DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User`s

DataFlux Event Stream
Processing Engine
User’s Guide
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DataFlux Event Stream Processing
Engine User’s Guide
Version 1.3
January 24, 2013
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DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Table of Contents
Contact SAS Institute Inc. ............................................................................. 1
What's New in DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine 1.3 .......................1
Overview ....................................................................................................... 3
Concepts ...................................................................................................... 3
Data Flow ..................................................................................................... 4
Events ......................................................................................................... 5
Event Blocks ................................................................................................. 5
Key Modeling Objects .................................................................................... 7
dfESPengine ................................................................................................. 7
dfESPproject ................................................................................................. 8
dfESPcontquery ........................................................................................... 10
dfESPeventdepot ......................................................................................... 10
dfESPwindow_source ................................................................................... 10
dfESPwindow_filter ...................................................................................... 11
dfESPwindow_copy ...................................................................................... 12
dfESPwindow_compute ................................................................................ 12
dfESPwindow_union ..................................................................................... 15
dfESPwindow_aggregate .............................................................................. 16
dfESPwindow_join ....................................................................................... 20
dfESPwindow_pattern .................................................................................. 22
dfESPwindow_procedural .............................................................................. 33
dfESPdatavar .............................................................................................. 36
dfESPschema .............................................................................................. 36
dfESPevent ................................................................................................. 37
dfESPeventblock .......................................................................................... 38
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Expressions ................................................................................................. 40
Modeling a Continuous Query ...................................................................... 42
XML Modeling Layer .................................................................................... 43
Publish and Subscribe API .......................................................................... 49
Connectors .................................................................................................. 68
Adapters ..................................................................................................... 76
Event Visualization ...................................................................................... 82
Application Building .................................................................................... 84
Advanced Usage .......................................................................................... 85
Join Types and Constraints ........................................................................... 85
CSV to Binary Conversion ............................................................................. 86
Index pi_EMPTY Type and Retention Policies ................................................... 87
pi_EMPTY Indexes and Pattern Windows ......................................................... 89
ESP aLast() Aggregate Function to Add Statistics to an Incoming Event ............. 89
Window Output Slot Event Splitter ................................................................. 90
Bad Event Logging ....................................................................................... 92
Periodic (or Pulsed) Window Output ............................................................... 92
Starting and Stopping Projects ...................................................................... 92
Time Granularity ......................................................................................... 93
Partial Event Updates on Publish ................................................................... 93
Guaranteed Delivery ................................................................................... 96
Appendix ................................................................................................... 103
API Changes ............................................................................................. 103
Glossary .................................................................................................... 106
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
What's New in DataFlux Event
Stream Processing Engine 1.3
The following list contains a list of new features added in 1.3:
support for HP® Itanium®, AIX®, Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit, and Windows 32-bit
(for publish and subscribe [pub/sub] only) (in addition to existing Linux® 64-bit and
Solaris™ x86 and SPARC®)
XML Modeling (in addition to the existing C++ modeling API)
Note: The XML Modeling is a "beta" release. Changes to the syntax are
expected in the next release.
C++ Modeling API redesigned to move model cleanup from the user to the API
(requires existing model changes)
Java™ pub/sub API (in addition to the existing C pub/sub API)
Note: The MONEY type is not currently supported.
enhanced joins
Publish and Subscribe
pub/sub index specification
pub/sub API uses release number for forward compatibility support
guaranteed delivery with time-out and rollback from a publisher to multiple
Connectors and Adapters
connectors (in-process classes) and adapters (networked executables) that use the
Event Stream Processing Engine pub/sub API to publish and subscribe event streams
ODBC connector and adapter (certified for Oracle®, MySQL™, and DB2®)
added JSON format to the file connector and adapter
socket connector and adapter (binary, CSV, XML, and JSON)
event stream processor to event stream processor adapter
SAS data set subscribe adapter
SMTP subscribe connector and adapter
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
JMS adapter
financial feed adapter for Reuters®, Bloomberg®, Wombat™, IDC, and FIX (by using
a partnership)
For information about past releases, see the API Changes section in the Appendix.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine)
instantiates a model, with a dedicated thread pool (or pools). The pools generate updates as
new events stream through the Event Stream Processing Engine. These models consist of
an engine instance that contains one or more projects, and each project contains one or
more continuous queries. Continuous queries are directed graphs of window nodes where
the source windows are at the top of the graph. Event streams are published into these
source windows and from there the event streams are sent down to the next set of
connected windows. Derived windows are all instantiated windows that are not source
windows. They transform event streams based on the window type (that is, operators such
as joins, filters, and computes) and window settings. As events are published into the Event
Stream Processing Engine, they are continuously queried and the resulting sets of derived
windows in these queries are continuously updated. Source and Copy windows have
retention policies to determine how long to leave the events in these windows and their
sibling windows.
Read the DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine Primer (Primer) before reading this
User's Guide. The Primer presents general modeling concepts and the data-flow-oriented
computational model that the library uses. The Primer also provides an example of creating
and executing a model with the Event Stream Processing Engine library.
Detailed class and method documentation for the C++ modeling API (as well as the C and
Java™ client pub/sub API) is available in the documentation directory ($DFESP
HOME/doc/html) of the Event Stream Processing Engine installation. There you can find
every method that is available for each object in these APIs. This User's Guide covers only
high-level concepts. Therefore, you should refer to the HTML-based API reference
documentation (provided in the installation) for detailed information about the APIs.
The next section includes a list of key objects used in constructing an Event Stream
Processing Engine along with background into the purpose and use of the objects. These
general object descriptions along with the API reference documents contain the information
you need to begin building complex Event Stream Processing Engine applications. There are
also examples for all the Window types under $DFESP_HOME/src, and the README file under
that same directory describes the examples.
This section introduces the major elements of the DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine
(Event Stream Processing Engine) model and illustrates how to use the modeling objects to
construct an event stream processing application.
Before beginning with the modeling API, you should be familiar with a few Event Stream
Processing Engine terms and concepts.
An event stream processing model defines an engine containing one or more projects. Each
contain one or more continuous queries. A continuous query is a directed graph of source,
relational, pattern matching, and procedural windows. It represents a continuously
executing query that generates updates to the query result sets as new events stream
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
through. An example is a project with a single continuous query that consists of two
windows is a source followed by a filter (which is one of the relational windows available).
Source windows have no windows feeding into them. They are the entry points for events
published into the continuous query. Windows that have other windows streaming events
into them and that perform computations or transformations on the incoming events are
called derived windows. To be more concise, a continuous query is a directed graph of
source and derived windows. Derived windows have operators, which currently consist of
aggregate, compute, copy, filter, join, pattern matching, procedural, and union.
Example event stream processing application:
Event Stream Processing Application
Data Flow
Within a model created using the DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine Modeling API,
events might be injected or published into any of the source windows of any continuous
query in the project or engine. These events are propagated through the directed graph of
windows, producing derived events at each stage (that is, derived window) of processing.
This is how continuous query processing works:
An event block (with or without atomic properties) containing one or more events is
injected into a source window.
The event block flows to any derived window directly connected to the source window.
If transactional properties are set, then the event block of one or more events is
handled atomically as it makes its way to each connected derived window. In this
reference, atomically means that all events must be performed in their entirety. If any
event in the event block with transactional properties fails, then all of the events in
that event block fail. Failed events are logged and can also be written to a bad records
file for you to review, fix, and republish, assuming that this feature is enabled.
The derived windows transform the events into zero or more new events based on the
properties of each derived window. After new events are computed by the derived
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
windows, they flow farther down the directed graph to the next level of connected
derived windows, where new events are potentially computed.
This process ends for each active path down the directed graph for a given event
block when either of the following occurs:
• There are no more connected derived windows to pass the generated events to.
A derived window along the path has produced zero resultant events for that
event block. Therefore, there is nothing to pass to the next set of connected
derived windows.
In the filter example, an event block might be injected into the source window. The source
window indexes, stores, and passes the event block to the filter window. Based on the filter
criterion, the filter window determines which events in the event block to accept into the
filter window and consequently pass onto the derived windows.
An event is a packet of data accessible as a collection of fields. Each event must have one or
more fields designated as a primary key for the event. The DataFlux Event Stream
Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine) requires events to have these key
fields so that it can support operation codes (opcodes) for events consisting of insert,
update, upsert, and delete. Upsert opcodes updates the event if the key field already exists.
Otherwise, it inserts the event. When deciding which opcodes to use for publishing, if you
do not know whether an event is an update or insert, then give the event the opcode of
upsert. The source window where the event is injected determines whether it is an insert or
update, and propagates the correct event and opcode to the next set of connected windows
in the directed graph.
The Event Stream Processing Engine has a publish and subscribe (pub/sub) API, and inprocess connectors and out-of-process adapters use that API to either publish event
streams into source windows or subscribe to any window's output event stream. Using the
connectors or adapters, you can publish or subscribe to events in many formats (for
example, CSV, JSON, binary, or XML) and from various systems (such as databases,
financial market feeds, or memory buses). You can also write your own connectors or
adapters that use the pub/sub API (which is currently available in Java or C). By the time
events are published into source windows, they have been converted into binary code with
fast field pointers and control information, which is done for performance reasons.
Event Blocks
Event blocks contain zero or more events, and publish and subscribe (pub/sub) clients send
and receive event blocks to or from the DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine. This is
done for efficiency. Because there is overhead in pub/sub, working with event blocks that
contain multiple events helps throughput performance with minimal impact on latency.
Event blocks can be marked as normal or transactional. Transactional event blocks are
atomic, which means that if one event in the event block fails (for example, deleting a nonexisting event), then all of the events in the event block fail. Events that fail are logged and
placed in a bad records file, which can be processed further. Normal event blocks do not
have this property. They are events that have been packaged together for efficiency
purposes, but that are individually treated once they are injected into a source window. The
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
system maintains the event block containership aspect of the events from when it is
published into a source window then works its way through the graph with the various event
translations and makes its way to subscribers. This consistency of containership for event
blocks enables subscribers to correlate a group of subscribed events back to a group of
published events by comparing the event block ID that a publisher can attach to an event
block with the event block ID obtained by the subscriber.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Key Modeling Objects
The following is a list of the DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream
Processing Engine) key modeling objects.
dfESPevent_depot (mem)
An engine instance is the top-level container or manager in a model typically containing one
or more projects. You can create only a single engine top-level container, which instantiates
fundamental services such as licensing, logging, and threading. An attempt to create a
second engine instance returns the pointer to the engine created earlier.
The mandatory parameters for this call are argc, argv, engine name, and whether to
disable publish and subscribe (pub/sub) using pubsub_DISABLE or enable pub/sub with the
provided port# using pubsub_ENABLE(port#). The optional parameters are as follows:
logLevel - the lower threshold for displayed log messages; default: dfESPLLTrace
logConfigFile - a logging facility configuration file (the default is to configure logging
to go to standard out).
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
licKeyFile - a fully qualified pathname to a license file (default is
// Create the engine container.
dfESPengine *engine;
engine = dfESPengine::initialize(argc, argv, "engine", pubsub_DISABLE);
// Create the rest of the model and then start the projects.
// Creating the rest of the model is covered in the subsequent
// The project is running in the background and you can begin
publishing event streams into the project for execution.
/* Now cleanup and shutdown gracefully */
// First, stop the projects.
// Next, shutdown the engine and its services (this frees all
the modeling resources from the engine down through
the windows).
Projects are containers that hold one or more continuous queries and are backed by a
thread pool of user-defined size.
The following code fragment shows how to create a project (using the engine container
created earlier), add a memory store, set the thread pool size, and add continuous queries.
// Create the project containers.
dfESPproject *project = engine->newProject("MyProject”);
// Create a memory depot for the project to handle the generation
of primary indices and event storage;
dfESPeventdepot_mem* depot;
depot = project->newEventdepot_mem("memDepot_01");
project->setNumThreads(3); //set the thread pool size for project.
// Once you have started the projects using the startProjects() method
shown in the dfESPengine section above, then you can publish
or use dfESPproject::injectData() to inject event blocks
into the source windows. You can also use the
dfESPproject::quiesce() method to block until all of the data
in the continuous queries of the project are quiesced.
You might also want to do this before stopping the projects.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Note: It is good practice to define a project thread pool as "1" when
debugging so that it is more deterministic. When debugging is near
completion, change the thread pool size to a minimum of one thread for each
available system core or the number of windows in the model.
A project can specify the level of determinism for incremental computations. The DataFlux
Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine) data flow model is
always computationally deterministic and intermediate calculations can occur at different
times across different runs of a project when it is multi-threaded. Therefore, if a user is
watching every incremental computation, the increments could vary across runs even
though the unification of the incremental computation is always the same. It should also be
noted that regardless of the determinism level specified or the number of threads used in
the Event Stream Processing Engine model, each window always processes all data in-order.
Therefore, there is never a case where data received by a window could be rearranged and
processed out of order.
The levels of incremental determinism supported by a project are as follows:
FULL_CONCURRENCY - Data received by a window is processed as soon as it is received
and forwarded on to any dependent window. This is the highest performing mode of
computation (and the default mode). In this mode, a project can use any number of
threads as specified by the setNumberOfThreads(max thread) method.
TAG_TOKEN - This mode of computation implements single-transaction in, singletransaction out semantics at each node of the directed graph. In this mode, a
diamond pattern where a window splits the output and then rejoins the two paths
together (such as the classic fork-join problem), it will merge the outputs (per unique
transaction) from each path into a single transaction. A single transaction in the top of
the diamond produces a single output at the bottom.
SINGLE_THREADED - This mode forces the entire project to run in a single thread. Since
this does not solve the fork-join problem as the TAGGED_TOKEN approach does, it
ensures that all intermediate computations will not vary from run to run. If a project
is set to single-threaded, then the setNumberOfThreads() method will be ignored.
The newProject() method for the dfESPengine class takes the determinism level as an
optional parameter, for example:
Full Concurrency:
dfESPproject *project = engine->newProject("MyProject”, false);
dfESPproject *project = engine->newProject("MyProject”);
Tag Token:
dfESPproject *project = engine->newProject("MyProject”, true);
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Continuous query objects are simple containers that hold a collection of windows and enable
you to specify the connectivity between windows. Suppose there are two windows defined,
swA and swB, that are joined to form join window jwC, and that window is aggregated into
window awD. The continuous query is built as follows:
dfESPcontquery *cq;
cq = project->newContquery("continuous query #1");
cq->addEdge(swA, jwC); // swA --> jwC
cq->addEdge(swB, jwC); // swB --> jwC
cq->addEdge(jwC, awD); // jwC --> awD
This is enough to fully specify the continuous query with connectivity, which is essentially a
directed graph.
The dfESPeventdepot object is a high-level factory object responsible for creating and
tracking primary indexes for all windows that use the object. Currently, the only concrete
implementation of the dfESPeventdepot class is a memory-based storage and indexing
mechanism encapsulated in the dfESPeventdepot class. For now, when building DataFlux
Event Stream Processing Engine applications, you should create a single instance of
dfESPeventdepot, and use it to manage the indexing of events for all windows as follows:
dfESPeventdepot_mem *edm = project->newEventdepot_mem("myDepot");
The dfESPwindow_source class represents source windows, or input nodes of a continuous
query graph. To create a source window, you need to specify a name (as a string
parameter), schema, depot, and primary index type. When using the memory-based
dfESPeventdepot_mem depot, there are two types of primary indexes supported: pi_HASH
and pi_RBTREE. The former is a high-performance hash index and the latter is a red-black
tree. An optional retention policy can also be defined for source (and copy) windows. This is
explained in the Advanced Usage section.
Here is an example of creating a source window:
dfESPstring sch = dfESPstring("ID*:int32,symbol:
dfESPwindow_source *sw;
sw = cq->newWindow_source("mySourceWindow", edm,
dfESPindextypes::pi_HASH, sch);
In this example, sw points to a fully formed source window.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Filter windows, or instances of the dfESPwindow_filter class, are computational windows
with a registered Boolean filter function or expression. This filter function or expression is
called each time a new event block arrives in the filter window. The filter function or
expression uses the fields of the events that arrive to determine the Boolean result. If it
evaluates to true, then the event passes through the filter, otherwise the event does not
pass into the filter window.
There are two ways to specify the Boolean filter associated with a filter window:
Through a C function that returns a dfESPdatavar of type int32 (return value != 0
==>. true, == 0 ==> false).
Specify a DataFlux expression as a character string so that when it is evaluated it
returns true or false.
The following are code snippets for how to register the Boolean filter for each of these
// Only let records whose quantity is >= 1000 pass.
dfESPdatavarPtr booleanScalarFunction(dfESPschema *is,
dfESPeventPtr ep, dfESPeventPtr oep) {
// Get the input argument out of the record.
dfESPdatavar dv(dfESPdatavar::ESP_INT32);
// Declare a dfESPdatavar that is an int32.
ep->copyByIntID(2, dv); // extract field #2 into the datavar
// Create a new dfESP datavar of int32 type to hold the
0 or 1 that this Boolean function returns.
dfESPdatavarPtr prv = new dfESPdatavar(dfESPdatavar::ESP_INT32);
// If field is null, filter always fails.
if (dv.isNull()) {
prv->setI32(0); // the return value to 0
} else {
// Get the int32 value from the datavar and compare to 1000
if (dv.getI32() < 1000) {
// set return value to 0
} else {
// set return value to 1
return prv; // return it.
Inside main():
dfESPwindow_filter *fw_01;
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
fw_01 = cq->newWindow_filter("filterWindow_01", edm,
// Register the filter UDF.
dfESPwindow_filter *fw_01;
fw_01 = cq->newWindow_filter("filterWindow_01", edm,
// Register the filter expression.
The dfESPwindow_copy makes a copy of the parent window feeding into the copy window.
This object is useful, for example, when you define various retention policies on several
copy windows that branch off of a given source window. Here is an example of what this
looks like:
Copy Window
This is an introduction of the idea of a copy window, you can find additional details about
retention and empty indexes in the Advanced Usage section.
The dfESPwindow_compute is a window type that gets the key fields of its schema from its
parent input window, but the non-key fields are computed from the fields of an input event.
It needs a field calculation method registered for each non-key field so that it computes the
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
field value based on incoming event field values. These field calculation methods can be
specified as either of the following:
a collection of function pointers to C or C++ functions that return dfESPdatavar
values and are passed an event as input
expressions that use the field names of the input event to compute the values for the
derived event fields
Example Compute Window Using Field Calculation Functions
For this example of the first method, function pointers, assume that the input events have
the following schema:
The compute window then passes through the input symbol and price fields, and then it
adds a computed field (called cost) to the end of the event which multiplies the price with
the quantity.
For the function pointer example, use a function that provides the input event, computes
price * quantity. Functions that take events as input, and return a scalar value as a
dfESPdatavar have a prototype of type dfESPscalar_func that is defined in
An example of such a scalar function follows:
dfESPdatavar *priceBYquant(dfESPschema*is, dfESPevent *nep,
dfESPevent *oep) {
// If you are getting an update, then nep is the updated
record, and oep is the old record.
// Create a null return value that is of type double.
dfESPdatavar *ret = new dfESPdatavar(dfESPdatavar::ESP_DOUBLE);
// If you were called because a delete is being issued, you do not
compute anything new.
if (nep->getOpcode() == dfESPeventcodes::eo_DELETE)
return ret;
void *qPtr = nep->getPtrByIntIndex(2); // internal index of
quant is 2
void *pPtr = nep->getPtrByIntIndex(3); // internal index of
price is 3
if ((qPtr != NULL) && (pPtr != NULL)) {
double price;
memcpy((void *)&price, pPtr, sizeof(double));
int32_t quant;
memcpy((void *)&quant, qPtr, sizeof(int32_t));
return ret;
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
When specifying the schema for a compute window, the specified key fields are compared to
the key fields of the input window and the data types must match (for example, for all keys,
the kth key of the input schema must have the same data type as the kth key of the
schema specified for the compute window).
Note: This check is not made when the compute window is defined since
the input window can be specified at that point. The check is done much later
when the project containing the continuous query holding the compute
window is started. This is when the graph is scanned and all connectivityrelated checks are completed.
