printable CV - The 36 Group

Barristers | Mediators | Arbitrators
+44 (0)20 7421 8000
36 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4JH
Areas of Experience
General Crime
Disciplinary and Regulatory
Fraud and Business Crime
Homicide and related Grave Offences
Serious and Organised Crime
(including Terrorism)
Serious Sexual Offences
John Lloyd-Jones QC
Call: 1993
Silk: 2013
Contact Clerks
Telephone: 020 7421 8007
Email: [email protected]
Queen's Counsel
Contact John
Mediator (CEDR accredited)
[email protected]
[email protected]
'Criminal silk handling the full spectrum of serious cases, including murder, fraud and cybercrime. Sources commend his
attention to detail and forensic preparation before a trial.'
'He's always been an extremely professional and competent advocate and has obtained incredible results for his clients over
the years.' 'He is no-nonsense, works very hard and his preparation is second to none.'
Chambers & Partners 2017 "Ranked Lawyer": Crime - Midlands (Bar) Silk
'He devotes his time to cases involving a high level of forensic analysis of evidence. His grasp of criminal law makes him a
sought-after advocate in cases ranging from murder to conspiracy'
'He will fight for you and for your clients and is strong and hard-working'
Chambers & Partners 2016 "Ranked Lawyer": Crime - Midlands (Bar) Silk
He works extremely hard and is particularly thorough, displaying forensic analysis.
His client care is outstanding and the strength of his preparation marks him out.
Chambers & Partners 2015 "Ranked Lawyer": Crime - Midlands (Bar) Silk
Extremely skilled at playing the long game, and extremely good at managing clients.
Legal 500 "Leading Silk 2015": Midland Circuit - Crime
He is an outstanding advocate with an ability to communicate with people from all backgrounds.
Chambers & Partners 2014 – Ranked Lawyer – Midlands (Bar) Crime (New Silk)
Great attention to detail and methodical in his approach to cases.
Legal 500 "Leading Silk 2014": Midland Circuit - Crime
Practice Profile
John Lloyd–Jones QC is a trial strategist, dedicated to the forensic analysis of evidence and passionate about
the in-court examination of witnesses. He is one of the most highly experienced, in–demand specialist
Criminal Barristers defending and prosecuting on the Midland and South Eastern Circuits in high profile and
multi-handed cases, including fraud, murder, fatal accidents and conspiracy.
Work Undertaken
Crime including Appeals
Disciplinary and Regulatory work
Fraud and Business Crime
Homicide and related Grave Offences
Serious and Organised Crime including Terrorism
Serious Sexual Offences
Appointments & Memberships
Criminal Bar Association
Midland Circuit
South Eastern Circuit
Notable Cases
R v Russell (2015/2016 Northampton)
Attempted Murder. Defending (leading - at trial and re-trial) young autistic Defendant (Aspergers Syndrome)
accused of kidnapping and attempting to Murder American girlfriend. Couple had met online using false
identities – she then travelled to the UK to visit the Defendant. He took her to a wood, blindfolded her and
then slashed her throat. At trial, called world-renowned ASD experts including Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen.
R v Lewis & Francis (2014 Northampton)
Murder. Defending (leading). Two Defendants accused of beating to death stranger in churchyard during
alleged botched robbery. Potential issue as to causation (Deceased, in fact, died from asphyxiation choking
on his own vomit) and cut-throat defences with each Defendant blaming the other
R v Philip Robinson & others (2011-2014 Nottingham)
Defending, as leading Junior, main Defendant (convictions for Customs offences) in 9-handed Customs case
(OP Hippolamp) against QC and Junior for the Crown. Multiple counts of Conspiring/Being Knowingly
Concerned in the Fraudulent Evasion of Duty. 3 million cigarettes seized; two manufacturing lines with
packaging capable of making over 50 million cigarettes; machinery for producing and packaging hand rolling
tobacco using counterfeit pouches; 5,000 litres of 96% de-natured alcoholic spirit with plans to illegally bottle
and sell further substantial amounts of un-dutied spirit. Investigation producing 5,700+ pages of electronically
served evidence and 250 hours of covert audio. In contested confiscation proceedings, successfully
challenged applicability of lifestyle provisions and Crown’s attempt to use evaded duty as value of
Defendant’s benefit, thereby reducing benefit from £900,000+ to £16,000.
