Summer 2016 - Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsylvania

SUMMER 2016 • TAMMUZ 5776
Jewish Home
of The
of Eastern Pennsylvania
President Marshall Kornblatt Elected for Second Term
At a well-attended corporate Annual Meeting of the Jewish Home during 2015 and detailed the complex challenges
Home on May 23, 2016, Marshall Kornblatt was elected by the facing the Home in maintaining a full census and achieving
membership and Board of Directors to serve a second term as adequate reimbursement from both Medicare and Medicaid.
President. During his report, he highlighted the achievements Rabbi Sandhaus presented the Annual Executive Director’s
of both the board and staff during what he described as “an report in which he explained some of the new initiatives to
extremely productive year” in enhancing the services to the enhance the services for the residents and the implementation
residents. He enumerated the many ways the Jewish Home of a new concept of care referred to as “person centered care”.
excels in the provision of care and praised the achievements The meeting concluded with the installation of new board
of the many staff who strive to make the Home a real home. members delivered by Rabbi Yehuda Salkow, Director of the
He extended his gratitude to the committee chairs and all the Jewish Resource Center of the Poconos.
board members who work selflessly to assist administration
Elected for a two year term were Esther Adelman, Faye
in achieving the Home’s high standards.
Bishop, Julius Coplan, Susan Blum Connors, Attorney Donald
The meeting opened with an inspirational D’var Torah Douglass, Motti Hershkop, Denise Krafchin, Ann Monsky, Jay
by Rabbi Zvi Perlman of the Tzvi Yosef Congregation, a Schectman and Margaret Sheldon.
new Chabad synagogue in
Kingston. He was followed
by Secretary of the Board,
Attorney Richard Bishop,
who presented a moving
resolution in memory of the
late Gilbert “Gibby” Weinberger who served on the
Honorary Board for many
years. Past President Louis
Kahanowitz presented the
Nominating Committee
report which was formally
adopted with the election of
the new board and slate of
officers for the coming term.
Attorney Jerry Weinberger, Newly Elected Board Members and Officers
chair of the Home’s Finance First Row Left to Right: Donald Douglass, Jay Schectman, Margaret Sheldon, Ann Monsky, Faye Bishop,
Committee, presented his Susan Blum Connors, Esther Adelman, Marshall Kornblatt. Second Row Left to Right: Douglas Fink, Rabbi
report. He highlighted the Yehuda Salkow, Louis Kahanowitz, Jerry Weinberger, Marylyn Preven, Richard Bishop, Rabbi Zvi Perlman
financial experience of the and Mark Berger.
Jewish Home Kicks Off Culture Change Journey
A high mark of the Jewish Home has always been our
commitment to providing top-notch care to our residents and
enhancing their life experience while in our skilled nursing
facility. Try as we might to make the experience and service
we provide just like living at home, we recognize this can be
a challenge. This occurs fundamentally because the historic
operational model, from which all skilled nursing homes
developed, is similar to that of the medical operational model
used by hospitals. This in turn lends itself to facilities being
more institutional than home like. The regulatory process,
which governs the operations of nursing facilities, further
reinforces the medical institutional model and adds to this
Having the desire to further enhance the quality of care
and service we provide to our residents, the Jewish Home’s
Board recognized the benefits gained from shifting to that of
a “household model” in the operational approach we use in
(continued on page 2)
Culture Change Journey (cont’d)
our facility. The Board’s commitment to this process started
out by engaging the services of consultant company Action
Pact, which specializes in working with nursing homes, to
help develop a journey of culture transformation.
Change like this does not take place over night. This is the
beginning of a two year long process as we move to a more
resident-centered care approach. Training and communicating to all staff are a significant part of this process. After our
first visit with Action Pact, we established a fifteen member
Culture Change Core Steering Team comprised of facility
leadership and direct care staff. The main purpose of the
Steering Committee is to guide the organization in decision
making and problem solving to create an environment which
establishes healthy decisions throughout the organization.
The Steering Committee also commissions “action teams”
with defined goals and parameters to carry out these projects,
with the ultimate objective to develop meaningful changes,
transforming the environment and replicating a real home
Since we started we have commissioned a few action teams:
• The High Involvement Team will be organizing the staff
in-servicing and communication to staff, residents and families needed to accomplish our journey.
• Fourth Floor Nursing Consistent Assignment Staff Team
is tasked with working out the logistics of setting up consistent
nursing staff assignments on this unit, which is a precursor to
the neighborhood concept. This will be piloted on this floor
and then will transfer to the other units in time.
One might ask what consistent assignment means. Consistent assignment means that the residents see the same
caregivers (registered nurse, licensed practical nurse or
nursing assistant) almost every time they are on duty. Many
residents are more comfortable with caregivers who know
and understand their personal preferences and caregiving
needs. Consistent assignments are a key step in resident
centered care and help to build strong relationships between
residents and staff.
• The Daily Pleasures Action Team. We all have “daily
pleasures” that help us get through our day. Things that are
important to us that make our day unique. It could be that
first cup of coffee in the morning, working in the garden,
watching a certain TV show, reading a certain magazine or
newspaper. Think about the little things in your day. What do
you enjoy most? The daily pleasures action team is going to
be interviewing residents, and in some cases their families, to
learn more about our resident’s daily pleasures so that we can
do more of those things! It is a good starting point to get our
message out to residents and a means to target our planning.
We are all very excited about working together to make our
facility more of a home for our residents. Culture change is
a process and movement of transforming traditional, institutional long-term care facilities, into true homes. It involves a
change of environment, systems and attitude. It’s not just a
change you can see, it’s a change you feel. Look forward to
hearing more from us along our journey.
Engaging in a break-out learning session at an Action Pact Workshop
are Christine Cole, LPN, Marissa Barcola, RN, Scott Blakiewicz, NHA,
Ashley Gula, CNA, and Kathy Wright, CNA.
Brittany Elko leads staff members on our Cultural Change kick-off
Does Fido Have a Pet Pass?
Recognizing the therapeutic value of pet visits and at the same time balancing the need to ensure that all pets coming into
the facility are suitable to visit with our residents, we require a pet pass for pets visiting at the Home. These are issued by
the business office to pet owners who submit current vaccination certificates from their pet’s veterinarian. We request
that visitors with pets present their pet pass to the receptionist upon arrival. Lynn Klemick, at extension 109 can be
contacted for issuance of pet passes and guidelines for pet owners when completing a pet visit.
Thumbs up for Green Thumbs
The Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsylvania has initiated a
resident Gardening Club. The Gardening Club hopes to cultivate resident interest in gardening. The Club is led by resident
volunteers and assisted by facility staff Peg Longo, Activity
Assistant, Carol Caviston, RN, and Scott Blakiewicz, NHA.
Beginning in the spring of 2015, the Club has grown to
provide beautiful perennial and annual floral arrangements
to designated outdoor resident lounge areas. The Gardening
Club also enjoy planting a wide variety of vegetables and
herbs such as radishes, carrots, dill and basil.
Besides being a lot of fun, the Gardening Club is a way of
promoting health for the residents of the Jewish Home. In a
recent article published by EarthEasy, Solutions for Sustainable Living; author Robin Jacobs discusses Six Unexpected
Health Benefits from gardening. These benefits include:
• stress relief and increasing self-esteem
• improved heart health and stroke risk reduction
• hand strength and dexterity
• brain and memory health
• immune system improvement
• reduced depression and improved mental health.
Please stop by the Home and enjoy the flowers and plantings done by our Gardening Club members.
The gardening club enjoys a day of planting!
