Datasheet updated 20140204 17:37:49 (supersedes all previous editions) Sandvik 22.9.3.LB (Covered electrodes) Sandvik 22.9.3.LB is a covered electrode with basic coating for welding of duplex (ferriticaustenitic) stainless steels of UNS S31803/S32205 type (e.g. Sandvik SAF 2205). This basic type of electrode is characterized by very good welding properties in all positions for welding stainless ferriticaustenitic (duplex) steels. It is particularly suitable in applications where the requirements on the mechanical properties are high. Sandvik o o 22.9.3.LB is suitable for service temperatures up to 280 C (535 F). It gives little spatter and very good slag removal. Sandvik 22.9.3.LB is particularly suited for welding in tubes and when good impact properties at low temperatures are requested. STANDARDS • • AWS E2209-15 EN number E 22 9 3 NLB PRODUCT STANDARDS AWS A5.4 E220915 ASME Sect II SFA5.4 E220915 EN1600 E 22 9 3 NLB CHEMICAL COMPOSITION - ALL-WELD METAL The following data are valid for non heattreated allweld metal. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, WT% C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo N <0.04 0.5 1.0 <0.030 <0.025 23 9 3.0 0.15 MICROSTRUCTURE ALL-WELD METAL Ferriticaustenitic structure with a nominal ferrite content of 45 FN (WRC). MECHANICAL PROPERTIES - ALL-WELD METAL Temperature °C 20 40 Proof strength, RP 0 . 2 MPa 510 Tensile strength, Rm MPa 730 Elongation, A % 25 Impact strength, Charpy V J 93 75 a a Rp0.2 corresponds to 0.2% offset yield strength CORROSION PROPERTIES - ALL-WELD METAL Strauss test, DIN 50914 Pitting corrosion: CPT to ASTM G48. 27 °C DEPOSITION DATA Resistant to intergranular corrosion ELECTRODE DATA Electrode diameter, mm 2.5 3.25 4.0 Length, mm 300 350 350 Weights: kg/100 pcs 1.8 3.2 4,9 kg/box 1.7 4.2 4.1 Electrodes/box 96 130 84 Max deposition rate, kg weld metal/h, approx 0.8 1.0 1.5 Effective value kg weld metal/kg electrodes 0.58 0.58 0.58 Change value Electrodes/kg weld metal 98 50 32 Burnoff time per electrode at max current, s 46 71 74 WORKING DATA Welding positions Current/polarity diameter <=3.25 mm all except vertical down diameter >=4.0 mm preferably flat position direct current/electrode positive or alternating current. Diameter, mm 2.5 3.25 4.0 Current, A 5080 60100 100140 FURTHER INFORMATION o Redrying of the electrodes: 2h/200 C DISCLAIMER: Recommendations are for guidance only, and the suitability of a material for a specific application can be confirmed only when we know the actual service conditions. Continuous development may necessitate changes in technical data without notice. This datasheet is only valid for Sandvik materials.
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