Winter Maintenance Frequently Asked Questions

Winter Maintenance Frequently Asked Questions
The Town of Aurora’s crews clear roads and sidewalks quickly and effectively. We
maintain 400 kilometres of roads and 200 kilometres of sidewalks in Aurora.
Do you have questions about the Town of Aurora Winter Maintenance Program? Check
out the frequently asked questions listed below or contact our customer service, Access
Aurora at 905-727-1375 or e-mail [email protected].
When does the Town plow?
The Town plows when snow accumulation reaches eight centimetres or three inches,
with the exception of Yonge Street (five centimetres). When streets require plowing,
they are cleared within 16 to 24 hours after the end of the storm. Heavy snowfalls or
multiple storms can sometimes extend this period.
MMS Level of Service
10.0cm 24h
Town of Aurora Level of Service
Max. End of Storm Treatment
Depth Time Goal
Yonge Street 5.0 cm 6h
Bare Pavement
8.0cm 16h
Bare Pavement
8.0cm 24h
Select Treatment
Why are some roads plowed before others?
The Town is divided into nine routes. Each route has either primary or secondary
streets. Primary roads are cleared first since they carry the highest volumes of traffic.
These roads are used to access school zones, bus routes and emergency
services. The secondary roads are plowed after the primary routes have been
Why don't all roads have a bare pavement level of service?
To achieve bare pavement, straight salt must be applied at the arrival of snow so that a
layer of salt brine is maintained between the road surface and accumulating snow. This
level of service would take more time, staff and salt. The excess salt is also a detriment
to the environment.
What is snow pack?
Snow pack is hard-packed snow on a roadway. This condition can be expected
periodically on secondary/residential roads. Snow pack develops quickly as vehicles
travel on snow-covered roads.
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When does the Town salt and/or sand the roads?
Salt trucks are dispatched at the start of a snowfall and at the first sign of roads
beginning to ice. Primary roads are salted when conditions require it.
Secondary/Residential roads at hills, curves and intersections are salted also as this is
a change in service for the 2015/2016 season. Staff regularly examines new methods to
de-icing and anti-icing technologies. Our goal is to be proactive in reducing the amount
of salt while maintaining the safety of Town roads.
What is a windrow?
A snow windrow is the pile of snow that accumulates at the end of driveways when the
road is plowed.
Why does the snow plow leave a windrow at the end of my driveway?
Plow operators do not intentionally block driveways with snow. The plows have limited
control over the amount and direction of snow that comes off the plow. When you are
clearing the end of your driveway, please pile the snow on the right side (standing in
your driveway and looking towards the street). This helps reduce the amount of snow
that is pushed onto your driveway when a snow plow passes. The Town does not have
a driveway windrow removal program.
When are transit stops and mail boxes cleared?
Transit stops are cleared by York Region Transit. If you have questions regarding a
transit stop please contact 1-866-MOVEYRT (668-3978). Canada Post can be reached
at 1-800-267-1177 with questions about snow removal around their mail boxes.
When can I expect my sidewalk to be cleared?
The Town of Aurora plows all town-owned sidewalks and walkways. Sidewalks are
cleared after snow accumulation reaches five centimetres (two inches). Sidewalks
located on primary roads and schools are plowed and sanded first, followed by
secondary/residential sidewalks. Sidewalk clearing is generally completed within 24hours after the end of the storm. If there is a heavy snowfall or winter events back-toback, it will take longer to clear all sidewalks.
Can I expect my sidewalk to be cleared to bare concrete?
No, bare concrete can only be achieved through the use of straight salt with significant
cost and environmental impact. A sand/salt mix is applied to residential sidewalks when
slippery conditions exist.
Why can’t I push snow out onto the road?
Depositing snow or ice on the street creates hazardous traffic conditions and this could
result in an accident.
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The Ontario Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER H.8 sec 181) does not allow
any person to deposit snow or ice onto a roadway without written permission from the
Ministry or road authority (The Town of Aurora). The Town does not permit piling or
placing snow on any Town owned parking lots. All snow on your property should be
piled next to the opening of your driveway. Town and By-Law staff issue fouling notices
before issuing fines for illegal placement of snow. Property owners should be aware that
they will be responsible for all fines for snow placed illegally by their plow contractor.
What do I do if the snow plow hits my mailbox?
If your mailbox has been damaged during snow removal, please call the Town at 905727-1375 or email [email protected]. Staff will inspect the damage to determine the
cause. The Town does not repair or replace mailboxes knocked over by snow or from
snow that is thrown off the plow blade.
I live on a corner lot – why do I have more snow in my driveway than my
If you live on a corner property and the driveway is close to the corner, you can
experience a buildup of more snow on your driveway than your neighbours. This is an
unavoidable condition caused by the nature of the snow plow and its ability to maneuver
Why is my lawn sometimes damaged by the sidewalk plow?
The Town of Aurora tries to maintain the full width of the sidewalk. While operators try to
be careful during use of the plow, some damage may occur. Sidewalk plows have to be
large enough to move deep, heavy snow. Deep or drifted snow conditions often hide the
sidewalk edge and the plow can cause damage to grass. When sod is frozen, damage
is minimal but when the ground is not frozen, sod lifts away easily. To report sod
damage, please call Customer Service at 905-727-1375 or email [email protected] Staff
will inspect the damage and make any necessary repairs in the Spring.
Why are cul-de-sac streets cleared last?
These are typically low traffic volume areas. Due to various shapes, sizes and
presence of centre islands, cul-de-sacs require specialized snow removal equipment
and procedures. Most are serviced on a single shift after primary roads have been
plowed. We continually review the snow removal process in order to be more efficient
and reduce delays.
What do I do if my street was missed?
Although crews follow route schedules, sometimes streets may have been missed.
Please report any oversights by contacting Access Aurora at 905-727-1375
or [email protected]. The crew will be notified and arrangements made to have the
street cleared as soon as possible.
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What roads are not plowed within the Town?
Town of Aurora does not plow private or Regional Roads.
The Regional Roads are:
• Bathurst Street
• Yonge Street (North of Batson Dr/Orchard Heights Blvd to just South of
Henderson Dr /Allaura Blvd)
• Bayview Avenue
• Leslie Street
• St John’s Sideroad
• Wellington Street East/West
• Bloomington Road East/West
Any questions regarding Regional Roads can be directed to the York Region Roads
division at 905-895-1200 ext. 75200.
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