Dorothy Meyers enjoys fixing potted plants on the patio.
Danny Rinaldi and Activity Assistant Peg Longo add plants to the
Home’s herb garden.
Become a Jewish Home
Call Prashanta Priest at (570)
344-6177, extension 140.
Jewish Home Staff Attends Alzheimer’s Advocacy Forum
A group from the Alzheimer’s Association Greater PA
Chapter attended the 2016 Alzheimer’s Advocacy Forum in
Washington DC to raise awareness for the disease. Representatives from the Jewish Home, Nicole Lipinski and Kristen
Shipsky, attended. Advocates received training on the facts of
the disease and how to approach advocacy. Ms. Lipinski is the
Ambassador for Congressman Matt Cartwright from district
17. Shipsky is a congressional team member for Senator Bob
Casey. Lipinski and Shipsky were honored to represent the
Jewish Home residents and the Alzheimer’s Association in
meetings with Rep Matt Cartwright, Senator Bob Casey, and
Rep. Tom Marino.
One of the focuses of the meetings with legislators was
the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act
(PCHETA). This would establish palliative care and hospice
training programs for doctors, nurses and other health care
professionals. It will also create a national education and
awareness campaign to inform patients, families, and health
professionals about the benefits of palliative care and available services and supports. PCHETA would also help to enhance research on improving the delivery of palliative care.
Several healthcare advocacy associations support this bill
including the American Heart Association and the American
Cancer Society.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most expensive disease in America and it is the 6th leading cause of death. It is the only disease
in the top 10 without a way to prevent, stop or even slow its
progression. Advocates requested an increase in funding for
Abeloff Foundation Grant
The Jewish Home announces and extends its thanks to the
Board of Trustees of the Lester G. Abeloff Foundation for a
generous grant to support the ongoing needs of the residents.
Lester’s legacy of courage, entrepreneurship and philanthropy
live on through the generosity of his foundation.
Lester, a native of Stroudsburg, PA, was a generous benefactor of health care, education, his synagogue and other
charitable causes in his community. Lester believed in showing his appreciation by giving back to his community and to
his people. As a World War II bomber crewman in the US
Air Force, he demonstrated great courage in his service to
his country. Through his illustrious career as an entrepreneur,
Lester will always be remembered for working hard to succeed and using his success to help others.
If you are interested in ordering
a birthday cake please call social
services at 570-344-6177, ext.
154. We can provide you with a
kosher cake to help you celebrate
your resident’s birthday.
Nicole Lipinski, Jewish Home Dementia Care Specialist, Jeff
Dauber, Alz Association , Kristen Shipsky, MSW, Jewish Home
Alzheimers Social Worker, Becky Jacobs, Volunteer, Alz Association and Matt Powell legislative assistant to Tom Marino.
research on Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates there are more than five million Americans
living with Alzheimer’s disease and more than 15 million
Alzheimer’s caregivers.
Lipinski and Shipsky continue their advocacy and support
for family caregivers through their monthly support groups at
the Jewish Home. Currently, they are working on recruiting
the 2016 WALK to End Alzheimer’s Team. Christine Giuliani
is this year’s team Captain. Watch the Jewish Home facebook
page for upcoming information on the WALK being held
October 8, 2016.
Harry and Helen Mack Remember the Home
Both Harry and Helen Mack were highly respected members of the Jewish Community of Scranton. In life, they were
active in many worthwhile causes and understood the importance of supporting the advancement of local charities. With
the recent death of Helen’s daughter, Esther Schwartz, a series
of trust funds established by the Macks provided many local
Jewish and non-Jewish charities with substantial gifts. The
Jewish Home acknowledges with much gratitude the receipt
a gift to aid in the care of the Jewish Home residents. We
know that Harry, Helen and Esther had a warm spot in their
heats for the Jewish Home and wanted to help perpetuate the
vital services that the Home provides the seniors of this community. It is the foresight of people such as Harry and Helen
and many others throughout the years that has benefited the
Home and has allowed it to provide invaluable service in
NEPA. We remember with fondness and appreciation Harry
and Helen Mack and Esther Schwartz. Their memories will
live on through their acts of charity both in life and beyond.
Have you “Liked” us lately?
Photos of resident activities and events are
posted regularly to keep in touch with facility
happenings. If you haven’t checked us out, we
invite you to “Like” us on Facebook.
Jewish Home Auxiliary
Calendar of Events
Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 30, 2016 • 1 pm
Opening Lunch
Thursday, September 15, 2016
12:30 pm
Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 • 1 pm
Hanukah Party
Sunday, December 18, 2016• 2:30 pm
Purim Party
Sunday, March 12, 2017 • 2:30 pm
Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 • 1 pm
Mother’s Day Party
Sunday, May 14, 2017 • 2:30 pm
Volunteer Recognition/Closing Installation
Thursday, May 18, 2017
12:30 pm
Father’s Day Party
Sunday, June 18, 2017 • 2:30 pm
Summer Picnic
Sunday, July 30, 2017 • 2:30 pm
More fun Auxiliary functions to come with
the new season!
Auxiliary News
A Bit of History: The Wilkes-Barre
Branch of the Jewish Home
In Wilkes-Barre and Scranton, prior to the United Jewish Appeal and the Jewish Federation, assistance to the Jewish poor and care for orphans and the aged was supervised
principally by various Ladies Aid Societies operating independently. Sometime in 1915,
at a meeting of the South Side (Scranton) Ladies Aid group, members formed an organization to be known as the “Jewish Home for the Friendless” to care for some orphaned
children. Shortly thereafter, branches in neighboring communities were established to
recruit workers, find funding and serve clients.
Thus, the Wilkes-Barre Branch was organized in 1917 by Mrs. Eugene Man, who enlisted every able bodied woman she could find to aid in the feeding and clothing of the
youngsters at the facility in Scranton.
This valiant group of women found no task too great and no distance too far to visit
(this was long before 81 north). The residents soon learned that they were certainly not
“friendless”. Over the years, the facility became a comfortable and outstanding residence
for the elderly.
Although at one time there were other “branches” outside of Scranton, the Wilkes-Barre
Chapter is the only one still in operation besides the Scranton Auxiliary. The Branch, a
vital link to the Home for decades, continues to be dedicated and devoted to the welfare
of the Home’s residents.
The support of the Wilkes-Barre community through membership in the Branch has
helped it to remain a caring and concerned neighbor to the Home’s elderly residents. The
Branch sponsors a summer picnic and a Chanukah party as well as entertainment for the
residents. Over the years it has helped to fund remodeling projects and facilities upgrades.
(Text courtesy of Ruth Aqua, edited by Roslyn Rudin)
Annual Volunteer Recognition and Closing Luncheon
The 34th Annual Volunteer Recognition/Closing Luncheon was
held on May 19, 2016. This year volunteer recognition awards
recognized Eileen Baine (in photo at left) and Dr. Joseph
Schechtman (above) for their volunteer efforts.
The Auxiliary sponsors many programs throughout the year for the residents and
its members. Become a member today and enrich not only your life, but the lives of
our residents. To become a member of the Scranton Auxiliary, please contact Lynn
Klemick at (570) 344-6177 ext 109.
Strong Support for Annual Membership Campaign Continues
Year after year, friends throughout NEPA and well beyond respond generously to the vital Membership Campaign. Marshall
Kornblatt, President of the Jewish Home, expressed his gratitude to the co-chairs Bonnie Green and Shlomo Fink and the other
campaign volunteers for leading this year’s Membership Campaign to a successful conclusion. “Their willingness to devote
themselves to this effort in raising needed funds,” he said, “assures that the Home can continue to provide a high level of care to
all residents. The outpouring of generosity by so many people and families, a total of over 750 contributions, indicates the high
esteem in which the Home is held, as well as the empathy of the donors even during challenging financial times.”
