we send the make any appropriations, and there has crat. Shortly after the fall of Sumter If some one of the privileged stand- lS69-JTohn Lothrop Motley, minister to England. Mr. John I. Platt delivered a lecture on arounds within the voting premises is Death of Matthew Arnold, poet, in Liver temperance before the St. Peter’s Total ■paper two^years in advance‘t&v |3.50,:| •been nothing whatever to do to earn the the First Troop of Philadelphia Cavalry, on guard to iratch the delivery of votes, 1888— pool, aged Co. three y«ars in advance for $5.00, four; handsomie salary attached to the office. Abstinence and Benevolent Society, in of which Mr. Randall was a member, of he can call on the voter to put in the en years iaa..-advance for $§j00, and as an inthe large hall connected with the church; This, however, is not the whole of the fered its services to the government. Mr. velope and seal right in his presence the ducem«32it*.to secure new suptferibers we story. Besides being commissioner of R a n d ^ was its sergeant Jwhen the troop vote he has been hired to cast. The fel TMs Date in History—April 16 , Sunday night, to a large audience, and can’t evade after that, for he has 1671—Birth of John Law, famous speculator; died will eaixjad your subscription three the neW' capitol, Mr. Perry is an archi entered the ssrvice, but was soon after low although he spoke for an hour, there1729. sealed his envelope and cannot got an months <itSTevery ne-sviaame sent us wifh. tect doing a large and thriving private promoted to captain, and followed it in other without returning that. It is as 174G—Battle of Cullodon; William. Duke of Cum was the closest attention from begin n in g berland, defeats the Scotch. the money as mentiowd above, provided business. For this he has a commodious several important movements, dis clean open and shut as the old way of 1788— to end. Rev. Dr.'Nilan presided at the., Death of Buffon, famous French naturalist, you csdl^eur attenticmito it at the tinae. officeihi-the capitol, furnished, lighted, tinguishing itself, specially in the Shen putting the vote in the ballot-box. If aged 81. meeting. the man insists on going to the retiring1850— Death of Mme. Tussaud, aged 90. Widely Thus, fottr new aubscribers-will give j^ou heated and cared for at the state ex andoah Valley against “ StonewaU” Jack- room to fix the vote he forfeits the con known in connection with exhibitions of wax B r o k e H i s C o l la r B o n e . yourvqs^ f o r nothing._______ figures in London. pense, and which he uses as a most ef aon, and m operations about Chambers- fidence of his purchaser and dosen’t get A school hoy named Nevins -while 1854—San Salvador, South America, destroyed by burgand Wilhamsport, Pa. During the hi* pay.—Hartford Courant. ficient agency for securing customers, in earthquake. N. ©.'.Spalding, of the New York State playing with other boys on Wednesday., battle of Gettysburgh Capt. Randall was 1861— The Confederate government calls for 32,000 theifellowing waty: The state has many ^ ’arrDfess;’ League, -srSll address a -mass ran against a clothes-line. About one GENTEHAIi NTOTES. troops. meetiEg of farmecs ^«nd tax-pavers at other public buildings and institutions, provost marshall of Columbia, Pa., and 1862— France declares war against Mexico. hour afterwards he said to one of the wasjQleased from duty after the retreat and much building going on from time 1838— Ironclads and transports belonging to Por ClintOK, Albion, Medina and ' Rome, There is now on exhibition at the Third boys, “There’s a bone that was never ter’s fleet and Grant’s arm y run the batteries April iiotli, 16th, 17jfeh and 18th, re^ect- to time. There is a new asylum for the of the Confederate army, receiving the National Bank in Scranton, Penn., there before and it hurts.” He -went t o at Vicksburg. iinsaae-m process of erection at Ogdens- thanks of the governor of the state and check -which bears the s ig n a t u r e of 1865—^Paraguay declares war on the Argentine see a d o c to r, who m a d e an e x a m in a tio n ively,«oii equal taxation. confederation. burgh. an asylum for insane criminals at GfGongresB. George Washington. It was drawn just 1865— and found that the collar bone wa» ■ Columbus, Ga., occupied by Wilson’s cavIn 1863 Mr. Randall was elected a rep A G o od E l e c t io n JBi l l .