This code fragment defines the compute window and registers the non-key scalar functions:
dfESPstring sch = dfESPstring
("ID*:int32,symbol:string, price:double,cost:double");
dfESPwindow_compute *cw;
cw = cq->newWindow_compute("myComputeWindow", edm,
dfESPindextypes::pi_HASH, sch);
// Register as many function pointers as there are non-key
fields in the output schema. A null for non-key
field j means copy non-key field j from the input
event to non-key field j of the output event.
cw->addNonKeyFieldCalc((dfESPscalar_func)NULL); // pass
through the symbol
cw->addNonKeyFieldCalc((dfESPscalar_func)NULL); // pass
through the price value
cw->addNonKeyFieldCalc(priceBYquant); // compute
cost = price * quantity
This leaves a fully formed compute window that uses field expression calculation functions.
Example Compute Window Using Field Calculation Expressions
This section displays a similar compute window that uses field calculation expressions rather
than field calculation functions (written in C++).
Note: Defining the field calculation expressions is typically easier. Field
expressions can perform slower than calculation functions.
For this example, use the same input window schema and compute window schema as
above with, two changes:
You do not need to write field expression calculation functions.
You need to call addNonKeyFieldCalc() using DataFlux expressions.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The following code fragment shows what this should look like for the same example, but
with field calculation expressions rather than functions.
dfESPstring sch = dfESPstring
dfESPwindow_compute *cw;
cw = cq->newWindow_compute("myComputeWindow", edm,
dfESPindextypes::pi_HASH, sch);
// Register as many field expressions as there are non-key
fields in the output schema.
cw->addNonKeyFieldCalc("symbol”); // pass through the symbol
cw->addNonKeyFieldCalc("price”); // pass through the price
cw->addNonKeyFieldCalc("price*quantity”); // compute cost
= price * quantity
Note: The field calculation expressions can contain references to field
names from the input event schema. They do not contain references to fields
in the compute window schema. This is why you can have similarly named
fields across these schemas (for example, symbol and price).
Note: Currently, you cannot specify both field calculation expressions and
field calculation functions within a given window.
Refer to the DataFlux Expression Language Reference Guide for Data Management Studio
for more details. Also, refer to the Advanced Topics section later in this document to see
how the Event Stream Processing Engine data types map to the DataFlux expression data
types for expression handling.
Union windows are nothing more than simple joins that merge one or more streams
together that have the same schema. All input windows to a union window must have the
same schema. The default union is strict, which means the key merge from each window
must semantically merge cleanly. For example, you would not be able to send an insert
event for the same key using two separate input windows of the union window. There is a
"strict" parameter to the constructor of the union window that states that when it is set to
"false", it loosens the union criteria by replacing all incoming inserts with upserts, and all
incoming deletes with safe deletes. For example, deletes of a non-existent key fails silently
without generating an error.
Creating a union window is trivial since nothing outside of the window construction needs to
be done:
dfESPwindow_union *uw = cq->newWindow_union("myUnionWindow", edm,
The final parameter is the strict flag that can be true for strict union, and false for loose
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Aggregate windows are similar to compute windows in that non-key fields are computed.
However, key fields are specified (not inherited from the input window) and must
correspond to existing fields in the input event. Incoming events are placed into aggregate
groups with each event in a group having identical values for the specified key fields. For
example, if the input events have a schema specified as the following:
and the aggregate window has a schema specified as the following:
then when events arrive in the aggregate window, they are placed into aggregate groups
based on the value of the symbol field. The non-key fields, in this example totalQuant and
maxPrice, must have either aggregate field calculation functions (written in C++) or
expressions registered to the aggregate window. Either expressions or functions must be
used for all of the non-key fields. These, cannot be mixed. The functions or expressions will
be called with a group of events as one of their arguments every time a new event comes in
and modifies one or more groups.
These groups are internally maintained in the dfESPwindow_aggregate class as
dfESPgroupstate objects. Each group is collapsed every time a new event is added or
removed from a group by running the specified aggregate functions or expressions on all
non-key fields. The purpose of the aggregate window is to produce one aggregated event
per group.
The flow of operations while processing an aggregate window is as follows:
An event, "E" arrives and the appropriate group is found, which we will call "G". This is
done by looking at the values in the incoming event that correspond to the key fields
in the aggregate window.
The event "E" is merged into the group "G". The key of the output event is formed
from the group-by fields of "G".
Each non-key field of the output schema is computed by calling an aggregate function
with the group "G" as input. The aggregate function computes a scalar value for the
corresponding non-key field.
The correct output event is generated and output.
The dfESPgroupstate class is used internally to maintain the groups in an aggregation and
an instance of the dfESPgroupstate is passed to aggregate functions. The signature of an
aggregate function is as follows:
typedef dfESPdatavarPtr (*dfESPaggregate_func)(dfESPschema *is,
dfESPeventPtr nep, dfESPeventPtr oep,
dfESPgroupstate *gs);
It can be found in the api/dfESPfuncptr.h file. The dfESPgroupstate object does not only
act as a container for a set of events belonging to the same group, but it also maintains a
state vector of dfESPdatavars, one state vector per non-key field, that can be used by the
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
aggregate functions to store a field’s state. This enables quick incremental aggregate
function updates when a new group member arrives.
An example of this type of aggregate function is Sum(). While it is always possible to iterate
over the group and compute a new Sum() when a new group changes, it is faster to
maintain the Sum() in a dfESPdatavar in the dfESPgroupstate object and increment
(modify) or decrement the object by the incoming value, if the new event is an insert,
update, or delete. The function will then adjust this field state so that it is up-to-date and
can be used again when another change to the group occurs. Functions that compute
themselves based on previous field state and a new field value are called additive
aggregation functions. Some functions cannot be made additive, like the function Max().
Given a mix of inserts, updates, and deletes, the Max() function must iterate over the group
when an update or delete is received to correctly compute the aggregate value.
Using a few helper functions that operate on numeric dfESPdatavars (found in the
dfESPdatavar_numerics.h header file), the code to implement an additive Sum() aggregate
function is:
dfESPptrVect<dfESPdatavarPtr> &state = gs->getStateVector();
dfESPdatavar *rdv = NULL; // Our return value
dfESPdatavar *iNdv = NULL; // Our input value (new record)
dfESPdatavar *iOdv = NULL; // Our input value (old record)
dfESPdatavar *sdv = NULL; // Our current state (the old sum for
the group)
// Get the new value out of the input record (insert or delete).
iNdv = new dfESPdatavar(is->getTypeIO(index)); // create a new datavar
ep->copyByIntID(index, iNdv);
// load input value (new
// Get the old value out of the input record (update).
if (oep) {
iOdv = new dfESPdatavar(is->getTypeIO(index)); // create a new
oep->copyByIntID(index, iOdv); // load input value(old record)
// If the state has never been set, we set it to 0.0.
if (state.empty()) { // initialize state to 0.0
dfESPdatavarPtr dv = new dfESPdatavar(is->getTypeIO(index));
// Get the previous state.
sdv = state[0]; // There is one state variable for summation, the
old sum.
// Create a new datavar to store the returned result.
rdv = new dfESPdatavar(is->getTypeIO(index));
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
// For a delete r = STATE - INCOMING VALUE.
if (ep->getOpcode() == dfESPeventcodes::eo_DELETE) {
dfESPdatavarNumerics::dv_subtract(rdv, sdv, iNdv);
// For an insert r = STATE + INCOMING VALUE.
if (ep->getOpcode() == dfESPeventcodes::eo_INSERT) {
dfESPdatavarNumerics::dv_add(rdv, sdv, iNdv);
// For an UPDATE block, if there is no OLD value, it is an insert, if
there is an old value, then:
if (ep->getOpcode() == dfESPeventcodes::eo_UPDATEBLOCK) {
if (oep == NULL) { // treat just like an insert.
dfESPdatavarNumerics::dv_add(rdv, sdv, iNdv);
} else {
dfESPdatavarNumerics::dv_subtract(rdv, sdv, iOdv);
dfESPdatavarNumerics::dv_add(rdv, sdv, iNdv);
dfESPdatavarNumerics::dv_assign(sdv, rdv); // sdv = rdv
delete iNdv;
if (iOdv)
delete iOdv;
return rdv;
An additive aggregation function can be complex given that they must look at the current
state (for example, the last computed state), and the type of incoming event to make
proper adjustments.
The code to implement the non-additive Max() aggregate function is as follows:
// This is a sample of a non-additive aggregation function.
// It loops over all events in the group to compute the maximum.
dfESPdatavarPtr maximumAggr(dfESPschema *is, dfESPeventPtr ep,
dfESPeventPtr oep, dfESPgroupstate *gs) {
const int index = 3; // the price
dfESPdatavar *rdv, *dv; // dv will be our return value.
rdv = new dfESPdatavar(dfESPdatavar::ESP_DOUBLE); // return value
dv = new dfESPdatavar(dfESPdatavar::ESP_DOUBLE); // scratch value
dfESPeventPtr gEv = gs->getFirst();
while (gEv) {
// Get the input argument out of the record.
gEv->copyByIntID(index, dv); // get Event value into dv;
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
// Is our return value NULL? (It has not been set.)
if (rdv->isNull()) {
if (!dv->isNull())
} else {
// Check for a new max
if (!dv->isNull()) {
if (dv->getDouble() > rdv->getDouble()) // do
we have a new max?
gEv = gs->getNext();
delete dv;
return rdv;
Once the aggregate functions are defined, the window implementation is straight-forward.
dfESPstring aggr_schema =
dfESPwindow_aggregate *aw_01;
aw_01 = cq->newWindow_aggregate("aggregateWindow_01", edm,
// Add the summation function.
The following aggregate functions were added for the Aggregate window field calculation
// number of events in the group
// sum of group
// min of group
// max of group
// average of group
// weighted group ave
// field from the last record which affected the group
// aLast() for non-delete
// the opcode of the last record to affect the group
// count the # of events matching opcode for group
// standard deviation of group
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The example above can be specified using non-key field calculation expressions with the
support of the aggregate functions as follows:
dfESPwindow_aggregate *aw_01;
aw_01 = cq->newWindow_aggregate("aggregateWindow_01", edm,
aw_01->addNonKeyFieldCalc("ESP_aSum(quantity)"); // sum(quantity)
aw_01->addNonKeyFieldCalc("ESP_aMax(quantity)”); // max(quantity)
It should be clear from this example that using aggregate field expressions is simpler than
aggregate functions, but they will also perform slower, and the number of functions is
Note: Null handling:
In aSum(fieldName), aMax(fieldName), aMin(fieldName),
aAve(fieldName), aStd(fieldName), and aWAve(fieldName1, fieldName2)
NULLs in a field are ignored; therefore, they do not contribute to the
In particular, you can think of aAve(fieldName) = sum(non-null values in
group(fieldName)) and count(non-null values in group(fieldName)).
The join window takes two input windows and a join type, as follows:
left outer
right outer
The join window takes a set of join constraints, a non-key field signature string, and any
one of the following for the calculation of the join non-key fields when new input events
a join selection string that is a one-to-one mapping of input fields to join fields,
field calculation expressions
field calculation functions
A join window produces a single output stream of joined events. Since the DataFlux Event
Stream Processing Engine is based on primary keys and supports inserts, updates, and
deletes, there are some restrictions placed on the types of joins that can be used.
The left window is the first window added as a connecting edge to the join window. The
second window added as a connecting edge is the right window. The example below shows
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
the most common form of join, like the left outer join, with the left window fact events and
the right window the dimension events.
left input schema:
right input schema: "tID*:int32,name:string"
If t sw_01 represent the left input Window, and sw_02 represents the right input window, it
looks like this:
dfESPwindow_join *jw;
jw = cq->newWindow_join("myJoinWindow", dfESPwindow_join::jt_LEFTOUTER,
edm, dfESPindextypes::pi_RBTREE);
Here are some notes on the three methods:
Join constraints are the form and specify what fields from the left and right events are
used to generate matches.
"l_<field name>=r_<field name>, ..., l_<field name>=
r_<field name>"
Join selection is the form and specifies the list of non-key fields that are included in
the events generated by the join window.
"{l|r}_<field name>, ..., {l|r}_<field name>"
Field signatures are the form and specify the names and types of the non-key fields of
the output events. The types could actually be inferred from the fields specified in the
join selection, but when using expressions or user-written functions (in C++), the
type specification cannot be inferred so that it is required:
"<field name>:<field type>, ..., <field name>:<field type>"
This same code snippet using non-key field calculation expressions should look like this:
dfESPwindow_join *jw;
jw = cq->newWindow_join("myJoinWindow", dfESPwindow_join::jt_LEFTOUTER,
edm, dfESPindextypes::pi_RBTREE);
This example is a one-to-one mapping of input fields to join non-key fields. Calculation
expressions and functions can be used to generate the non-key join fields using arbitrarily
complex combinations of the input fields.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Secondary Indexes
For allowed one-to-Many and Many-to one joins, a change to the FACT table allows
immediate lookup of the matching record in the dimension table through the primary index.
This is possible because all key values of the dimension table are mapped in the join
constraints. In fact, that is the definition of a dimension table. However, a change to the
dimension table does not include a single primary key for a matching record in the FACT
table. This illustrates the many-to-one nature of the join. In these cases the default
mechanism to find the set of matching records in the FACT table is to perform a table scan
and look for matches.
For small changes to the dimension table, this strategy is fine given that there is no
additional secondary index maintenance. Hence, the join processing can be optimized. This
is a common case. For example the dimension table is a static lookup table that can be preloaded, and all subsequent changes happen on the FACT table.
There are, however, cases where a large number of changes can be completed for the
dimension table. One example is a source window that feeds an aggregation to produce
statistics. It has the aggregation joined back to the original source window to augment the
original events with the statistics. In a case like this, the table scan to find the matching
records for a change to the dimension table occurs with each change to the source window.
This method is slow to invalidate the use case without further optimizations.
To solve this performance issue, you can implement automatic secondary index generation
by setting the use secondary parameter to "true" when constructing a new
dfESPwindow_join instance. This causes a secondary index to be automatically generated
and maintained when the join type involves a dimension table. This has the advantage of
eliminating all table scans when changes are made to the dimension table. Hence, it
performs much faster. There is a slight performance penalty when running with secondary
indexes activated since the index needs to be maintained with every update to the FACT
table. However, this secondary index maintenance is insignificant compared with elimination
of table scans. With large tables, time savings of two orders of magnitude are common
when using secondary indexes.
To turn on secondary index maintenance as stated, specify true as the final argument to the
join constructor as follows:
jw = cq->newWindow_join("myJoinWindow", dfESPwindow_join::jt_LEFTOUTER,
edm, dfESPindextypes::pi_RBTREE, true);
Pattern window allows for the detection of "events of interest" typically tied with some
temporal conditions.
The basic notion is to declare a list of "events of interest," and then connect the events of
interest into an expression using the following operators:
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Many patterns are temporal in nature. For example, the combination of events of interest
must occur or not occur (such as when there is interest in the existence of a non-event)
within a specified time.
Time for events can be driven in real time by the clock or can be defined by a datetime or
timestamp field in the schema of incoming events. In the latter case, you must make sure
the incoming events are in order with respect to the field-based datetime or timestamp.
Multiple patterns can be defined within a pattern window, and each pattern typically has
multiple events of interest, possibly from multiple windows or just one input window.
Events of interest are specified by providing the pointer for the window where the event is
coming from, a string name for the event of interest, and a WHERE clause on the fields of
the event (which can include a number of unification variables [bindings]). This is best
described by the following example.
Suppose there is a single window feeding our pattern window, and the associated schema is
as follows:
Here, there are two events of interest and their relationship is temporal in nature. You are
interested in one event followed by the other event within some period of time. This is
shown in the following code segment:
// Someone buys (or sells IBM) at price > 100.00
followed within 5 seconds of selling (or buying) SUN at price
> 25.00
dfESPpatternUtils::patternNode *l,*r, *f;
l = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e1",
"((symbol==\"IBM\") and (price > 100.00)
and (b == buy))");
r = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e2",
"((symbol==\"SUN\") and (price > 25.000)
and (b == buy))");
f = p_01->fby_op(l, r, 5000000); // note 5,000,000 microseconds
= 5 seconds
There are several important things to note about this block of code. There are two events of
interests, "l" and "r". The beginning of the WHERE clauses are standard,
"symbol==<constant> and price>constant". However, the last part of each WHERE clause
is where event unification occurs. Since "b" is not a field in the incoming event, it is a free
variable that is bound when an event arrives matching the first portion of the WHERE clause
for event "l" (for example, an event for IBM with price > 100.00.) In this case, "b" is set to
the value of the field Buy in the matched event. This value of "b" is then used in evaluating
the WHERE clause for subsequent events that are candidates for matching the second event
of interest "r". This added unification clause "and (b == buy)" in each event of interest,
ensures that both of the actual events that match as events of interest have the same value
for the field Buy.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The FOLLOWED BY operator is sequential in nature, and a single event cannot match on
both sides. The left side must be the first to match on an event, and then a subsequent
event could match on the right side.
The AND and OR operator are not sequential. Any incoming event could match events of
interest on either side of the operator and for the first matching event of interest cause the
variable bindings. Special care must be taken, as this is almost never what you intend when
writing a pattern. For example, suppose the incoming schema is as defined above and you
define the following pattern:
// Someone buys or sells IBM at price > 100.00 and also
// buys or sells IBM at a price > 102.00 within 5 seconds.
l = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e1",
"((symbol==\"IBM\") and (price > 100.00)");
r = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e2", "((symbol==\"IBM\") and (price
> 102.00)");
f = p_01->and_op(l, r, 5000000); // note 5,000,000 microseconds
= 5 seconds
Now suppose an event comes into the window where symbol is "IBM" and price is "102.1".
Since this is an AND operator, no inherent sequencing is involved, and the WHERE clause is
satisfied for both sides of the "and" by the single input event. Thus, the pattern becomes
true and event "l" is the same as event "r". This is probably not what is intended therefore,
you can make slight changes to the pattern, as follows:
// Someone buys (or sells IBM) at price > 100.00 and <= 102.00
// and also buys or selld IBS) at a price > 102.00 within 5 seconds.
l = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e1",
"(symbol==\"IBM\") and (price > 100.00) and
(price <= 102.00)");
r = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e2", "(symbol==\"IBM\") and (price
> 102.00)");
f = p_01->and_op(l, r, 5000000); // note 5,000,000 microseconds
= 5 seconds
Now the price clauses in the two WHERE clauses disambiguate the events so that a single
event cannot match both sides. This requires two unique events for the pattern match to
A Complete Pattern Window Example
The code below gives a complete example of a simple pattern window, but you should refer
to the packaged examples for a more robust set of reference examples.
#define MAXROW 1024
#include <iostream>
// Include class definitions for modeling objects.
#include "dfESPeventdepot_mem.h"
#include "dfESPwindow_source.h"
#include "dfESPwindow_pattern.h"
#include "dfESPevent.h"
#include "dfESPcontquery.h"
#include "dfESPengine.h"
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
#include "dfESPproject.h"
using namespace std;
// This is a simple callback function that can be registered for
a windows new event updates.
// It receives the schema of the events it is passed, and a set of
1 or more events bundled into a dfESPeventblock object. It
also has an optional context pointer for passing state
into this cbf.
void winSubscribeFunction(dfESPschema *os, dfESPeventblockPtr ob,
void *cntx) {
int count = ob->getSize(); // Get the size of the event block.
if (count>0) {
char buff[MAXROW+1];
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
ob->getData(i)->toStringCSV(os, (char *)buff, MAXROW);
// Get the event as CSV.
cout << buff << endl; // Print it
if (ob->getData(i)->getOpcode() ==
++i; // skip the old record in the update block
} //for
} //if
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
------ BEGIN MODEL (CONTINUOUS QUERY DEFINITIONS) -----Create the single engine top level container which sets up
dfESP fundamental services such as licensing, logging,
pub/sub, and threading, ...
Engines typically contain 1 or more project containers.
@param argc the parameter count as passed into main.
@param argv the paramter vector as passed into main.
Currently the dfESP library only looks for
-t <> to write its output and
-b <> to write any bad events
(events that failed to be applied to a window index).
@param id the user supplied name of the engine.
@param pubsub pub/sub enabled/disabled and port pair,
formed by calling static function
@param logLevel the lower threshold for displayed log
messages - default: dfESPLLTrace, @see
@param logConfigFile a log4SAS configuration file default: log to stdout.
