Nature of Power: The soldiers notice that insignificant men like Corporal
Himmelstoss, a former mail carrier, become bullies who abuse their power and
authority. They lord their power over men of lower rank and sometimes humiliate
them by making them perform meaningless tasks.
Bonds of Friendship: When speaking of their experiences at war, many soldiers
will state that the single most meaningful aspect of war was the friendships they
made with fellow soldiers. These bonds help soldiers to cope and survive the
reality that they could die at any time.
The Horror of War: All Quiet on the Western Front shows war as it was actually
experienced, not glorified or heroic, but full of fear, meaninglessness, and
butchery. World War I changed society’s view of military conflict with its
brutality and gruesome new technological advancements (ex. machine guns, poison
gas, trench warfare) that made killing easier and more impersonal than ever before.
Alienation/Dehumanization of War on the Soldier: War ruins the soldiers who
fight it. Because they are in constant physical danger and could be blown to pieces
at any moment, soldiers often protect themselves emotionally by disconnecting
themselves from their feelings, suppressing their emotions, and ultimately
accepting the conditions of their lives.
Loss of Innocence/Lost Generation: Soldiers sometimes feel as if they are much
older than their years because of the horrors they have experienced. Some may
feel “lost” and believe their lives lack meaning. Because so many soldiers found
World War One to be a senseless war and could not find meaning in day-to-day
living, they came to be known as the “lost generation.”
All Quiet on the Western Front:
Theme Graphic Organizer
Directions: Complete the chart below using the sample model for theme #1 as a reference.
Be sure to provide at least two effective examples for each theme. You may use a direct
quote or write an example in your own words.
Pg Significance
(Sample: “The army is based 44 Men in positions of power
1. Nature of Power
on that; …a non-com. can
often take advantage of those
(how individuals
torment a private, a
below them without having a
control others)
lieutenant a non-com., a
real reason or purpose. When
captain a lieutenant, until he
people are given power,
goes mad. And because they
especially those who have not
know they can, they all soon
had it before, they tend to lose
acquire the habit more or
perspective of what is right. It
is the nature of power to
overwhelm those who have it.
2. Bonds of friendship
3. Horror of war
4.Alienation/Dehumanization of war on the
5. Loss of innocence /
“Lost Generation”
1. Opener – refer to thematic idea in a universal way/discussion.
2. Relate the universal idea to the piece of literature/author briefly.
3. Thesis Statement: give purpose of composition, and, if possible, list the
areas to be discussed. ****
Body Paragraph # 1:
1. Create a topic sentence to give the specific sub-topic of this paragraph.
2. Develop your argument using your explanation AND examples from the
text as proof.
3. Close with a clincher sentence that relates the paragraph topic back to the
overall thesis purpose.
Body Paragraphs # 2 and 3:
Follow the same format as paragraph #1.
Conclusion paragraph:
1. Create a topic sentence that restates the purpose of the thesis statement.
2. Discuss the overall meaning, importance of the composition’s topic.
**** NOTE: When answering an essay question or a PSSA prompt question,
restate the question as the basis of the thesis statement.