“Every gift regardless of size,” noted both Bonnie and Shlomo, “is an affirmation of the noble character of each and every donor.”
As is the Home’s tradition, we list the names of donors by community to highlight the wide acceptance of our work in the region
and even out of state supporters and of course as our way of saying thank you. We know that the only thanks that a donor really
wants is the assurance that the Home will continue to provide the best care possible to the aging residents. If by chance we have
made an error in your listing or inadvertently omitted your name, please let us know so we can make the correction. Donations
after May 31 will be listed in a subsequent issue.
The Honor Roll of Members is listed separated by location and categories as follows:
GOLD CHAI..................... $3,600 and up
SILVER CHAI.................... $1,800 and up
FOUNDER....................... $1,000 and up
CONTRIBUTOR...................... under $25
Myron A. & Anita E. Pinkus Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James Alperin
Donald Bernstein & Family
The Jacob & Mary Levy Philanthropic
Fund of the Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pa
Mrs. Joseph Needle
The David & Emily Adler Foundation
David & Aleen Epstein
Mrs. Wes Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Glassman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Green
Richard & Susan Jacobson
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Jaditz
Mrs. Jerome Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nivert
Oppenheim Family
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rosenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sebastianelli
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Wimmer
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Fink
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Schectman
Dr. & Mrs. Shaya Barax
David & Eileen Feibus
Erna Hare*
Mrs. Howard Jacobson
Atty Jill Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Marc Morris
Mrs. I. Leo Moskovitz
Mr. Alfred H. Reich
Ilise & David Rubinow
Mr. Peter Sabia
Mrs. Murray Weinberger
Mrs. Irving Atlas
Mr. Mark Berger
Atty & Mrs. Richard Bishop
Mr. Geoffrey Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. David Dickstein
Mrs. Mary Beth Dwyer
Mrs. Sheldon Ehrenpreis
Atty & Mrs. David Fallk
Mr. & Mrs. William Fiegleman
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Gevanthor
Ginader, Jones, & Co. LLP
Mrs. Aaron Glassman
Mr. Robert Holtham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hyers
Mr. Saul Kaplan*
Helene & Harold A. Kornfeld
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Laury
Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Levine
Mrs. Lillian Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Saul Levy
Mr. Michael Mardo
Mrs. Maureen McGuire
Atty & Mrs. Morey Myers
Ms. Lynn L. Pearl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosenberg
Mrs. Samuel Rutta
Dr. & Mrs. David Rutta
Atty & Mrs. Ben Schnessel
Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Schoenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Seitchik
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Silverman
Atty Edwin Utan
Mr. & Mrs. John J Acculto
Ms. Esther Adelman
Mrs. Jack Baine
Mr. Paul Bartoletti
Atty John Beemer
Mr. & Mrs. Ziv Ben-Dov
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brandes
Mrs. Arnold Cembalest
Mrs. James Clauss
Mr. & Mrs. James Connors
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Danzico
Mr. Gary S Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Dembert
Atty & Mrs. Donald Douglass
Mrs. Bonnie Driesbaugh
Mrs. Joseph Eisenberg
Mrs. Alfred Engelmyer
Atty & Mrs. Richard Fine
Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Fink
Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Fink
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Finkelstein
Mr. James Foreman
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Fragin
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Fragin
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Friedman
Mr. Philip Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Friedman
Mrs. Paul Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gans
Mrs. Natalie Gelb
Mr. & Mrs. William Giannetta
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Gilbert
Drs. Judith & Lawrence Golden
Mr. Alan Goldstein
Mr. Sheldon Goldstein
Mrs. Ellen Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greenstein
Sheryl & Seth Gross
Dr. Larry Grossinger
Atty & Mrs. Andrew Hailstone
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Harris
Dr. Albert A. Hazzouri, Jr
Atty & Mrs. Scott Herlands
Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hollenberg
JDM Philanthropic Fund
Mr. Murray Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Joseph
Dr. & Mrs. Ira Krafchin
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Lees
Diane & John Lenahan
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leventhal
Mrs. Iris Liebman
Mr. Sidney Markowitz*
Mrs. Rosalind Marks
Mrs. Lynn Mendicino
Atty & Mrs. Edward Monsky
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy
Mr. Mark Myers
Mrs. Lorraine Newton
Atty & Mrs. Jacob Nogi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pachter
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Rice, Jr.
Atty & Mrs. Michael Roth
Attys. H. & E. Rothenberg
Mrs. Shooky Rothstein
Rabbi & Mrs. Samuel Sandhaus
Mrs. Samuel Schectman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Silverberg
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Smertz
Mr. Gary Smertz
Mrs. Doris Spiegel
Atty & Mrs. Howard Spizer
Mrs. Alvin Stahler
Mrs. Leonard Stahler
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Starr
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Tracy
Atty & Mrs. Robert Ufberg
Mr. Philip Vullo
Ms. Mildred Washenik
Mrs. Paula Wasser
Atty Jerry Weinberger
Ms. Bridget Wheeler
Mrs. Lewis Ziman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zipay
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Applegate
Mrs. Adele Baldinger
Mr. Robert Ballot
Ms. Rose Mary Blomberg
Mr. & Mrs. James Cader
Messers Irving & James Cader
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Cohen
Mrs. Anna Corcoran
Mr. Eugene Domozych
Mr. & Mrs. Meshulem Epstein
Mrs. Sheldon Fallick
Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Dov Fine
Ms. Georgia Fisch
Mrs. Henry Friedmann
John & Carol Furey
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Galetto
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ganz
Mrs. Ruth Gelb
Dr. Stanley Goldberg
Richard & Jennifer Goldenziel
Ms. Dorothy M Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hersh
Mr. Thomas Hopkins
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs
Mr. Leopold Janczak
Mr. Bernard Kaufman
Mr. Richard Kline
Dr. & Mrs. Sander Levinson
Ms. Anna Lisak
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Litterio
Mrs. Joseph Loewenberg
Mrs. Vita Malinak
Mrs. Michele McDonald
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Mordekhai Moritz
Mrs. Sally Moskovitz
Miss Marcia Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Noble
Mrs. Sam Nudelman
Mrs. Helen Schroth O’Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pachter
Mr. & Mrs. John Paczkowski
Mr. & Mrs. James Parette
Mr. Allan Pisarz
Atty & Mrs. Morris Raub
Mr. & Mrs. Filmore Rosenstein
Mrs. Mary Ryan
Mrs. Irving Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Suravitz
Mr. Jerome Thier
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Ufberg
Mr. Eric Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Weiss
Mr. Irving Zlatin
Mr. Irwin Adler
Mrs. Harlene Arenberg
Ms. Miriam C. Banicky
Mrs. Robert Baron
Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov Bilus
Mrs. Fern Blum
Mr. Joseph Cole
Mrs. Sondra Cooperman
Ms. Vivian Dalling Bartolacci
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Davidow
Mrs. Lois Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Jack DeLeo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Demko
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Denis
Mrs. Mary DiRienzo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dolan
Mr. James Ellenbogen
Mr. Howard Feinberg
Rabbi & Mrs. Samuel Flam
Mrs. Shirley Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Glick
Mr. William Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Green
Mrs. Joy Greenwald
Mrs. Alan Grossinger
Mrs. Albert Gurevitz
Ms. M. Suzanne Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin G. Harris
Ms. Marion Henslovitz
Mrs. Irene Hochman
Mr. Michael Jadick
Ms. Julie Jimcosky
Mr. & Mrs. William Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Monroe M. Jurkowitz
Mrs. Ruth Kurzweil
Mr. Andrew Lantolf
Miss Lindsey Leventhal