@param licKeyFile a FQPN to a license file - default:
@return the dfESPengine instance.
dfESPengine *myEngine = dfESPengine::initialize(argc, argv,
"engine", pubsub_DISABLE);
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
if (myEngine == NULL) {
cerr <<"Error: dfESPengine::initialize() failed using
all framework defaults\n";
return 1;
// Define the project, this is a container for one or more
continuous queries.
dfESPproject *project_01 = myEngine->newProject("project_01");
// Create a memory depot for the project to handle the
generation of primary indices and event storage;
dfESPeventdepot_mem* depot_01;
depot_01 =project_01->newEventdepot_mem("memDepot_01");
// Define a continuous query object. This is the first level
container for windows. It also contains the window
to window connectivity information.
dfESPcontquery *cq_01;
cq_01 = project_01->newContquery("contquery_01");
// Build the source window. We specify the window name, the
schema for events, the depot used to generate the
index and handle event storage, and the type of
primary index, in this case a red/black tree index.
dfESPwindow_source *sw_01;
sw_01 = cq_01->newWindow_source("sourceWindow_01", depot_01,
dfESPwindow_pattern *pw_01;
pw_01 = cq_01->newWindow_pattern("patternWindow_01", depot_01,
// Create a new pattern
dfESPpattern* p_01 = pw_01->newPattern();
dfESPpatternUtils::patternNode *e1,*e2, *o1;
// Pattern of interest: someone buys IBM at price >
100.00 followed within 5 second of buying
SUN at price > 25.00.
e1 = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e1",
"((symbol==\"IBM\") and (price >
100.00) and (b == buy))");
e2 = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e2",
"((symbol==\"SUN\") and (price >
25.000) and (b == buy))");
o1 = p_01->fby_op(e1, e2, 5000000);
// e1 fby e2 within 5 sec
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
p_01->setPattern(o1); //set the pattern top of op tree
// Setup the generated event for pattern matches.
p_01->addOutputField("ID", e1);
p_01->addOutputField("ID", e2);
p_01->addTimeField(sw_01, "tradeTime");
//set tradeTime field for the temporal check
// Add the subscriber callback to the pattern window.
// Add the connectivity information to the continuous query.
This means sw_o1 --> pw_01
cq_01->addEdge(sw_01, pw_01);
// Define the project's thread pool size and start it.
// **Note** after we start the project here, we do not see
anything happen, as no data has yet been put
into the continuous query.
// At this point the project is running in the background
using the defined thread pool. We'll use the main
thread that we are in to inject some data.
// Generate some test event data and inject it into the
source window.
dfESPptrVect<dfESPeventPtr> trans;
p = new dfESPevent(sw_01->getSchema(),(char *)"i,n,1,IBM,
101.45,0,2011-07-20 16:09:01");
dfESPeventblockPtr ib = dfESPeventblock::newEventBlock
(&trans, dfESPeventblock::ebt_TRANS);;
project_01->injectData(cq_01, sw_01, ib);
p = new dfESPevent(sw_01->getSchema(),(char *)"i,n,2,IBM,
101.45,1,2011-07-20 16:09:02");
ib = dfESPeventblock::newEventBlock(&trans,
project_01->injectData(cq_01, sw_01, ib);
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
p = new dfESPevent(sw_01->getSchema(),(char *)"i,n,3,SUN,
26.0,1,2011-07-20 16:09:04");
ib = dfESPeventblock::newEventBlock(&trans,
project_01->injectData(cq_01, sw_01, ib);
p = new dfESPevent(sw_01->getSchema(),(char *)"i,n,4,SUN,
26.5,0,2011-07-20 16:09:05");
ib = dfESPeventblock::newEventBlock(&trans,
project_01->injectData(cq_01, sw_01, ib);
p = new dfESPevent(sw_01->getSchema(),(char *)"i,n,5,IBM,
101.45,1,2011-07-20 16:09:08");
ib = dfESPeventblock::newEventBlock(&trans,
project_01->injectData(cq_01, sw_01, ib);
project_01->quiesce(); // Wait until the system stops
processing before shutting down.
// Now shutdown.
myEngine->stopProjects(); // Stop project before shutting
return 0;
The execution results of this are:
I,N: 0,2,3
I,N: 1,1,4
The following restrictions currently apply to patterns defined in pattern windows.
An event of interest should be used in only one position of the operator tree.
For example, the following situation is invalid, and would be flagged as an error:
// Someone buys (or sells) IBM at price > 100.00
followed within 5 seconds of selling (or buying)
SUN at price > 25.00 or someone buys (or sells)
SUN at price > 25.00 followed within 5 seconds
of selling (or buying) IBM at price > 100.00
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
dfESPpatternUtils::patternNode *l,*r, *lp, *rp, *fp;
l = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e1",
"((symbol==\"IBM\") and (price > 100.00)
and (b == buy))");
r = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e2", "((symbol==\"SUN\") and
(price > 25.000) and (b == buy))");
lp = p_01->fby_op(l, r, 5000000);
// note microseconds
rp = p_01->fby_op(r, l, 5000000);
// note microseconds
fp = p_01->or_op(lp, rp, 5000000);
To obtain the desired result, we need four events of interest as follows:
dfESPpatternUtils::patternNode *l0,*r0, *l1, *r1, *lp, *rp, *fp;
l0 = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e1", "((symbol==\"IBM\") and
(price > 100.00) and (b == buy))");
r0 = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e2", "((symbol==\"SUN\") and
(price > 25.000) and (b == buy))");
l1 = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e3", "((symbol==\"IBM\") and
(price > 100.00) and (b == buy))");
r1 = p_01->addEvent(sw_01, "e4", "((symbol==\"SUN\") and
(price > 25.000) and (b == buy))");
lp = p_01->fby_op(l0, r0, 5000000);
// note microseconds
rp = p_01->fby_op(l1, r1, 5000000);
// note microseconds
fp = p_01->or_op(lp, rp, 5000000);
Pattern windows work on insert events only.
If there is the possibility of an input window generating updates or deletions, then it is the
responsibility of the application writer to place a procedural window between the input
window and the pattern window. The procedural window then filters out or transforms noninsert data to insert data.
Patterns also generate only inserts. The events that are generated by pattern windows are
indications that a pattern has successfully detected the sequence of events that they were
defined to detect. The SCHEMA of a pattern consists of a monotonically increasing "pattern
HIT count", in addition to the non-key fields that the user specifies from events of interest
in the pattern. See the documentation for these methods:
dfESPpattern::addOutputField() and dfESPpattern::addOutputExpression().
When defining the WHERE clause expression for pattern events of interests,
binding variables must always be on the left side of the comparison (like bindvar
== field) and cannot be manipulated.
For example, the following addEvent statement would be flagged as invalid:
e1 = consec->addEvent(readingsWstats, "e1",
"((vmin < aveVMIN) and (rCNT==MeterReadingCnt) and
e2 = consec->addEvent(readingsWstats, "e2",
"((mID==meterID) and (rCNT+1==MeterReadingCnt) and (vmin <
op1 = consec->fby_op(e1, e2,2880000000l);
If you take a closer look at the WHERE clause in e1 (the first event of interest to match
since the operator between these events is a followed-by), you can see that it is ensuring
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
that event field vmin is less than field aveVMIN. If this is true, then it binds the variable rCNT
to the current meter reading count and binds the variable mID to the meterID field. Now
look at e2 and ensure that the meterID is the same for both events, that the meter readings
are consecutive based on the meterReadingCnt, and that vmin for the second event is less
than aveVMIN. The error in this expression is that it checked whether the meter readings
were consecutive by increasing the rCNT variable by 1 and comparing that against the
current meter reading. Variables cannot be manipulated. Instead, you must do any
manipulation to the right side of the comparison to keep the variable clean.
The code example below is the correct way to accomplish this check to make sure the meter
readings are consecutive (given that you are decrementing the meter reading field of the
current event, rather than incrementing the variable).
e1 = consec->addEvent(readingsWstats, "e1",
"((vmin < aveVMIN) and (rCNT==MeterReadingCnt) and
e2 = consec->addEvent(readingsWstats, "e2",
"((mID==meterID) and (rCNT==MeterReadingCnt-1) and (vmin <
op1 = consec->fby_op(e1, e2,2880000000l);
An Alternative Description of Pattern Window Semantics
A pattern is an algebraic expression involving the operators AND, OR, NOT, and FBY; and
expressions of interest. Expressions of interest are essentially a where-clause expression
involving fields in the incoming event stream.
For example:
expression of interest e1: (a==10)
expression of interest e2: (b==5 and cost>100.00)
pattern: e1 fby e2
pattern tree view:
/ \
Here is a more complicated example:
expression of interest e1: (a==10 and op=="insert")
expression of interest e2: (b==5 and cost>100.00)
expression of interest e3: (volume>1000)
pattern: e3 and (e1 fby e2)
pattern tree view:
/ \
/ \
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Key Concepts
States for events of interest: events of interest have two states, which are "Waiting to
be Satisfied" or TRUE (such as, they have been satisfied). "Waiting to be Satisfied"
should not be confused with the logical value FALSE.
States for operators: operators have three possible states, which are "Waiting to be
Satisfied", TRUE, or FALSE.
Node Fixation:
For events of interest: an event of interest is fixed when an event arrives, and the
WHERE clause for the event of interest evaluates to TRUE. Once an event of interest is
fixed, no further events are evaluated against the event of interest, and it cannot
change state. In other words, once an event satisfies the WHERE clause for an event
of interest, that event of interest is set to the TRUE state and never re-evaluated.
For operators: An operator is fixed when it can be evaluated (based on the states of
its arguments), and its arguments are fixed to the extent that implies that the value
of the operator is fixed. For example, the OR operator requires one of its arguments to
be TRUE and fixed, or both of its arguments to be FALSE and fixed before it can be
marked fixed.
Each pattern definition has an instance of itself in its initial state, where every node is
waiting on an event. There can, however, be an arbitrary number of other instances
that are all in different states due to events having arrived at the pattern window.
All patterns have a ROOT operator. The ROOT operator is at the top of the pattern
when you write it in the tree view.
When an event arrives at a pattern window it is applied to a pattern instance, and if
the ROOT becomes fixed, then the pattern ends with a TRUE or FALSE value. If the
value is TRUE, then the pattern was detected. If the value is FALSE, then the pattern
was not detected and the containing pattern window produces no output for that
pattern, and the pattern instance is deleted.
Application of an Incoming Event to a Pattern
When a new event arrives in a pattern window, it is applied to the set of pattern
instances, causing them to change state. As mentioned, if any of the instances have
the ROOT operator evaluate to TRUE or FALSE and become fixed, then the pattern
instance terminates and, in the TRUE case, generates a pattern match event.
For a ROOT operator, the incoming event is applied to the subtrees of the ROOT
according to the following rules:
Note: The ROOT is not fixed, or the event would not be applied.
if the left sub-tree is not fixed, apply the event to the left sub-tree
if the right sub-tree is not fixed, apply the event to the right sub-tree
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
set the state to TRUE if both sub-trees are set to TRUE
set the state to FALSE if either sub-tree is FALSE
if one of the sub-trees is FALSE and fixed, mark as fixed
if both of the sub-trees are TRUE and fixed, mark as fixed
If ROOT is OR:
if the left sub-tree is not fixed, apply the event to the left sub-tree
if the right sub-tree is not fixed, apply the event to the right sub-tree
set the state to TRUE if either sub-tree is set to TRUE
set the state to FALSE if both sub-trees are FALSE
if one of the sub-trees is TRUE and fixed, mark as fixed
if both of the sub-trees are FALSE and fixed, mark as fixed
if the left sub-tree is not fixed, apply the event to the left sub-tree, else if the
right sub-tree is not fixed, apply the event to the right sub-tree
if the event was applied to the right sub-tree and caused it to time-out, apply
the event to the right sub-tree
set the state to FALSE, if the left sub-tree is FALSE, and if it is fixed, mark as
set the state to TRUE, if both sub-trees are TRUE
if both of the sub-trees are fixed, mark as fixed
NOTE: There is only a left sub-tree.
if the left sub-tree is not fixed, apply the event to the left sub-tree
set the state to TRUE if the left sub-tree is not TRUE
set the state to FALSE if the left sub-tree is TRUE
if the left sub-tree is fixed, mark as fixed
If ROOT is "an event of interest:
if the WHERE clause of the event of interest evaluates to TRUE with the
incoming event, set the state to TRUE, and make as fixed
The same rules are applied recursively to the left and right arguments when you see
"apply the event to the [left|right] sub-tree".
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Operator Time-outs
All of the operators can have an optional time-out value (specified in microseconds)
attached to them. This affects the operator when an event arrives and the operator
detects that the time of arrival causes the time-out value to be exceeded. The
operator is then marked fixed and sets to state to TRUE (for NOT) or FALSE (for OR
both FOR and FBY).
It can be difficult to determine whether an operator time-out state begins counting
The NOT operator starts counting down as soon as the first event is applied
The AND and OR operators begin counting down when one of the arguments
becomes fixed
The FBY operator starts counting down when the left argument becomes fixed
This can be difficult for multiple time-outs in a single pattern (for example, tree view):
and [time-out 2 sec]
/ \
fby [time-out 1 sec]
/ \
The AND operator’s timer does not start counting until either e3 arrives (forcing the
left sub-tree to be TRUE and finalized) or the FBY operator is finalized.
The FBY operator time-out starts counting down when e1 arrives, causing the left subtree to be TRUE and finalized.
Procedural windows allow the specification of an arbitrary number of input windows and
input handler functions (written in C++) for each input window. When an input event
arrives, the handler registered for the matching input window is called and the events
produced by this handler function are output.
In order for the state of the procedural window to be shared across handlers, an instancespecific context object (like dfESPpcontext) is passed to the handler function. Each handler
has full access to what is in the context object, and can store data in this context for use by
other handlers, or by this handler during future invocations.
The signature of a procedural window handler function is as follows:
typedef bool (*dfESPevent_func)(dfESPpcontext *pc,
dfESPschema *is, dfESPeventPtr nep,
dfESPeventPtr oep, dfESPschema *os,
dfESPptrVect<dfESPeventPtr>& oe);
As mentioned earlier, the procedural context is passed to the handler and like aggregation
and compute functions, the input schema, the new event, and the old event (in the case of
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
an update) are passed to the handler when it is called. The final parameters are the schema
of the output event (the structure of events that the procedural window produces) and a
reference to a vector of output events. It is this vector where the handler should push its
computed events.
For example, create a procedural window that produces events with a fixed key of 1, as well
as a count of insert, update, and delete events that the handler has received. For this
example, derive a new context class from the base context class. Here is the derived
// This is a derived context for a procedural window. Each time the
procedural windows handler is called, it gets this context.
class derivedContext : public dfESPpcontext {
derivedContext() : dfESPpcontext(){
numInserts = numDeletes = numUpdates = 0;
int32_t numInserts;
int32_t numUpdates;
int32_t numDeletes;
There is only one input window for the example procedural window, so define only one
handler function that is called when a record arrives from the single input window.
// This handler functions simple counts inserts, updates,
and deletes.
// It generates events of the form "1,#inserts,#updates,
bool opcodeCount(dfESPpcontext *mc, dfESPschema *is,
dfESPeventPtr nep, dfESPeventPtr oep,
dfESPschema *os, dfESPptrVect
<dfESPeventPtr>& oe) {
derivedContext *ctx = (derivedContext *)mc;
// Update the counts in the past context.
switch (nep->getOpcode()) {
case dfESPeventcodes::eo_INSERT:
case dfESPeventcodes::eo_UPDATEBLOCK:
case dfESPeventcodes::eo_DELETE:
// Build a vector of datavars, one per item in our output
schema, which looks like: "ID*:int32,insertCount:
dfESPptrVect<dfESPdatavarPtr> vect;
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
// Set the fields of the record that we are going to produce.
vect[0]->setI32(1); // We have a key of only 1, we keep
//updating one record.
// Build the output Event, and push it to the list of output
dfESPeventPtr ev = new dfESPevent();
ev->buildEvent(os, vect, dfESPeventcodes::eo_UPSERT,
// Free space used in constructing output record.
return true;
The following example displays how this fits together in defining a procedural window.
dfESPproject *project_01;
project_01 = theEngine->newProject("project_01");
dfESPcontquery *cq_01;
cq_01 = project_01->newContquery("cq_01");
dfESPeventdepot_mem* depot;
depot = project_01->newEventdepot_mem("Depot_01");
dfESPstring source_sch = dfESPstring("ID*:int32,symbol:
dfESPstring procedural_sch = dfESPstring("ID*:int32,insertCount:
dfESPwindow_source *sw;
sw = cq_01->newWindow_source("source window", depot,
dfESPwindow_procedural *pw;
pw = cq_01->newWindow_procedural("procedural window", depot,
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
// Create our context, and register the input window and
derivedContext *mc = new derivedContext();
mc->registerMethod(sw, opcodeCount);
Now whenever the procedural window sees an event from the source window (sw), it calls
the handler opcodeCount with the context mc, and produces an output event.
The dfESPdatavar object is a standard variant data type that can represent a variable of
any of the DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine) data
types. These types are ESP_INT32, ESP_INT64, ESP_DOUBLE (IEEE), ESP_UTF8STR,
ESP_DATETIME (second granularity), ESP_TIMESTAMP (microsecond granularity), and
ESP_MONEY (192-bit fixed decimal). A dfESPdatavar of any of these types can also be NULL.
Two dfESPdatavars that are each NULL are not considered equal if the respective types do
not match.
Many convenience functions are available and a complete list is available in the modeling
API documentation included with the Event Stream Processing Engine installation.
Create an empty dfESPdatavar and then set the value as follows:
dfESPdatavar *dv = new dfESPdatavar(dfESPdatavar::ESP_INT32);
Get access to raw data in the dfESPdatavar using the following code:
void *p = dv->getRawdata(dfESPdatavar::ESP_INT32);
This returns a pointer to actual data, so in this int32 example, you can follow this with:
int32_t x;
memcpy((void *)&x, p, sizeof(int32_t));
This copies the data out of the dfESPdatavar. You can also use the getI32 member
function (for example, there is a get and set for each data type) as follows:
int32_t x;
x = dv->getI32();
The dfESPschema class is used to represent the name and types of fields, as well as the key
structure of event data. It never represents field data, only the structure of the fields. When
a dfESPschema object is created, it maintains the field names, field types, and field key
designation in the original order the fields (called the EXTERNAL order) and in the packing
order (called the INTERNAL order) for the fields.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The difference between EXTERNAL and INTERNAL field order for a schema is that in external
order that you specify the keys to be on any fields in the schema. In an INTERNAL order,
the key fields are shifted left to be packed at the start of the schema. For example, using a
compact character representation where an "*" marks key fields, you have this:
This example represents a valid schema in EXTERNAL order. If this is used to create a
dfESPschema object, then the object also maintains "ID1*:int32,
ID2*:int64,symbol:string,price:double", which is the same schema in INTERNAL order.
It would also maintain the permutation vectors required to transform the EXTERNAL form to
the INTERNAL form and the INTERNAL form to the EXTERNAL form.
Creating a dfESPschema object is usually completed by passing the character representation
of the schema to the constructor in EXTERNAL order, for example,
dfESPschema *s = new
A variety of methods are available to get the names, types, and key information of the fields
in either EXTERNAL or INTERNAL order. There are also methods to serialize the schema
back to the compact string form from its internal representation.
The dfESPevent object is a packed binary representation of a set of field values. Data in the
dfESPevent object is stored in INTERNAL format (as described in the dfESPschema object),
so all key values are contiguous and packed at the front of the event. The dfESPevent
object maintains internal hash values based on the key that it was built with. In addition,
there are functions in the dfESPeventcomp namespace for a quick comparison of
dfESPevents created using the same underlying schema.
There is both metadata and field data associated with an event. The metadata consists of an
operation code (opcode) (indicating if the event represents an insert, update, delete, or
upsert), a set of flags (indicating if the event is a normal, partial-update, or a retentiongenerated event from retention policy management), and a set of microsecond timestamps
that can be used for latency measurements. The dfESPevent class has a number of member
functions for both accessing and setting the metadata associated with the event.
The field data portion of an event is also accessible from the dfESPevent in several district
Event field data can be copied out of an event into a dfESPdatavar using the
copyByIntID() or copyByExtID() methods.
