Phase Diagram for Water - CK

Phase Diagram for Water
Ck12 Science
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Printed: January 2, 2014
Ck12 Science
Concept 1. Phase Diagram for Water
Phase Diagram for Water
• Describe the phase diagram for water.
• Define critical temperature.
• Define critical pressure.
How is it possible to create snowballs?
You need a special snow to make the best snowballs. This snow needs to be a little wet so the particles will stick
together. Dry snow can be tightly pressed and will form snowballs because the higher pressure causes the snowflakes
to melt somewhat. However, when you release the pressure, the snow goes back to a more solid form and the flakes
no longer stick together.
Phase Diagram for Water
Water is a unique substance in many ways. One of these special properties is the fact that solid water (ice) is less
dense than liquid water just above the freezing point. The phase diagram for water is shown below.
Phase diagram for water.
Notice one key difference between the general phase diagram and the phase diagram for water. In water’s diagram,
the slope of the line between the solid and liquid states is negative rather than positive. The reason is that water is
an unusual substance in that its solid state is less dense than the liquid state. Ice floats in liquid water. Therefore,
a pressure change has the opposite effect on those two phases. If ice is relatively near its melting point, it can be
changed into liquid water by the application of pressure. The water molecules are actually closer together in the
liquid phase than they are in the solid phase.
Refer again to water’s phase diagram (Figure 1.1). Notice point E, labeled the critical point. What does that mean?
At 373.99°C, particles of water in the gas phase are moving very, very rapidly. At any temperature higher than that,
the gas phase cannot be made to liquefy, no matter how much pressure is applied to the gas. The critical pressure
(Pc ) is the pressure that must be applied to the gas at the critical temperature in order to turn it into a liquid. For water,
the critical pressure is very high, 217.75 atm. The critical point is the intersection point of the critical temperature
and the critical pressure.
• Solid water is less dense than liquid water just above the freezing point.
• The critical temperature (Tc ) of a substance is the highest temperature at which the substance can possibly
exist as a liquid.
• The critical pressure (Pc ) is the pressure that must be applied to the gas at the critical temperature in order to
turn it into a liquid.
• The critical point is the intersection point of the critical temperature and the critical pressure.
Read the section of the material at the link below that deals specifically with water:
1. Why does the melting point of ice get lower at higher pressures?
Concept 1. Phase Diagram for Water
2. Can you compress steam to form a liquid if the temperature is above 374°C?
3. What is the critical pressure of water?
1. What happens to solid ice under high pressure near the freezing point?
2. What is the critical temperature?
3. What is the critical pressure?
• critical point: The intersection point of the critical temperature and the critical pressure.
• critical pressure: The pressure that must be applied to the gas at the critical temperature in order to turn it
into a liquid.
• critical temperature: The highest temperature at which the substance can possibly exist as a liquid.
1. Image copyright Pixel 4 Images, 2013. Used under license from
2. CK-12 Foundation - Christopher Auyeung. . CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0