Mrs. Benjamin H. Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Liberman
Mrs. Jack Lipman
Rabbi & Mrs. Joseph Luchins
Mr. James Lydon
Mr. Louis Maddi
Mrs. Nadine Mahon
Mr. & Mrs. James Masters
Mr. & Mrs. John McMullen
Mrs. Lorraine Mensky
Mr. Gene Metschulat
Mr. Joseph Moskowitz
Mr. Patrick Murphy
Mrs. Melba Nathan
Ms. Sophie Neishell
Mrs. Joan Newman
Mrs. Sheila Nudelman-Abdo
Mr. Yuriy Pechenin
Mrs. Irving Pinkus
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Plotkin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Police
Mrs. Morton Pollack
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Pollack
Mrs. Marylyn Preven
Mrs. Gerard Ritter
Rabbi Moshe Saks
Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Saks
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Sands
Atty & Mrs. Irwin Schneider
Mrs. Mary Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schwartz
Mrs. Suzanne Severe
Mrs. Jay Shaffer
Mrs. Malca Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Shtekhman
Mrs. Dorothy Silverman
Mrs. Mary Anne Sinclair
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Souchak
Mrs. Carol Stange
Ms. Sandra Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sugarman
Rabbi & Mrs. Eliezer Vann
Mr. & Mrs. John Veneski
Mr. & Mrs. William Walsh
Ms. Lynn Warshawsky
Mrs. David Weinberg
Mr. George Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Willner
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wilmet
Mrs. Kathleen Wilson
Mr. Fred Woehrle
Dr. & Mrs. Melvyn Wolk
Mrs. Carolyn Yatko
Mrs. Lyudmila Yemelyanenko
Mr. Ed Zlotnicki
Ms. Lola Behar
Mr. & Mrs. Merwyn Blatt
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Brotter
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dickstein
Rabbi & Mrs. Jacob Fensterheim
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friedman
Ms. Carol Gill
Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda Itkin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Karbowski
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Koloski
Ms. Eva Moretti
Mrs. Michael Morrow
Mr. John Gary Mullen
Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Rosenberg
Rabbi & Mrs. Chayim Schnaidman
Ms. Dolores Siarniak*
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Weinberg
Susan C. Yelen & Albert Frank
The Davidowitz Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Freedman
Mr. Marshall Kornblatt
Atty & Mrs. Eugene Roth
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Saidman
Mr. Melvin Warshal
Mr.* & Mrs. David Baltimore
Sally & Larry Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dressler
Mrs. Gerald Fierman
Mr. Sidney Friedman
Atty Richard M. Goldberg
Dr. & Mrs. David Greenwald
Mr. Irwin Pripstein
Mr. Phillip W Roth
Dr. & Mrs. John Rothschild
Mr. Howard Rottman
Ms. Marleen Troy, Ph.D.
Atty & Mrs. Sandor Yelen
Mrs. Herman Aqua
Mr. Max Bartikowsky
Dr. Burton S. Benovitz
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bregman
Mr. & Mrs. Julius Coplan
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Engel
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Fellerman
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Fleischman
Mrs. Sandra Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gonchar
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gonchar
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greenwald
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Izenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey S. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Kornfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Kornfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kranson
The Lefkowitz Family Fund of the Luzerne Foundation
Mrs. Sidney Mager
Mr. Richard Maslow
Mr. Jeffrey Meltzer
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mitchneck
Mrs. Benjamin Moskow
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Moskow
Ms. Elayne Kornblatt Phillips
Atty & Mrs. Harold Rosenn
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rosenzweig
Mr. & Mrs. M. William Sadock
Atty & Mrs. David Schwager
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Sicherman
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Smulyan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Spath
Dr. Sanford B Sternlieb
Mr. Larry Taren
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Weiss
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Abramowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Amdur
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Berman
Mr. Bruce Birnbaum
Atty & Mrs. Jonathan Blum
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Callahan
Mr. Barry Dyller
Alice Ellman
Mr. Mark Frumkin
Ms. Lesa Gelb
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gelb
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard German
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Greenwald
Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Iscovitz
Ms. Nancy Judd
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kanter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kornblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mager
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Meyer
Mrs. Ida K K. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Minkoff
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Noble
Mr. Melvin Potash*
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rifkin
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Robzen
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Savitz
Mrs. David J. Schoenfeld
Mrs. Eugenia Schoenholtz
Shoval Foundation
Mrs. Daniel F. Weisberger
Mr. Jeff Weissman
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bachman
Dr. & Mrs. David Barras
Mrs. Fay Berg
Ms. Irene Blum
Mr. & Mrs. Julius Brand
Mr. Robert Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Fredric S Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Brown
Atty & Mrs. Jerry Chariton
Mrs. Lenard Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. A. John Dimond
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Feinstein
Ms. Sandra Feldman
Mrs. Ted Fischer
Mrs. Leonard Friedman
Mrs. Albert Gelb
Mrs. Allan Gerstein
Ms. Deborah Goldstein
Rabbi Emmanuel Joseph Goldstein
Alan & Debbie S. Hollander
Mrs. Larry Hollander
Ms. Syvia Klein
Mrs. Julius Landau
Mrs. Arnold Libenson
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Lubin
Ms. Naomi Meyer
Mrs. Rosalie Miller
Mr. Don Minkoff
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Nachlis
Mr. Sheldon Nelson
Mrs. Sophie Pernikoff
Mrs. Dorie Pezzner
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. Rappaport
Mr. Julius Rein
The The Sandy & Arnold Rifkin Charitable Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Rittenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Sandor Rudin
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Savitz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Smolow
Mr. John Spath
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Sugarman
Mrs. Sidney Sullum
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Weinstock
Atty Michael Yelen
Mr. & Mrs. Emile Zafrany
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Cohen
Mrs. Joan Feifer
Mr. & Mrs. Max Fine
Mrs. Gertrude Harris
Mrs. Florence Kornblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lebenson
Mrs. Sandra Platsky
Mrs. Marvin Rappaport
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Smith
Mrs. Harold Spitz
Mrs. Sue Strassman
Mrs. Wilbur Troy
Mr. & Mrs. Max Berman
Ms. Carol Silver
Mrs. Murray Director
Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Eisenberg
Mrs. Morton J. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Lipsky
Mr. Robert Supowit
Mrs. Norma F Tapper
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Narrow
Dr. Stephen Schleicher
Mr. & Mrs. Max Schwartz
Ms. Carol Silberg
Mr. Harold Hurwitz
Mrs. Gertrude Wainger
Ms. Charlotte Gordon
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Malkin
Mr. Stan Wilk
Stephen & Nadyne Remetz
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Hausman
Mrs. Avigail Jacobson
Mrs. Harold Weinstein
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Kolansky
Mr. Murray Pinkus
Mrs. Ruth B Rubinow
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Sheldon
Dr. & Mrs. Steven B. Eisner
Mrs. H. Joseph M. Hepford
Dr. Marcia Kleiman
Mrs. Judith A. Ratay
Ms. Gloria Sebastianelli
Atty & Mrs. Murray Ufberg
Sandy & Leon S. Weissberger
Mr. Howard R. Lander
Mr. William J, McHale
Ms. Pamela Nealon
Mr. & Mrs. James Schwank
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Weissberger
Mrs. Milton Zabitz
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bartikowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Farber
Mr. Alan J. Freed
Mr. Melvyn Freid
Mrs. Joan Kleiman