A dfESPdatavar can be set to point into the allocated memory of the dfESPevent
using the getByIntID() or getByExtID() methods.
A pointer into the dfESPevent packed field data can be obtained through the
getPtrByIntIndex() method.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The dfESPevent constructor can parse a CSV form of an event, and create a dfESPevent
object through:
dfESPevent *ev = new dfESPevent(schemaPtr, charEvent);
where charEvent = {i|u|p|d},{n|s},f1,f2,...,fn
{i|u|p|d} - means insert, update, upsert, and delete respectively
{n|p} - means normal event or partial-update event
f1, ..., fn - are the n fields that make up the data portion of the event
This conversion constructor is convenient but it is currently not optimized. For performance
reasons, you should work with binary events when possible, over its textual form.
Additional aspects of the dfESPevent class include the ability to do the following:
write a compact serialized form of the event to a file using the fwrite() method
read in the serialized event into a memory buffer through the getSerializeEvent()
create a new event by passing the serialized version of the event to the dfESPevent
Refer to the Advanced Usage section for example programs that make use of these features
to convert an entire file of CSV events into a file of binary events. These events can be read
and injected into a DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine application.
The dfESPeventblock object is a lightweight wrapper around a collection of events. The
dfESPeventblocks are generated by publishing clients and they are maintained as they are
passed between windows in a DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream
Processing Engine) application, as well as to subscribing clients. The dfESPeventblock can
report the number of items that it contains and return a pointer to a contained dfESPevent
if given an index. Event blocks have a unique embedded transaction ID generated as they
are absorbed into a continuous query, as well as a unique ID that the publisher can assign
to it. In addition to the event block ID, the publisher can set a host and port field in event
blocks to establish where the event block is coming from. This information is used by the
guaranteed delivery feature to ensure that event blocks make their way from a publisher,
through the continuous queries, and on to one or more guaranteed subscribers. This event
block meta information is carried with the event block from the start of processing at a
source window, through all stages of computation in derived windows, and on to any
subscribing clients. The publisher assigned ID, host, and port can be used to tie an output
dfESPeventblock back to an input dfESPeventblock.
New dfESPeventblock objects are created with either transactional or normal event
semantics. Transaction semantics implies that each dfESPevent contained in the block must
be able to be applied to the index in a given window. Otherwise, none of the events will be
applied to the index. For example, if the dfESPeventblock has 100 events and the first
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
event is a delete event, where the delete event fails to be applied because the underlying
event to be deleted is not present, then the remaining 99 events are ignored, logged, and
written to a bad records file (optional). Normal semantics implies that each event in a
dfESPeventblock is treated as individual events. Therefore, the failure on one event to
apply to an index causes only that event to not be incorporated into the window. A
dfESPeventblock with more than one event, but without transactional properties set, is
used to improve performance during the absorption of the event block into the appropriate
source window. You use this to trade off a little bit of latency for a large gain in throughput.
It is best to test the event block optimal size trade-off, but it has been found that placing
256 events into an event block gives both great latency and throughput. This will vary
based on the width of the events.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Expressions can be used for defining the following:
filter conditions in filter windows
non-key field calculations in compute windows, aggregate windows, and join windows
pattern matching window pattern events of interest
window output splitter slot calculations (such as expressions for determining which
window output slot to send a generated event into)
The expressions can be used as an alternative specification method over user-defined
functions in all of the cases listed here except for the pattern matching case, in which only
user-defined expressions can be used. Writing and registering these expressions with the
respective windows is usually much easier than writing the equivalent user-defined
functions, but they also run slower. It is a good idea to prototype using expressions where
possible and then optimize where necessary by exchanging these for functions once
everything is functioning. Most applications use expressions over functions but the option is
available if you have extremely critical performance needs.
Note: DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream
Processing Engine) expressions are based on the DataFlux Expression Engine,
which has robust expression support. However, some expression capabilities
are not currently leveraged in the Event Stream Processing Engine library. For
example, although incoming event field values can be shared across
expressions in a given window, other computed variables cannot be shared
across these window expressions.
For information about how to specify DataFlux expressions, refer to the DataFlux Expression
Language Reference Guide for Data Management Platform that is included in the Event
Stream Processing Engine installation. It is important to understand that the Event Stream
Processing Engine uses a subset of the documented functionality, but this subset seems
quite robust for the needs of event stream processing.
The DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine API does not have a one-to-one mapping
between the data types it supports and those supported by the DataFlux Expression Engine
Language. The following table shows the data type mappings between what is documented
within the Event Stream Processing Engine documentation and the DataFlux Expression
Language Reference Guide for Data Management Platform.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Notes and Restrictions
Seconds granularity
Constant milliseconds in dfExpressions are
currently not supported, but being added
64-bit conversion for dfExpressions
64-bit, no conversion
real 192-bit fixed point, double 64-bit float
192-bit fixed point, no conversion
String (utf8)
date (sec
date (sec
Integer (64 bit)
Integer (64 bit)
real (192 bit fixed
real (192 bit fixed
String (utf8)
date (sec granularity)
timestamp (micro sec
Int32 (32 bit)
Int64 (64 bit)
double (64 bit IEEE)
money (192 bit fixed
Expression Data Type Mappings Table
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Modeling a Continuous Query
Continuous query modeling is an exercise involving defining directed graphs of windows for
event stream manipulation and transformation. Fundamentally, a continuous query
transforms source streams (in other words, streaming events published into the query) into
output streams, using a directed graph of relational, pattern matching, and procedural
windows. This can also be thought of as data flow modeling. To begin modeling a
continuous query, do the following:
Identify input event structures that are schemas with keys that flow into the
continuous query source windows
Identify output event structures that are also schemas with keys that will be
generated by the continuous query
Define which relational, pattern matching, and procedural windows must be connected
in order to algorithmically transform the input events into the output events
Many times, the source of the published event streams can control the key structure and
schema. Therefore, it is important to know how input event streams will be delivered to the
continuous query.
Understanding the basics of data modeling, join types, aggregation, filtering, and computed
projections are all essential to begin modeling a continuous query. If modeling is done using
the C++ event stream processing modeling API, then some level of programming is also
required. Alternatively, modelers could use the more recent XML modeling API to develop
event stream processing models, thereby avoiding the need to know C++.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
XML Modeling Layer
Release 1.3 introduces an XML modeling layer that is a higher level abstraction of the C++
modeling API. This modeling layer enables non-developers to build event stream processor
models. This layer should be considered an alpha release since some of the syntax will
change for SAS® consistency purposes. Although it provides the major modeling
capabilities, it does not map one-to-one to all of the C++ modeling methods. Some of the
lower-level modeling alternatives such as user-defined functions, do not make sense for
non-developers. Hence, only expressions are supported in the XML modeling layer for field
calculations, joins, filters, and so on. This section provides the syntax for the XML modeling
layer as well as an example use of it.
Note: This layer will be used to provide a user interface drag-and-drop
modeling layer for a future release.
High-level syntax of XML models:
<project name='unique project name'
<window-template ...>
<!-- MORE WINDOW-TEMPLATE elements -->
<contquery name='name of contquery'>
<window ...>
<!-- ARBITRARY nesting of windows -->
<window ...>
<!-- ARBITRARY nesting of windows -->
<!-- MORE CONTQUERY elements -->
<!-- MORE PROJECT elements... -->
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Expansion of the high-level syntax for XML models:
The window-template element in detail:
<window-template name='name of window template'
[index={'empty','hash','rbtree'}] [trace={'true'|'false'}]>
[ <schema>
<field name='name of field'
<field name='name of field'
[ <connectors>
<connector class={'file/socket', 'odbc', 'smtp', data set,
jms, mqueue}
<property name='property name'>property
<property name='property name'>property
<!-- MORE CONNECTOR elements -->
</connectors> ]
[ <inputs>
<input source='ref to another window-template name'>
<function field='field name'>function
<function field='field name'>function
<!-- MORE INPUT elements -->
[ <outputs>
<field name='field name'
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
<field name='field name'
[ <expression>expression body</expression>]
[ <join type={'leftouter'|'rightouter'|'inner'}>
<left source='ref to another window-template name'>
<field name='field name'
<field name='field name'
<right source='ref to another window-template name'>
<field name='field name'
<field name='field name'
The window element in detail where nesting defines connectivity:
<window name='name of window' [pubsub='true'] [trace={'true'|'false'}]>
<window name='name of window' [pubsub='true']
<window name='name of window' [pubsub='true']
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
An example of a dfESP model rendered in the esp_xml modeling language:
<engine port='55555' dateformat='%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S' trace='false'>
<project name='Reference' pubsub='auto' threads='10'>
<window-template name='Trades_t' type='source'>
<field name='tradeID' type='string'
<field name='security'
<field name='quantity'
<field name='price' type='double'/>
<field name='traderID'
<field name='time' type='stamp'/>
<window-template name='Traders_t' type='source'>
<field name='ID' type='int64'
<field name='name' type='string'/>
<window-template name='LargeTrades_t'
<expression>quantity >= 100</expression>
<window-template name='AddTraderName_t'
<join type="leftouter">
<left source="Trades">
<field name='security'
<field name='quantity'
<field name='price'
<field name='traderID'
<field name='time'
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
<right source='Traders'>
<field name='name'
type='string' />
<window-template name="TotalCost_t" type="compute">
<!-- These are the non-key fields -->
<field name='tradeID' type='string'
<field name='security'
<field name='quantity'
<field name='price' type='double'/>
<field name='totalCost'
type='double' />
<field name='traderID'
<field name='time' type='stamp'/>
<field name='name' type='string' />
<!-- These are how the non-key fields are
<field name='security'>security</field>
<field name='quantity'>quantity</field>
<field name='price'>price</field>
<field name='totalCost'>price*
<field name='traderID'>traderID</field>
<field name='time'>time</field>
<field name='name'>name</field>
<window-template name='BySecurity_t'
<field name='security' type='string'
<field name='quantityTotal'
<field name='costTotal'
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
<contquery name='Reference'>
<!-- Traders -> AddTraderName
<window name='Traders' windowtemplate='Traders_t' trace='true'>
<window name="AddTraderName"
<!-- Trades -> LargeTrades -> AddTraderName ->
TotalCost ->
BySecurity -->
<window name='Trades' windowtemplate='Trades_t' trace='true'>
<window name='LargeTrades' windowtemplate='LargeTrades_t'
<window name="AddTraderName"
<window name='TotalCost' window-template=
'TotalCost_t' trace='true'>
<window name='BySecurity' windowtemplate='BySecurity_t'
The following usage statement can be used to run an XML model:
$DFESP_HOME/bin/dfesp_xml_server -model
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Publish and Subscribe API
The DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine) has
publish and subscribe (pub/sub) APIs available for C and Java™. The pub/sub API can be
used to subscribe to an event stream window either from the same machine or a networked
machine. Similarly, the pub/sub API can be used to publish event streams into a running
event stream processor project source window. The pub/sub API is currently supported on
all of our supported hardware and operating system types as well as Microsoft® 32-bit
Windows® (which is pub/sub or client only). This can be used, for example, to subscribe to
event streams in an Event Stream Processing Engine running on Solaris™ SPARC® so that it
can be visually displayed on a Windows desktop, perhaps using SAS/GRAPH. Another
example is to subscribe to an event stream so that it in can be loaded into a database for
persistence, but more likely you would use the event stream processor database adapter or
connector. Connectors are in process classes that publish and subscribe, and adapters are
stand-alone executables that publish and subscribe. Both use the pub/sub API.
Note: The pub/sub API provides cross-platform connectivity and
Endianness compatibility between the Event Stream Processing Engine
application and other networked applications, clients, and data feeds.
The Event Stream Processing Engine pub/sub API is IPv4 compliant.
Versioning was added to the pub/sub API in release 1.3 and will work with 1.2 and later.
This enables the server side of the client connection request to check the clients protocol
version and command version (which is the release number) to determine whether it
matches the server or is forward compatible with the server. Versioning was added to
enable the Event Stream Processing Engine to support forward compatibility for older
pub/sub clients whenever feasible. When the server is initialized the version number is
logged using the following message:
dfESPengine version %s completed initialization
When a pub/sub client successfully connects, the following message is logged:
Client negotiation successful, client version: %d, server version:
%d, continuous query: %s, window: %s, total active clients = %d
On the other hand, if the client connection is incompatible, the following message is logged:
version mismatch; server is %d, client is %d
If the client version is unknown during the connection request (that is, a release earlier than
1.2), then the following message is logged:
Client version %d is unknown, and can be incompatible
You can read this log to determine the version number for the server and client. However,
the success messages (like the server message from server initialize) are written using level
information; therefore, you see these only if you are logging messages (including
informational and higher).
In addition to the pub/sub API, an Event Stream Processing Engine application written using
the C++ modeling API can register a callback function with a window so that the application
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
thread is essentially subscribing to that window while bypassing the pub/sub API. This is
done by defining the call back function as described here:
void winSubscribe_function(dfESPschema *os, dfESPeventblockPtr ob,
void *context) {
// do something with the eventblock
Then you can register the callback function with the Event Stream Processing Engine
window of interest as follows:
Similarly, an Event Stream Processing Engine application can bypass the pub/sub API and
publish events into Event Stream Processing Engine source windows using the project
injectData() member function as follows:
projectPtr->injectData(contQueryPtr, sourceWindowptr, eventBlock);
Note: Example uses of injectData() and addSubscriberCallback() are
in the Application Building section.
These methods give the Event Stream Processing Engine application low-level access to
publishing and subscribing and the pub/sub API enables other applications and clients to
publish and subscribe to an Event Stream Processing Engine application either on the same
machine or from a networked machine. When using subscriber clients, the Event Stream
Processing Engine project windows need to be enabled for subscription. This is described
The Event Stream Processing Engine Perspective
This section assumes that the modeler is using the C++ modeling API. The XML modeling
API abstracts these calls to a higher-level syntax, which is defined in the XML Modeling
Layer section earlier.
To enable pub/sub for the engine instance, you must provide a port number to the
pubsub_ENABLE() parameter in the dfESPengine::initialize() call as follows:
dfESPengine *engine;
engine = dfESPengine::initialize(argc, argv, "engine",
if (engine == NULL) {
cerr <<"Error: dfESPengine::initialize() failed\n";
return 1;
Clients can use that port number (in this example 33335) to establish pub/sub connections.
If pub/sub is not required, then you would use pubsub_DISABLE for that parameter.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
To initialize pub/sub capabilities for a project, project->setPubSub() is called before
calling engine->startProjects(). For example:
This example opens a server listener socket on port 33335 to allow client subscribers and
publishers to connect to the Event Stream Processing Engine application or server for
pub/sub services. Once the connection request is made for pub/sub by a client (as described
below), ephemeral port will be returned, which the pub/sub API uses for this connection. In
cases where you need to override ephemeral ports for a specific port (for security
purposes), then that can be done by providing project->setPubSub with a second
parameter, which is the preferred port to be used for the actual connections to this project.
For example:
project->setPubSub(dfESPproject::ps_AUTO, 33444);
The first parameter of project->setPubSub() applies only to subscription services and it
specifies how windows in the project are enabled to support client subscriptions. Specifying
ps_AUTO enables clients to subscribe to all window output event streams in the project.
Alternatively, windows can be enabled manually by specifying ps_MANUAL. For non-trivial
projects, the specific windows of interest should be enabled manually since automatically
enabling all windows will have a noticeable impact on overall performance. You can also
specify ps_NONE, which disables subscribing for all windows.
If ps_MANUAL was used in project->setPubSub() to specify manual enablement of window
subscribes, then enableWindowSubs() is subsequently used for each desired window to
enable the subscribe as follows:
project->enableWindowSubs(dfESPwindow *w);
If, however, you specified ps_AUTO or ps_NONE in setPubSub(), then subsequent calls to
enableWindowSubs() are ignored and generate a warning.
Note: Clients can publish an event stream into any source window (and
only source windows) in a project that is currently running. All source
windows are enabled for publishing by default.
The Client’s Perspective
This section assumes that the pub/sub client developer is using the C pub/sub API with the
supporting C client objects API. The Java™ pub/sub API has similar methods and properties
as shown here for the C pub/sub API, and as can be seen in the Java Pub/Sub API
subsection later.
Clients that want to subscribe from or publish to the Event Stream Processing Engine
window event streams need to first initialize services on the client (using
C_dfESPpubsubInit()). Next, start a subscription using C_dfESPsubscriberStart() and
publisher using C_dfESPpublisherStart(), and then connect to the Event Stream
Processing Engine application or server using C_dfESPpubsubConnect().
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Clients that implement a publisher can then call C_dfESPpublisherInject() as needed to
publish event blocks into the Event Stream Processing Engine source window specified in
the URL passed to C_dfESPpublisherStart().
The specifics of the client pub/sub API are as follows.
Your client application must include the header file C_dfESPpubsubApi.h to provide
publisher and subscriber services. In addition to the API calls, this file also defines the
signatures of the user-supplied callback functions, of which there are currently two: the
subscribed event block handler and the pub/sub failure handler.
The subscribed eventblock handler is used only by subscriber clients and is called when
there is a new event block from the Event Stream Processing Engine application or server,
which a client wants to process in some way. After processing the event block the client is
responsible for freeing it by calling C_dfESPeventblock_destroy(). The signature of this
user-defined callback is as follows, where "eb" is the event block just read, "schema" is the
schema of the event for client processing, and context is an optional context object
containing call state:
typedef void (*C_dfESPsubscriberCB_func)(C_dfESPeventblock eb,
C_dfESPschema schema, void *context);
The second callback function, C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func(), is optional for both
subscriber and publisher clients. If supplied (that is, no NULL), it is called for every
occurrence of an abnormal event within the client services, such as an unsolicited
disconnect. This enables the client to handle and possibly recover from pub/sub services
errors. The signature for this callback function is below, where the following is true:
"failure" is currently either pubsubFail_APIFAIL, pubsubFail_THREADFAIL, or
"code" provides the specific code of the failure
context is an optional context object containing call state
typedef void (*C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func)(C_dfESPpubsubFailures
failure, C_dfESPpubsubFailureCodes code);
The C_dfESPpubsubFailures and C_dfESPpubsubFailureCodes enums are defined in
A publisher client uses the C_dfESPpublisherInject() API function to publish event blocks
into a source window in the Event Stream Processing Engine application or server. The
event block is injected into the source window running in the continuous query and project
specified in the URL passed to C_dfESPpublisherStart(). A client can publish events to
multiple windows in a project by calling C_dfESPpublisherStart() once for each window
and then passing the appropriate client object to C_dfESPpublisherInject() as needed.
Finally, a client can query the Event Stream Processing Engine application or server at any
time to discover currently running windows, continuous queries, and projects in various
granularities. This information is returned to the client in the form of a list of strings that
represent names, which might subsequently be used to build URL strings to pass to
C_dfESPsubscriberStart() or C_dfESPpublisherStart(). See the function description for
a list of supported queries.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The functions provided for client publish and subscribe in the pub/sub API are as follows and
can be used for simple connections or for more robust and complex connections with
multiple connections or recovery handling by the client.
int C_dfESPpubsubInit(C_dfESPLoggingLevel level, const char *logConfigPath)
level: the logging level
logConfigPath: the full pathname to the log configuration file
Return Value:
1: success
0: failure (error logged to the Event Stream Processing Engine log)
Note: This function initializes Event Stream Processing Engine client
publisher and subscriber services, and must be called (only once) before
making any other client calls.
clientObjPtr C_dfESPpublisherStart(char *serverURL, C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func
errorCallbackFunction, void *context)
serverURL: string representing the destination host, port, project, continuous query,
and window in the Event Stream Processing Engine.
serverURL format: "dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/<project name>/<continuous
query name>/<window name>"
errorCallbackFunction: either NULL or a user-defined function pointer for handling
client service failures
context: optional context pointer for passing state into this call
Return Value:
a pointer to a client object that is passed to all API functions described below or NULL
if there was a failure (error logged to the Event Stream Processing Engine log).
