t ^ i o f A THANKSGIVING OFFERING PorCsnUEalltiintatafii A

O ur Retail Price on
Suits, Reefers
and Overcoats
is so close to the cost of
manufacturing that we guaran­
tee the very best values for
your money. *
The most reliable makes in
Underwear, Cardigan Jackets,
Sweaters and Hosiery.
Special offering in under­
wear at 69c, regular $i goods.
'Winter Caps for men and
boys' from 25c to $2.
C. L. CUR11S £ CO.,
10 North Main St
GUoversville, N. Y.
...............Factory, Utica, N. Y,
t ^ i o f
■ FINEST $10
O vercoat
■ in America for
the money.
This is w hat we claim to
■ours and we are w illing to let '
you judge whether it is tru e
o r not. You couldn’t get a |
. m ore perfect fit if you w ent t o , ]
I the.m ost expensive tailor yon ,
^ ■couM find or more careful
making.. If you don’t w ant to ^
./pay 110.00, we have them for
|i .
: 9 ,U j .$ 5 .5 0 j
m new up to date shades ^
.d clothes.
See them and know for your- |
i f it will save yon money
to buy of us.
Mes’a Clothing. Ladies’ Saitiu B
Two Storesr
Gloversvlllt. K. Y. A
Bochester, N. Y.
frean ^persons who are otaeanvase engag­
ed iduitag the week, to taJee up a course
in writing on ©aturdayis. iWe have arrangeid to r a class from 10 a. m. to 11:45
a. ni,/'Satui'days, hegintaing Nov. 17.
This ci'ass' ■will be open to hoith sexes,
young and old, and to pupils of the publlc achools. Cost will be nominal,
r day and
nes ent
inety pupils. .’Sever
this ■week. Enter a t any time. C ar fare
a t half rates. Adiress
A 'f'
15 E ast State Street.
L o c a l R aoord*
Telaphon# No.
Counting Room.............................
_______ Yosterdav' Weathei*.
p.m ...........4S
P .m ............ 80
i') | Max............. to
52 Moan,........... 88
Biiln SS,
Prevailing wind w
Temperture at 18m to-das OE
W. Jj, MoIiKASr.'bbserver.^’
H erm an.M vers of Albany is stop­
ping at the Windsor,
Miss S. E. Clute, secretary, of the
Y. W. C. A.', has gone on a visit to
Painter Charles H. Theobald
Created a Senbtion.
Under the Delusion that His Neigh­
bors Were Tormenting Him, and
Trying to Kill Him, He Barricaded
an Attic Door and Alarmed People
by Hjs Conduct,
A telephone call was received at po­
lice headquarters about 9 o’clock this
morning asking th at a policeman be
sent to F orest street immediately, as
it was ’feared that serious trouble
would occur a t the home of 0. H.
Theobald, • who had displayed consid­
erable worriment as a result of recent
ill health and was ra th e r violent in
his actions early to-day.
For some time past Mr. Theobald
has been under the care of a physi­
cian, and last night his condition was
unfavorable. Early this morning he
astonished the inm ates of his home by
his unusual conduct, and after they
ha.d all fled from the house, Mr. Theo­
bald Avent to the garret and locked
himself in. ^ After so doing, he piled
a number of heavy articles against
the door and barricaded it in a very
strong m anner. Then he tore out a
windoAV of the gai’re t on the Forest
sti’eet side of th e building, and with
his body about h alf out of th e AArlndow,
alarmed the entire community by his
People thronged about the place
and men working in the factories
were attracted from their Avork by
the strange scene, but all efforts to
gain access to Mr. Theobald were re­
sisted by Mm, and he refused to .al­
low anybody to enter the garret,
In response to the telephone call for
police assistance, Officer Geo. Smith
went to Mr. Theobald’s establishm ent
and Avas recognized.
The officer
rapped a t th e attic door and Theobald
removed the barricade, after which
the oliioer entered th e room and in­
quired ' ahout th e disturbances. Mr.
Theobald told him th a t the people in
the building would not let him sleep
in the other p art of th e house, and he
had been compelled to m ake a hed in
the attic. He further asserted th a t
they kept pricking him with wires
during th e night and prevented him
from obtaining any sleep, and he be­
lieved they had intended to kill him
this morning.
In the meantime. Dr. Drury had
been summoned and administered
some hypodermic injections and gave
Theobald medicine, after which he
was escorted uptown by Officer Smith
and Officer Louis Sperber. On the
Avay he succeeded in eluding them for
a moment, but w as soon found. Then
he Avas escorted to Patrick’s drug
store and from there he went to the
office of Jordan & Cassedy. H e Avas
under the belief th a t some one Avas
constantly following him.