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Milstein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Misko
Mr. Neil Mittelman
Ms. Susan Robinson
Mr. Berton Sweet
Mrs. Rita Zumoff
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Cabelly
Martin Cabelly & Cinde Roup
Mrs. Terry Feeney
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Nuzzolo
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Stark
Hilda Feibus Foundation
Ms. Rose Liebman
The Max & Tillie Rosenn Foundation
Stan & Donna Ber Charitable Trust
Nancy Kaplan
Joseph F. Stein Family Foundation, Inc
Dr. Robert Greenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rosenstein
Ms. Mari L Snyder
Arlene & Phil Wizwer
Mr. Myer M. Alperin
Mr. Irving Falik
Mr. Earl Miller
Jay & Marcia Oppenheim
Ms. Roberta S. Popik
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rifkin
*Mrs. Sheldon Rosenberg
Mr. Lester Schwalb
Mr. Fred Abbey
Dr. & Mrs. Abraham Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burnat
Mr. Arthur Cader
Ms. Hiroko Davidow
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Davidow
Col. & Mrs. Richard C. Davis
Mrs. Roslyn Dew
Mrs. Herbert Eckstein
Mr. & Mrs. Howard I. Ellowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Falik
Mr. Stuart Freidlin
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Furman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Geller
Mrs. Sheldon Goldstone
Mrs. Rhoda Isaacs
Mrs. Harris Jacobs
Mrs. Mike Kanig
Howard & Robin Kaufman
Mrs. Sidney Kaufman
Mrs. Joanne R. Kluger
Mrs. Gale Masullo
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Mendelssohn
Mrs. Jacob A. Mitchneck
Dr. Barry Mittelman
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Nerenberg
Mr. Mark Nussbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Quint
Mrs. Sheila Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Scheck
Esther Schwalb & David Haase
Ms. Sondra Shair
Florence Sheflin & Hannah Schleider
Ms. Mitzi Souchak
Mr. Paul Tomasofsky
Mrs. Bess Walter
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Warshal
Ms. Arnine Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Yuskovitz
Walt & Syma Zerkow
Rabbi & Mrs. Israel Bilus
Shelley Block & Lee Levine
Barry & Carol Brown
Mr. Michael Burke
Mrs. Dolores R. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Davis
Mrs. Joseph Dubin
Ms. Susan Ecker
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Fortgang
Dr.* & Mrs. Irwin Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Geller
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gerson
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Goretsky
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gottesman
Mr. Howard Hafetz
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Helfant
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Jacob
Mrs. William Kantrowitz
Mrs. Mindy Katz
Dr. & Mrs. S. Kalman Kolansky
Marti Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Lebowitz
Drs Edward & Shoshanna Melman
Mr. Samuel Neulinger
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Picker
Sara Beth & Sam Rosen
Dr.* & Mrs. Bernard D. Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Schwartz
Ms. Lynn Skolnick
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wilshinsky
Mrs. Ceil Wohl
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Brotman
Mrs. Joy-Anne Chesnick
Rabbi & Mrs. Bernard Cohen
Mrs. Esther Danto
Mr. William Dressler
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Engelmyer
Mrs. Goldie B. Fairbank
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Felder
Mr. Stephen Goldstein
Mr. Jerry A. Gorelick
Mrs. Bernard Grossman
Dr. & Mrs. David Horowitz
Mrs. Sheila Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Lehmann
Mr. James Loveland
Judge Richard Lovenwirth
Rabbi & Mrs. Raphael Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Moskovitz
Ms. Stacy F.Newman Levinrad
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Pezzner
Mrs. Sandy Pittle
Mrs. David Propper
Ms. Marilyn Rappaport
Mr. Joseph Rinaldi
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Roth
Ms. Eunice Rubel
Mr. & Mrs. William Safran
Mrs. Jill Stolbach-Hans
Ms. Ellen A. Strichartz
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Taubenfeld
Mr. Eugene Willett
Mr. Harold Williams
Mrs. Harriet Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Dichter
Mrs. Jack Freidlin
Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Levin
Mrs. Louis Mayers
Mrs. Oscar Morris
Ms. Esther Popkin
Mrs. Irving Schecter
Mrs. Rosemary Schiowitz
Mrs. Lidia Volynsky
Mrs. Milton Weinberg
Mr. Howard Rittberg
Ms. Ann Brillant
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rouff
Mrs. Donald Bronsky
Mrs. Lynn Dumoff
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Feld
Mrs. Harriet Ribler
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Flamholz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Hrabak
Karen & Martin Jacobson Charitable Gift Fund Of Berks County Community Foundation
Mr. Irwin Rosner
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Shapiro
Ms. Charon L Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Kaplan
Phyllis & David Malinov
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Brisman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mardenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Natt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Perlman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Strauchler
Mr. Robert Ullman
Dr. & Mrs. Marc Filstein
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rothman
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Silverstein
Mrs. Marilyn Demsky
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Einhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lesman
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Levenson
Mr. Robert Kash
Mr. Ivan Margolies
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Avrum Marcus
Lester Abeloff Foundation
Sam & MaryJane Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Schulder
Dr. Helen Heeren, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stershic
Mr. Charles Cahn
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Dressel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fisch
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Pallas
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bleier
Mr. Yuri Butorsky
Ms. Betsy Buzzelli-Clarke
Irving & Eda Effross
Mr. Raymond Gluck
Mrs. Esther Graves
Ms. Wanda B. Grunspan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Slipak
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Tremper
* of blessed memory
Aquagy/Watersolv Inc.
Brucelli Advertising Co., Inc.
C.G. Decker Electrical Contractor
Christopher S. Lucas & Associates
Computer Visionaries, Inc.
Dupli Craft Printing, Inc.
Fairview Monument Co.
Joseph F. O’Hora & Son, Inc.
Keystone Propane Service, Inc.
King Outdoor Advertising Co.
Kosher Mart
Lackawanna Ambulance
Lackawanna X-Ray, LLC
Lee Electric Supply Co., Inc.
Mack, Mack & Waltz Insurance Group, Inc.
Mid-State Occupational Health Services, Inc.
My Mother’s Delicacies, Inc.
National Bakery Inc.
PNC Bank
Partridge Wirth Co., Inc.
R.J. Walker
Rice’s Food Equipment &
Consulting, Inc.
Sheeley’s Drug Store, Inc.
Spotless Cleaners Inc.
Yeshiva CO-OP
I/we would like to become a member of the Jewish Home and help make sure that the residents continue to
receive the very best nursing home care available in Eastern Pennsylvania. A check is enclosed for the following
membership category:
❒ Donor ($25 to $49)
❒ Sponsor ($50 to $99)
❒ Guardian ($100 to $249)
❒ Benefactor ($250 to $499)
❒ Pillar ($500 to $749)
❒ Patron ($750 to $999)
❒ Founder ($1000 and up)
❒ Silver Chai ($1800 and up)
❒ Gold Chai ($3600 and up)
Amount enclosed: ___________________
Journal listing to read: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
❒ I/we wish to remain anonymous.
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please charge my credit card #: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiration date: ________ (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) • Signature for credit card: _______________________________________________
Send completed form to The Jewish Home, 1101 Vine Street, Scranton, PA 18510. You may also make your
donation easily online on our website at
Honor & Remember
The Jewish Home gratefully acknowledges the receipt of contributions commemorating significant events. A contribution to our funds is a tribute to those you love and a lasting reminder that you care. The minimum contribution is
$5.00. Contributions made after May 31, 2016 will be published in the next issue. We make every effort to ensure
that the donors are recognized correctly. Please call Raisa Ivanov at (570) 344-6177, ex. 100, regarding any errors.