Note: This function validates and retains the connection parameters for a
specific publisher client connection.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
clientObjPtr C_dfESPsubscriberStart(char *serverURL, C_dfESPsubscriberCB_func
callbackFunction, C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func errorCallbackFunction, void
serverURL: string representing the destination host, port, project, continuous query,
and window in the Event Stream Processing Engine. Also specifies the client snapshot
requirement - if "true" the client receives the current snapshot state of the window
prior to any incremental updates.
serverURL format: "dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/<project name>/<continuous
query name>/<window name>?snapshot={true|false}"
callbackFunction: a pointer to a user-defined function for handling received event
blocks. This function must call C_dfESPeventblock_destroy() to free the event
errorCallbackFunction: either NULL or a user-defined function pointer for handling
subscription service failures
context: optional context pointer for parsing state into this call
Return Value:
a pointer to a client object that is passed to all API functions described below, or NULL
if there was a failure (error logged to the Event Stream Processing Engine log).
Note: This function validates and retains the connection parameters for a
specific subscriber client connection.
int C_dfESPpubsubConnect(clientObjPtr client)
client: pointer to a client object returned by C_dfESPsubscriberStart() or
Return Value:
1: success
0: failure (error logged to the Event Stream Processing Engine log)
Note: This function attempts to establish a connection with the Event
Stream Processing Engine application or server.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
int C_dfESPpubsubDisconnect(clientObjPtr client, int block)
client: pointer to a client object returned by C_dfESPsubscriberStart() or
block: set to 1 to wait for all queued events to be processed, else 0
Return Value:
1: success
0: failure (error logged to the Event Stream Processor log)
Note: This function closes the connection associated with the passed
client object.
int C_dfESPpubsubStop(clientObjPtr client, int block)
client: pointer to a client object returned by C_dfESPsubscriberStart() or
block: set to 1 to wait for all queued events to be processed, else 0
Return Value:
1: success
0: failure (error logged to the Event Stream Processing Engine log)
Note: This function stops the client session and removes the passed client
int C_dfESPpublisherInject(clientObjPtr client, C_dfESPeventblock eventBlock)
client: pointer to a client object returned by C_dfESPpublisherStart()
eventBlock: the event block to inject into the Event Stream Processing Engine. The
block is injected into the source window, continuous query, and project associated
with the passed client object.
Return Value:
1: success
0: failure (error logged to the Event Stream Processor log)
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Note: This function implements the client publisher function by publishing
events into the Event Stream Processing Engine. Event blocks can be built
using other additional functions provided in the event stream processor
objects C API.
C_dfESPstringV C_dfESPpubsubQueryMeta(char *queryURL)
queryURL: string representing the query to be posted to the Event Stream Processing
Supported queryURL formats:
"dfESP://<hostname>:<port>?get=projects" – returns names of all currently
running projects
"dfESP://<hostname>:<port>?get=queries" – returns names of all continuous
queries in currently running projects
"dfESP://<hostname>:<port>?get=windows" – returns names of all windows in
currently running projects
"dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/<project name>?get=windows" – returns names of all
windows in specified project, if running
"dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/<project name>?get=queries" – returns names of all
continuous queries in specified project, if running
"dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/<project name>/<continuous query
name>?get=windows" – returns names of all windows in specified continuous query
and project, if running
"dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/<project name>/<continuous query name>/<window
name>?get=schema" – returns a single string that is the serialized version of the
window schema
Return Value:
a vector of strings representing the list of names comprising the response to the
query, or NULL if there was a failure (error logged to the Event Stream Processing
Engine log). The end of the list is denoted by an empty string. The caller is
responsible for freeing the vector by calling C_dfESPstringV_free().
Note: This function implements a general event stream processor
metadata query mechanism to allow a client to discover projects, continuous
queries, and windows currently running in the Event Stream Processing
Engine. It has no dependencies or interaction with any other activity
performed by the client, given that it opens an independent socket to send
the query and closes the socket upon receiving the query reply.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
void C_dfESPpubsubShutdown()
Shutdown pub/sub services
In addition to the functions provided for client publish and subscribe in the C-based pub/sub
API, there is also a C library that provides a set of C functions to enable Event Stream
Processing Engine client developers to analyze and manipulate the event stream processing
objects from the Event Stream Processing Engine application or server. This is a set of C
wrappers around a small subset of the methods provided in the C++ modeling API so that
client developers can use C rather than C++ for developing clients. Examples of these
objects are events, eventblocks, and schemas. A small sampling of these calls is below, but
the full set of calls can be obtained from the HTML-based API reference documentation
(under $DFESP HOME/doc/html) provided in the Event Stream Processing Engine
To get the size of an event block:
C_ESP_int32_t eventCnt = C_dfESPeventblock_getSize(eb);
To extract an event from an event block:
C_dfESPevent ev = C_dfESPeventblock_getEvent(eb, eventIndx);
To create an object (a string representation of schema in this case):
C_ESP_utf8str_t schemaCSV = C_dfESPschema_serialize(schema);
To free an object (a vector of strings in this case):
A Complete Client Subscriber Example
This example can also be found in the release installation under $DFESP_HOME/src.
/* Standard C includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* This include file is needed for all subscribing code. */
#include "C_dfESPpubsubApi.h"
/* These include files are specific to the ESP objects being
used here. */
#include "C_dfESPevent.h"
#include "C_dfESPstringV.h"
/* Flag indicating whether to keep main in a non-busy wait
while the subscribeFunction does its thing. */
typedef struct {
unsigned short nonBusyWait;
} callback_ctx;
/* We need to define a subscribe function which will get
called when new events are published from the server using
the pub/sub API. This function gets an eventblock and the
schema of the event for processing purposes.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
For this example we are just going to write the event as
CSV to stdout. */
void subscribeFunction(C_dfESPeventblock eb, C_dfESPschema
schema, void *ctx) {
C_dfESPevent ev;
C_ESP_int32_t eventCnt = C_dfESPeventblock_getSize(eb);
C_ESP_int32_t eventIndx;
C_ESP_utf8str_t eventCSV;
callback_ctx *context = (callback_ctx *)ctx;
for (eventIndx=0; eventIndx < eventCnt; eventIndx++) {
/* Get the event out of the event block. */
ev = C_dfESPeventblock_getEvent(eb, eventIndx);
/* Convert from binary to CSV using the schema
and print to stdout. */
eventCSV = C_dfESPevent_toStringCSV_noBuff(ev,
schema, 1);
if (!eventCSV) {
fputs("C_dfESPevent_toStringCSV() failed\n",
context->nonBusyWait = 0; /* Release the
busy wait which will end the program. */
printf("%s\n", eventCSV);
if (C_dfESPevent_getOpcode(ev) == eo_UPDATEBLOCK)
++eventIndx; /* skip the old record in the
update block */
/* Flush stdout */
/* Free the event block and its contained events.
This must be done by the subscribe callback function,
else major memory leak.
/* We optionally can define a callback function for
subscription failures given we may want to try to
reconnect/recover, but in this example we will just print
out some error information and release the non-busy wait
set below so the main in program can end.
void subFailureFunction(C_dfESPpubsubFailures failure,
C_dfESPpubsubFailureCodes code, void *ctx) {
callback_ctx *context = (callback_ctx *)ctx;
/* don't output anything for normal server
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
disconnect */
if (failure != pubsubFail_SERVERDISCONNECT) {
char *failMsg = C_dfESPdecodePubSubFailure
char *codeMsg = C_dfESPdecodePubSubFailureCode
fputs("Client subscription error: ", stderr);
fputs(failMsg, stderr);
fputs(codeMsg, stderr);
fputs("\n", stderr);
/* Release the busy wait which will end the program. */
context->nonBusyWait = 0;
/* This is a subscribe client example for using the ESP
pub/sub API. One could test this against the subscribeServer
example provided in the ESP server distributions. This is
actually a generic subscribe tool to subscribe to any
window's events for any instance of an ESP application,
which could also be a server.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
short schemaOnly = 0;
int len;
char *url;
int i;
C_dfESPstringV schemaVector;
clientObjPtr sub;
callback_ctx cbContext;
cbContext.nonBusyWait = 1;
/* Check command line arguments. */
if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3)) {
fputs("\nUsage: subscribe_client <url> [schema],
where schema is for schema only and <url> is of the
form: dfESP://<host>:<port>/<project>/
[collapse=true]\n\n", stderr);
return -1;
/* Determine if they want the schema and events or just
the schema. */
if (argc == 3) {
if (strcmp(argv[2], "schema") == 0)
schemaOnly = 1;
else {
fputs("The 2nd argument is invalid, it should
be schema\n", stderr);
return -1;
/* Initialize subscribing capabilities. This is the first
pub/sub API call that must be made, and it only needs to
be called once. The first parameter is the log level, so
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
we are turning logging off for this example. The second
parameter provides the ability to provide a log config
filepath to configure how logging works, NULL will use
the defaults, but for us this does not matter given we
are turning it off.
if (C_dfESPpubsubInit(ll_Off, NULL) != 1) {
fputs("C_dfESPpubsubInit() failed\n", stderr);
return -1;
/* Get the schema and write it to stdout. The URL is as
Remove the snapshot extension from the passed url and
substitute "?get=schema".
len = strlen(argv[1]);
url = malloc(len + strlen("?get=schema") + 1);
if (url == NULL) {
fputs("malloc() failed\n", stderr);
return -1;
strcpy(url, argv[1]);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (url[i] == '?')
strcpy(&url[i], "?get=schema");
schemaVector = C_dfESPpubsubQueryMeta(url);
if (schemaVector == NULL) {
fputs("Schema query (", stderr);
fputs(url, stderr);
fputs(") failed\n", stderr);
return -1;
printf("%s\n", C_dfESPstringV_get(schemaVector, 0));
fflush(stdout); /* Flush stdout */
C_dfESPstringV_free(schemaVector); /* free up schema
vector and elements, else memory leak */
if (schemaOnly)
return 0; /* Only return the schema, no events. */
/* Start this subscribe session. This validates
subscribe connection parameters, but does not
make the actual connection. The parameters for
this call are URL, user defined subscriber
callback function, and an optional user defined
subscribe services error callback function. The
URL is as follows dfESP://hostname:port/
When a new window event arrives, the callback
function is invoked to process it.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
sub = C_dfESPsubscriberStart(argv[1],
subscribeFunction, subFailureFunction,
if (sub == NULL) {
fputs("C_dfESPsubscriberStart(", stderr);
fputs(argv[1], stderr);
fputs(", C_dfESPsubscriberCB_func,
C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func) failed\n", stderr);
return -1;
/* Now make the actual connection to the ESP
application or server. */
if (C_dfESPpubsubConnect(sub) != 1) {
fputs("C_dfESPpubsubConnect() failed\n",
C_dfESPpubsubStop(sub, 0);
return -1;
/* Create a mostly non-busy wait loop. */
while (cbContext.nonBusyWait) {
/* Stop pubsub, but block (that is, true) to ensure
that all queued events are first processed. */
C_dfESPpubsubStop(sub, 1);
return 0;
A Complete Client Publisher Example
This example can also be found in the release distribution under $DFESP_HOME/src.
/* This include file is needed for all publishing
code. */
#include "C_dfESPpubsubApi.h"
/* These include files are specific to the ESP objects
being used here. */
#include "C_dfESPlibrary.h"
#include "C_dfESPstringV.h"
#include "C_dfESPschema.h"
/* std includes */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* We optionally can define a callback function for
publisher failures given we may want to try to
reconnect/recover, but in this example we will just
print out some error information. The cbf has an
optional context pointer for sharing state across
calls or passing state into calls.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
void clientFailureFunction(C_dfESPpubsubFailures
failure, C_dfESPpubsubFailureCodes code,void *ctx) {
char *failMsg;
char *codeMsg;
/* Don't output anything for client busy */
if ((failure == pubsubFail_APIFAIL) &&
(code == pubsubCode_CLIENTEVENTSQUEUED)) {
failMsg = C_dfESPdecodePubSubFailure(failure);
codeMsg = C_dfESPdecodePubSubFailureCode(code);
fputs("Client services error: ", stderr);
fputs(failMsg, stderr);
fputs(codeMsg, stderr);
fputs("\n", stderr);
/* This is a publisher client example for using the
ESP pub/sub API. The events that are published to
the server are read from a file, so this application
needs a binary event file supplied to it. One could
test this against the subscribeServer example
provided in the ESP server distributions. If doing
so, simply use the same event input file already
provided for subscribeServer, which ensures that the
events published by this client are valid for a
window in the subscribeServer example. This also
requires that the continuous query and window command
line parameters are "subscribeServer" and
"tradesWindow" respectively. Finally, to isolate
events to those published by this client, simply run
the server without providing the event input file.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
clientObjPtr pub;
C_dfESPstringV schemaVector;
C_dfESPeventblock ib;
C_dfESPschema schema;
char *url;
int len;
int rc;
/* Check command line arguments. */
if (argc != 2) {
fputs("\nUsage: publish_client <url>
<file.bin, where <url> is of the form:
<continuousquery>/<window>\n\n", stderr);
return -1;
/* Initialize publishing capabilities. This is
the first pub/sub API call that must be made,
and it only needs to be called once. The first
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
parameter is the log level, so we are turning
logging off for this example. The second parameter
provides the ability to provide a log config
filepath to configure how logging works, NULL
will use the defaults, but for us this does not
matter given we're turning it off.
if (C_dfESPpubsubInit(ll_Off, NULL) != 1) {
fputs("C_dfESPpubsubInit() failed\n", stderr);
return -1;
/* Get the window schema string. The URL for this
is as follows: dfESP://hostname:port/project_name/
len = strlen(argv[1]);
url = malloc(len + strlen("?get=schema") + 1);
if (url == NULL) {
fputs("malloc() failed\n", stderr);
return -1;
strcpy(url, argv[1]);
strcat(url, "?get=schema");
schemaVector = C_dfESPpubsubQueryMeta(url);
if (schemaVector == NULL) {
fputs("Schema query (", stderr);
fputs(url, stderr);
fputs(") failed\n", stderr);
return -1;
/* Use the schema string to create the schema
object needed to pass to
C_dfESPeventblock_newEventBlock2() below */
schema = C_dfESPschema_create1("window_schema",
C_dfESPstringV_get(schemaVector, 0));
if (!schema) {
fputs("C_dfESPschema_create1() failed for
schema ", stderr);
fputs(C_dfESPstringV_get(schemaVector, 0),
fputs("\n", stderr);
return -1;
/* Free up the vector, else memory leak */
/* Start this publish session. This validates
publish connection parameters, but does not make
the actual connection. The parameter for this
call is the following URL which was provided as
an argument: dfESP://hostname:port/project_name/
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
pub = C_dfESPpublisherStart(argv[1],
clientFailureFunction, NULL);
if (pub == NULL) {
fputs("C_dfESPpublisherStart(", stderr);
fputs(url, stderr);
fputs(", C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func) failed\n",
return -1;
/* Now make the actual connection to the ESP
application or server. */
rc = C_dfESPpubsubConnect(pub);
if (rc != 1) {
fputs("C_dfESPpubsubConnect() failed\n",
C_dfESPpubsubStop(pub, 0);
return -1;
/* Trade event blocks are in binary form and are
coming using stdin. */
// for windows it is essential that we read binary
// data in in BINARY mode.
while (1) { /* more trades exist */
/* Create event block. */
ib = C_dfESPeventblock_newEventBlock2
(stdin, schema);
if (feof(stdin))
rc = C_dfESPpublisherInject(pub, ib);
if (rc != 1) {
failed\n", stderr);
C_dfESPpubsubStop(pub, 0);
return -1;
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
/* Delete the schema object */
/* Stop pubsub, but block (that is, true) to
ensure that all queued events are first processed. */
C_dfESPpubsubStop(pub, 1);
return 0;
Java Pub/Sub API:
This section introduces the Java pub/sub API. It assumes that you read the section above
on the C pub/sub API. Therefore, less detail is provided in this section. The Event Stream
Processor and its C pub/sub API use the SAS logging library whereas the Java pub/sub API
uses the Java logging APIs in the java.util.logging package. Please refer to that package for
log levels and specifics about Java logging.
The Java pub/sub API exists in two packages. Each package has several interfaces
references where there are reference implementations (which prefixes the interface name
with dfESP. For example
The high-level pub/sub methods described below would be in the following interface
reference: Here is a brief introduction to those
Initialize pub/sub services using
boolean init(dfESPLoggingLevel level, String logConfigPath)
Start a subscriber using
dfESPclient subscriberStart(String serverURL, clientCallbacks
userCallbacks, object ctx)
Start a publisher using
dfESPclient publisherStart(String serverURL, clientCallbacks
userCallbacks, object ctx)
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Connect to the Event Stream Processor application or server using
boolean connect(dfESPclient client)
Publish event blocks using
boolean publisherInject((dfESPclient client, dfESPeventblock
Query model metadata using
ArrayList< String > queryMeta (String queryURL)
Decode failure to string using
String decodeFailure (clientFailures failure)
Decode failure code to string using
String decodeFailureCode (clientFailureCodes code)
Disconnect from the Event Stream Processor using
boolean disconnect (dfESPclient client, boolean block)
Stop a subscriber or publisher using
boolean stop (dfESPclient client, boolean block)
Shutdown pub/sub services using
void shutdown ()
The interface reference defines the signatures of the
user-supplied callback functions, of which there currently are two: the subscribed
eventblock handler and the pub/sub failure handler.
The subscribed eventblock handler is used only by subscriber clients and is called when
there is a new event block from the Event Stream Processor application or server that a
client wants to process in some way. After processing the event block the client is
responsible for freeing it by calling eventblock_destroy(). The signature of this userdefined callback is as follows where "eb" is the event block just read, "schema" is the
schema of the event for client processing, and context is an optional context pointer for
maintaining call state:
(dfESPeventblock eventBlock, dfESPschema schema, Object ctx)
The second callback function for pub/sub client error handling is optional for both subscriber
and publisher clients. If supplied (that is, not NULL), it is called for every occurrence of an
abnormal event within the client services, such as an unsolicited disconnect. This enables
the client to gracefully handle and possibly recover from pub/sub services errors. The
signature for this callback function is below where
"failure" is currently either pubsubFail_APIFAIL, pubsubFail_THREADFAIL, or
"code" provides the specific code of the failure.
context is an optional context pointer to a state data structure.
ures failure, clientFailureCodes code, Object ctx)
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
clientFailures and client FailureCodes are defined in interface references and
Finally, a client can query the Event Stream Processor application or server at any time to
discover currently running windows, continuous queries, and projects in various
granularities. This information is returned to the client in the form of a list of strings that
represent names. This list can be used to build URL strings to pass to subscriberStart()
or publisherStart().
You can find details about these interface methods and their parameters in several places:
The C pub/sub API section above gives the parameters and usage for the equivalent
calls are the same as the Java pub/sub API.
The Interface References listed above.
The Reference Implementations for each of the Interface References.
The HTML API references provided in the distribution documentation.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Connectors are classes available in the connector library that use the publish and subscribe
(pub/sub) API to publish event streams into source windows or subscribe to window event
streams. Connectors were introduced in 1.2 and the list of available connectors will grow as
new releases are available. The connector library is located in
$DFESP_HOME/lib/libdfxesp_connectors-Maj.Min where Maj.Min is actually the release
numbers for the distribution.
This section covers the connector examples included in $DFESP_HOME/src of the DataFlux
Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine) distribution. The
sample_connector_pub and sample_connector_sub includes source code for an example
user-defined connector derived from the dfESPconnector base class that is in the connector
library. It also includes example source code (sample connector publish and sample
connector subscribe) that invokes the sample connector. See User-Written Connectors for
guidance on writing a connector and registering it with the connection manager so that you
can integrate it into an Event Stream Processing Engine application.
The remaining connector examples (db_connector_publisher, db_connector_subscriber,
json_connector_publisher, and json_connector_subscriber) implement application code that
invokes existing connectors (file, socket, and ODBC) that are shipped with the Event Stream
Processing Engine distribution. These connectors are registered with the connector manager
at initialization.
A connector is configured to operate as a publisher or subscriber, but not both
simultaneously. Publish operations consist of reading event data from the specified source
and injecting those events into a specific source window in a running event stream
processor. Subscribe operations consist of writing output events from a window in a running
event stream processor to the specified target.
To obtain a new instance of a connector, call the dfESPwindow::getConnector() method
and pass the connector name for the connector:
sampleConnector *subConn =
static_cast<sampleConnector *>(window->getConnector("sampleConnector",
The packaged connector names are: "file/socket", "odbc", and "smtp".
