
Hubba-X4 Duo user guide
Issue 2-0 March 2016
Basic set-up
External GSM antenna
Internal Wi-Fi antennas
External antenna
extension leads – up
to 20m
Status indicator (4)
AUX socket (5)
Roof mount
LAN socket (2)
Breather (1)
Mains PSU (3)
Power switch.
Down = on
DC Power cable (3)
Ensure that the breather top (1) is always tightly screwed on.
If a Cat5 (LAN) connection (2) is not used then make certain the waterproof cap is in place.
Ensure that the power connector (3) is fully connected (either DC or mains) –To do this gently line up
the plug to the socket and rotate carefully until the spline engages. Now the socket will slide fully
into the plug at which point the locking ring on the plug can be rotated clockwise keeping the plug
firmly in position. Make sure that the locking ring is fully tightened.
If the LAN socket (2) or the AUX socket (5) are not in use then the waterproof cap should be securely
in place to protect the connectors.
The status indicator (4) is able to show a variety of conditions – refer to page 3 for full details.
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Basic Set up
Front panel indicators
Status indicator
DC connection
External GSM antenna
How to change the SIM(s)
Accessing the Hubba-X4 Duo via the web interface
The Hubba-X4 Duo overview page
Configuration of APNs
Method 1
Method 2
Configure SIM failover
Configure WAN failover
Configure Wi-Fi
Setting data limits
Using Wi-Fi as WAN (Use harbour/marina Wi-Fi)
Switch off Wi-Fi as WAN
Port forwarding
Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
Cat5 connector assembly
Note that this warning symbol
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is used to highlight important information.
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Front Panel Indicators
Signal strength – more
bars = better signal
Status, see below
for explanation
LAN activity
Status indicator
Flashing green and red = no SIM or a bad PIN - if a SIM has been installed then you will need to check
that it is seated and oriented correctly. If the SIM is okay then you may need to confirm the PIN.
Flashing green, red and yellow = connecting to GSM
Slow flashing red = connected to 2G but data session is not established
Slow flashing yellow = connected to 3G but data session is not established
Slow flashing green = connected to 4G but data session is not established
Constant red and blinking rapidly = data being transferred during a 2G data session
Constant yellow and blinking rapidly = data being transferred during a 3G data session
Constant green and blinking rapidly = data being transferred during a 4G data session
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DC Connection
DC flying lead
Brown is +V.
Brown with black tracer is 0V
The DC voltage should be in the range 12V to 24V and approximately 1A is required for
correct operation. Care should be exercised with regard to polarity and to the quality of the supply,
large voltage spikes may cause damage to the Hubba-X4 Duo.
Do not attempt to power the unit using POE via the LAN (2) connection.
External GSM antenna
External GSM
Roof mount
Heat shrink sleeves
GSM antenna
extension cables
The antenna type shown above is the cross polarised type. However, there are also single antennas
which are fitted to magnetic mountings so can be attached to a variety of metal surfaces and these
are used in pairs for the GSM reception or Wi-Fi signals. For best results these single antenna types
need to be placed at least 30 cm apart.
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Ensure that the heat shrink sleeves are tight fitting over the external antenna connections –
a hot air gun or similar will shrink the tubing but take care not to damage the cables.
The pigtails at the bottom of the antenna should not be subjected to unnecessary pulling or weight
and any jumper cable connecting to the antenna must be supported (fixed in place). The antenna is
not designed to carry the weight of long jumper cables as this will stress the connector terminations
on it.
How to change the SIM(s).
Firstly: disconnect power to the unit or switch the unit off using the power switch – failure
to do this may cause irreparable damage to the SIMs and/or the Hubba-X4 Duo’s circuitry. Once the
power has been disconnected undo the eight screws holding the lid on. Gently remove the lid – a
little force may be required to break the watertight seal.
Ribbon cable
When the lid is removed you will see that a ribbon cable connects it to the main body of the
unit. We strongly advise that this cable is not used to allow the lid to hang on it, this may damage
the cable and/or the indicator PCB. If it is impossible to support the lid so that the ribbon cable isn’t
stressed then the indicator PCB can be separated from the lid by removing the two retaining screws.
