4th Grade - Lake County Schools

Fourth Grade Curriculum Map 2016-2017
Unit 1 – Think It Through
Unit 1 - Think it Through
Writing/ Lang. Arts
Organization and Purpose
Module 1 and 3
In this unit, students will understand where
good ideas come from, how businesses can
help other people, and how people respond to
natural disasters. Also, students will
Students will understand how to organize
their writing with purpose. Students will
learn patterns and strategies in spelling.
Students will learn how to
generalize place value
understanding for multi-digit who
Week 1
Standard- LACC.4.SL.1.1a, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RL.1.2, LACC.4.RL.4.10, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.RL.2.5, LACC.4.RL.2.6,
LACC.4.L.3.4a, LACC.4.L.3.4c
Standard- LAFS.4.L.1.1, LAFS.4.L.1.2,
Standard- MAFS.4.NBT.1,
Spelling- Fry Words – List 1
SWBAT- Interpret multiplication
equation as a comparison;
recognize a digit represents 10
times the value of the digit to the
right; read and write multi-digit
numbers using base-ten numerals,
number names, and expanded
form; compare numbers based on
meanings of the digits using <, >, or
SWBAT- identify instructional routines and
establish classroom procedures.
Wonders Writing Activities: BOY
Read Aloud: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Teaching Strategies-.START SMART Wonders
Teach classroom and school
Code of Conduct
Bus Video
STAR Reading Testing B.O.Y.
Interactive Writing Notebook-Put together
writing Notebook.
Mentor Sentences: Put together Language
Arts/Mentor Sentence Interactive Journal
Resources: Mentor Sentence Volume 2- Unit
1 Packet, Interactive Writing Notebook, and
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.1b, LACC.4.SL.1.2,
LACC.4.RL.1..3, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.3.7, LACC.4.RL.4.10, LACC.4.L.3.5c,
SWBAT-Students will be able to make
predictions about reading and put events into
accurate sequence; understand synonyms and
use words in context.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 1 Week 1 –
The Dragon Problem (T16) The Princess and the
Pizza (T25A), Tomas and His Sons (T25S)
Social Studies
Florida Studies
Big Idea- 1, 2, 3 & 12
The Practice of Science;
The Characteristics of
Scientific Knowledge;
The Role of Theories,
Laws, Hypotheses, and
Models; Motion of
Standard- SC.4.N.1.1,
Students will learn about
the state of Florida and
how the constitution and
its functions effect the
state that we live in.
questions scientists ask
and explain how
scientists find answers
to questions; explain
how to use tools to do
science and describe
how to do science
SWBAT- Identify and be
able to recall the schoolwide PBS acronyms.
Teaching StrategiesPowerPoints and
activities on the
Resources - Ch 1,
Lesson 1 & 2; AIMS
STAR Math Testing B.O.Y.
Place Value Benchmark
Assessment 1 (SI)
https://newsela.com/- "Respect & Kindness
Taught as a Way to Stop School Bullying"
Week 2
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 1 Lesson 1 – 5
Force and
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10, LACC.4.W.1.3d,
LACC.4.L.1.1.f, LACC.4.L.2.3.b, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Standard- MAFS.4.NBT.2,
Identify words that “dead” or boring
that should never be found in academic
Spell grade appropriate words
Write about a personal experience
using details to convey these
SWBAT- Find 1, 10, or 100
thousand more or less than a given
number; round multi-digit
numbers to the thousands place
using the vertical number line;
round multi-digit numbers to any
place on a vertical number line;
round using real world applications
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 1 Lesson 6 -10
Standard- SC.4.N.1.3,
SC.4.N.1.4, SC.4.N.1.5,
SC.4.N.1.6, SC.4.N.1.7,
SWBAT- describe
different scientific
methods; explain how
scientists draw
Resources – Ch 1,
Lesson 3 & 4, AIMS
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.7,
SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.G.1.1
Florida’s state symbols
and their origins.