The second parameter is an autoStart Boolean that controls whether the connector is
automatically started when the project is started. If set to false, the connector can be
started later by calling the dfESPwindow::startConnectors() method or the
dfESPconnector::start() method.
Once a connector instance is obtained, any of its base class public methods can be called.
This includes setParameter(), which can be called repeatedly to set required and optional
parameters. Parameters must be set before the connector is started.
The type parameter is the one required parameter that is common to all connectors, and it
must be set to pub or sub.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Additional connector configuration parameters are required depending on the connector
type, and are described below. There is also a set of generic optional configuration
parameters that applies to all connector types. The list of optional parameters for publishers
is as follows:
blocksize - the number of events to include in a published event block. The default is
transactional - sets the event block type to transactional. The default is normal.
The list of optional parameters for subscribers is as follows:
snapshot - disables the sending of snapshot data. The default is enabled.
collapse - enables conversion of UPDATE_BLOCK events to make subscriber output
publishable. The default is disabled.
Connectors can be stopped at any time by either calling the
dfESPwindow::stopConnectors() method or the dfESPconnector::stop() method.
File and Socket Connector
The Event Stream Processing Engine distribution includes a file and socket connector that
supports both publish and subscribe operations on files or socket connections streaming the
following data types: binary, csv, xml, and json. The file or socket nature of the connector is
specified by the form of the configured fsname: a name in the form of <host>:<port>
implies a socket connector; otherwise, it's a file connector.
When the connector implements a socket connection, it always acts as the client, regardless
of whether it is a publisher or subscriber. This means that the connector establishes the
connection. The configured host and port specify the network peer implementing the server
side of the connection. The required parameters for file and socket connectors are as
type - publish and subcribe
fstype - binary/csv/xml/json
fsname - input file for publishers, output file for subscribers, or socket connection in
the form of <host>:<port>
The optional parameters for subscriber file and socket connectors are as follows:
snapshot - disables the sending of snapshot data. The default is enabled.
collapse - enables conversion of UPDATE_BLOCK events to make subscriber output
publishable. The default is disabled.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
periodicity - the interval at which the subscriber output file is closed and a new
output file opened; when configured, all output filenames will have a timestamp
appended for when that file was opened. This parameter does not apply to socket
maxfilesize - the maximum size in bytes of the subscriber output file. When
reached, a new output file is opened; when configured, all output filenames have a
timestamp appended. This parameter does not apply to socket connectors.
The optional parameters for publisher file and socket connectors are as follows:
blocksize - the number of events to include in a published even block. The default is
transactional - sets the event block type to transactional. The default is normal.
growinginputfile - enables reading from a growing input file by publishers. The
default is disabled. When enabled, the publisher reads indefinitely from the input file
until the connector is stopped or the server drops the connection. This parameter does
not apply to socket connectors.
File and Socket Connector Publisher Blocking Rules
Input data used by a file and socket connector publisher can contain optional transaction
delimiters. If present, a pair of these delimiters defines a block of contained events, and the
publisher ignores any configured value for the blocksize parameter. If transaction
delimiters are not present in input data, event blocks have a size equal to the blocksize
parameter. If the blocksize parameter is not configured, the default blocksize is 1. The file
and socket connector subscriber always includes transaction delimiters in the output file.
XML File and Socket Connector Data Format
The XML file and socket connector subscriber writes the following header to the XML output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>, and the same xml format is
supported by the xml file and socket connector publisher.
The following tags are valid: "project", "contquery", "window", "transaction", "event",
"opcode". In addition, any tags corresponding to event data field names are valid when
contained within an event. All of these tags are required except "transaction". For more
information, see File and Socket Connector Publisher Blocking Rules.
Event data field tags can also contain a corresponding Boolean attribute named "key", which
identifies a field as a key field. If not present its default value is "false".
Valid data for the "opcode" tag in input data includes "i", "u", "p", "d", and "s", for insert,
update, upsert, delete, and safedelete respectively. The subscriber writes only insert,
update, and delete opcodes to the output data.
Non-key fields in the event are not required in input data, and have value = NULL (or
partial-update) if missing, or if the field contains no data. The subscriber always writes all
event data fields.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
JSON File and Socket Connector Data Format
With respect to allowed fields, the JSON format mirrors the XML tags format and hierarchy.
There is an exception that attributes in XML data (such as "key" and "flags") are
represented in JSON as additional fields enclosed in the parent field.
All of the rules described in the XML data format apply to JSON as well.
In addition, JSON input data can contain events inside an array, as long as the complete
array is contained within a single parent transaction or window. This is optional and is only a
syntactical convenience. The subscriber does not write event arrays to the output data.
Database Connector
The Event Stream Processing Engine distribution also includes a database connector that
supports both publish and subscribe operations. It uses the DataDirect® ODBC driver so
that eventually it will support a whole host of databases, but currently it’s certified for
Oracle, MySQL, and DB2. It requires that database connectivity be available by using a Data
Source Name (DSN) configured in the odbc.ini file pointed to by the ODBCINI environment
variable. This DSN and the associated database user credentials are required configuration
parameters for the connector.
The connector publisher obtains result sets from the database using a single SQL statement
configured by the user. Additional result sets can be obtained by stopping and restarting the
connector. The connector subscriber simply writes window output events to the database
table configured by the user.
The required parameters for database connectors are as follows:
type - publish and subscribe
connectstring - specifies the database DSN and user credentials in the format
tablename - specifies the target table name.
The required parameters for publisher database connectors are as follows:
type - publish and subscribe
connectstring - specifies the database DSN and user credentials in the format
selectstatement - specifies the SQL statement executed on the source database.
The optional parameters for subscriber database connectors are as follows:
snapshot – disables the sending of snapshot data. The default is enabled.
collapse – enables conversion of UPDATE_BLOCK events to make subscriber output
publishable. The default is disabled.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The optional parameters for publisher database connectors are as follows:
blocksize – the number of events to include in a published event block. The default
is 1.
transactional – sets the event block type to transactional. The default is normal.
The number of columns in the source or target database table and their data types must be
compatible with the schema of the involved event stream processor window. For the
databases that have been certified to date, the event stream processor to SQL mappings
are as follows.
Subscriber ESP -> SQL
SQL_NUMERIC (converted to SQL_NUMERIC), SQL_DECIMAL (converted to
ESP_DATETIME -> SQL_TYPE_DATE (only sets year/month/day), SQL_TYPE_TIME
(only sets/hours/minutes/seconds), SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (sets fractional seconds =
Publisher SQL -> Event Stream Processor
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
SQL_TYPE_DATE -> ESP_DATETIME (only sets year/month/day)
ESP_DATETIME (only sets hours/minutes/seconds)
SQL_DECIMAL -> ESP_INT32 (only if scale = 0, and precision must be <= 10),
ESP_INT64 (only if scale = 0, and precision must be <= 20), ESP_DOUBLE
SMTP Subscribe Connector
The Event Stream Processing Engine distribution also includes an SMTP subscribe connector
that can be used to e-mail window event blocks or single events, perhaps as an alert that
something of interest has occurred. This connector is subscribe-only. The connection to the
SMTP server uses port 25, no user authentication is performed, and the protocol runs
The e-mail sender and receiver addresses are required information for the connector. The email subject line contains a standard event stream processor URL in the form
"dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/<project name>/<continuous query name>/<window
name>", followed by a list of the key fields in the event. The e-mail body contains data for
one or more events encoded in CSV format.
The required parameters for the SMTP connector are as follows:
type - publish and subscribe
smtpserver – the smtp server host name or ip-address
sourceaddress – the e-mail address to be used in the “from” field of the e-mail
destaddress – the e-mail address to which to send the e-mail message
The optional parameters for SMTP connectors are as follows:
snapshot - disables the sending snapshot data. The default is enabled.
collapse - enables conversion of UPDATE_BLOCK events to make subscriber output
publishable. The default is disabled.
emailprevent - specifies either true or false. The default is false. If false, each e-mail
body contains a full event block. If true, each mail body contains a single event.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
User-Written Connectors
This section lists implementation requirements for a user-written connector class intended
for use in an Event Stream Processing Engine application.
A connector class must inherit from base class dfESPconnector.
Connector configuration is maintained in a set of key or value pairs where all keys and
values are text strings. A connector can obtain the value of a configuration item at any time
by calling getParameter() and passing the key string. An invalid request returns an empty
A connector can implement a subscriber that receives events generated by a window, or a
publisher that injects events into a window. However, a single instance of a connector
cannot publish and subscribe simultaneously. A subscriber connector receives events by
using a callback method defined in the connector class that is invoked in a thread owned by
the engine. A publisher connector typically creates a dedicated thread to read events from
the source. It then injects those events into a source window, thereby leaving the main
connector thread for subsequent calls made into the connector.
A connector must define these static methods:
initialize() - returns an instance of the connector.
getRequiredParameters() - returns a dfESPptrVect<char *> * that contains the list
of key strings that are required configuration parameters for the connector. The caller
is responsible for freeing the vector.
getOptionalParameters() - returns a dfESPptrVect<char *> * that contains the list
of key strings that are optional configuration parameters for the connector. The caller
is responsible for freeing the vector.
These static methods can be invoked before creating an instance of the connector. A
connector must also define these virtual methods:
start() - starts the connector. Must call base class method start(). Must verify that
all required configuration information is present and set undefined optional
configuration to default values.
stop() - stops the connector. Must call base class method stop(). Must leave the
connector in a state whereby start() can be subsequently called to restart the
getState() - returns the current state of the connector.
callbackFunction() - the method invoked by the engine to pass event blocks
generated by the window to which it is connected.
errorCallbackFunction() - the method invoked by the engine to report errors
detected by the engine. Must call user callback function errorCallback, if nonzero.
Assumes that the engine stops using the connector and therefore should free up
connector resources.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
There are also several base class variables that derived connectors must handle as follows.
The connector constructor must set _engine equal to the passed engine parameter.
The constructor must also set _configured = false, and then subsequently set it to
true, either in setRequiredParameters(), if defined, or before returning from
start() must set _started = true upon success.
_type must be set to type_PUB or type_SUB before returning from start().
Integrating a User-Written Connector
The steps needed to integrate a user-written connector into an Event Stream Processing
Engine application are described below.
All connectors are managed by a global connector manager. The default connectors
shipped with Event Stream Processing Engine are automatically registered with the
connector manager when the Event Stream Processing Engine initializes. User-written
connectors must also be registered before they can be used. First, obtain the
connector manager instance by calling getConnectorMgr() on the global engine
dfESPabsConnectorMgr *acm = engine->getConnectorMgr();
Then register the user-written connector by supplying a user-defined name and the
required connector class entry points:
Now the connector is available for use by any event stream processor window defined in the
application. As with any connector, an instance of it can be obtained (using the user-defined
name that was registered earlier) to configure it before the project is started. These steps
are described above.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Adapters are stand-alone executables that use the publish and subscribe (pub/sub) API to
publish event streams into an DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream
Processing Engine) or subscribe to event streams from Event Stream Processing Engine
windows or both. Unlike connectors that are built into the Event Stream Processing Engine,
the adapters can be networked. Many of the adapters are simply an executable version of a
connector. Therefore, you just put a main() around the connector class that accepts a set of
configuration switches. Adapters can be found in the distribution under the following
File and Socket Adapter
The Event Stream Processing Engine installation includes a File and Socket Adapter. The
required and optional switches directly map to the File and Socket Connector parameters.
This is true for most (if not all) of the adapters that are built using the corresponding
The File and Socket Adapter supports publish and subscribe operations on files or socket
connections streaming the following data types: dfESP binary, CSV, XML, and JSON.
Subscriber use:
dfesp_fs_adapter -k sub -h <url> -f <fsname> -t <fstype> [-c <period>]
[-s <maxfilesize>]
Publisher use:
dfesp_fs_adapter -k pub -h <url> -f <fsname> -t <fstype> [-b
<blocksize>] [-e] [-g]
Switch definitions:
-h: dfESP publish and subscribe standard URL in the form
append "?snapshot=<true/false>" and (optional) "?collapse=<true/false>" for
-f: subscriber output file or publisher input file or for socket "<host>:<port>"
-t: "binary" or "csv" or "xml" or "json"
-c: output file time (in seconds) where the active file is closed and a new active file
opened with current timestamp appended to the filename
-s: output file volume (in bytes) where the active file is closed and a new active file
opened with current timestamp appended to the filename
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
-b: default blocksize = 1
-e: events are transactional
-g: read from growing file
Database Adapter
The Event Stream Processing Engine installation includes an ODBC-based Database Adapter.
The required and optional switches directly map to the Database Connector parameters.
The Database Adapter supports publish and subscribe operations on databases using
DataDirect® drivers. This is currently certified for Oracle®, DB2®, and MySQL™. However,
the drivers exist for many other databases and appliances. More certifications for the
adapter will be available in future releases. This adapter requires that database connectivity
be available by using a Data Source Name (DSN) configured in the odbc.ini file pointed to
by the ODBCINI environment variable.
Subscriber usage:
dfesp_db_adapter -k sub -h <url> -d <DSNname> -u <userid> -x <pwd>
-t <tablename>
Publisher usage:
dfesp_db_adapter -k pub -h <host> -d <DSNname> -u <userid> -x <pwd>
-s <selectstatement> [-b <blocksize>] [-e]
Switch definitions:
-h: dfESP publish and subscribe standard URL in the form
append "?snapshot=<true/false>" and (optional) "?collapse=<true/false>" for
-d: data source name from odbc.ini file
-u: database user ID
-x: database user password
-t: subscriber target database table
-s: publisher source database SQL statement
-b: default blocksize = 1
-e: events are transactional
SMTP Subscriber Adapter
The Event Stream Processing Engine installation includes an SMTP Subscriber Adapter. The
required and optional switches directly map to the SMTP Subscriber Connector parameters.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Like the connector, the adapter subscribes to only Event Stream Processing Engine
windows; source window publish is not supported. This adapter forwards subscribed event
blocks or single events as e-mail messages to a configured SMTP server, with the event
data in the message body encoded in CSV format.
Subscriber use:
dfesp_smtp_adapter -h <url> -m <smtpserver> -u <sourceaddress>
-d <destaddress> [-p]
Switch definitions:
-h: dfESP publish and subscribe standard URL in the form
append "?snapshot=<true/false>" and (optional) "?collapse=<true/false>" for
-p: each e-mail contains a single event instead of a complete event block containing
one or more events
Event Stream Processor to Event Stream Processing Engine Adapter
The Event Stream Processing Engine installation also includes an event stream processor to
Event Stream Processing Engine adapter that enables you to subscribe to an Event Stream
Processing Engine window and publish what it passes into another Event Stream Processing
Engine source window. This could be within a single event stream processor, but more likely
it would be across two event stream processors, possibly on different network machines.
Currently, there is no corresponding event stream processor to Event Stream Processing
Engine connector.
dfesp_esp_adapter -s subscribeURL –p publishURL
Switch definitions:
-s: dfESP subscribe standard URL in the form
-p: dfESP publish standard URL in the form
The eventblock size and transactional nature is inherited from the window being subscribed
SAS Data Set Subscriber Adapter
The SAS Data Set Subscriber Adapter supports subscribe but it does not support publish. It
captures subscribed event blocks and writes them to an output SAS dataset file on the
filesystem where the adapter is running.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
This adapter is architected differently than most other adapters in that there is no
corresponding connector. Instead the adapter consists of two entities:
1. This is the SAS script that takes ESP event data in csv format
and writes it to the SAS dataset. It receives csv data by executing subscribe_client
(see below) and intercepting its console output.
subscribe_client: This is an ESP subscriber client that handles the connection to the
ESP engine and simply outputs event data to the console in a format and sequence
required by
The script requires that a SAS system be installed and that a SAS
spawner be running on the host/port endpoint specified in To determine
if the SAS spawner is running, execute this;
netstat -tulpn | fgrep <port>
To start the SAS spawner, add unxspawn on <port>/tcp to your /etc/services file. Then
execute this from your /SASFoundation/x.y/utilities/bin directory:
./sastcpd -service unxspawn -sascmd <your SAS user directory>/signon &
To set the spawner host/port used by, find the let tsk statement and
modify it to:
%let tsk&c=<host> <port>;
To set the user credentials, find the let tcpsec statement and modify it to:
%let tcpsec=<userid>.<password>;
SAS also needs to be configured with the environment variables needed to run the ESP
client. Edit the .cfg file in your /SASFoundation directory and add these two statements:
-SET DFESP_HOME <the home directory of your ESP installation>
-SET LD_LIBRARY_PATH <the paths to your ESP libraries>
These settings can be copied directly from the environment variables already set for your
ESP installation.
Before running the script, make sure your environment path includes:
the path to your SAS installation (usually /SASFoundation/x.y)
the path to the subscribe_client executable
To run, execute this from the script's directory:
sas -sysparm "<outputpath> <url> ..."
<outputpath> specifies where the SAS output dataset and the SAS log
file will be written. The dataset filename consists of the subscribed
window name appended with a timestamp.
<url> specifies where the ESP engine is running and a window to
subscribe to. It is a standard ESP style url in the form of:
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
dfESP://<host>:<port>/<project name>/<continuous query
name>/<window name>
Multiple url's may be provided, where each one specifies a different subscribed window. In
this case a separate output data set is written for each url.
JMS Adapter
The JMS adapter resides in dfx-esp-jms-adapter.jar, which bundles the Java™
publisher and subscriber Event Stream Processing Engine clients. Both clients are also JMS
clients. The subscriber client receives Event Stream Processing Engine event blocks and is a
JMS message producer. The publisher client is a JMS message consumer and injects event
blocks into source windows of an Event Stream Processing Engine.
The JMS topic string used by an event stream processor JMS client is passed as a required
parameter to the adapter.
The subscriber client requires a command line parameter that defines the type of JMS
message used to contain Event Stream Processing Engine events. The publisher client is
able to consume any message type produced by the subscriber client.
The client target platform must have connectivity to a running JMS_broker (or JMS server)
and environment variable DFESP_JMS_JARS must specify the location of the JMS broker jar
files. The clients also require a file, which must be specified by the
DFESP_JMS_PROPERTIES environment variable. This file specifies the connection factory
needed to contact the broker and create JMS connections. A sample file is
included in the etc directory of the Event Stream Processing Engine installation. The
connectionFactoryNames property should not be modified, as the client classes look for
this name.
Also needed on the classpath are the vender DFESP_JMS_JARS .jar files.
Subscriber use on Unix and Linux:
$DFESP_HOME/bin/dfesp_jms_subscriber -u <url> -j <jmstopic>
-m <messagetype>
Subscriber use on Windows:
$DFESP_HOME\bin\dfesp_jms_subscriber <url> <jmstopic> <messagetype>
Parameter definitions:
<url>: Event Stream Processing publish and subscribe
standard URL in the form
<jmstopic>: the JMS topic name
<messagetype>: BytesMessage/MapMessage/TextMessage
Publisher use on Unix and Linux:
$DFESP_HOME/bin/dfesp_jms_publisher -u <url> -j <jmstopic>
-b <blocksize> [ -t ]
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Publisher use on Windows:
$DFESP_HOME\bin\dfesp_jms_publisher <url> <jmstopic> <blocksize>
Parameter definitions:
<url>: Event Stream Processing Engine publish and subscribe
standard URL in the form
<jmstopic>: the JMS topic name
<blocksize>: the number of events per event block
-t: event blocks are transactional (default is normal)
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Event Visualization
There are currently two SAS tools for visualizing event streams: Streamviewer and
SAS/GRAPH. The Streamviewer tool is provided in the Event Stream Processing Engine
distribution under the lib subdirectory as a .jar file ($DFESP_HOME/lib/dfx-espstreamviewer.jar). Also, in the Microsoft® Windows® Event Stream Processing Engine
installation ($DFESP_HOME/src) is an example (called graph real time) for integrating with
SAS/GRAPH. You must download SAS/GRAPH from the support site at You can
use the publish and subscribe (pub/sub) API to subscribe to any Event Stream Processing
Engine window event stream and use that for other third-party tools or application user
interface event visualization.