Ted Plevyak
Adele Baldinger
Mother of Jay Abramson
Susan Gelfand
Dr. Sanford Jay Gelb
Harvey & Lois Gelb
Joseph Acculto
Michael Occulto
Irving Gilman
Ruth Gelb & Rob
Gayle & Michael Greenstein
Bernice Ecker
Paul & Debra Welby
Syvia Eisenberg
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Fern Blum
Jim & Susie Connors
Irving Nudelman
Donna Adler
Susan Gelfand
Rose Appel
Sandra Pittle
Shirley Arbetman
Gloria Jurkowitz
David Baltimore
Marcia Myers
Ed Berkowitz
Jim Porter
Charles Blum
Syvia Eisenberg
Irwin Adler
Syma Blum
Deborah Eisenberg
Brauna & Marvin Fortgagng
Sam Book
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Ruth Gelb
Gayle Brezack
Marlene Lieber
Doris Costello
Robert & Elaine Costello
Sister of Candi Crosby
Susan Gelfand
Joseph Eisenberg
Deborah Eisenberg
Brauna & Marvin Fortgagng
Mother of Rhonda Fallk
Jeff & Dassie Ganz
Harriet Geisshardt
Susan Book
Nate & Carol Klapper
Sam* & Sandy Book
Marilyn Goldberg
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Miriam & Leon Goldman
Karen & Harold Goldman
Sadie “Shaney” Goldstein
Sandi & Ralph Nuzzolo
Ward Goodman
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Sideney Newman
Jim & Susie Connors
Ruth Gelb & Rob
Lucille Guarini
Phyllis Fischetti & Michael Fischetti
Carmen & Marion DiPietro
Doris & Chuck Koloski & Family
David & Emily Adler
David & Eileen Epstein & Family
Ruth Justan
Karen & Lenny Scheck
Syvia Eisenberg
Saul Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rosenstein
Syvia Eisenberg
Scott Seeherman
Olyphant Lions Club
Carl Von Luger LLC
Alan & Laurel Glassman
Naomi & Paul Alamar
Andrea Tanenbaum & Family
Carol & Jack Nogi
Karen & Lenny Scheck
Irwin Schneider
Maureen, Dude, Junior Allegrucci
Steven & Debbie Wigrizer
Ilise & David Rubinow
Carole & Jim Cader
Allison Korman Feldman & Marc Feldman
Tina & Albert Small
Sally & Edwin Rosenthol
Amy Hope Rubinoff
Bernadine A. Sibio & Family
Harvey & Kathleen Williams
Paula Wasser
Marjorie & Jeffrey Honickman
Ellen & Win Churchill
Denise & Ira Krafchin
Community Bank
Bill & Tara Stevens
Joanne Viola
Henrietta Slap
Eve Slap
Murray Glick
Lackawanna College
Dalida Clark
Lee & Joan Besen
Amy & Steve Gaylon & Family
Edna Katpel
Irving Falik
Murray Kaufman
Lisa & Harold Rubin
Cindy Mullaney & Howard Kaufman
Sheldon Klein
Bruce Klein & Jeannie Engel
Helen Kolenda
Lorraine Mensky
James & Joanne Corbett
Lakeland Education Association
Florence Letterio
James & Marie Masters
Sidney Markowitz
Syvia Eisenberg
Kathleen Bryan
Harold Rosenberg
Dorie Spiegel
Syvia Eisenberg
Sidney Newman
Gloria Jurkowitz
Eileen & David Feibus
Nephew of Rosalind
Jeanne Atlas
Dr. Bernard Rosenfeld
Naomi & Paul Alamar
Syvia Eisenberg
Angeline E. Maglio
Sidney Newman
Brother of Ilise Rubinow
Janet Meyers
Susan Gelfand
Sidney Newman
Nancy Furman & Stephen Gerry Sare
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Howard & Charlotte Ruth Mertz
Marilyn & Stuart Stark
Jerry Michaels
Sidney Newman
Pearl Miller
Susan Book
Nate & Carol Klapper
Sam* & Sandy Book
Ted Plevyak
Adele Baldinger
Sheila Miller
Melba Nathan
Mildred Schwartz
Marlene Lieber
Milton Severe
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Syvia Eisenberg
Renee Singer
Sidney Newman
Nancy Furman & Stephen Furman
Michael Morrow
Syvia Eisenberg
Bernice Ecker
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Syndy Moskovitz
Isidore Steckel
Lenny & Karen Scheck
Margaret Carney Myers
Carole Goodman
Jack Weissberger
Joe Moskowitz
Sandy & Leon Weissberger
Willard Pifcho
Kathleen Wagner
Michael Pifcho
John Pifcho
Daniel Pifcho
Rosemary Bohenek
David & Rosalind G.
Roberta Popik
Mitzi Popkin
Ruth Popkin
Michael Popkin
Lee Scott Popkin
Shirley Caplan Weiss
Frank Family Circle
Robert Greenburg
Horace “Bud” Wright
Lyn E. Harvey
Helen Sue Flatow Zeidman
Syvia Eisenberg
Denise & Ira Krafchin
Jerry Weinberger
Jim & Patti Alperin
Ilise & David Rubinow
Rochelle Myers
William Donovan & Judy Donovan
Carol & Jack Nogi
Marshall Kornblatt
Eileen Baine
(Volunteer Recognition Award)
Paula Wasser
Syvia Eisenberg
Ruth Gelb
Rochelle Myers
Annie & Ed Monsky
Dr. Joseph Bannon
(Being honored as a guest speaker at U of S commencement)
Guitelle Rothstein
Helen Benkeim
(95th Birthday)
Norma Tapper
Janice Bowman
Rita Betti
(Get Well)
Marlene Lieber
Flora Ceccacci
(90th Birthday)
Helen Pinkus
Dolly Baron
Debbie Eisenberg
(Special Birthday)
Guitelle Rothstein
Ruth Fallick
(Get Well)
Marlene Lieber
Ruth Gelb
(Birth of Great Grandson)
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Ruth Gelb
(Son’s Marriage)
Guitelle Rothstein
Ruth Gelb
(Nephew’s Bar Mitzvah)
Guitelle Rothstein
Ruth Gelb
(Get Well)
Malca Shapiro
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Irving
(Special Birthdays)
Ruth Gelb
Beverly Kanig
(Special Birthday)
Renee Schectman
Sharon & Saul Levy
(50th Wedding
Philip Friedman & Barbara Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Liberman
(Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah)
Ruth Gelb & Rob
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Liberman
(Granddaughter’s Bat
Guitelle Rothstein
Anne Monsky
(Temple Israel Woman of Distinction Award)
Ilise & David Rubinow
Syvia Eisenberg
Adele Baldinger
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Monsky
(Engagement of Jeremy & Sara)
Ilise & David Rubinow
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Monsky
Adele Baldinger
Laurie & Morris Raub
(Birth of Twin Grandchildren)
Annie & Ed Monsky
Guitelle Rothstein
(Get Well)
Jeanne Atlas
Ruth Gelb
Guitelle Rothstein
(Birth of Great Grandson)
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Dr. Joseph Schectman
(Volunteer Recognition Award)
Ruth Gelb
Paula Wasser
Syvia Eisenberg
Malca Shapiro
(Get Well)
Marlene Lieber
Jack Suravitz
(Get Well)