Keep theses screws and washers safe so that it can be reassembled. When replacing the lid ensure
that the cable is folded around the right hand side of the router PCB.
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Reset button.
Do not use unless advised by
Buzznetworks to do so.
Please note the orientation of the SIMs and make certain they are firmly pushed into the holder(s)
Once the SIMs have been installed, replaced the lid, remembering to set the ribbon cable to the right
hand side of the router PCB.
Do not over tighten the eight screws securing the lid or the
waterproof seal may be compromised.
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Accessing the Hubba-X4 Duo via the web interface
Make certain that a computer is connected to the Hubba-X4 Duo using either a cat5 cable connected
to the LAN socket (2) or Wi-Fi using the hubbaX4 signal and the password buzzmarine. Make certain
that the Hubba-X4 Duo has been switched on for at least two minutes before continuing.
Type ‘’ in the address
bar of an Internet Explorer page
A warning may be given saying that it is unsafe to continue to the screen for the router (see below).
Please click the ‘Continue to this website (not recommended)’ option to continue.
the following screen will now appear. Type in the password ‘admin01’ and press login.
Password is admin01
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The Hubba-X4 Duo overview page.
Signal strength
Network operator
and connection type
Amount of data used
Wireless name
Shows whether a backup
connection is configured
Configuring APNs for the SIMs
The Hubba-X4 Duo is capable of auto recognising a large number of APNs. However, if the router
does not connect within a few minutes then the APN will have to be set manually. There are two
ways of completing this and both are described below.
Method 1
Select ‘mobile’ from
the Network tab
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Select the SIM
Select SIM 1 or 2
Enter the APN here
SIM 2 has been set for EE where the APN name is ‘everywhere’ , the user name is ‘eesecure’ and the
password is ‘secure’. Note that the authentication method is set to ‘CHAP’ allowing the username
and password to be set.
Ticking this box will stop
this SIM from roaming on
to foreign networks
(Roaming charges could be
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This box allows you to select
which type of data connection is
preferred. Use the ‘only’ options
if you are certain. It is preferable
to use automatic unless the
connection is erratic.
Tick this box if you only use data very
occasionally and don’t wish to have a
permanent connection. This saves data
but takes a minute or two for data to
start flowing.
Click the ‘Save’ button to
confirm the details
Method 2
Note that you must have a SIM installed in the SIM 1 slot to use this method
Select ‘Setup Wizard’
from the System tab.
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If you have two SIMs then you will need to select the correct SIM.
Select Step 2 - mobile
Click the down arrow to see
the APN options – note that
EE has been selected already
but we will ignore that.
The required APN
is selected
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Click ‘Save’ to confirm
your selection.
Configure SIM failover
This will allow the Hubba- X4 Duo to swap connectivity between two SIMs based on a set of
predetermined parameters
Select ‘Mobile’ from
the Network tab
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The SIM to always
be used first.
Tick the box to allow SIM
switching when checking for
the parameters below
Options for SIM switching to happen
(SIM1 to SIM 2 on this screen). Some of
these options may, if selected, require
additional parameters.
Click the SIM2 to SIM1 tab
Options for SIM switching to happen
(SIM2 to SIM 1 on this screen). Some of
these options require (when ticked)
additional parameters.
Click the save button to
confirm your settings
SIM failover has now been set. It should be noted that the data connection will be lost for a minute
or two when the SIMs swap over.
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Configure WAN failover
The WAN failover allows the 3G connection to be used if the WAN connect fails (an ADSL line for
example). In this case the ADSL wired connection would be plugged into the AUX socket (5) on the
Hubba-X4 Duo.
Select ‘WAN’ from the Network tab
Select the WIRED interface option
as the main WAN
Save the selection
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Wired is now at the top
– highest priority
Move mobile
connection up one
Tick mobile for
backup WAN
Now save these details.
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Configure Wi-Fi
Your Hubba-X4 Duo is configured with Wi-Fi called hubbaX4 which has the password buzzmarine.
Should you wish to change these settings then please follow the diagrams below.
Select ‘Wireless’ from
the Network tab
Click the ‘Edit’ button
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Switch the wireless on
Select the wireless channel, or select
‘Auto’. Auto may make your internet
connection appear erratic though.
The name of your Wi-Fi
Click the ‘Wireless Security’
tab to take you to this page.