The Streamviewer is component of the Event Stream Processing Engine that subscribes to
any window event stream and displays the event or events so that you can view the
information. It can subscribe to concurrent event streams from a single window or from
different engines on separate machines. If the total number of events is bound, then you
can just see the value changes as they are updated. Otherwise, you see the events scrolling
through the viewer. Color thresholds can be set based on any event field, which is useful for
alert counts. Streamviewer is written in Java and it uses the pub/sub API so it can be run on
a different networked machine from the Event Stream Processing Engine application.
Streamviewer is executed using the following command on Unix and Linux:
$DFESP_HOME/bin/dfesp_streamviewer [ -u <url to esp server> ]
[ -Y <window height> ] [ -X <window width> ]
[ -x <x coordinate of window> ] [ -y <y coordinate of window> ]
[ -d <millisecond delay before subscribing> ] [ -h this usage]
Streamviewer is executed using the following command on Windows:
%DFESP_HOME%\bin\dfesp_streamviewer <url to esp server> ] [ -height <h>
] [ -width <w> ] [ -initialX <x> ] [ -initialY <y> ] [ -delay <d>]
NOTE: /?. -?, -h, -H, /h, /H -- all produce help
Once you start Streamviewer there are two options under File: New Window Subscribe
and Exit. You can choose New Window Subscribe any number of times. Each time you
initiate the window subscribe option, a dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can enter
the host, port, project name, continuous query name, window name, and optional rules file,
and then toggle to select the initial snapshot before the continuous deltas and updates. If
you subscribe to a system that is running events, then you want the snapshot that is the
current state of the event stream. You can use a rules file for color thresholds based on
some field expression. Here is an example set of rules that are used with the broker_surv
example provided in the installation:
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Each rule includes a field name, condition, field value, red value, blue value, and green
value. If the field meets the condition, then that field is colored as specified (for example, 0255 for each color component) in the color codes. Initially, each subscribe session has a tab,
but there is an Open this tab in a new window button on the tab to enable you to make
it a separate window. It can also return to the main window using the Dock in Parent
selection from the File menu. Finally, you can also run Streamviewer with parameters so
that you can call it from a script without the Subscribe Initialize dialog box. To find out
about these parameters execute Streamviewer with the –h parameter.
SAS/GRAPH is an established SAS tool that can be used to build both simplistic and complex
combinations of graphs. This tool can be integrated with the Event Stream Processing
Engine using the pub/sub API. The Microsoft® ActiveX® control library including in
SAS/GRAPH 9.3 or later is supported on Microsoft Windows®. Microsoft Windows (32-bit or
64-bit) contains a graph_realtime example that shows how to integrate SAS/GRAPH with
the Event Stream Processing Engine pub/sub API to subscribe to an Event Stream
Processing Engine and visualize events in graphs. This example uses a plot graph to
continuously display total trades on the X-axis and throughput rate on the Y-axis based on
the streaming events. The README file describes the key code that is necessary to replicate
in order to use it for other graphs.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Application Building
When building an event stream processing application, the steps involved include the
creating the event stream processing continuous queries (also known as models)
injecting input event streams (also known as publishing events into the Event Stream
Processing Engine)
gathering output events from the Event Stream Processing Engine (also known as
subscribing to an Event Stream Processing Engine window event stream)
You can create modeling using the C++ modeling API or the XML modeling layer. You can
publish and subscribe (pub/sub) using one of three ways:
the Java or C pub/sub API
the packaged connectors (in-process classes) or adapters (networked executables)
that use the pub/sub API
the in-process callbacks for subscribe or the injectData() method of projects
The latest XML modeling layer uses a server to instantiate and execute event stream
process modeling objects that are defined in an XML file. This modeling layer does not
provide all the capabilities that the C++ modeling API provides. However, it does provide
the essential modeling objects and connectors. This modeling layer enables non-developers
to write event stream processing models, but developers can also find it useful. For more
information, refer to the XML Modeling Layer section. This feature is currently considered
alpha since its syntax will most likely change in the next release. It will likely be enhanced
to support additional lower-level functionality in the C++ modeling API that is not currently
supported. However, it is functional and has been used extensively by internal SAS®
The C++ modeling API provides a set of classes with member functions to enable
developers to embed the Event Stream Processing Engine with dedicated thread pools into
an applications process space. An application can define and start an Event Stream
Processing Engine, which would make it an event stream processing server. Alternatively,
you can embed an Event Stream Processing Engine into the process space of an existing or
new application. Most of this document focuses on the C++ modeling API, therefore we will
not expand on it further here.
Connectors are C++ classes that are instantiated in the same process space as the event
stream processor. Connectors can be used from within C++ models as well as XML models.
Adapters use the corresponding connector class to provide stand-alone executables that use
the pub/sub API. Therefore, they can be networked. The pub/sub API is explained in the
Publish and Subscribe API section, earlier in this document. You can also find information
about the Connectors and Adapters in earlier sections.
Registering window callback functions and the dfESPproject::injectData() are described
in the pub/sub API as alternatives.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Advanced Usage
This section covers advanced topics that can be useful for performance and production.
Join Types and Constraints
CSV to Binary Conversion
Index pi_EMPTY Type and Retention Policies
pi_EMPTY Indexes and Pattern Windows
Using the aLast() Aggregate Function to Add Statistics to an Incoming Event
Window Output Slot Event Splitter
Bad Event Logging
Periodic (or Pulsed) Window Output
Starting and Stopping Projects
Time Granularity
Partial Event Updates on Publish
Join Types and Constraints
The following table specifies where each Join type is allowed. The standard notation of 1-1,
M-1, 1-M are used for one-to-one, many-to-one, and one-to-many.
Left Outer
Not Allowed
Right Outer
Not Allowed
Note: Many-to-many (M-M) joins are strictly prohibited.
Next, classify the left and right windows as dimension or fact windows as follows:
dimension window - all keys of the window are represented in the join constraints.
fact window - all keys of the window are NOT represented in the join constraints.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The following table specifies how the keys of the Join window are computed given the type
of window on the left and the right sides of the join, along with the Join type:
Join Constraints
All keys on left and
right participate in the
constraint set.
All keys on right and
not all keys on left
participate in the
constraint set.
All keys on the left and
not all keys on the
right participate in the
constraint set.
Neither side has all
keys participating in
the constraint set.
Allowed Join Types
For Left Outer choose
Keys of LEFT window.
For Right Outer choose
For Inner choose KEYS
from LEFT window
(although keys of RIGHT
window would also work).
For Left Outer choose
keys of LEFT window
(Right window is lookup
Right Outer is not
For Inner choose keys
from Left window.
Left Outer is not allowed.
For Right Outer choose
keys of RIGHT window
(Left windows is lookup
For Inner choose keys
from RIGHT window.
CSV to Binary Conversion
It is possible to convert a file of CSV events into a file of binary events that can be read into
a project and played back at higher rates than the CSV file. CSV conversion is very CPU
intensive. If it can be done offline one time, then when the pure binary events are played
back later, you avoid the performance penalties you would have if you had to convert CSV
events during each playback. In actual production applications, the data frequently arrives
in some type of binary form and needs only reshuffling to be used in the DataFlux Event
Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine); otherwise it comes as text
that needs to be converted to binary events.
For CSV conversion to binary, see the enclosed example application "csv2bin" under the src
directory of the Event Stream Processing Engine installation. The README file in src explains
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
how to use this example to convert CSV files to event stream processor binary files. The
source file shows you how to actually do the conversion in C++ using methods of the C++
modeling API.
The following code example reads in binary events from stdin and injects the events into a
running project. Note that only events for one window can exist in a given file. For example,
all the events must be for the same source window. It also groups the data into blocks of 64
input events to reduce overhead, without introducing too much additional
// For windows it is essential that we read binary
data in BINARY mode.
// Trade event blocks are in binary form and
are coming via stdin.
while (true) { // more trades exist
// Create event block.
ib = dfESPeventblock::newEventBlock(stdin,
if (feof(stdin))
trades, ib);
sub_project->quiesce(); // Wait for all input events to be processed.
Index pi_EMPTY Type and Retention Policies
Each window type discussed earlier has a primary index that is built when the window
instance is created. The dfESPeventdepot_mem used to store windows has support for three
types of primary indices: two that are stateful, and one that is not.
Fully Stateful Indices
Here are the two index types that are fully stateful:
dfESPindextypes::pi_HASH indices
Events are absorbed, merged into the window’s index, and a canonical version of the
change to the index is passed on to all output windows. Any window that uses a full state
index has a size equal to the cardinality of the unique set of keys, unless a time or sizebased retention policy is enforced.
With no retention policy specified, a window that uses one of the fully stateful indices acts
like a database table or materialized view. At any point, it contains the canonical version of
the event log that was played through. While we reference count common events across
windows in a project, you should be careful that all retained events do not exceed physical
memory. You can do this by using the update and delete operation codes (opcodes) for
published events (as is the case with Capital Market orders that have a lifecycle such as
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
create, modify, and close order). However, for events that are insert-only, it is essential
that window retention policies are used to keep this event set bound below the amount of
available physical memory.
Retention Policies for Full State Indices
Source or copy windows using a full state index can have one of several types of retention
policies specified. To specify a retention policy, use the setRetentionParms() call on the
window. This call takes two parameters, the retention type and the retention parameter.
Retention type can be one of the following options:
ret_NONE - (default) same as if setRetentionParms was not called.
ret_BYTIME_SLIDING - purge continuously from the window when an event age
reaches the limit as specified in the retention parameter.
ret_BYTIME_JUMPING - when the amount of time since the last purge is equal to the
time as specified by the retention parameter, purge the entire set of window events
and start the next time cycle.
ret_BYCOUNT_SLIDING - purge continuously from the window when the event set size
reaches the limit as specified by the retention parameter.
ret_BYCOUNT_JUMPING - when the window event set size reaches the limit specified by
the retention parameter, purge the entire window event set and start.
Remember when events are deleted from a window due to a user-specified retention policy,
the deletion or update of an event (that had been deleted due to the retention policy)
generates a run-time error.
Non-stateful Index
The non-stateful index is a source window that can be set to use the index type
dfESPindextypes::pi_EMPTY, and it will not keep any event state. It will act as a passthrough for all incoming events. There are some restrictions on source windows that use the
empty index type.
If the source window is set to "insert only", then there are no restrictions (see the
setInsertOnly call in dfESPwindow_source class)
If the source window is not insert-only, then it must be followed by a copy window
with a stateful index. This restriction enables the copy window to resolve updates,
upserts, and deletions that require a previous window state. Otherwise, the updates,
upserts, and deletions will not be properly handled and passed to subsequent derived
windows farther down the directed graph. As a result, the window cannot compute
incremental changes correctly.
One of the most useful design paradigms involving empty indices and retention (mentioned
earlier for copy windows, see example). This enables you to specify multiple retention
policies from common event streams coming in through a source window. It is used as an
absorption point and pass-through to the copy windows.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Copy Windows
pi_EMPTY Indexes and Pattern Windows
Pattern windows are insert-only with respect to both their input windows and the output
that they produce. Note that the output of a Pattern window is a monotonically increasing
integer ID that represents the number of patterns found in the Pattern window. This is
followed by an arbitrary number of non-key fields made up from the fields of the events of
interest for the pattern. Since both the input and output of the Pattern window are
unbounded and insert only, they are natural candidates for stateless windows (that is,
windows with index type pi_EMPTY).
Pattern windows are automatically marked as insert-only, and reject records that are not
inserts, so there is no problem using an index type of pi_EMPTY with them. If a source
window feeds the pattern window, it needs to be explicitly told that it is insert only, using
the dfESPwindow::setInsertOnly() call. This causes the source window to reject non-insert
data and allow an index type of pi_EMPTY to also be used.
This technique is extremely efficient with respect to memory use. Examples of more than
one billion events have been run through pattern detection scenarios like this with only
modest memory use (less than 500MB total memory).
Source Window [insert only, pi_EMPTY index] --> PatternWindow[insert
only, pi_EMPTY index]
ESP aLast() Aggregate Function to Add
Statistics to an Incoming Event
The ESP_aLast(fieldName) aggregate function can be used to add aggregate statistics
directly to an incoming event by passing the incoming event fields through the aggregate
window. Without this field pass-through function, this is done by adding a join window after
the aggregate window. This joins the aggregate calculations or event to the same event that
feeds into the aggregate window (which is not optimal).
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
For example, suppose this is the incoming event schema.
With that incoming event scheme, you want something like this example.
In this example, the average is over the group of quotation marks with the same symbol.
This can be done by defining a single aggregate stream, with the following schema.
Note: The group-by is the key of the aggregation, which, in this case, is
Next, you need to use dfESPwindow_aggregate::addNonKeyFieldCalc(expression) to
register the following aggregation functions for each non-key field of this window:
Suppose the following events come into the aggregate window:
The aggregate stream produces:
By passing through the input fields of interest using aLast(fieldname) and then adding the
aggregate fields of interest, you can avoid the subsequent join window and do this in the
aggregate window. This makes the modeling cleaner.
Window Output Slot Event Splitter
All window types can register a splitter user-defined function or expression that is used to
determine which output slot should be used for a given event for that window. This enables
a modeler to split generated events across a set of output slots, which determines which
subsequent set of windows the events go to next. This is not difficult, it is an advanced topic
since most windows send all generated events out of output slot 0 to zero of more
downstream windows. For this reason, it is not standard for most models. This is more
efficient than using filter windows off the output slot to filter down to only events of interest,
especially if you are doing an alpha-split across a set of trades or similar task.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Splitter Functions
The following example is a prototype for a splitter function.
size_t splitterFunction(dfESPschema *outputSchema, dfESPeventPtr nev,
dfESPeventPtr oev);
The splitter function receives the schema of the events supplied, the new and old event
(only non-null for update block), and it returns a slot number.
This example uses a splitter for the source window (sw_01) to split events across three copy
windows: cw_01, cw_02, cw_03.
cq_01->addEdge(sw_01, 0, cw_01);
cq_01->addEdge(sw_01, 1, cw_02);
cq_01->addEdge(sw_01, -1, cw_03);
The dfESPwindow::setSplitter() member function is used to set the user-defined splitter
function for the source window. The dfESPcontquery::addEdge() member function is used
to connect the copy windows to different output slots of the source window. When adding an
edge between windows in a continuous query, specify the slot number of the parent window
where the receiving window receives its input events. If the slot number is -1, it receives all
the data produced by the parent window regardless of the splitter function.
If no splitter function is registered with the parent window, the slots specified are ignored,
and each child window receives all events produced by the parent window.
Note: You should not write a splitter function that randomly distributes
incoming records. Also, you should not write a splitter function that relies on
a field in the event that might change and cause the updated event to
generate a different slot value than what was produced prior to the update.
This can cause an insert to follow one path and a subsequent update to follow
another path. This generates inconsistent results, and creates indices in the
window that are not valid.
Splitter Expressions
Defining splitter expressions is easier than splitter functions since you do not need to write
the function to determine and return the desired slot number. Instead, the registered
expression does this using the splitter expression engine. The earlier example using
expressions would have the following use, assuming you are splitting on field name
"splitField", which is an integer:
cq_01->addEdge(sw_01, 0, cw_01);
cq_01->addEdge(sw_01, 1, cw_02);
cq_01->addEdge(sw_01, -1, cw_03);
The dfESPwindow::setSplitter() member function is used here to set the splitter
expression for the source window. Defining splitter expressions rather than functions
performs a little slower because of the overhead of expression parsing and handling, but
most Event Stream Processing Engine applications will not notice.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Bad Event Logging
If you start a DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine)
application with -b <filename>, it displays the events that are not processed because of
computational failures in a log along with contextual information to a specified file. If this
option is not specified, the same data is output to stderr. You should create bad event logs
so that they can be monitored for new insertions so that you can take action to analyze, fix,
and republish the bad records.
An application can use the dfESPengine::logBadEvent() member function from a
procedural window to log events that it determines are bad or suspicious. For example, you
can use this to allow models to perform data quality checks and log events that do not pass.
There are two common reasons for an event to be rejected in a source window:
It has a null in one of the key fields.
The operation code (opcode) specified conflicts with the existing window index (for
example, two inserts of the same key, or a delete of a non-existing key).
Periodic (or Pulsed) Window Output
In most use cases, the DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing
Engine) API is fully event driven. Any window continuously produces output as soon as it
has transformed any input that it has received. There are times when you might want a
window to hold the data that it is computing and output a canonical batch of updates where
operations to common key values are collapsed into one operation. Here are two examples
where this would be useful:
Visualization clients might want to get updates once a second, given that they cannot
visualize changes any faster than this. When the event data is pulsed, the clients take
advantage of the reduction of event data to visualize through the collapsing around
common key values.
A window following the pulsed window is interested in comparing the deltas between
periodic snapshots from that window.
Use the following call to add output pulsing to a window:
dfESPwindow::setPulseInterval(size_t us);
Note: The periodicity is specified in microseconds. However, given the
clock resolution of most non-real-time operating systems, you should specify
a minimum value of 100 milliseconds as a pulse period.
Starting and Stopping Projects
The dfESPproject::stopProject() method call is the matching method to the
dfESPproject::startProject() method. It causes the project to tear down some internal
data structures, and puts the project in a stopped state. When in a stopped state, certain
operations are no longer valid and generate warnings; for example
dfESPproject::injectData(...) fails and logs a message that the project has stopped.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
There are some things that can be performed only in a stopped project, such as setting the
number of threads to be used, adding a continuous query, and more. It is useful to be able
to stop the project, change the number of threads the project uses, and then restart the
project. You can also start and stop all projects in an engine using the following methods:
Time Granularity
There are several methods in the DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream
Processing Engine) modeling API that take time intervals in microseconds, including the
time-out values for patterns
retention period in time-based retention
pulse intervals for periodic window output
Most non-real-time operating systems have an interrupt granularity of approximately 10
milliseconds, so using values less than 10 milliseconds causes problems and leads to
unpredictable results.
Note: In practice, the smallest value for these intervals should be 100
ms, and larger values give more predictable results.
Partial Event Updates on Publish
In most cases, events are published into a DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event
Stream Processing Engine) with all the fields available in the event, even though some of
the field values could be NULL, which is an entirely valid value for any given field. In fact,
events that have delete operation codes (opcodes) need only the key fields to be non-NULL;
the other fields can be NULL. There are, however, situations where only the key fields and
the fields being updated are desired or available for event updates. This is typical for
financial feeds where, for example, a broker wants to update the price or quantity of an
outstanding order. This type of partial event update can be achieved by marking the event
as partial-update (rather than normal). This is providing values only for the key fields
(which are necessary to match this event to one in the system), and the fields that are
being updated (such as quantity or price). In this case the fields that are not updated are
marked as data type dfESPdatavar::ESP_LOOKUP, which tells the Event Stream Processing
Engine not to update those fields of the current event that is retained in the system for the
event with matching key fields.
In order for a published event to be tagged as a partial-update, the event must contain all
non-null key fields that match an existing event in the event stream processor source
window. This is where you are applying the partial event update. If transactional event
blocks are used for publishing more than one event into the event stream processor
atomically, then it would be invalid to include the insert of the original event (with unique
key fields) as well as an update to that same event (identified by the key fields) in the same
publishing block. This is because "transactional" event blocks are treated atomically and all
operations in that block are checked against an existing window state before the
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
transactional block is applied as a whole. You can avoid this by turning the event block to
"normal" (do not treat atomically) rather than "transactional."
There are three steps to consider and multiple approaches or variations to each step when
publishing partial events into an Event Stream Processing Engine source window.