When Theobald entered the office of
the laAvyers, he m et a gentleman whowas w aiting there, and immediately
commenced to tell the visitor about
the troubles Avhicli h a d . occiUTed on
F orest street. Theobald S ta te d th a t
the Odd FelloAvs Avere at his house
last night and caused him all sorts of
trouble by trying to have - him join
their order. He further asserted th a t
they screv/ed little wires through the
floor and kept prodding him with
Mrs. O. B. Shedd of St, Jolmsville is
visiting Mrs. Seward Shepard on
Kingsboro avenue.
The Red Stars of North street defeat­
ed the Washington street .team at a
game of football by a'^core of 15 to 5.
Glove City council. No. 53, D. of L.
will hold Its regular meeting a t 7:30
o’cl,Every member of the degree
team is requested to be present
A special meeting of the Woman’s
Home Missionary society of the First
M. E. church will be held Friday af­
ternoon after the service.
The Junior football league of Kingsboro played a game with the North
Main street football league Tuesday
and defeated the latter team by a
score of 10 to 5.
And now our fellow townsman Ellnathan Baker’s face is wreathed in
smiles on account of a little stranger
that is stopping there, and if it is half
as sm art as report says it is, he Avill
soon be calling him grandpa.
Theodore Peterson, who was arrest­
ed in Nerv York, charged w ith failing
to pay a board bill, paid his landlord
yesterday afternoon and was dis­
charged. The other prisoner has
failed to make a settlem ent as yet.
The board of supervisors m et this'
morning and on motion of Mr, Hill­
man i t was resolved to give the clerk
the same compensation he received
last year. On motion of Mr. Vibbard,
a recess was then taken until 2 p. m.
The Gloversville M ilitary band
elected the following officers a t its
meeting last evening: President, Or­
ville Kilm er; vice president, G. Hambrecht; secretary, M. Tygert; treas­
urer, H. E. Hoskins; leader and man­
ager, E. J. Lucas; board of managers,
P. J. Batty, F. Coster, F. Fonda, C. I).
The S ir William Johnson lodge, K. .
of P., of Jolnistown, have extended an
invitation to Silver Cross lodge, No.
12(1, K. oJJ P-, of this city, to pay them
a fraternal visit ‘ next Wednesday
evening and Avork the amplified third
degree. All members of the degree
team of Silver Cross lodge are earn­
estly requested to be present a t the
regular m eeting Monday evening.
Th'3 'Normal School foot hall (team of
Albany will play the Gloversville High
school .team Saturday at BerksMTO
park. The Amsterdam high school
team defeated ith'e Albany team by a
single .touchd'OiAvn, and as Gloverevillo
tied the Amsterdam team last Saturday,
they ought to m ake it interesting for
th e Normal boys.
The New York Central company has
determined to tear dOAvn the old station
in Alb.iny and to erect upon its site a
one story building, probably « f brick
for th e use of the express companies.
About this tim e a telephone mes­
Superintendent H arrington of the Mo­
hawk division of the New Y ork Central sage AA’a s received at the office from
said th e company had determined upon the police departm ent, asking th a t
Theobald be induced to come as near
this step.
to the city building a s possible, and
officers would th en tak e care of him.
F., J. & G. R. R. Report.
The painter was coaxed to the city
The quarterly report ending Sepr
building under a pretense, and was
tem ber 30, of the Fonda, Johnstown &
then urged to go into the station
Gloversville railroad, filed Avith 'the
house to see a prisoner who .was con­
state board of railroad commissioners
fined there pending a settlem ent of
to-day, shows a net income from all
his case. W hile he was watclung the
sources for the quarter, of $38,710.02.
prisoner, another cell door was op­
ened and Theobald was hustled into
Lde fresh to-day it Avlthout any ceremony. It was
ior to Hemstreet
feared th a t a struggle would occur
and the officers were prepared for
but resistance was
Plush and SashkatcheAvan carriage emergencies,
and sleigh robes. Exam ine ou r line; it slight. L ater th e officers searched
AVillpayyou. J. R. Newman & Sons.
Theobald’s clothing and found two
Popcorn and cocoanut crisp a t Ansel
Afterward it Avas'stated that the
Wells’, successor to Hemstreet & Posman had rung a rope out o f the attic
windoy in h is building on Forest
Th© trim m ers cof the Elite millinery street, and it is probable th a t he in­
-store are in New York looking up the tended to esc.'iipe from the structure
w inter styles.
by sliding doAyn it in case the door
to the attic Avas forced by one of his
Peach Blossom, Orr’s Candy store.
supposed enemies.