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 1 – Welcome to
Florida Studies Weekly,
utilized in small groups.
Essential Question: Where do good ideas come
Comprehension Strategy – Make Predictions
Comprehension Skill – Sequence
Genre – Fairy Tale
Vocabulary Strategy – Context Clues;
Vocabulary: brainstorm, flattened, frantically,
gracious, official, original, stale
Leveled Readers: (AL) Clever Puss, (OL) Jack
and the Extreme Stalk, (BL) Charming Ella
Novel Study – The Lemonade War
ELA Blueprint 1
ELA Blueprints 3
https://lakesafari.lake.k12.fl.us/?g=29df1b5921c4-11e6-a79f-bc305bf44acc https://www.brainpop.com/
Spelling- Fry Words – List 2, Short vowels
Flat, cash, band, bell, left, shelf, wealth, grim,
mill, hint, plot, dock, blot, odd, sum, plum,
bluff, crunch, build, gym
Mid Module 1 Assessment
Comparing and Rounding
Numbers Benchmark 1 (SI)
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Ideas/Disruptive Details (T30)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T32)
Unit 1 Week 1 Sentence Fix-Ups
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
characteristics that make the Princess and
the Pizza a fairy tale.
Grammar: Sentences (T34)
Interactive Writing Notebook-Dead words
and dead verbs
Mentor Sentences: Practicing the Golden
Rule seems like it can be hard. The Golden
Rule by Ilene Cooper.
Book Video:
Week 3
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.1b, LACC.4.SL.1.2,
LACC.4.RL.1..3, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.3.7, LACC.4.RL.4.10, LACC.4.L.3.5c,
SWBAT-Students will be able to make
predictions about reading and put events into
accurate sequence; understand synonyms and
use words in context.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 1 Week 2 –
The Talent Show (T80) Experts Incorporated
(T89A), Speaking out to Stop Bullying (T89M)
Essential Question: How do your actions affect
Comprehension Strategy – Make Predictions
Comprehension Skill – Problem and Solution
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy – Idioms
Vocabulary: accountable, advise desperately,
hesitated, humiliated, inspirations, self-esteem,
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing Notebook, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.1.3.a, LACC.4.W.1.3b,
LACC.4.L.1.1.f, LACC.3.L.1.1.i, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Use vivid verbs in place of dead verbs.
Spell grade appropriate words
Use dialogue and description to
develop experiences and events to
show the responses of characters to
Spelling- Fry Words – List 3, Long a (T100101)
Major, clay, stray, today, bail, rail, drain,
faint, claim, pale, face, graze, cane, slate,
ache, steak, break, eight, they, obey
Wonders Writing Activities:
Standard- MAFS.4.NBT.1,
SWBAT- Use place value
understanding to fluently add
multi-digit whole numbers using
the standard addition algorithm
and apply the algorithm to solve
word problems using tape
diagrams; Solve multi-step word
problems using the standard
addition algorithm modeled with
tape diagrams and assess the
reasonableness of answers using
rounding; Use place value
understanding to decompose to
smaller units up to 3 times using
the standard subtraction
algorithm, and apply the algorithm
to solve word problems using tape
diagrams; Use place value
Standard – SC.4.N.2.1,
SWBAT- know that
science is a study of the
natural world and
describe some types of
models scientists use.
Resources – Ch 1,
Lesson 5; AIMS
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.C.1.1,
SS.4.C.2.2, SS.4.C.2.3,
SS.4.C.3.1, SS.4.C.3.2
SWBAT-define a
constitution and examine
some examples from the
US Constitution; learn
about bicameral
congress, three branches
of government, and the
system of checks and
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 2 – Three Branches
of Government, utilized
in small groups.
