Camp David 1978 | What is the Israel-Egypt peace

Camp David 1978 | What is the
Israel-Egypt peace treaty in 1979?
In 1967 the Zionist occupiers were occupying the Sinai (Egypt) and the Gaza
Strip. Although in the end the war erupted in 1973, but the Sinai Peninsula has
not been able to return to the lap of Egypt.
Then held several talks and discussions until 1977, where Egyptian President
Anwar Sadat visited a colonial state of “Israel” after intense negotiation and
talked in the Knesset to prove the seriousness of Egypt in peace.
And he was the first of Arab President who visited the colonial state of
“Israel” (implicitly acknowledge its existence).
Camp David:
In 1978, a peace treaty between the Egyptian president “Anwar Sadat” and former
Prime Minister of Israel “Menachem Begin” was established, after 12 days of
intense negotiations at the presidential palace Camp David in Maryland, near the
capital of the United States (Washington), it was applied because the
negotiations and the signing of an agreement under the supervision of former US
President “Jimmy Carter”.
Points of Agreement:
West Bank and Gaza Strip: the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation residents
(Jewish settlers) in the area specified in Resolution 242, but the resolution
does not clearly and certainly has not been implemented.
The Relation between Egypt and Occupation State: has successfully held the
Egypt-Israel peace treaty in 1979
The Relation between Israeli illegal state and some Arab countries: mainly
Lebanon, Syria and Jordan to achieve comprehensive peace in these countries.
The most important point is the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty in 1979
End the state of war between Egypt and Israeli illegal state.
The return of Sinai Peninsula to the Egypt’s lap and several military posts.
Ensuring that Israeli vessels crossing the Sinai Peninsula and the Strait of
Tiran in a state of peace and security.
Results of the Agreement:
2. “Israel” to get the first official recognition by Arab countries.
4. The two presidents (Egypt-Israel) received the Nobel Peace Prize.
6. Both countries increasing diplomatic and economic ties with European countries
and the United States.
8. Egypt and the illegal state of ‘Israel’ get a stream of economic and military
aid from USA in accordance with the agreement.
10. The return of Abu Rodes oil field in western Sinai to the bosom of the
Egyptian state.
12. Open the agreement and ending the state of war by setting up a tourism
development project of Egypt, especially in Sinai.
14. Egypt abandoned Palestine, as the most powerful Arab states at that time to
support the Palestinian nation.
16. The Arab countries rejected the treaty and removed Egypt from the Arab League
in 1979 and then rejoined in 1989.
18. Anwar Sadat was killed by Khaled Al-Islambouli in 1981