Shirley Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Sid Unger
(Birth of a Grandson)
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Joan Walsh
(Get Well)
Marlene Lieber
Helen Sue Flatow Zeidman
Alan Goldstein
Mildred Weinberg
(Get Well)
Marlene Lieber
Mrs. Howard Wimmer
(Get Well)
Ruth Gelb & Rob
John J. Benick
Laurel & Alan Glassman
Geoffrey Cutler
Charles Blum
Alan Goldstein
Elliot Braverman
Mitzie Levy
Mary Clare Gibbons
Alan Goldstein
Irving Gilman
Alan Goldstein
Mary Ann Gnall
Alan Goldstein
Lucille Guarini
Alan Goldstein
Adeeb “Uncle Eddie” Hazzourri
Alan Goldstein
Herb Isaacs
Guitelle Rothstein
Ruth Justan
Alan Goldstein
Saul Kaplan
Alan Goldstein
Murray Kaufman
Sheila & Mark Kaufman
Michael Morrow
Alan Goldstein
Harold Rosenberg
Mitzie Levy
Dr. Bernard Rosenstein
Alan Goldstein
Eileen Baine
(Volunteer Recognition Award)
Mitzie Levy
Ruth Gelb
(Get Well)
Mildred Davis & Family
Ruth Fallick
(Get Well)
Renee Schectman
Robert Feibus
(Get Well)
David Epstein & Alan Goldstein
Bennett Keiser
(Glad you are doing well)
Mitzie Levy
Atty. & Mrs. Lee Levine
(Birth of Grandson)
Alan Goldstein
Lillian Levy
(Birth of Great Granddaughter)
Mitzie Levy
Mitzie Levy
(Special Birthday)
Guitelle Rothstein
Alan Goldstein
Ruth Gelb
Dale Nash
(Special Birthday)
Alan Goldstein
Guitelle Rothstein
(Birth of Great Grandson)
Mitzie Levy
Jack Sammon
(Get Well)
Alan Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Will Steerman
(60th Wedding Anniversary)
Mitzie Levy
Jack Suravitz
(Get Well)
Guitelle Rothstein
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Trager
(Wedding Anniversary)
Mitzie Levy
Harris & Janice Cutler
* of blessed memory
To make a donation to
any of our funds, please
call Lynn Klemick at
(570) 344-6177,
ext. 109
or Raisa Ivanov at
(570) 344-6177,
ext. 100.
Chapel Donations
Ruth Borkowski
Jim & Susie Connors
Rosalie Engelmyer
Nancy Friedman
Jeff & Dassie Ganz
Eleanor & Sheldon Liberman
Rabbi & Mrs. Samuel Sandhaus
Dr. Joseph Schectman
Gary Schectman Mark Silverberg
Sue Severe & Gary
Nancy Friedman
Harriet & Joe Schectman
Gary Schectman, Renee Schectman
Nancy Friedman
Mildred Weinberg
Gary Schectman
Harriet & Joe Schectman
Rosalie Engelmyer, Marilyn & Michael Hodes
Lynett & Eric Engemelmyer, Renee Schectman
Jay Schectman, Gary Schectman
Iris Liebman & Michael Mardo
Molly Grossinge, Annie & Ed Monsky
Harriet & Joe Schectman
Nancy Friedman
Sister of Rita Betti
Sam Book
Mildred Weinberg
Nancy Fiedman & Family
Mildred Weinberg
Harriet & Joe Schectman
Renee Schectman
Harriet & Joe Schectman
Harriet & Joe Schectman
Mildred Weinberg
Harriet & Joe Schectman
Nancy Friedman & Family
Mildred Weinberg
Nancy Friedman
Sue Severe & Gary
Sue Severe & Gary
Sue Severe & Gary
Sue Severe & Gary
Nancy Friedman & Family
Sidney Brown
Sister of Mrs. Paul Bachman
Moshe Chen
Sylvia Cohen
Christopher Conforti
Sylvia German
Irving Gilman
Harold Goodman
Ward Goodman
Richard Huss
Kathy Kingdom
Mimi Phillips
Bill Reich
Harold Rosenberg
Volunteer Recognition Award
Special Birthday
Get Well
Being Honored by JFS
Special Birthday
Get Well
Grandparents of the Year Award
Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah
Granddaughter’s Marriage
Gerry Sare
Morris Schectman
Dr. Samuel Schectman
Milton Severe
Gary Schectman
Harriet & Joe Schectman
Gary & Jay Schectman
Malca Shapiro
Sharon Martin & Diane Dougherty
Sharon & John Martin
Gary Schectman
James & Kathleen Bryan
Mildred Weinberg
Dr. Joseph Schectman
Geoffrey Cutler
Irwin & Pauline Wolfson
Adele Baldinger
Shabbos Flowers & Kiddush
Helen & Michael Colaneri
Mim & Joel Joseph
Mim & Joel Joseph
Paul & Margery Rosenberg
In honor of our residents
In memory of Dubbie Rosenberg
In memory of Sidney Markowitz
In honor of Shelley Smulowitz’s special birthday
Carole & Josh Goodman
Shlomo Lusky
Paul & Margery Rosenberg
Claire Jacobson, Jeff & Robin
Jacobson & Gail & David Dickstein
Nancy Friedman & Family
In memory of Nelson Goodman
In honor of our residents
In honor of their great grandchildren
In memory of Harold Rosenberg
In memory of beloved husband, father and grandfather Paul Friedman
& in memory of parents Sol & Rebecca Nudelman, Benjamin and Tilly
Friedman and grandparents Jacob & Esther Nudelman
Special Donations
Nancy Friedman
In honor of Ruth Fallick’s recovery
Estelle Freedman
In memory of Dr. Bernard Rosenfeld
Nadyne Remetz
In honor of Dr. Eric Lebby
Nadyne & Steve Remetz
In memory of loving husband & father Thomas McAndrew
Nadyne Lichtman Remetz
In memory of Catherine Buffton
Eileen Baine
In memory of Milton Severe
Howard Feinberg
In memory of Sidney Markowitz
Mildred Davis
In honor of Mitzi Levy’s special birthday
Donald Baine, Neil & Yaela Baine and
In honor of our mother Eileen Baine and in John Brezack
memory of Gail Brezack
Estelle Freedman
In memory of Rosalind Marks sister
Estelle Freedman
In memory of Harold Rosenberg
DVD Movie
Lacing Cards-Alzheimer Unit
CD Player
Craft Supplies
Word Books
Large Table Puzzles
Craft Supplies
Therapy Omni Cycle
Water Painting Supplies
Water Painting Supplies
We’re Staying Active!
Memorial Day Picnic chefs Susan Stadolny, Grace Conforti and Pat
Barry Propper relaxing on the patio.
Participants in the Step Program. Seated l to r are Joan Kleeman and
Pat Atkinson. Standing from left are Evelyn Rodgers, Marion Dunleavy,
Josie Renzini and Gloria Miller.
Shooting the breeze on a nice spring day are Pat Luberto, Mort ManCarol Fishbein enjoying her work at the St. Patrick’s Day Party.
delman and Toni Malinoski.
Jewish Home Scrapbook
2016 family picnic
The summer family picnic was held June 5th on the 1st floor where
families enjoyed hot dogs, hamburgers, lemonade and watermelon. Watch
for restaurant dates in November!
Jewish Home Scrapbook
100th Year Cake – Jewish Home celebrates 100 years of providing excellent care.