■Smoke -Llttis J . D. 5 cent union cigar,
hand made, long Havana filler. For Atty Avas notified of the condition of
quality i t has no equal. Sells strictly Theobald and he appointed Drs.Goodou its merits. Joseph DafJey,' manu­ fellow and D rury to make an exami­
nation of the m an a,nd report as to
his m ental condition. The physicians
Sorosis shoes a t W illard’s.
visited th e station hdtise shortly after
3 o’clock, and on th e ir report will de­
pend Avhether Theobald will be taken
,to a state hospital or allowed
freedom. The man seem s to be trou­
bled with a number of hallucinations,
Look a t Bogart’s window.
b u t during his confinement he has
been quiet.
" F in e st line of candles a t Orr’s. ’
The idoictors reported 'in favor of hav­
Call for and drink Saratoga whiskey. ing friends care for t h e m an for a cou­
ple of days' a t lihe steition l\ouse
Call for and drink Saratoga wlai^«^. hopes 'that he would recover.
In Linen, T o - M o r r o w
F^ridayend S a t u r d a y .
In t h e K it o h e n
D epartm en t.
The most complete
and comprehensive as­
sortment ever seen.
The magnitude is as­
tonishingly large, the
variety is wonderfully
vast. Our table dam­
ask by the yard and
napkins to match are
the choicest and latest
ideas in patterns of
the" best designers in the world.
sizes, beautiful designs and very fine quality,
from 2 yards square to 4 yards long. A be
ter and brighter assortment of TRAY
CLO TH S and DOILIES than ever. Every pattern is new
and the quality is from the^ medium to the finest. The low
prices will commend themsblves to every .intelligent buyer.
Besides the now exceptionally low prices we will give an
Uoff ftoiiifar PriiiO.
>----- GR/^NITE-
1 1 ^ ;^
W OODENW EAR at SO per cent, (or 1-5) off regular
price. Our stock embraces articles of all kinds and for all/
purposes, and when you take into consideration ' that our
prices are always the lowest and then lake 20 per cent, off,
you are buying them as cheap as other houses pay for the
same goods. Our reason, for offering this is, we must have
the room for HOLIDAY G O O D S, which are now fast
coming in. This will afford you a splendid opportunity to
replenish your stock of KITCHEN UTENSILS for a very
little money.
S e e W i n d o w O isp la y ,
wmi ilC L E ! Papering Season
"Queen Quality’’ footAvear for Avomen
combines all good features of American
shoemaking, the best in the world. Yet
the iprice is reasonable, yes m ore than
reasonable. .$3.00 is all you are asked
for every shape, every weight of sole.
$3.00 pays for as m uch elegance, style
and wear as you ever bought for $5.00.
S 3 for th e
We are showing just as large
a line of
Shoes’ for Women Room Moulding.
Pats you in touch Avitih every virtue
of any $3.50, $3.75 o r $1.00 shoe. $3.0C
little ■enough, yet sufficient to
PictBifi Framing a Specialty.
Aifordfi Waller
teleph o ne:
210 .
Wise Heads Wear
Lefferts’ Hats.
And as ine as the
* spring assortment.
To-M orrow,
Friday a n d
S aturday.
^Every housekeeper, all boarding
houses, ali hotels, all restaurants M
and S a t u r d a y we wUl sell
any piece of TIN WARE,
WARE and
Remember the Sale is for
For To Morrow, Friday
should attend this sale.
A most opportune sale. A
splendid chance for house-.
keepers to buy THANKS­
Our very complete hat assortment is
replenished with a new invoice as fast
as desirable styles are put upon the
market. Its no trouble to us and’ little
trouble to you, to have you step inside
when passing our store and ask to see
what hat makers are producing for the
X winter, 1900. Whether you are sedate
or gay in dress, from our stock of hats
you will be able to find “just your
$1 00 to $3 00
Winter Caps are Ready—are You ?
^. P. Lefferts & Son,
S7N.Main Street.
HEjDLO S2-2.
No. iO South. Main Street.
=C H E A P That is the Way
They Look.
W e are selling large
Have you put in your
season’s supply of
6 West Fulton Street.
We put this up nine
years ago; it proved a
great seller because
it is the best prepara­
tion on the market
for the skin; it strikes
;ninety-nine cases in
every hundred.
25 cents
for 4 ounce bottle.
Chas. E. Patrick,
Four Dollar N iliinery!
TRIM M ED H A T S — The wonderful pop­
ularity of our Four Dollar Trimmed Hats is
well merited—pronounced so time and time
again by women who know. W e spare no
effort to make this line thoroughly up-todate, and we use materials generally found
in higher-priced Hats.
All Felt and Ready-to-Wear Hats at Cut
Prices this Week.
Successor to Houclc & Fntirlc)^
Merchant Miller».
Telephone 127.
14-1* Wwit Street
Telephone S5-I.
S Fultoa St.
I’ aud Infauta’ Ot