In order to construct the partial event, you need to represent all the fields in the
event by specifying either the field type and value or a placeholder field that indicates
the field value and type are missing so that the existing field value for this key field
combination remains for the update. These field values and types can be provided as
datavars to build the event or they can be provided as a comma-separated value
(CSV) string. If the CSV form is used, then a '^U' (such as, control-U, decimal value
21) value specifies that this field is a placeholder field and should not be updated. On
the other hand, if datavars are used to represent the individual fields, then those
fully specified fields should be valid and entered as datavars with values (non-NULL
or NULL). The placeholder fields should be specified as empty datavars of type
No matter what form is used to represent the field values and types, it should be
included in a call to generate the binary event for the partial update that is to be
published. In addition to the fields, a flag is used to indicate whether the record is a
normal or partial-update. If it is partial-update, then it must be an update or an
upsert that is resolved to an update. Using partial-update fields makes sense only in
the context of updating an existing or retained source window event which is why the
opcode for the event must resolve to update. If it does not, an event merge error is
generated. If you use an event constructor to generate this binary event from a CSV
string, then the beginning of that CSV string would contain "u,p" to show that this is a
partial-update. If instead, you use event->buildEvent() to create this binary partial
update event, then you need to specify the event flag parameter as
dfESPeventcodes::ef_PARTIALUPDATE and the event opcode parameter as
One or more events are pushed onto a vector and then that vector is used to create
the eventblock, which is then published into a source window. For performance
reasons each eventblock usually contains more than a single event. When you create
the eventblock you must specify the type of eventblock as transactional or atomic
(using dfESPeventblock::ebt_TRANS) or normal (using
dfESPeventblock::ebt_NORMAL). It is not advisable to use transactional blocks with
partial updates because it treats all events in the eventblock as atomic. If the original
insert for this event is in the same eventblock as a partial update, then that will fail
given the events in the eventblock are resolved against the window index prior to the
eventblock being applied atomically. Use normal eventblocks when doing partial
updates when possible.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
The following are some sample code snippets for the variations on the three steps described
Create a partial update datavar and push it onto the datavar vector
// Create an empty partial-update datavar.
dfESPdatavar* dvp = new dfESPdatavar(dfESPdatavar::ESP_LOOKUP);
// Push partial-update datavar onto the vector in the appropriate
// location.
// Other partial-update datavars might also be allocated and
pushed to the
// vector of datavars as required.
dvVECT.push_back(dvp); // this would be done for each field in the
update event
Create a partial update using partial-update and normal datavars pushed onto the
vector defined above.
// Using the datavar vector partially defined above and schema,
// create event.
dfESPeventPtr eventPtr = new dfESPevent();
eventPtr->buildEvent(schemaPtr, dvVECT,
Define a partial update event using CSV fields where '^U' values are used to represent
partial-update fields. In this example you are explicitly showing '^U'. However, in
actual text, you might see the character representation of Ctrl-U given that individual
editors show control characters in different ways. Therefore, in this example, the
event is an update (due to 'u'), which is partial-update (due to 'p'), key value is
44001, "ibm" is the instrument that did not change. But it is included in the field. The
price is 100.23, which could have changed, and 3000 is the quantity which may have
changed, and the last three of the fields are not updated.
p = new dfESPevent(schema_01,
(char *)"u,p,44001,ibm,100.23,3000,^U,^U,^U");
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Guaranteed Delivery
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine (Event Stream Processing Engine) 1.3 introduces
support for guaranteed delivery between a single publisher and multiple subscribers. This
feature is supported in both the Java™ and C publish and subscribe (pub/sub) APIs. Rather
than overload existing pub/sub calls, there is now a guaranteed delivery set of pub/sub calls
that is similar in functionality to the non-guaranteed delivery pub/sub calls, but which
supports guaranteed delivery. Therefore, there are some new methods introduced in this
When a publish connection is started, a publish client is established on behalf of that client
to perform the various pub/sub activities for that client. The same is true for subscribe
connections except the client is referred to as the subscribe client. When the publish client is
started, the number of guaranteed subscribers required to acknowledge delivery of its event
blocks is specified. The time-out value used to generate negative acknowledgements upon
non-receipt of acknowledgements from all expected subscribers is also specified. Every
event block injected by the publisher contains a unique 64-bit ID set by the publisher. This
ID is passed back to the publisher from the publish client with every acknowledgement and
negative acknowledgement in a publisher user-defined callback function that is registered
when the publish client is started.
When a subscribe connection is started, the subscribe client is passed a set of guaranteed
delivery publishers as a list of host and port entries. It then establishes an acknowledged
connection to each publisher on the list. The subscriber calls a new pub/sub API function to
trigger an acknowledgement.
Event blocks contain new host, port, and ID fields. All event blocks are uniquely identified
by the combination of these fields, which enables subscribers to identify duplicate (that is,
resent) event blocks. The following Guaranteed Delivery data flow diagram displays the
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Guaranteed Delivery Flow Diagram
Guaranteed Delivery Success Scenario
The following list depicts the flow of a guaranteed delivery success scenario:
The publisher passes an event block to the publish client, where the ID field in the
event block has been set by the publisher. The publish client fills in the Host/Port
field, adds the ID to its unacknowledged ID list, and injects it to the Event Stream
Processing Engine.
The event block is processed by the Event Stream Processing Engine and resulting
inserts, updates, or deletes on subscribe windows are forwarded to all subscribe
A guaranteed delivery-enabled subscribe client receives an event block and passes it
to the subscriber by using the standard subscriber callback.
Upon completion of all processing, the subscribers calls a new API function with the
event block pointer to trigger an acknowledgement.
The subscribe client sends the event block ID on the guaranteed delivery
acknowledged connection that matches the host or port in the event block, completely
bypassing the Event Stream Processing Engine.
Upon receipt of the acknowledgement, the publish client increments the number of
acknowledgements received for this event block. If that number has reached the
threshold passed to the publish client at start-up, the publish client invokes the new
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
guaranteed delivery callback with parameters acknowledged and ID, and removes the
ID from the list of unacknowledged IDs.
Guaranteed Delivery Failure Scenarios
There are three failure scenarios for guaranteed delivery flows, Event Block Time-out,
Invalid Guaranteed Delivery Acknowledged Connect Attempt, and Invalid Event Block ID.
Event Block Time-out
An event block-specific timer expires on a guaranteed-delivery-enabled publish client,
and the number of acknowledgements received for this event block is below the
required threshold.
The publish client invokes the new guaranteed delivery callback with parameters NACK
and ID. There is no further retransmission or other attempted recovery by the Event
Stream Processing Engine publish client or subscribe client for this event block,
although the publisher most likely will back out this event block and resend.
The publish client removes the ID from the list of unacknowledged ID’s.
Invalid Guaranteed Delivery Acknowledged Connect Attempt
A guaranteed-delivery-enabled publish client receives a connect attempt on its
guaranteed delivery acknowledged server but the number of required client
connections has already been met.
The publish client refuses the connection and logs an error message.
For any subsequent event blocks received by the guaranteed delivery-enabled
subscribe client, an error message is logged.
Invalid Event Block ID
A guaranteed-delivery-enabled publisher injects an event block that contains an ID
already present in the publish client’s unacknowledged ID list.
The inject call is rejected by the publish client and an error message is logged.
Additions to the Publish and Subscribe API for Guaranteed Delivery
The following pub/sub API additions were made for guaranteed delivery:
Same parameters and return value as C_dfESPpublisherStart().
Additional required parameter: an acknowledged or not acknowledged callback
function pointer.
Additional required parameter: filename of this publisher’s guaranteed delivery
configuration file. See Guaranteed Delivery-enabled Publisher Configuration File
Contents below for file contents.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Same parameters and return value as C_dfESPsubscriberStart().
Additional required parameter: filename of this subscriber’s guaranteed delivery
configuration file. See Guaranteed Delivery-enabled Subscriber Configuration File
Contents below for file contents.
Triggers an acknowledged.
Parameter 1: event block pointer. The event block must not be freed before this
function returns.
Return value: 1 = success, 0 = failure.
Signature of the new publisher callback function passed to
C_dfESPGDpublisherStart(). Returns void.
Parameter 1: READY/ACK/NACK (acknowledged or not acknowledged) enum.
Parameter 2: 64-bit event block ID.
Returns a 64-bit event block ID. Might be called by a publisher to obtain sequentially
unique IDs to be written to event blocks before injecting them to a guaranteed
delivery-enabled publish client.
Noteworthy Observations
The following observations are worth noting for guaranteed delivery:
Publishers and subscribers that do not use the new guaranteed-delivery-enabled API
functions are implicitly guaranteed delivery disabled.
Guaranteed delivery subscribers can be mixed with non-guaranteed delivery
A guaranteed delivery-enabled publisher might wait to begin publishing until a READY
callback has been received. This indicates that its configured number of subscribers
have all established their acknowledged connections back to the publisher.
Event blocks received by a guaranteed-delivery-enabled subscriber as a result of a
snapshot generated by the Event Stream Processing Engine are not acknowledged.
It is expected under certain conditions that subscribers will receive duplicate event
blocks. These conditions include the following:
A publisher begins publishing before all related subscribers have started. Any
started subscriber can receive duplicate event blocks until the number of started
subscribers reaches the number of required acknowledgements passed by the
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
A guaranteed delivery-enabled subscriber disconnects while the publisher is
publishing. This triggers the same scenario described earlier.
A slow subscriber causes event blocks to time-out, which triggers a not
acknowledged to the publisher. In this case all subscribers related to the
publisher will receive any resent event blocks, including those that have already
called C_dfESPGDsubscriberAck() for those blocks.
If a guaranteed delivery-enabled subscriber fails to establish its acknowledged
connection, it will retry at a configurable rate up to a configurable maximum number
of retries.
If a guaranteed delivery-enabled publisher injects an event block that contains an ID
already present in the publish client’s not acknowledged-ID list, the inject call is
rejected by the publish client. An ID is cleared from the list when the publish client
passes it to the new publisher acknowledged or not acknowledged callback function.
The publish client and subscribe client reads a configuration file at start-up to get customerspecific configuration information for guaranteed delivery. The format of both of these files
is as follows.
Configuration File Contents
Guaranteed Delivery-enabled Publisher Configuration File Contents
Local port number for guaranteed delivery acknowledged connection server.
Timeout value for generating not acknowledged, in seconds.
Number of received acknowledgements required within time-out period to generate
acknowledged instead of not acknowledged.
File format:
GDpub_numSubs=<number of subscribers generating acknowledged>
Guaranteed delivery-enabled subscriber configuration file contents
List of guaranteed delivery-enabled publisher host or port entries. Each entry contains
a host:port pair corresponding to a guaranteed delivery-enabled publisher from which
the subscriber wishes to receive guaranteed delivery event blocks.
Acknowledged connection retry interval, in seconds.
Acknowledged connection maximum number of retry attempts.
File format:
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Publish and Subscribe API Specifics
Here are some specifics for C pub/sub API for publishing. The Java specifics are similar.
* Type enumeration for Guaranteed Delivery event block status.
typedef enum {
} C_dfESPGDStatus;
* The publisher client callback function to be called for notification
* of guaranteed delivery event block status.
* @param eventBlockStatus ESP_GD_ACK or ESP_GD_NACK
* @param eventBlockID the event block ID
typedef void (*C_dfESPGDpublisherCB_func)(C_dfESPGDStatus
int64_t eventBlockID);
* The guaranteed delivery version of C_dfESPpublisherStart().
* @param serverURL string with format = "dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/
<project name>/<continuous query name>/<window name>"
* @param errorCallbackFunction function pointer to user-defined error
catching function, NULL for no error callback.
* @param ctx a user-defined context pointer.
* @param configFile the guaranteed delivery configuration file for this
* @param gdCallbackFunction function pointer to user-defined guaranteed
delivery callback function
* @return pointer to the created object, NULL if failure.
DFESPPS_API clientObjPtr C_dfESPGDpublisherStart(char *serverURL,
C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func errorCallbackFunction,
void *ctx, char *configFile,
C_dfESPGDpublisherCB_func gdCallbackFunction);
* Return sequentially unique IDs to a guaranteed-delivery-enabled
* to be written to event blocks before injecting them to a guaranteed
* delivery-enabled publish client.
* @return event ID
DFESPPS_API C_ESP_int64_t C_dfESPGDpublisherGetID();
Here are the C pub/sub specifics for subscribe. The Java specifics are very similar.
* The guaranteed delivery version of C_dfESPsubscriberStart().
* @param serverURL string with format = "dfESP://<hostname>:<port>/
<project name>/<continuous query name>/<window name>
* @param callbackFunction function pointer to user-defined subscriber
callback function
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
* @param errorCallbackFunction function pointer to user-defined error
catching function, NULL for no error callback
* @param ctx a user defined context pointer
* @param configFile the GD configuration file for this subscriber
* @return pointer to the created object, NULL if failure
DFESPPS_API clientObjPtr C_dfESPGDsubscriberStart(char *serverURL,
C_dfESPsubscriberCB_func callbackFunction,
C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func errorCallbackFunction,
void *ctx, char *configFile);
* Trigger a guaranteed delivery acknowledgement of an event block.
* @param eventBlock the event block pointer
* @return int 1 = success, 0 = failure
DFESPPS_API int C_dfESPGDsubscriberAck(C_dfESPeventblock eventBlock);
guaranteed delivery-enabled
DFESPPS_API int C_dfESPGDsubscriberAck(clientObjPtr client,
C_dfESPeventblock eventBlock);
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
API Changes
Release 1.2 Changes
Release 1.3 Changes
API Changes
Release 1.3 Changes:
C++ Modeling API:
Modified dfESPengine::initialize() to take a "pubsub_ENABLE(port)" or
"pubsub_DISABLE" parameter to enable or disable the global pub/sub server.
Modified dfESPproject::setPubSub() to take an optional port number. This overrides
the ephemeral port used for project-level pub/sub servers.
Changed containers to have methods to create and manage removal of what it
contains. That is, the objects dfESPproject, dfESPcontquery, dfESPdepot_mem,
dfESPpattern, and dfESPwindow will be created by using the higherLevel containers.
dfESPengine *E = dfESPengine::initialize("engine-01", ...);
dfESPproject *p = E.newProject("project 1", true);
dfESPcontquery *cq1 = p->newContquery("query 1");
dfESPeventdepot_mem *md1 = p->newEventdepot_mem("depot 1");
dfESPwindow_source *sw1 = cq1->newSourceWindow("window 1",
dfESPwindow_procedural *prw1 =
cq1->newProceduralWindow("window 2", …);
dfESPwindow_filter *fw1 = cq1->newFilterWindow("window 3",
dfESPwindow_compute *cw1 = cq1->newComputeWindow(
"window 4", …);
dfESPwindow_pattern *paw1 = cq1->newPatternWindow(
"window 5", ...);
// add edges here...
// ...
E->shutdown(); // stop all projects and pubsub activity, delete global
instance of dfESPengine.
When the engine object is shutdown, it and all objects that it manages (directly or
indirectly, that is, dfESPproject, dfESPcontquery, dfESPdepot_mem, dfESPpattern, and
dfESPwindow) are destroyed, and allocated memory is released.
Since windows are created from queries, the dfESPcontquery::addWindow(....) call
will be deprecated, the same is true for the dfESPproject::addContQuery().
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Also, the dfESPcontQuery::new<Type>Window(...) calls now take schema as a format
string: "k1*:type, ..., fn:type", thus eliminating the step of creating a schema only to
pass it to the dfESPwindow_<type>(.....) constructor. dfESPschema objects still exist,
although the need to explicitly create one is greatly diminished. One place one still
would use references to existing dfESPschema objects is when one is formatting or
converting to CSV. One obtains the schema reference by asking the window for it—
that is, dfESPschema *s = cw1->getSchema();
Global parameters are now private to the dfESPengine instance, and are retrieved and
set using a collection of accessory functions:
static void dfESPengine::set_dateFormat(char *df);
static char *dfESPengine::get_dateFormat();
static void dfESPengine::set_fpPrecision(uint32_t prec);
static uint32_t dfESPengine::get_fpPrecision();
static void dfESPengine::set_fpTolerance(double fpt);
static double dfESPengine::get_fpTolerance();
A connector manager plug-in is loaded at project start time that enables the user to
create new instances of connectors via the window method:
dfESPwindow::getConnector(dfESPstring connectorType, bool autoStart =
A connector created in this manner is automatically bound to the window from which
it was created.
The dfESPevent::dfESPevent(dfESPschema *s, char *dsv eventString) has been
enhanced; it now is as follows:
dfESPevent::dfESPevent(dfESPschema *s, char *dsv eventString,
char delimiter=',');
and takes an optional character argument specifying which delimiter should be used
(defaults to ',');
For joins it is now possible to set a parameter so that they do not re-compute when a
change is made to their dimension table (lookup table). In this case, the join uses
considerably less memory, as a separate index for the fact table does not need to be
maintained by the join. This is frequently the case when the dimension table is purely
used for lookup, and pre-loaded before any fact data starts streaming into the
If a joins fact table is insert only, and it is set not to recompute on changes to the
dimension table, the join window can be set to have an empty index, making it very
fast, and lightweight in memory consumption.
enum dfESPeventblocktype has been expanded to include types ebt_SNAPSHOT and
ebt_SNAPSHOT_LAST. Event blocks of these types are created only to send snapshot
data to a pub/sub subscriber client. The client uses these types to distinguish
snapshot events from other events, and to know when it has received the complete
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
Publish and Subscribe API
The default type of the index maintained by a subscriber callback is now equal to the
window index type, instead of hardcoded to pi_HASH. In addition, when the pub/sub
type is ps_MANUAL, the user can override the index type by calling a new overloaded
version of project::enableWindowSubs() that takes a
dfESPindextypes::dfESPpindextype parameter.
Guaranteed Delivery allows a publisher to guarantee event blocks are delivered to one
or more subscribers.
Release 1.2 Changes
C++ Modeling API
Removed dfESPproject::dfESPdeterminsm::SINGLE_THREADED given a project uses
one thread by default, but that could be modified by using setNumThreads().
Projects can no longer be created by using p = new dfESPproject(), but must be
created by using the dfESPengine::createProject call. There is a new parameter
useTaggedToken (default false) that determines whether the project is created and
uses FULL_CONCURRENCY (useTaggedToken==false), or TAGGED_TOKEN
(useTaggedToken==true) data flow.
dfESPproject* dfESPengine::newProject(dfESPstring id,
bool useTaggedToken=false);
Publish and Subscribe API
Added C_dfESPdecodePubSubFailure() and C_dfESPdecodePubSubFailureCode() to.
Returns textual description of parameters passed to publish and subscribe (pub/sub)
error callback function C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_function.
Added C_dfESPpubsubShutdown() to pub/sub. Stops any running clients and calls
Added void the *ctx parameter to these methods for optional context pointer:
subscriber callback function C_dfESPsubscriberCB_func
pub/sub error callback function C_dfESPpubsubErrorCB_func
The value passed to the start methods is simply passed back to the callback methods.
Added required "block" parameter to C_dfESPpubsubStop() and
C_dfESPpubsubDisconnect(). If set to 1, both calls will block until all queued events
have been processed before returning. If set to 0, any queued events are instead
discarded. Applies to both publish and subscribe clients. For publish, events can be
queued waiting to be written to the socket. For subscribe, events can be queued
waiting to be passed to the callback function.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
complex event processing (CEP)
event processing that assumes an event cloud as input and therefore makes no assumptions
about the arrival order of events.
continuous query
a directed graph of source, relational, pattern matching, and procedural windows. The windows
represent continuously executing query-generating updates to the query result set as new
events stream through.
derived windows
windows that display events that have been fed through other windows and that perform
computations or transformations on these incoming events. The current derived window types
are aggregate, compute, copy, filter, join, pattern matching, procedure, and union.
the top-level container in a model. There can be only one of these in a given model. The engine
manages the project resources.
a packet of data accessible as a collection of fields, with at least one of those fields defined as
the key.
event blocks
a grouping or package of events.
event stream processing
a subcategory of complex event stream processing (CEP) focused on analyzing and processing
"events in motion," which are called event streams.
event stream processing application
an event stream processing application based on DataFlux embeds a DataFlux Event Stream
Processing Engine with its own dedicated thread pool (or pools) into its application space. This is
where the main application thread can do application-specific work and the ESP processes the
event streams by creating an instance of the model into processing objects.
event streams
a continuous flow of events (or more precisely, event blocks).
modeling API
a DataFlux C library that enables developers to write event stream processing models.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide
the second-level container in a model (managed by the parent engine container) where the
thread pool size is set and contains one or more continuous queries. You can have multiple
projects in an engine instance.
Publish and Subscribe (pub/sub) API
a library that enables you to publish event streams into an event stream processor or subscribe
to event streams within the event stream processing model. The pub/sub API also includes a C
and JAVA event stream processing object support library so that publishers or subscribers can
manipulate or create the events that they receive or send.
source window
a window that has no windows feeding into it and is the entry point for publishing events into
the continuous query.
this term refers to the processing nodes in an event stream processing model. These windows
consist of source and derived windows forming a directed graph called a continuous query.
DataFlux Event Stream Processing Engine User's Guide