Playground Monitor Questions

Playground Monitor Questions
1. Which of the following statements are false?
( )You should restrict children from the area if
( X )You should try to get rid of a bee hive if
you notice a bee hive on the playground.
you notice one on the playground.
( )You should report a bee hive to
( )If you notice a child has been stung by a
maintenance if you notice one on the
bee, you should send him in to the nurse to
make sure he or she does not suffer from an
allergic reaction.
2. What should you do if you notice a stranger on the playground?
( )Send a child over to the stranger to ask
( X )Report the stranger to administration
what he or she is doing.
inside the building.
( )Confront the stranger and ask what he or
( )Follow the stranger to see what he or she is
she is doing near the playground.
3. Select the incorrect action to take when you encounter a child with a scraped knee?
( X )Tell the child to continue playing.
( )If there is blood in the area where the child
was playing, restrict children from the area
until maintenance can clean it up.
( )If you are exposed to blood, practice
( )Send the child in to the nurse.
universal precautions, such as using gloves.
Published by Articulate® Quizmaker '13
4. It is acceptable for two or more playground monitors to congregate in the center of the
playground and chat.
( )True
( X )False
5. Several children are playing football in the grass on the edge of the playground. After
hearing screams, you investigate to find a young boy lying on the ground with severe neck
pain. What should you do?
( )Rush the child inside to call 911.
( )Try and pop the neck back into place.
( X )Call for help immediately. Manually
( )Massage the neck to eliminate the tension.
stabilize the child's neck with your hands until
help arrives.
6. Children are allowed to play barefoot on the playground as long as it's not too hot.
( )True
( X )False
7. What's the best way to check if a slide is too hot for children to use?
( )Slide down it yourself.
( )Have a child slide down it and report back to
( X )Test the slide with your hand. If you can
( )Testing slides is not part of a monitor's job.
leave it there comfortably for five seconds the
slide is safe.
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8. What is the acceptable temperature range for children to be allowed to play outside on the
( )Between 0 degrees Fahrenheit wind chill
( X )Between 0 degrees Fahrenheit wind chill
and 60 degrees Fahrenheit heat index.
and 100 degrees Fahrenheit heat index.
( )Below 0 degrees Fahrenheit wind chill or
( )Between -15 degrees Fahrenheit wind chill
above 100 degrees Fahrenheit heat index.
and 100 degrees Fahrenheit heat index.
Published by Articulate® Quizmaker '13