CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE Assignment: 1) make a list of

1) make a list of characteristics of life from your Biology resource text
2) go to OR to see what
they say about characteristics of life & write those characteristics
3) Compare to the list from your text...are they the same YES or NO.
Infer: why or why not and write a paragraph (of MORE than 3
sentences....) why you think they are/are not the same.
4) Go to 2 more more websites OR a child's science textbook
(check out the curriculum collection in the library OR your own child's
textbook if you have a school age one) and explore what they have to
say about living things/characteristics of life. Write down the
site/source and make a list of characteristics from each. If you use
a child's science textbook write down the grade level of the text.
5) Compare all of the lists you've made...which are found in ALL the
lists? Write a paragraph to explain OR develop a table to
compare/contrast the resources you've consulted.
6) Make a bulleted list of what YOU think are the 'characteristics of
life'. Defend each item on the list with a short 3-5 sentence
As a class we'll look/share/compare and finalize a list.
Feel free to work on this with a partner or even two...but you each must turn in
your own assignment.
Again, don't forget that this should be typed.
Hold until I call for them however.