Encryption types – best left as the
defaults WPA-PSK+ WPA2-PSK
mixed mode and cypher as auto.
WiFi password or key can be any
combination of characters but
must be at least 8 in length.
Click ‘Save’ to confirm
your settings
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Setting data limits
It can be useful to prevent the SIM or SIMs you are using from exceeding the maximum allocated
amount of data (8GB for example) by setting data limits on the SIMs.. This may be used as a method
of avoiding overage charges but the accuracy depends entirely upon the parameters entered by the
Buzz Connect will not be responsible for any claim(s) regarding additional charges from
mobile operators.
Select ‘Mobile’ from
the Network tab.
Click the ‘Mobile Data
Limit’ tab.
Select the SIM
to limit.
Refresh period
for SIM data.
Check this box to ensure
the SIM is not used once
the data limit is reached.
Data limit in MB. Remember
that 1GB = 1000MB.
Refresh day in
the period.
Don’t forget to click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to confirm the changes.
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Using Wi-Fi as WAN (Use harbour/marina Wi-Fi)
This is a useful facility as it will allow the existing Wi-Fi antennas to connect to an external Wi-Fi
source and rebroadcast it from your Hubba-X4 Duo. This will enhance any local Wi-Fi and also
appear as your usual Wi-Fi (use same SSID and password as you would normally).
Firstly you need to set up the WAN to be Wi-Fi.
Select ‘WAN’ from the Network tab
Select Wi-Fi to be the
WAN connection.
Save the setting
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Optional back up routes
in this order – top first
Select the scan option to get and
external Wi-Fi connection
Now set up the incoming Wi-Fi
Click to start the scan to see which
Wi-Fi networks are available
Scan is now complete
Select the network
you wish to use
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Enter the password/key for the
chosen Wi-Fi network.
Save your settings
Check that the signal logo goes blue to indicate
that it is connected to the chosen Wi-Fi.
Now set up the Backup WAN (if required), see top of page 18. This will allow the router to use a GSM
or wired connection if the Wi-Fi connection fails. Note that there may be a delay of a minute or so
before the failover connection is made.
To revert to the GSM connection just change the order of the WAN setting as in page 17 but
substituting GSM for Wi-Fi.
Once changes have been made then it is essential that the router is powered down for 30 seconds.
Failure to do this may result in erratic operation.
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Port forwarding.
Port forwarding will only work if you have a SIM that provides a public IP address that is unique to
that SIM – Most GSM providers use natted gateways where the public IP is shared with many SIMs
and this will not work for port forwarding. Your SIM provider will be able to tell you if it will be
suitable or not.
For this example I will enable a web server on my internal LAN, located at, to be seen
from the public IP on the SIM
Select ‘Firewall’ from the
Network tab.
Click the ‘Port
Forwarding’ tab
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Add the port forward details
Then click the ‘Add’ button
The new port forwarding rule.
Click ‘Save’ to store
the new details
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Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
If you are using SIMs with public IPs then it is highly likely that the public IP will change from time to
time in which case you will need to use DDNS. A brief explanation is provided below. Please note
that DDNS providers will charge for this service once you have signed up.
Type in the name of
your new DDNS rule
Click ‘add new’ to enable
To configure the DDNS parameters
click the ‘Edit’ button.
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Enter the details for
the DDNS provider.
Click ‘Save’ to enable
these DDNS details.
After clicking the ‘Save’ button it there will be a delay of a minute or so until the overview page is
displayed again.
Cat5 connector assembly
This is only applicable for units starting with serial number: 12T0770
Select the correct type of connector for your cat5 cable
This is good as it
has no shroud
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Ensure there isn’t any
shroud on the
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Washer and seal assembly
Place cap on
cable first.
Now add the
white washer.
Next add the
cap collar, note
the orientation.
Finally add
the seal.
Fitting the connector in the housing
Push the cable
and connector
into the housing
until it clicks home
Make certain the connector tab is
lined up with the housing . If it isn’t
then rotate the housing until it is
Now assemble the connector by pushing the seals into the housing and then screwing the cap on.
Seals correctly
positioned before
putting the cap on.
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Cap fully screwed on to
the housing
Connector is now ready to use.
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