Periodic Trends Practice Test KEY

Periodic Trends Practice Quiz
____1. The energy required to remove an electron from an atom is called ionization energy
____2. From which of the following is it easiest to remove an electron? F Cl O I Ne N
Iodine because it is lower on the periodic table. Second easiest would be Nitrogen.
____3. The tendency for an atom to attract electrons to itself and form compounds is called electronegativity
____4. Draw an arrow that starts at the element with lowest
……………..electronegativity and ends with the highest. Fr lowest F highest
____5. Which of the following is most likely to gain electrons in a chemical
reaction? Mg Si O F P Why? Fluorine because it is the most electronegative.
____6. Which of the following elements is most metallic? Ca F Al Si Pb
Calcium because it is closest to the left. (Francium is the most metallic element. )
____7. Which of the following in each pair has a smaller radius? (Circle the smallest in each pair.)
O or O-2 (Oxygen with a minus 2 charge has gained two electrons, so it is larger than oxygen.)
Na or Na+ (Sodium with a + 1 charge has lost an electron, so it is smaller than sodium.)
Cl or Cl(Chlorine with a -1 charge has gained one electron, so it is larger than chlorine.)
Cl or I (iodine has 5 energy levels while chlorine only has 3, so chlorine is smaller)
Na or Cl (atomic radius goes down across rows because the nuclear charge is greater, so chlorine is smaller.)
____8. High ionization energy is characteristic of: metals non-metals metalloids Why? Non metals have high
electronegativity and more valence electrons.
____9. Which of the following has the most electrons? Ne
electrons except for Na which has 11.
O-2 F-
Na Al
All of these have 10
____10. Which of the following is least likely to lose an electron? Kr Br Ca K Fr Why? Krypton is a Noble Gas
and they don’t lose electrons because they have a full outer level. (8 valence electrons—an octet)
____11. Rank the following elements from low to high electronegativity: N, Al, O, K. K Al N O
____12. Rank the following from least number of valence electrons to most. O, N, C, Li, Ne Li-1 C-4 N-5 Ne-8
____13. Which of the atoms has the highest Ionization energy? Na S Fr O F H Fluorine
____14. Which of the atoms is the largest? O, S , Se, Te , I
Telurium has more energy levels, so it is the
largest. Iodine is smaller because atomic radius goes down across a period.
____15. Which of the following is highest in electronegativity. Ne, Ni, Na, Nb, N Nitrogen is closest to the
right and top. Ne doesn’t have an EN value because it is a Noble gas and already has 8 valence electrons.
16. Why do the Noble gases lack electronegativity values? They already have an octet and don’t need any more
17. Write the Noble gas configuration for Ba (56). [Xe]6s2
18. Which electron configuration rule states that electrons occupy lower energy levels first before filling higher
energy levels? Aufbau
19. Which electron configuration rule states that you put 1 electron in each orbital before adding the second?
Hunds Rule
20. Label the spdf blocks on a periodic table. Be able to identify which element ends at a specific spot based on
the last electron filled. [example 3p5, 4d5, 5s2]
21. Write the Noble gas configuration for the phosphide ion. Phosphorus has 15 electrons because its atomic
number is 15. The phosphide ion has a charge of -3 because phosphorus needs to gain 3 electrons to obtain
an octet. So, it will have 18 electrons and have the same configuration of Argon. [Ar]
22. Draw a Bohr model for the element with this configuration. [Kr] 5s2 4d2
1s2 2s2p6 3s2p6d10 4s2p6d2 5s2