Leveled Readers: (AL) The Dream Team, (OL)
Rosa’s Garden, (BL) Saving Grasshopper
Novel Study – The Lemonade War
Novel Activity: Work on Lemonade War Lap
Performance Task: Proposal for the Lemonade
Stand Fundraiser
ELA Blueprint 1
Writing Traits: Ideas (T94)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T96-97)
Unit 1 Week 2 Sentence Fix-Ups
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine the main
problem in the story and the solution to the
Grammar: Subjects and Predicates (T98)
Interactive Writing Notebook-Vivid Verbs
understanding to fluently
decompose to smaller units
multiple times in any place using
the standard subtraction
algorithm, and apply the algorithm
to solve word problems using tape
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 1 Lesson 11-15
Mentor Sentences: Our aunties and Gramma
flitted around the tables like butterflies going
from flower to flower. When Lightning
Comes in a Jar by Patricia Polacco
Book Video:
Week 4
Standard-LACC.4.RI.1.1, LACC.4.SL.1.2,
LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RI.1.2, LACC.4.RI.3.7,
LACC.3.L.3.4b, LACC.4.RI.2.4, LACC.4.RF.3.3a,
LACC.4.RF.4.4a, LACC.4.RF.4.4b
SWBAT-Students will be able to build
background knowledge on invention, listen for
a purpose, identify characteristics of a
persuasive article, determine the main idea of a
text and explain how it is supported by key
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 1 Week 5 –
Dollars and Sense (T272) Kids in Business
(T281A), Starting a Successful Business (T281E)
Essential Question: How can starting a business
help others?
Comprehension Strategy – Reread
Comprehension Skill – Main Idea and Key
Genre – Persuasive article
Vocabulary Strategy –Suffixes
Vocabulary: compassionate, enterprise,
exceptional, funds, innovative, process,
routine, undertaking
Leveled Readers: (AL) Start Small, Think Big,
(OL) Start Small, Think Big, (BL) Start Small,
Think Big
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing Notebook, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10, LACC.4.L.1.1.f,
Use adjectives as descriptive words in
Spell grade appropriate words
Understand how to vary sentence
Spelling- Fry Words – List 3, Long a (T292293)
Bolt, mold, toll, shadow, flow, mows, lower,
blown, quote, mole, stone, stove, chose,
sole, stole, goal, groan, load, roasting, woe
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency (T286)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T288-289)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine how a
business can help people in the community.
Grammar: Run on Sentences (T290)
Interactive Writing Notebook-Describers
Standard- MAFS.4.NBT.1,
SWBAT- Solve two-step word
problems using the standard
subtraction algorithm fluently
modeled with tape diagrams and
assess the reasonableness of
answers using rounding; Solve
additive compare word problems
modeled with tape diagrams;
Solve multi-step word problems
modeled with tape diagrams and
assess the reasonableness of
answers using rounding; Create
and solve multi-step word
problems from given tape
diagrams and equations
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 1 Lesson 16-19
End of Module 1 Assessment
Post Module 1 Assessment (SI)
Standard- SC.4.P.12.1
that objects move in
different ways and will
recognize what affects
Resources- Ch 6, Lesson
1; AIMS activities
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.3,
SS.4.C.2.1, SS.4.C.2.3,
SWBAT-compare the
state government to the
national government and
learn about government
functions and jobs that
make our way of life
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 3 –Government
Functions, utilized in
small groups.
Novel Study – The Lemonade War
Novel Activity: Work on Lemonade War Lap
ELA Blueprints 6
Mentor Sentences: An orange ball of sun
dipped down behind the orchard, painting
the sky pink and red behind it. Firefly
Mountain by Patricia Thomas.
Book Video: None
Week 5
Standard-LACC.4.RI.3.7, LACC.4.RI.3.7,
LACC.4.SL.1.1d, LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RI.1.1, LACC.4.RI.2.5, LACC.4.RI.4.10,
LACC.4.RI.2.4, LACC.4.L.3.4a
SWBAT-build background knowledge on
responding to natural disasters, review key
ideas expressed and explain their own ideas
and understanding in light of discussion, reread
difficult sections to increase understanding.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 1 Week 3 –
On the Rescue (T139) A World of Change
(T144), Earthquakes (T153A), Tornado (T153M)
Essential Question: How do people respond to
natural disasters?