— S o far a s we Matteawan,a large addition has just been broken. three months and one day before the areaMo to judge Tfeom ithe particulars made to the state hospital here, a new resentative in Congress from a Phila death of the “Fatherof His Country.” It A B ig Snake. that5aave been puMished, the MUiintro- state, prison is proposed, and there are delphia district. He took his seat in is written on plain paper in that long TERHLBIiE GOINT’S OM ! Water Commissioner Ward brought a ducod by Mr. Aekar in the Assembly the armories and other buildings in progress 1868, And has oeen a member of Con hand so well-known from the published of Washington’s -writing. snake in town the other night. It is H y d e F a r t ; A ll T o r n U p . otheriday was one .that will accomplish all-over the state. In every case -where gress ever since. He was chairman of fac-similes The following i* a copy of the check: about four feet long, and its colors are the appropriations committee at the all that the friends of .what -is called one of these, is to be undertaken the sug According to published accounte cer M o u n t V e r n o n , Sept. 13, 1799. handsome. He showed it to a drawing ■ “ ballot reform” pisQpose. I t proiiades, ai gestion is thrown out by some of the vopening of the Forty-fourth Congress. In tain people of Hyde Park have been very The cashier of the office of distribution w e understand, that ah persons shaU •officials at Albany that “the best thing December, 1876, he was elected speaker department, Baltimore, will please pay much excited over a scandal (?) which room car porter, and the coon came near be excluded from the room in which the to # is to get Mr. Perry to prepare the of the House to succeed Michael C. Kerr, Oliver Wolcott, Esq., or bearer, the sum attached to a certain young Episcopal jumping out of the car window. The ballot boxes aredoi^ted -except the voter .plans.” When the addition to the Hud- deceased. At the called session of the of trivo hundred dollars and charge to nay clergyman and a pretty school teacher of snake is quite harmless—almost anybody andsthe election ^o^eers, and that sepa- m a River State Hospital were authorized forfeyffifth Congress he wa» also elected account. 200 dolls. that town. The young man came there can handle it. Alderman Bain vf^as with G e o . W a s h in g t o n . xate booths or doasts shall be provided, one of thevrequirements was that the speaker, and at the extra session in some time ago, met the young lady, fell Commissioner Ward. The alderman had The document is the property of Mr. into -which every voter shall go to pre plans and specifications must be ap March, 1879, was called to preside over J. C. Platt, who recently purchased it in love with her, as naturally as life, pro a very small, clear whi’te dog, about four the House. He served as speaker until pare his ballot- This will render -it im proved by -the comptroller, and when for $10 from Mr. Robert Spring, of Bal posed, was accepted, and at last accounts inches long and two inches high. It ran timore, into whose hands came the they expected to be married in June. all over the car floor and was much ad possible for any worker to ascertain how Mr. Chapin, who then held that office, March 3,1881. .Mr. Randall married Fanny Ward, papers of the bank on which the check We should t.hlnk there was nothing to mired. Messr*. Ward and Bain talk of an individual v©te§,-and that is all that •was consulted, he very promptly intiwas used. starting a menagerie. -iscirdmed for .the “Saxton bSl.” Mr. ■naated that.he would approve any plans daughter of Aaron Ward, .of Sing Sing, A . correapondent of The Christian startle even Hyde Park in all that, but Acker does not propose any official bal .that Mr. Perry might make, and we have N. Y., who survives him. this is how the trouble came in. After N e w B u ild in g s . Union brings up the question why city lot, but instead of this that all ballots ;BO doubt the .same thing has been done Certainly notin twenty years has there The New York memorial fundis.gradu- churches generally have signs giving the the young clergyman became engaged shaM be enclosed, in ^an officiak«nvelope. .in other cases. The parties interested, ally mounting up toward ‘the $100,000 accustomed to visit his been so much building going on as there is undertaker’s name and address, while he was "We do not see what advantage is expect .finding Mr. Perry occupying, as we have lady-love, and sit up with her giving no information as to the name at present