desocialization-Army Boot Camp

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Desocialization and Resocialization in Basic Combat Training
When most people think of the U.S. Army’s Basic Combat Training (BCT), commonly referred to as “boot camp,”
they typically think about physical training, obstacle courses, sleeping outside, and learning how to use a rifle.
While all of these things are an important part of the training process, BCT develops more than physical skills. A
key aspect of BCT is the process of desocialization and resocialization that recruits undergo. This process remakes
recruits into soldiers. A sociologist studying soldiers and Army life would be very interested in the techniques and
tactics used by the Army to desocialize and resocialize recruits, along with the long-term effectiveness of the
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Army BCT is ten weeks long and is divided into three main phases. Even before BCT officially begins, however, the
army has already started the desocialization process. During “Week 0,” reception week, recruits begin to have their
old identities dismantled. Before arriving, recruits are issued a very specific list of what they are allowed to bring
with them; all contraband is removed. The list is so specific that it even indicates what color of hair ties or
underwear is allowed. Recruits are issued identical equipment—weapons, gas masks, etc. Recruits no longer have
brand symbols, religious symbols, jewelry, T-shirts with slogans, or other symbols of affiliation to set the recruits
apart from each other. Who they were in their old life begins to fade and decrease in importance.
The army also controls all of the means of communication between recruits and their families or friends.
Reception week is typically the last time during BCT that a recruit has the opportunity to call home. They are
given this opportunity to inform their families that they arrived at BCT safely. Sometimes recruits also get to call
their families after they have been assigned to a specific unit. After that, the only way recruits will get to talk to
their families on the phone is if there is a family emergency of some kind. Instead, recruits and their families are
encouraged to send each other letters. Packages are closely watched. Family members are not allowed to send
food, candy, or other contraband. Recruits are not allowed cell phones, computers, or access to the Internet.
Instead, they must communicate with friends and family solely through regular postal mail. While this situation
may be frustrating to both recruits and their friends and families, it is an important aspect of the army’s
resocialization process for recruits. By decreasing the influence of family and friends, the army can substitute
mentors and peers they would rather have influencing the recruits—their fellow recruits, drill sergeants, and
superior officers.
After reception week is over, recruits begin the “red phase” of training, which covers weeks one, two, and three.
During BCT, but especially during the red phase, recruits are subject to “total control”: their drill sergeants keep a
very close eye on their behavior and enforce punishments for even minor infractions. One of the goals during this
time is to teach recruits discipline and very close attention to detail. The system of punishments and rewards that
the army uses is a technique of desocialization as old habits are broken and resocialization as new habits are
instilled and constantly reinforced. During the red phase, recruits study the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or
UCMJ, the set of laws that will govern the soldiers’ behaviors for the rest of their military careers. Recruits take
classes on nutrition, which accompanies their changing diets. The army has complete control over their meals
during BCT. For many recruits, this may mean a significant shift in nutrition regiment. This can also mean a shift in
identity for recruits, especially for those who ate a specific type of ethnic cuisine at home but are now forced to
eat army-accepted American fare.
While the army retains a similar level of control over recruits in the white and blue phases that follow the red
phase, recruits move on to learning new subjects and begin to regain some of their independence. This is,
however, dependent on their good behavior and increased self-discipline. The white phase focuses on
marksmanship, while the blue phase focuses on advanced combat skills such as working with weapons that
require a team or defending convoy. The final week of training covers a final field exercise, gives soldiers a day to
spend with their families, and culminates in graduation.
The army has a very specific idea of what they would like their soldiers to look like once they have been
resocialized. While physical fitness and battlefield skills are important, training soldiers who follow the Army Core
Sociology and You
NAME ___________________________________________________ DATE _____________________ CLASS ______________
Enrichment Activity
netw rks
Values is also an essential part of the resocialization process. The seven core values are loyalty, duty, respect,
selfless service, honor, integrity, and courage. During the course of their ten weeks in training, the army has
desocialized recruits by removing symbols of their identity, dividing them from their former peer groups and
presenting them with a new one, separating them from the influence of their families and the media, and
controlled all aspects of their daily lives. The army has also resocialized them by substituting new significant
others—like their drill sergeants, platoon leaders, and commanders—for old ones, rewarding good behavior
while punishing poor behavior, and teaching a new code of values. It is a radically transformative process.
Directions: Using the information from the reading, answer the following questions.
1. Making Predictions A new recruit to the army is preparing in advance for Basic Combat Training. What
sorts of activities might he or she engage in? How is this an example of anticipatory socialization?
2. Analyzing The army severely limits the means of communication between recruits and their families and
friends. Cell phones are not permitted, letters are limited, and the Internet is not available. Why is this an
important part of the desocialization and the resocialization process?
3. Applying Think about a person you know who joined the military or a fictional character if you are not
familiar with anyone in person. How did that person change as a result of their time in Basic Combat
Training? Could you see evidence of how they had been resocialized?
4. Exploring Issues In the United States, judges sometimes allow some criminals to choose military service
instead of jail time. Why do you think they do that?
5. Comparing and Contrasting This activity has focused on Basic Combat Training used by the army.
Research to discover how the basic training programs for the navy, marines, air force, and coast guard differ
from army training. What do you expect to be different or similar? What did you discover in your research to
be similar or different? Write your answer on a separate piece of paper.
Sociology and You
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