Flexi balloon biogas plant

Flexi balloon biogas plant
Mayank shah. structural engineer. +91 94265 25427 [email protected]
Flexible balloon biogas plant: Is made from flexible HDPE film of 1000 or 1500
microns. It has no chemical/biological reaction with inserted biodegradable wastes
materials. One can reinstall same piece to other place under my guideline. My balloon
technology has no construction work at all. You just dig a require pit and finish. On the
contrarily presently available commercial biogas plants in India requires many kind of construction
work and one cannot reinstall same scrap. It’s easy to repair puncture & cuts of my balloon materials
under my guideline (if any happens by mistake). My balloon technology can recycle wastes like Man
made, Animal made, Bio wastes (green or dry), Food wastes & veg scraps for farmers, green
house farmers, cold storage unit , restaurant, hotels, residential colony,
town ship, apartment, commercial complex, resorts, agriculture
wastes producing factory, bones and wood wastes owners can use this balloon
technology as commercial biogas plant or effluent treatment plant, or sewage
treatment plant. And my balloon technology is able to convert any types of
biodegradable solids in to liquid manure. That too without crusher, uses any
number of input flanges & pipes to balloon. Inlet provided is from 8” dia pipe to 36” dia
pipe. For commercial 10’ft wide inlet is provided.
It is very difficult and tedious laborious jobs for every owner of 10
to 200 cows, to handle wastes
because of heavy labors requirements. For my design simply wash lined flooring with water & guide
slurry & grass through slope channel to balloon by gravity with the help of only one person. You
can insert very thick & hard solid wastes like dead animal (rat, cat, dog) or full stem of
banana plant or thick tree branches or coconut branches without
cutting for commercial
purpose to very large lagoon size balloon plant, It will break over a period of time (faster than
buried in earth). So my balloon is the best
natural compost factory at zero operating
cost for any farmer or end user or factory owner. With unbelievable very low installation time &
cost as well as zero running cost. Presently available ETP-STP is very costly and requires much kind
of constructions & machineries with skilled operations.
Organic Manure producers are advised to use this plant. Working science is “high to
very high retention period” of digester. And breaking of solids happens in water
media, instead of water as moisture in solids. Nature does this science in lakes/canal/river/sea.
By applying small sizes pipe line network with uses of drainage pump, you can utilize exit liquid,
online directly. Others biogas plants have to collect exit slurry & dry it for longer duration &
bring it to field & apply to land & finally mix it to soil with tractor, very lengthy, time consuming,
laborious work. For my balloon exit liquid manure, simply drive it through pipe line network and
finish. (Because of liquid property) you will get benefit of live bacteria’s developed in digester.
They are the heart of any natural farming activities. (When others dry exit slurry of biogas plant
then in that case bacteria’s are dead)
Released Gas is free of cost from balloon. This unit is custom
made and as per
individuals site conditions. Any length, breadth, depths size balloon is available to us,
say 10000 Litres to Lagoon size of 100000000 Litres volume. It does not require any
construction work at all, requires only pit. Small one can be install underground, below slab.
Gas storage can be done in same
balloon or in separate balloon placed somewhere
automatic, semi-automatic or manual depend upon individual
site situation. No pressure booster pump is requiring, if you place sandbag on
balloon. Or by increasing gas pipe dia, so that flow of gas will be more then require.
Plant can be operated fully
Plastic, glass, metals, and sand are prohibited. As explained in biogas science.