05HYD16_Layout 1

3. How do you get to work? ----.
By car / In car / By the car / On car
4. Do you like classical music? ----.
Yes, I likes / Yes, I like / Yes, I does /
Yes, I do
5. Where is Mary? She ---- over there.
is stand / is standing / stand / standing
6. I am hungry. ---- something to
eat, please.
I like / I'd want / I'd like / I'm like
, 5  2016
7. He ---- born in 1963 in America.
had / is / was / did
8. Switzerland is ---- than Britain.
as small/ smallest / more small / smaller
9. Motor racing is the ---- sport in the world.
most expensive / more expensive /
expensivest / as expensive
10. He passed his English exam very ----.
easy / easier / good / easily
Where is Mary? She....over there
English (Lesson 1)
1. Common mistakes- Misuse of the
infinitive, Finish + -ing.
A. Don't say: Have you finished to speak?
Say: Have you finished speaking?
B. Note: to + infinitive or the gerund
follows verbs meaning to begin: She
began to speak, or She began speaking
2. The difference between Continuous &
The both mean that something is/was continuing
for a long time nonstop.
A. Continuous is used for something that is
without any Gaps or Pauses.
B. Continual is used for something that May
be with interruptions or gaps.
C. Example: Last year we had five continual
rainy days! (We all know that it's
impossible to rain five days nonstop and
there had to be some interruptions.)
D. Example: Giving a lecture for a continuous
hour made him not talk accurately. (He
spoke the whole one hour nonstop!)
E. Example: Information technology's continuous
developments (It is developing without any
F. Example: The continual protests against
wrong policy made the politicians change
their tunes.(The protests were not held all
days and nights and needed to have gaps.)
3. Word of the Day
Ramification– noun – a development that
complicates a situation –
Synonym – upshot, excrescence
Antonym – origin, Source
Example: The court's decision to extend
the judicial remand of JNU leader Kumar
has many unforeseen ramification.
4. Idiom
Add fuel to the flame or fire- To make matter
The attempt by Delhi police to suppress the
agitation of the JNU students only
Addedfuel to the flame
5. One word substitution
Bohemian - an unconventional style of living
Cacographist - One who is bad in spellings
Bigot - One who is filled with enthusiasm
in religious matters(syn.Fanatic)
6. Grammar (Rule of verb):
When two or more subjects are connected by
'not only-but also, neither-nor, either-or,
none-but, the verb is used according to the
nearest subject.
Example: Neither the students nor their
guide were found present in the common
floor(use 'was' in place of 'were' .since
here in sentence nearest subject is guide so
it takes 'was' in place of 'were')
None but the leaders of our country is
responsible for this state of affairs.(use
'are' in place of 'is')
8 One or two books are needed (Correct)
8 I or he is to be rewarded (Correct)
8 Am I or he to be rewarded?(Correct)
Spoorthy Study Circle
Narayanaguda, Hyd
After studying you test yourself via this short
quiz, we'll post answer key tonight.
Quiz 1
1. I haven't seen him......
A. since yesterday.
B. for yesterday.
C. already yesterday
D. until yesterday.
2. Have you ever......
A. gone / B. went / C.been / D. was
...... to Mallorca?
3. Which one is correct ?
A. We are use to live in Paris.
B. We usually live in Paris.
C. We are using to live in Paris.
D. We used to live in Paris.
4. I wouldn't do that......
A. if I was you.
B. if I would be you.
C. if I were you.
D. if I would you.
5. Which one is correct ?
A. They didn't see him
B. They hadn't see him
C. They can't see him
D. They weren't see him
...... at the hotel, last week.
6. They are......
A. going flying /
B. fly /
C. to fly /
D. going to fly
...... to Brazil tomorrow.
7. I have never......
A. ate / B. eat / C. eaten / D. to eat
...... Indian food.
8. Robert's from New York,
A. doesn't he?
B. does he?
C. is he?
D. isn't he?
9. Which one is correct?
A. Can you speak German?
B. Could you speak German?
C. Couldn't you speak German?
D. Can't you speak German?
10. Which one is correct?
A. You don't might
B. You don't must
C. You don't need
D. You don't should
English (Lesson 2)
1. Common mistakes - Misuse
of the infinitive,
Used To + -ing.Don't say: She's used to get
up early
Say: She's used to getting up early
Avoid + -ing
Don't say: You can't avoid to make mistakes.
Say: You can't avoid making mistakes
Note: Also can't help (= can't avoid): I can't
help laughing.
Enjoy + -ing.
Don't say: I enjoy to play football.
Say: I enjoy playing football
Note: Use the gerund or to + infinitive after
verbs meaning to like or to dislike:
He likes reading English books, or He likes
to read English books.
Excuse + -ing
Don't say: Please excuse me to be so late.
Say: Please excuse my being so late. Or:
Please excuse me for being so late.
Go on (continue) + -ing.
Don't say: The music went on to play all day.
Say: The music went on playing all day.
Note: Also keep on: She kept on playing
the piano
2. The differences among Refugee
& Fugitive &Asylum seeker
The all are people who have left their
countries, because of some unpleasant
A. A Refugee is a person who has been forced
to leave their country due to political,
religious, reasons or because of a war.
B. Fugitive is a person who has left their
country, as a result of a terrible crime they
had committed.
C. Asylum seeker is a person whose country
has asked another country to live there due
to his own willingness or desire or they
may have no choice but to do this.
D. Terrorists are often fugitives whom the
Interpol wants to arrest them at once.
E. Afghan people are Refugees who have
abandoned their country due to lack of jobs
and The US military forces invasion
F. Some years ago, There have been a lot of
Asylum seekers from Iran who wanted to
live in Australia or Germany
3. Word of The Day
PLUNGE - verb – devotes oneself fully to
Synonym – submersion, venture, Antonym
– ascent, increase
Example: He plunged himself into his studies
4. Idiom
An apple of discord- Cause of quarrel
Example: Ancestral Property is an apple of
discord between two brothers
5. One word substitution
Bankrupt- One who is unable to pay his
Arbitrator- A person appointed by two
parties tobe solve a dispute.
Agnoistic- One who is not sure about
God's existence
6. Grammar Rule (verb)
'Neither, either, none, anyone, each, every used
as pronoun or adjective should be followed
by third person singular verbs.
Example: Neither of the two boys have
done it (use 'has' in place of 'have')
Each of the students are obedient. (Use 'is'
in place of 'are')
Either of us has done his work. (Correct)
Every boy and every girl has been
When none is used with countable nouns
both singular and plural verbs are correct.
But with uncountable noun singular verb is
None of the boys has/have done home
work. (Correct)
None of the work is completed.(correct)
When 'each' is used after subject the verb
is plural.
We each have taken our bags.(correct)
They each are honest. (Correct)
Quiz -2
1. She works ---- Saturday.
at / to /in / on
2. I stay at home ---- the morning.
at / to / in / on
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
1 A 2C 3D 4C 5A 6 D 7 C
8D 9 A 10C
1 D 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 B 6C
7 C 8 D 9A 10 D