Ch. 29.2 / 29.4 Review WS

Europe Plunges into War
Section 2
Reading Comprehension Find the name or term in the second column that best
matches the description in the first column. Then write the letter of your answer(s) in
the blank.
____ 1. World War I alliance that included Great Britain,
France, and Russia
____ 2. Alliance that included Germany, Austria-Hungary,
and Italy
____ 3. Countries that composed the Central Powers at
the start of the war
____ 4. Countries that composed the Allied Powers at
the start of the war
____ 5. The region of France that became a bloody
____ 6. German battle strategy that called for a quick
defeat of France in the west and then attacking
Russia in the east
____ 7. Battle strategy in which soldiers fought from deep
pits dug into the earth
A. Western Front
B. Triple Alliance
C. Eastern Front
D. poison gas
E. Germany, Austria-Hungary
F. trench warfare
G. submarine
H. Schlieffen Plan
I. Triple Entente
J. Great Britain, France,
and Russia
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____ 8. New warship introduced by the Germans that
used underwater missiles
____ 9. Stretch of battlefield along the German and
Russian border
____ 10. New weapon that caused blindness, blisters,
and choking
The Great War 21
A Flawed Peace
Section 4
Sentence Completion Select the name or term that best completes the sentence.
Write the name or term in the blank.
Fourteen Points
Great Britain
League of Nations
Georges Clemenceau
Palace of Versailles
United Nations
war guilt clause
Woodrow Wilson
1. Location of meetings to determine conditions of peace after World War I:
2. Represented the United States at the Paris Peace Conference:
3. Represented France at the Paris Peace Conference:
4. Wilson’s proposal for achieving a just and lasting peace:
5. Proposed international association whose job would be to keep peace among nations:
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6. Part of the Treaty of Versailles that placed responsibility for the war solely on Germany:
7. Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia were formed from this empire:
8. Palestine, Iraq, and Transjordan came under the control of this country:
9. One nation, formerly part of Russia, that became independent:
10. Term for postwar territories expected to be governed by the League of Nations:
The Great War 23