R v Payne (2013-2014 Northampton)
Defending (OP Vanguard) in multi-Defendant, multi-kilo national class A drugs (cocaine) conspiracy.
R v GP (2013 Lincoln)
Death by careless driving. Protracted issues as to disclosure of technical data from car’s airbag control unit
(fatal collision believed to have been caused by pre-accident premature inflation of driver’s airbag). Data
removed from UK by Audi/Bosch. Two s.8 applications required. Court finally issuing witness summonses
against CEOs of both Audi and Bosch to secure Defence access to material in Germany. Upon Defence
application, Court ordered wasted costs against CPS because of unnecessary hearings and failures to
comply with Defence requests and Court Disclosure Orders.
R v Kelly & others (2013 Northampton)
Defending. Conspiracy to import 238kgs of cannabis (worth £680,000) from South Africa into UK.
R v CA (2013 Nottingham)
Defending mother of baby killed by baby’s father (charged with Murder; serving soldier seriously injured on
operational tour in Afghanistan). Mother charged with Causing or Allowing the Death of a Child and
multiple counts of Cruelty. No evidence offered against mother after father pleads guilty.
R v Hinton (2013 Peterborough)
Defending. IPP imposed on young Defendant (mental health problems) for Attempted Rape, Rape, Sexual
Assault and other offences committed against 4 Complainants during the course of a single evening at
different locations within the city.
R v Ayub Said (2013 Northampton)
Defending young Somalian accused of Attempted Murder – stabbing during the course of a drug deal.
R v AB (2012 Lincoln)
Successfully defending a 17 year old Portuguese Defendant (15 years at the time) accused of raping a 13
year old girl after a party (7 day trial);
R v Matin (2012 Northampton)
Defending at trial Bangladeshi former Imam of a local Mosque accused of sexually assaulting two young
female students. Allegations set against background of intra-community disagreements as to who should
provide Koranic instruction.
R v Deborah Rushton (2012-2013 Leeds)
Defending. Multi-handed class A drugs conspiracy (Yorkshire – Northamptonshire - Leicestershire).
R v CP (2011 Northampton)
Defending blind Zimbabwean man (HIV positive and Hepatitis B) accused of campaign of Rape against his
wife, a Zimbabwean asylum seeker. Defendant had, allegedly, coerced Complainant with threats to report her
to the Home Office and to sell their house in Harare. Wife had, in fact, purchased Viagra for Defendant to
enable him to attain and maintain an erection prior to ‘rapes’ and the couple had, with assistance of local
church deacons, ‘agreed’ to monthly quota of marital sexual intercourse. Acquitted.
R v Zebedee (2011 Northampton)
Murder. Defending (led) at trial of 55 year old Defendant of good character accused of strangling his 94 year
old father (incurable dementia). In the middle of the night Z had been called to attend to the needs of his
incontinent father. Z claimed that that intimate contact, coupled with other very particular actions done by his
father at that moment, triggered memories of sexual abuse he believed he had suffered as a child at the
hands from his father. He denied Murder but admitted Manslaughter on the grounds of diminished
responsibility and/or loss of control because of an Adjustment Disorder.
R v Freddy Wilson & others (2011 Northampton)
Murder. Defending (led). ‘Joint enterprise’ murder (intention to do GBH). 4 young Defendants, armed with a
golf club, crutches, a metal bar and a screwdriver attacked a group of Asian students outside a school. The
golf club broke during the altercation. One student fatally stabbed, by a co-Defendant, with the broken shaft of
the club (unforeseen). 3 week trial. FW acquitted of Murder and convicted of Violent Disorder.
R v Strong – (2011 Nottingham)
Defending. ‘One-punch’ Manslaughter. Defendant (24 years old; excellent work record but with relevant
previous convictions – on bail at the time for Affray committed two weeks before; also subject to suspended
sentence, again for Affray) killed a man outside a nightclub in Wellingborough. The Deceased and the
Defendant’s friend (both heavily intoxicated) had started to fight. The Defendant intervened (defence of
another) too quickly, striking the Deceased from behind, with a single blow to the neck severing the vertebral
R v Butcher (2010 Lincoln)
Defending struck off Solicitor with 1990’s previous convictions for False Accounting and Theft (stealing
money from client account) – employed by will writing and estate administration company (‘Willmakers of
Distinction’). Principal Defendant stole money from the estates being administered by removing money from
client account for his own purposes. Withdrawals facilitated by Defendant. Losses in excess of £400,000.
