SET THEORY: Take-home exam

SET THEORY: Take-home exam
IMPORTANT: Please type in capital letters on the first page of your
answers the following: your full name (both first name and family name),
and your program (MoL, BSc in Math etc).
This exam is worth in total 100 points. It is due on the early morning of 3 June, at 9:00 a.m. (Amsterdam time). This deadline is
strict: no further extensions are possible. It should be returned electronically as pdf (obtained either from a typed text, or a scan of a clearly
handwritten text), sent to Hugo ([email protected], or also [email protected]), with CC to me ([email protected]) and Almudena ([email protected]).
IMPORTANT: No collaboration between students is allowed in the final
exam. If two exam papers are too similar, then they will both receive a failing
Question 1 (25 points in total).
1. (12 points) Prove the “Division with Remainder” Theorem (from slide
24 in Lecture Notes 5-6).
2. (13 points) Prove the Normal Form Theorem (from slide 9 in Lecture
Notes 7).
HINT: For part 1, let λ be the least ordinal s.t. β · λ ≥ α (-why does such an
ordinal exist? justify!); consider the two cases (a) β · λ = α and (b) β · λ > α;
case (a) is easy: the remainder is δ = 0 and the quotient is γ = λ; show
that in case (b), λ must be a successor ordinal λ = γ + 1 for some γ ∈ On;
use this, together with the “Ordinal Subtraction” Theorem (on slide 16 of
Lecture Notes 5-6) to prove the existence of the remainder and quotient; why
are they unique? For part 2, apply part 1 repeatedly and use the fact that
the class of ordinals is well-ordered to show that the process terminates.
Question 2 (25 points in total)
1. (5 points) Show that the property “f is an injective function” is absolute.
2. (8 points) Show that the property “x is a cardinal” is absolute downwards.
3. (12 points) Prove the last result result on slide 25 of Lecture Notes 12,
on closure of Σ-functions under recursive iteration.
HINT: You may assume and use all the results about absoluteness proved in
Homework 6 (e.g. the fact that “f is a function” is ∆0 ), and the results in the
slides (concerning facts such as that ∆0 formulas are absolute, Σ formulas
are absolute upwards, their negations are absolute downwards etc). For the
first part, you need to express the property as a ∆0 formula (i.e. s.t. all the
quantifiers are bounded ones). For the next part, show that the negation of
“x is a cardinal” is (equivalent to) a Σ formula. For the last result (closure
of Σ functions under recursive iteration), you may of course use the previous
results on slide 25 of Lecture Notes 12 (or on previous slides), as well as the
following Observation: the statement “ F ∗ (α) = x ” is equivalent to “ α is an
ordinal and there exists some function f having dom(f ) = α + 1, satisfying
the given recursive conditions (from the definition of F ∗ ) for all ordinals in
its domain, and satisfying f (α) = x ”.
Question 3. (25 points in total) Let (A, ≤) be a well-ordered set. Let > be
the strict version of the converse of the relation ≤ (given by: x > y iff y ≤ x
and x 6= y). Let F be the Mostowski-Shepherdson mapping on (A, >) (as
defined in the Lecture Notes). Show that
1. (8 points) for every a ∈ A, we have F (a) = rk(a), where rk(a) is the
ordinal rank of a with respect to the well-order ≤ (defined recursively
as the least ordinal greater than the ordinal ranks of all the elements
b < a).
2. (8 points) F [A] is an ordinal.
3. (9 points) What is F [A] if we assume instead that A is a proper class
(satisfying in rest the same conditions as above)?
HINT: Show the first part by induction on the well-founded relation ≤ (or
equivalently, by induction on the rank rk(a)); use part (1), together with the
fact that A is a set to prove part (2); give a very brief justification to your
answer to part (3).
Question 4 (25 points in total) Prove that, if M is a transitive class such
that Def (M ) ⊆ M , then OnM = On.
HINT: You may use all the definitions and results proven in the Lecture
Notes. Essentially, you need to abstract from the proof of OnL = On (given in
the slides), checking that the proof goes through using only the assumptions
that M is transitive and Def (M ) ⊆ M . If needed, you may also use the
results in Homework 7.