in this city. On almost every point, which it will probably reach withed follow this, however, unless an in- stated, offices in the capitol, and know inithree months. It has .now .reached and denomination of the church or the nights,—just as other young men street houses in process of construction name of the pastor. He thinks that have been known to dp under sim orease of trouble the inspectors and ing that he. holds a state office with large from the cellar to the finishing touches, olerks who are to count the votes is to be .salary, naturally infer that he does such $76,0Q0- By the way New York’s motto churches ought not to declare m this way ilar circumstances. One evening, how can be seen. The north side has appar they are more ready to bury the work for tke state without additional •must be “ One thing at ^a time,” and that regarded as an advantage. ever, the people with whom she boarded dead than take care of the living. ently caught a little more of it than the'To secure a eou^pletely secret ballot charge, and ..they go to him supposing | doesn’t intend to add to tke Grant.monu were smitten with an inextinguishable south side, but all sides are gaining. The? a ll that is necessary, is that the person they, are thus saving money, only to find ment fund until the memorial arch is Hudson. curiosity to kno-w what was going on, bo parties that bought the old Citizens’ Gas finished. The last we heard'of it was A Claverack farmer named P. H. Roe the man and his wife and daughter all ■svho.tcasts hia vote>kh,all be so jscreened out after the work is in hand that they Works lands are going to do a good thing .the annual report of the Grant Monument exhibited in the Republican office, on took turns peeking through the key hole from observation jthat he cannot be must pay for it just as much, and in for themselves, for on it at least half a Fund Committee, rendered some months •watched. A bill do secure this, and some cases mere, than outside architects Tuesday, a mammoth parsnip, which of the room, and what do you think they .ago. We shall probably hear more about measured nearly two feet in length, and saw? The young lady was sitting on dozen new houses have been built or are having no other matters mixed ,up with of the best ..reputation would have now going up. In a year there will it, either concerning ballots or envelopes, charged. In the case of the Hudson .the committee at the next annual meet weighed four pound*. her lover’s lap, and they were hugging hardly be a vacant lot left. May the; K in g s to n . ■or forms or ceremonies, would doubtless Riv,er State Hospital, as soon as this fact i ing. and kissing each other ! ! ! ! work grow and increase. Samuel D. Coykendall ha* been elected be acceptable to all ^parties, a n d ^though was. ascertained the managers at once So f a r as c a n be le a rn e d , t h a t w as a l l ! T he election in Cohoes l«st w eek was i t m ig h t n o t r e n d e r .co rru p tio n •iin.possi- tnra.ed to other parties, hut the St. Law cattended w ith g r e a t o u tra g e s .a n d th e r e by the stockholders of the Cornell Steam —^but, i f th e tr u t h is to ld , H y d e P a r k Accident. boat Co. to succeed the lato Thomas Cor ble,. it w'ould probably be an improve rence Asylum, the Matteawan Asylum, ■was m u c h ir r e g u la r v o tin g . T he result nell w a s g r e a tly sh ocked by it. A ll the old Shortly after eight o’clock Monday as president. and B.ome if. notall the armories are be -was the re-election of Mayor .Garside by ment Jipon the present system. Rev. John W. Schwim, assistant pas maids o f the town—of both sexes—de morning Israel C. Velie, while working ing built under the supervision of Mr. .a small majority. The frauds practiced tor of St. Peter’s German Catholic clared they couldn’t endure such goin’s in the pork packing establishment a£'. C h a e it a b l e B e <§ujbsts . —It is33ot.often Perry. The plans are drawn in his offices th at we have to chronicle such a wide at Albany, and .his fees, amounting to by the Democrats were so .glaring that Church, sailed on Thursday for Europe, on, and the upshot of it all is that the Velie’s Sons, at No. 127 Main Street, met there seems to be no doubt that his elec where he will spend two or three y o u n g clergyman has resign, the with a severe accident. While walking range of charitable bequests as were many thousands of dollars, are paid out months. Before liis