Theft and Fraudulent Trading.
R v Entwistle & others (OP Ferry) - (2009 Northampton)
Defending (led) £500,000 Northamptonshire County Council and Office of the Deputy Prime Minister fraud
(refurbishment grants for traveller sites). Representing Council Officer charged with Misfeasance in a Public
Office and Forgery offences. Co-Defendants included local architect and several members of the travelling
community. In sixth week of trial Prosecution offered no evidence against Defendant on all charges. 7,000+
pages of evidence.
R v Baljit Singh Rai & others (2015/2016 Derby)
OP Elder. Prosecuting (leading). 7 week trial. Successfully prosecuting three family members (father and two
sons) for their involvement in conspiracies to Assist Unlawful Immigration and Making Articles for use
in Fraud. Case focused on the provision, through a series of family run businesses based in Derby, of illegal
concreting workers to contractors working on major construction projects across the country between 2004
and 2014 (including Drax power station & Dubai Ports World, London Gateway). 65% of the workers provided
had no entitlement to either work or be in the United Kingdom.
R v Goldsmith (2015/2016 Northampton/Stafford)
Murder. Prosecuting (leading) Northants Detective Constable accused of murdering his wife (complicated
history of domestic unhappiness resulting, in part, from Defendant’s suspension from duty). After the killing,
the Defendant re-arranged the scene and then stabbed himself in order to convince the Police that his wife
had attacked him first. 3 week trial. Convicted.
R v Butler (2015/2016 Stafford/Leicester)
Murder. Prosecuting (leading) young female Defendant for stabbing to death her older, highly abusive
boyfriend. After the killing, the Defendant had tampered with the evidence and stabbed herself, feigning selfdefence. Complex history of domestic violence and abuse. Manslaughter plea (diminished responsibility –
battered woman syndrome) accepted at trial.
R v Jeffries (2015/2016 Stafford)
Murder. Prosecuting Defendant for beating his infirm father to death during the course of a domestic
argument. Manslaughter accepted at re-trial.
R v Moran (2015 Birmingham)
Murder. Prosecuting (leading). In 2010 Defendant convicted after trial of s.18 (face, head and brain injuries group attack, knives used) and Perverting the Course of Justice. Victim suffered life-changing injuries and
was transferred to a specialist care home. In 2014 he died as a direct result of the injuries that he had
received in 2009. Defendant re-prosecuted successfully for Murder. Issues as to causation and use to which
Murder trial Jury could use original s.18 conviction.
R v Riley & others (2015 Birmingham)
Drugs & money laundering. OP Weld/OP Iridium. Contemporaneous investigations by Humberside and
West Mercia Police. Prosecuting (leading – pleas & 4 week trial) 21 Defendants from three regional OCGs for
their involvement in various conspiracies, including sourcing and supplying high purity cocaine (multi-kilo:
Greater Manchester to Humberside; West Midlands to Humberside; and London to West Midlands);
commercial cannabis cultivation at two factories (West Midlands); and money laundering. Complex hierarchy
of involvement and interaction between the parties, some of whom were serving prisoners at the time.
R v Meakin (2014 Nottingham)
Murder. Prosecuting Defendant for stabbing to death his girlfriend outside their flat following history of
domestic abuse (verbal and physical, in private and in public) perpetrated by her against him. Deceased had
armed herself with two knives, attacked and wounded the Defendant before he disarmed and then stabbed
her with one of the knives.
R v Aitken, Aitken, Aitken & Doherty (2014 Leicester)
Murder. Defending (leading) Emma Aitken (aged 19 years). The Defendant, her father and her boyfriend
were accused of beating to death and then burning the body of a member of the travelling community who
had argued with the fourth Defendant (Defendant’s step-mother; charged with assisting an offender) at a
Derbyshire miners’ welfare club. 7 week trial before Hon Mr Justice Haddon-Cave.
R v Tarsoly (2014 Derby)
Murder. Prosecuting Hungarian Defendant who had planned and then carried out the premeditated murder of
his wife’s lover outside the Deceased’s house in the early hours of the morning. Defendant unsuccessfully
claiming ‘loss of control’.
R v Cook & Shaw (2013-2014 Lincoln)
Leading - prosecuting (VHCC for East Midlands CCU) husband and wife accused of Fraudulent Trading
(multiple frauds committed in order to raise £3m) in relation to two companies (caravan & leisure park).
