CCS Connection - Sept. 7, 2016

Principal Ben Frenchak
School Year 2016-2017
CCS Connection
September 7, 2016
Issue 3
From the Principal’s Desk
Upcoming Events
****All school events are posted
on the websites via Google
Calendars. Please check there
for updates on Athletic and
School Events.
3:15 MS Soccer Practice
3:15 MS VB Practice
4:30 MS VB at Blue Ridge
Last week I shared about seeds, words and growing in Christ. As I think about how our
words are seeds and how to help our children plant seeds of truth and life, it causes me
to reflect on how powerful the Word of God truly is. John 1:1 states, “In the beginning
was the Word…” God’s Word was lived out in Jesus from the beginning of time as we
know it. This reminds me of the 8th grade Bible class. We have been watching and
discussing Louie Giglio’s video Indescribable. This is a great video on how incredible
God is and that He is beyond our imagination. We learned that God’s ruler or measuring
tape is known as the light year. This ruler is approximately 5.88 trillion miles long and it
is how we measure the distance between stars, constellations and galaxies. One galaxy
we studied is known as the Whirlpool Galaxy. Giglio shared that the Whirlpool Galaxy is
approximately 28 million light years from us. When I think about 28,000,000 light years
multiplied by 5,880,000,000 miles (light year), I begin to see how awesome the Lord
Almighty truly is. These numbers are beyond our comprehension In Job, God shares
that He binds the chains of Pleiades and loosens Orion’s belt. According to the Arecibo
Observatory, Pleiades is a constellation that is at least 11 light years wide and may be
as much as ten times that size. This means it’s in the quadrillions of miles. The three
stars that make up Orion’s belt are between 800 and 1300 light years away. NASA says
this about these stars: “Even the closest star is almost unimaginable far away.” Yet, to
God they are a mere width of his hand. How great is our God!
As we seek to plant seeds of life in our children’s hearts, let’s take the mighty, awesome
Word of God and speak eternal life into them. Our God is truly Awesome!! May your
week be full of His mighty power.
12 3:15 MS Soccer Practice
4:30 MS VB vs J. Frank
6:30 Christmas Program
auditions (for family
13 4:30 MS Soccer at North
3:15 MS VB Practice
4:30 MS Soccer at Stuart Hall
16 12:15 Student Council to
19 3:15 MS Soccer Practice
4:00 MS VB vs EMS
5:00 Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
20 4:30 MS Soccer Game vs EMS
Ben Frenchak
Pastor/Principal, CCS Grandparents Day
October 7, 2016
At CCS, we LOVE our grandparents and we enjoy having them visit our school.
Each year, we host a special Grandparents Day and send an invitation to
welcome them to our school. We want to extend this invitation to your child’s
grandparents and/or to an adoptive grandparent. Please see the enclosed form
to submit your grandparents’ addresses to the office. Please include addresses
for adoptive grandparents too.
Serve-A-Thon Kick Off
Coming Soon!
CCS will conduct its annual
Serve-A-Thon on Friday, October 28.
Our project this year is to pack 20,000
4:30 MS Soccer vs North River meals. The meals will be dispersed in our
community through the Blue Ridge Area
26 3:15 MS Soccer Practice
Food Bank.
6:30 Christmas Program
22 3:15 VB Practice
27 9:00 1st grade field trip to
Luray Zoo
Serve-A-Thon Kick Off will be
September 27 at 5:00 pm.
CCS Directories—
For all of our NEW families, this will be
a public directory and will include
addresses, phone numbers & email
addresses. We will be using the contact
information you provided on the
Parental Release forms.
If there is any information you would
not like included in this directory,
please contact the office at 432-9816
or email Linda Chonko at
[email protected].
Chapel on Wednesdays
Middle School 8:30-9:12
Elementary 11:15-12:00
Parents are always welcome to
join us for chapels!!!
Join the Parents Prayer Team on Tuesday mornings from 8:30‐9:10 Page 2
CCS Connection
School Lunches
CCS Lunches start next week!!!
Volunteers Needed!! We still need volunteers
to help serve our Wednesday Hot Lunches
(11:45-12:30). If you are available to help
during this hour one week per month, please
contact Linda Chonko at
[email protected].
Mondays: Pizza from (to be determined—
Lunch Schedule:
Fridays: Subs from Subway ($4.00 which
includes a sub, a bag of chips and a cookie)
11:55-12:25 PK, 3rd-5th
Prayer requests? There is a prayer
request box on the table in the
foyer. Anything put in that box will
be prayed over by the parent prayer
group and sent out to the parent
prayer email group as well.
Questions? Contact Liz Slagell at
[email protected]
We have a few extra 2015‐
2016 yearbooks available for $25. Please call the office if you are interested. ES Soccer—the deadline to sign‐up is 8am this Friday!! Please call the office if you would like to sign‐up. AmazonSmile is an opportunity for CCS to earn money as a Pain Free Fundraiser! When shopping through Amazon, use Weekly lunch options:
12:05-12:35 K-2nd
12:15-12:45 Middle School
Parents—You are always welcome to come
and join your child(ren) for lunch.
Spirit Night
Our first Spirit Night is scheduled for Monday,
September 19 from 5-7pm. Chick-fil-A will
donate 15% of all “in store” sales between
5-7pm. Drive thru sales will be counted if a driver
requests it. There will also be a “plank drop” at
the event. Persons can pay $.50 to receive a
chance at various coupons to be used on their
next visit. All money collected from the wheel will
go to our school. Students who bring a friend age
3- 13 who doesn’t live in your house and doesn’t
come to our school will get to eat their packed
lunch one day at school with Mr. Frenchak and
dessert will be provided by CCS!
Again this year—schools will be competing for
highest participation. One school will earn an
additional $500 at the end of this year. Could it
be CCS???
Tuesdays: Packed Lunches
Wednesday: Hot lunch ($2.75 for all
students) **starting Sept. 14*
Thursdays: Packed Lunches
Monday Pizza changes…
In an effort to offer a more nutritional lunch
to our students, we are exploring other
options for our Monday pizza. On Monday
Sept. 12, the pizza served will be from
Costco. Only cheese and/or pepperoni will
be available. (The office has contacted
families who ordered sausage pizza via
email. Please be sure to check your email
regarding this change. Thanks!!)
MS Retreat Sept. 29-30
The AWESOME experience of MS Retreat 2016 is on the way! More details coming... Please mark your calendars for our MS Retreat scheduled for Thurs. & Fri., Sept 29 & 30. We encourage all middle school students (6th‐8th grade) to par cipate in this special me together. More informa on will come soon. ATTENTION: All MS students will need to pack a lunch for Thursday. Sept. 29. We need some MS moms—to help with food prepara on and purchasing for the MS Retreat. REMINDER: Please return school picture envelopes to the office by this Friday . School Pictures on Thursday Sept. 15
the link below to be taken directly to which is already linked to CCS. h ps://
ch/38‐3821029 If you have ques ons, please direct them to the office. The school picture ordering process will be similar to previous years
and the order envelopes are enclosed in today’s blue folder. You will
not see a picture proof before ordering, but Steve Zumbro does a great
job. If you want a retake, there will be a $5 fee. In order to get the best
possible photographs, please have your students wear bright colors and appropriate
clothing. These pictures will be used for the yearbook so please use normal dress
code guidelines (modesty and no large writing on shirts). Class pictures will be taken
on Thurs., Sept. 15. If a student is absent they will not be included in the class
picture. Students who are absent on Thurs., Sept. 15 can have an individual photo
taken on retake day, Tuesday Oct. 25 at 8:45am.