departure he was school teacher has given up her in the back part of the place he slipped made .by Mrs. Mary Rogers, who died in of the appropriations for the rarious tion was procured by such means, and presented with a handsome gold watch school and gone home to her mother,— and fell to the floor, breaking the knee the Republicans propose to contest it. by his parishioners. N e w York city on the 11th of March, works .in hand. presumably to get her wedding outfit pan of the left leg. But'if the contest moves as slowly as the laaving a large estate. After gi-ving Such a condition of affairs is a scandal Troy case has, the candid^e jdeclared James H. Lounsbury, for eight years a ready,—and the marriage—will come off Dr. R. K. Tutlull was called and he at legacies .to a considerable amount to to the state—an. outrage upon the whole resident of Kingston, died in that city on tended the injured man, making him as .relatives a n d friends^ jin her will, she people, .and if the facts were generally elected.on thOiface of the returns will Tuesday, aged eighty years. Mr. Louns as expected at the proper time. comfortable a.s possible under the cir Perhaps onr readers can see wherein gives $15^y§00 to vari04is institutions., as known we believe the condemnation .serve out the fuU term of the office. bury was for many years employed in the dreadful scandal of all this consists— cumstance. The injury is in a very bad follows: A. T. Stewart’s retail store. New York Nothing in this country, says the Nezo would be vdeep and .emphatic. But as and then again perhaps they can’t. In place, and it will probably be a long'time city, long as Gov. Hill office, and keeps Yorh Tribune, -more astonishes an Eng our opinion the peekers, mam, -wife and before he will be able to use tbe injured, ........... L ex i^ Mr. Perry in ^his posifeon there appears lish university-bared man than our college N ew b u rg h . member. ULTCllUe, ,S20,0w , the tUD Rresbyterian JjlCOU Hos .to be no heJ^f or .it. A. proposition has yells. He never takes the practice as .a The bill appropriating §25,000 for the daughter,' ought all of them to be sound ly spanked. If it has come to this here T h e A n n i v e r s a r y E x e r c is e s . p i t ^ Library, at Binghamton, Nbit of American ifun, but seriously sets to t)y her and "^m. GarHucj Gardner; the Presby therefore been made .to constitute Mr. ‘ er husban.d andJWm. in Dutchess County, that a young man Fifty years ago this month the Camioir terian Church a t West Hampton, mpton,_.K Y., the Herry stat architect, inoxease his salary work to prove how even educated Amer can’t hold his sweet-heart on his lap, and Street Methodist Episcopal Church in governor. .AmQncan RoJ ito $10,000 a year, .and .require him to icans follow the customs of the savage In ______^ _________.y, the Association for the „„ hug and kiss her too if he has a mind to, The corner-stone of the soldiers’ and this city was established. A semi-cen lie f of Eegpectablie Aged and Indigent Females, tdraw plans, ARecifioations and designs dian, hi« war-Wihoqj) being perpetaatedSn sailors’ monument, in Troy, will be laid without being peeked at, and a row- tennial celebration has been arranged th e Society for the Promotion of the Gospel tiac college yell. Ilhe American college Among. Seamen in.ihe Pori of New York, the for all new buildings which the state May 30th. There -will be a parade of made over it, we should like to know for, to consist solely of religious and his .American JSociety.for the Prevention of Cruelty may deci4e tc*vCrefit, and a bill embody boy is ideal creature; he may even military and civic organizations. Gen. what this world is^mning to. to Aoimajysand the Seventh Presbyterian Contorical services, and .a fraternal reunion., jgregation,.at Broom^e and Ridge .Stceets, §5,000 ing this propositionHas beeia introduced he A bit of .a barbarian. But the English Wm. T. Sherman was invited to lay the Q u ito a n I d e a Cordial invitations are extended to for each; the American Tract Socae^ and the in the Assembly by Mr. FiiSi. There is university «ean, as (described in various stone, but previous engagements will The following is from the Albany Eve mer pastors and members, many o f .American (Sunday Sdhool Unimi of Philadel- naturally, how.ever., A strong opposition trufeful chrimicles, is hardly qualified to prevent this, and Secretary Proctor, of the war department, will probably do it. ning Joinmal: ^ whom have signified a purpose to at to itiend the arc3aite.Qt*.of the -jtate gen tell him so.