Offending involved use of a variety of different methods to fraudulently obtain finance (e.g. disguising and reidentification of property; double selling; sham sales and misrepresentations). Substantial disclosure issues
(including issuing of two Prosecution witness summonses against accountants and the instructing of
Independent Counsel to assess legal professional privilege claimed). 3 day abuse of process argument
(defeated). 7 week trial - first 4 weeks taken with further Defence disclosure applications; both Defendants
then pleaded guilty after 3 weeks of evidence.
R v Frogg (2013 Nottingham)
Prosecuting. Defendant pleads guilty (after legal argument as to the admissibility of psychiatric evidence) to
Attempted Murder arsing from a brutal attack on a 4 year old boy – the Defendant repeatedly stabbed the
Victim then threw his body onto the pavement outside his house.
R v Eugene Robinson & 6 others (2013 Derby)
Drugs conspiracy. Prosecuting (OP Athonite 1) members of Derby’s ‘A1 Crew’ for exporting cocaine to
Aberdeen using drugs mules, couriers and the postal system.
R v Cox & West (2012 Northampton)
‘Heritage crime’ (Ancient Monuments & Archaeological Areas Act 1979). Prosecuting Defendants (metaldectorists) for trespassing onto protected monument at Chester Farm, Irchester, Northants., (a 34 acre multiperiod site including an Iron Age settlement, a Roman settlement, a Romano-British cemetery, a deserted
Medieval village and 17th century buildings) and stealing coins and artefacts.
R v DW (2012 Northampton)
Prosecuting a taxi driver (with cerebral palsy) for allegedly serially buggering a young boy (profoundly deaf
from birth) and for later sexually assaulting his boss’ daughter in Florida. 8 day trial.
R v Knapper (2012 Nottingham)
Murder. Prosecuting. Defendant convicted of stabbing his wife to death in front of their young son.
R v Warren, Hoyland & others (OP Ventor) - (2012 Northampton)
Prosecuting as leading Junior multi-conspiracy, multi-Defendant case based on (1) rural car theft conspiracy
(Land Rover Defenders stolen to order by team of travellers), (2) car ringing and sale of stolen parts (using
stolen Land Rovers and stolen parts, some taken direct from Land Rover’s Solihull main site) and (3)
money laundering; over £1m laundered through two accounts concealing cash sales, eBay sales and sales
to Middle East and beyond. Over 3,600 pages of Prosecution evidence, condensed into admissions and
presented over 3 days. All Defendants convicted on all counts after 2 week trial.
R v Giles and Giles (2011 Northampton)
Prosecuting. Mortgage frauds & money laundering. 26 counts - Obtaining Money Transfers by Deception,
Fraud, Transferring & Possessing Criminal Property. Mother and son fraudulently applying for numerous
residential mortgages (over £1.1m in finance raised) then renting properties and/or transferring, to each other,
the sums advanced. Also, over 5 year period, laundering substantial sums of unaccounted for cash
(£200,000) through their bank accounts. Benefit £993,561 – confiscation order £75,000 including hidden
R v Roe (2011 Northampton)
Prosecuting good character Defendant accused of raping his sleeping girlfriend (long history of falling into
quick, deep sleep). Defendant claimed consent but had sent Victim, shortly after intercourse, numerous notes
and texts apologising for actions. Defendant also member of Facebook group “It’s not rape, it’s surprise sex”.
Issue as to whether complex behaviour could occur in sleep, including sexual behaviour (so called
“sexomnia”) triggered by physical contact in bed. Trial – convicted.
R v Thomas Murray & others (OP Guinness) – (2009/2010 Nottingham)
Defending. Multi-handed class A drugs conspiracy uncovered by East Midlands Special Operations Unit
(EMSOU). National dealing but also plans to import multi-kilo amounts of cocaine (22kg seized in Antwerp)
into UK from Europe (by light aircraft drops into Kent – full dummy run undertaken) and, inter alia, to import
BMK (principal chemical precursor for manufacture of amphetamine sulphate) from China. Defendant (long
history of involvement in cigarette and alcohol smuggling and with numerous European contacts) accused of
organising logistics for delivery, including reconnoitring airfields in England, Holland and Belgium. Guilty plea
entered, on receiving an indication (12 years), in ninth week of trial. Initial estimate of benefit £2.2m; assets
included residential property in UK and in Turkey.