Activities assistant Peg Longo along with residents Evelyn Quell
and Karen Metschulat enjoy a visit from the Rail Riders mascot
Bette Levine enjoys watching the Rail Riders at PNC Field.
Lana Berlin, Debbie Williams, Sarah Shivock and Peg Longo
enjoy a lunch together during Nursing Home Week.
Rosary leader Kathy Oleck assists resident Eleanor Barone to
crown the statue of Mary.
Jewish Home Scrapbook
Danny Rinaldi and his son enjoy therapy dog visits.
Evelyn Quell delivered greeting cards to the veterans residing
at Gino Merli Veterans Center.
Jewish Home Wish List
You can make a difference in the lives of the Jewish Home’s residents while honoring or memorializing a friend or loved one. Please contact the Jewish
Home’s Business Office Secretary Lynn Klemick at (570)-344-6177 extension 109 for information. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.
Heightens awareness to encourage mental function
$1-$5 Word Search Books
$15-$25 Manicure Magic Supplies
$15-$30 Supplies for Water Painting/Crafts
$20-$75 Outing donations
$50 Gardening Supplies
$100 Planters and Pots
$120 Birdhouse
$200 Bird Feeder
$200 Plants
$5 Playing Cards
$5-$40 Table Games
$20 Craft Supplies
$20 Large Table Puzzle
Creating tasty, nutritious meals served in an elegant environment
$30 Coffee Pots
$50-$100 Serving platters/bowls for parties
$75 Ice Tea, Lemonade & Water Pitchers
$75 Party Decorations for special occasions
$100 Adaptive Equipment
$100-$250 Table Linens & Skirts
$150 Challah Board
$300 Chafing Dishes
$500 Serving Carts
$4000 Robot Coupe
Compassionate, skilled care in a state-of-the-art facility
$150 Oxygen Conserver
$200 Tympanic Ear Thermometer
$250 Slings for lifts
$250 Pulse Ox Machine
$300 Pressure reduction mattress
$500 Wheelchair
$600 Recliner Chair
$600 Low Air Loss Specialty Mattress
$800 Oxygen Concentrator
$2,000 Resident Beds
$2,300 Ultra Care Adjustment Height Low Bed
$3,600 Sit to Stand Lift
$4,200 Viking Lift
Renews our residents’ physical well being and self esteem by focusing on
restoring their skills.
$80 Functional Memory Manual
$350 Baseline Pinch Gauge for Digits and Case
$1,800 Solstice Comfort Tilt-In-Space Wheelchair 18” Wide
$4,340 Legend XT Electrotherapy Systems 2 Channel and Cart
View of the Administrator:
Ilise Rubinow
This is not the first time that I have written about summertime at
Elan Gardens, but it is such an outstanding period of time that it bears
repeating. We brag about the four season beauty of our twenty acre
campus, but summertime is not just about the scenery. It’s about the
lifestyle. We aim to provide the outdoor activity opportunities that we
all enjoy in the summer. That being said, there are many Residents of
Elan Gardens who tough it out and walk outside year round. That is the
beauty of our covered patios and walkways. But come June and not
only do the temperatures rise but so do the number of Residents who
enjoy all of our outdoor sitting and activity areas. Our recreation department plays their part too by moving every possible activity outside.
We do have a favorite summertime activity. We call it “Party on the
Patio”, but don’t tell a certain casino who uses that name! On these
pages you will see photos from the season’s first full blown barbecue
with a traditional grilled lunch, music and entertainment, decorations,
and a lot of beer (non-alcoholic, of course!). As with everything we
do, our Residents have the choice of eating inside but outside is the
popular choice. Some of our programs are later in the day and we
offer assorted frozen refreshments.
Our most used location is our English Garden which was created
many years ago by Roz and Lenny Marks in memory of their nephew.
Two years ago, Roz gifted Elan Gardens with a major upgrade to the
English Garden and created a beautiful Courtyard Patio in memory
of her grandson. These living legacies are adjacent to a large area of
covered patios making the space practical and useful in addition to
being filled with beautiful trees, shrubs, and fresh flowers.
Our special Residents from Memory Lane participate in these
summertime activities and also enjoy the patios and walkways that
are accessed through the second floor. It is like sitting in one’s own
backyard and who doesn’t enjoy that!
If any of you reading this have never been to Elan Gardens, we are
proud to show it off! Give us a call and we’ll set up a summertime
tour. We would love to share the view!
Elan Gardens’ Donations
Elan Gardens acknowledges with gratitude minimum contributions of $5.00 in honor or memory of friends and loved ones
you wish to recognize. Contributions made after May 31, 2016 will be published in the next issue. We make every effort to
list donations correctly and apologize for any errors. Please call (570) 585-4400 with any corrections.
Roz Marks
Susan & Rick Jacobson
Jill & Howard Fragin
Cynthia & Roland Maiolatesti
Carol Silberg
Mildred Weinberg
Laurie & Lee Rosenau
Gerry* & Lewis Sare
Suzy & Rick Jacobson
Harlene Arenberg
Ann & Ed Monsky
Rochelle & Howard Spizer
Annette & Alfred Rice
Lainey & Len Denis
Carol & Jeffrey Leventhal
Marsha & Murray Glick
Gerry* & Lewis Sare
Larry Karnoff
Jim McDonald
Madeleine & Ken Jacobs
Agnes Jackson
Marion Owens
Douglas Wood
Kay Holsinger
Ruth & Robert Martin
Parker Hill Community Church
Juanita & Charles Fentress
Kay Lahusen
Marge & Tim Gillestie
Marnel & John Winn
Marie Schumacher
Arlene & Forrest Wilcox
Linda & Bernard Keisling Jr
Eckersley & Ostrowski, LLP
Roz Marks
Gene Goldenzeil
Susan & Rick Jacobson
Gene Goldenzeil
Gloria Jurkowitz
Guitelle Rothstein
Hy & Norma Wagner
Melba Nathan & Family
Roz Marks
Susan & Rick Jacobson
Annette & Alfred Rice, Jr.
Susan & Rick Jacobson
Barbara Eagen
Allana Arnovitz
Betsy, Bob, Elizabeth & Ben Hyers
Betsy, Bob, Elizabeth & Ben Hyers
Betsy, Bob, Elizabeth & Ben Hyers
Phyllis, Feibus
Shelley Block and Lee Levine
Joseph Sorger
Jill & Howard Fragin
Alan Goldstein
Roz Marks
Laurel and Alan Glassman
*Of Blessed Memory
Call Prashanta Priest at (570) 344-6177, extension 140.
The Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsylvania
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Scranton, PA 18510
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Jewish Home
of Eastern Pennsylvania
The Journal is published by
The Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsylvania
1101 Vine Street
Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 344-6177
FAX (570) 344-9610
Marshall Kornblatt, President
Samuel K. Sandhaus, Executive Director
Contributing Editor: Phoebe Sharp
Proofreading and Content:
Mary Rose Applegate
Nicole Lipinski
Scott Blakiewicz
Jennifer Strang
Gayle MacDonald
Brittany Elko
Mae Murawski
Honor & Remember: Raisa Ivanov, Lynn Klemick
Graphic Production: City Press
Jewish Home, Elan Gardens,
Webster Towers Staff
The Jewish Home does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin,
handicap or age in admission or access to, or
treatment or employment in its programs and
If you no longer wish to receive the
Journal, please contact the Home at
(570) 344-6177, ext. 109 or e-mail
[email protected].
Families and residents painted “Spring Breeze” during a Spirited Art Event.
During this event, families and residents had the opportunity to spend time
together while painting memories they will cherish for a lifetime.