________________ The exercises in Music Hall will include “Talk about encouraging home indus tend. An affectionate welcome i» given_ erally protest against ii, The state would F a rm ers, F a r m ers, F a r m ers, F arm ers. .an oration by Chaunc*y M. Depew. tries.” said a carriage-maker to the tour to Sunday School scholars of formerundoubtedly save momey by passing i s t , “ t h e r e isn’t a n y th i n g t h a t would en See our sto(^ of Seed Oats. The finest the bill, if the present siata of things is quality In the •©jly. We have also a large Albany County. courage my business so much as better years, who are invited to enroll theiir West Troy has voted to appropriate pavements. Some people may hare a names in a register to be provided and. to continue, but thnra is certainly reason selected, stock .of Grass S ^ds and a car Asspaiation, the JELtc Points House of Jndxisfcry, notion that the worse the paTements the fhe Howard Miarion .Home for Little Wan- .to hofie that it will not last forever, and of Canada Hardwood A ^es. Ground $16,250 for the purchase of an electric better we like it, because carriages and preserved with o th e r c h u rc h records. The following programme is announc— 4orere^ the S o c ^ ^ fo r the Relief of Poor light plant, and $7,000 more for main wagons would -wear out faster. That is there£.QEe ithe policy of taUbliahing what With Small CSiildsen, ihe Instiintjcm tEor Plaster and Fertilizers for aH crops. not true, however. Now, I’ll tell you the win be another pemumeBl; departanent, JAMES REYNOLDS ELEVATOR CO., taining the electric light system. S u n d ay , A p ril 20, 1890, morning—ser experience of New York manufacturers. with .aa interest in promoting erery 228 Union. St. and cor. North and Gar C o lu m b ia C o u n ty . The first engine for the Kinderhook Hansoms and light carriages of exten mon by Rev. Albert D, Yail, D. D. Eve proposition io spend money on build- den Stfi. sive patterns were at a discount, because sw ltf^ and Hudson Railway has been bought, very few could afford to have them ning—reunion service, historical review aoi.cs .as j5"oraa«n, tae New xorK institufjon iags, in order to keep itself oecupi^, fo r the Blind, the Universi:^ of the C iiyof and it will be delivered at Niverville this broken up on the bad pavements. Han and addresses by former pastors. Wed J&tv Yor^ the New York Historical Sociefy^ may well be questioned. Berry .as com week. soms, especially, being two wheeled nesday evening, the 23rd—preaching by th e .Am.erifisn Museum of N atursi History, the missioner of the new capital, holdm^ Michael Rough, of Clintondale, Ulster vehicles, were all racked to piec^ by the Rev. P. R. Hawxhurst. Thursday even Metropolitam Museum of Art, the New "York office five or six years after his term ex County, committed suicide Thursday, by U l* ter C ounty. <!iw Mission and Tract Soeiesy, the Children’s The following hoard of directors was wrenches caused by the holes in the ing—Lovefeast, conducted by Rev. R. H. pires, is bad enough, but Perry as perpet blowing hi* brain* out. He was about elected by the stockholder* of the New pavement. Now that they are going to ual state architect might be a good deal forty-five years old, and leaves a family. Paltz and Highland Turnpike Co. : Ne-w have fine, smoothly-paved streets, how Travis, presiding elder. Friday evening the carriage manufacturers are —^reception by the Ladies’ Aid Socie^. Domestic troubles are lupposed to have Paltz—Jesse M. Eltmg, Isaac LePe-nre, ever, worse. hard at work building lines of fancy Sunday, April 27,—morning, sermon by been the cause of the tragedy. George W. DuBoia, C. M. Harcourt, hansoms. This increase* the use of Rev. C. W. Millard. The evening ser Aren, the Prison Association of New York, the Th e P an -A merican Congress is ap Peter E. LeFevre; Highland—Peter R. horses, and all helps business.” Colored Home of the City of New York, the mon will be delivered by Rev. E. S. Os— Coal has been discovered at New Ro LeFevre, S. G. Carpenter, J. Elting LeProtestant H alf-O^han Asylum and the Charily proaching the dose of its Jatxirs, I t has Very sensational—An electric shock. Fe-rre. bon, D. D. 4Grg«iization Society, $1,(XX) each. thus.far recommended five veryimpor- chelle,
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