Comprehension Strategy – Reread
Comprehension Skill – Compare and Contrast
Genre – Expository Text
Vocabulary Strategy –Context Clues/Multiple
Meaning Words
Vocabulary: alter, collapse, crisis, destruction,
hazard, severe, substantial, unpredictable
Leveled Readers: Changing Landscapes,
Begin Amazing Animals-Reading
Novel Study – Because of Winn Dixie
Novel Activity: Because of Winn Dixie Lapbook
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing Notebook, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.1.3.a, LACC.4.W.1.3.c,
LACC.4.L.1.1.a, LACC.4.L.1.2.c, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Use sentence parts to describe a
Spell grade appropriate words
Use a variety of transitional words to
organize sequence of events.
Spelling- Fry Words – List 5, Long e (T100101)
Evening, zebra, breathe, league, squeaky,
healer, sleek, indeed, reef, deed, speech,
wheeze, concrete, scheme, belief, chief,
honey, donkey, family, weary
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Ideas (T158)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T160-161)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine how
people respond to natural disasters.
Grammar: Compound Sentences (T162-163)
Interactive Writing Notebook-“Good
Mentor Sentences: The children run to him
with the speed and grace of cheetahs. 14
Cows For America by Carmen Agra Deedy
Book Video:
Standard- MAFS.OA.1, MAFS.OA.2,
SWBAT- investigate and use the
formulas for area and perimeter of
rectangles; You will solve
multiplicative comparison word
problems by applying the area and
perimeter formulas; demonstrate
understanding of area and
perimeter formulas by solving
multi-step real world problems;
You will interpret and represent
patterns when multiplying by 10,
100, and 1,000 in arrays and
numerically; You will multiply
multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 by
single digits
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 3 Lesson 1-5
Standard- SC.4.P.12.1
that objects move in
different ways and will
recognize what affects
Resources - Ch 6,
Lesson 1; AIMS
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.2.1,
SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SS.4.G.1.3, SS.4.G.1.4
SWBAT-discuss Florida’s
geology, climate and sea
levels. They will also
define the six great
regions of Florida.
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 4 –Florida’s
Physical Features,
utilized in small groups.
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing
Week 6
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.1, LACC.4.RI.1.2,
LACC.4.RI.1.3, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RI.1.1,
LACC.4.RI.2.5, LACC.4.RI.3.7, LACC.4.L.3.4a,
SWBAT-build background knowledge on forces
and motion, pose and respond to specific
questions to clarify information, refer to details
and examples in a text when explaining and
drawing inferences.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 1 Week 4 –
How Does it Work (T20) The Big Race (T208), EA
Crash Course in Forces and Motion(T217A)
Essential Question: How can science help you
understand how things work?
Comprehension Strategy – Reread
Comprehension Skill – Cause and Effect
Genre – Narrative Nonfiction
Vocabulary Strategy –Context
Clues/Definitions and Restatements
Vocabulary: accelerate, advantage, capabilities,
friction, gravity, identity, inquiry, thrilling
Leveled Readers: George’s Giant Wheel
Continue Amazing Animals-Reading
Novel Study – Because of Winn Dixie
Novel Activity: Because of Winn Dixie Lapbook
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10, LACC.4.W.1.2.b,
LACC.4.L.1.2.c, LACC.3.L.1.1.h, LACC.3.L.1.1.i,
Build “good sentences” by using the
describer + subject + vivid verb.
Spell grade appropriate words
Use details to support and explain a
main idea.
Spelling- Fry Words – List 6, Long i (T228229)
Climb, minding, pies, die, height, sigh, fright,
slight, drive, file, kite, prime, pride, slice,
twice, wipe, pry, sly, shy, spy
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Organization (T222)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T224-225)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine how
science helps you understand how things
Grammar: Clauses and Complex Sentences
Interactive Writing Notebook-Action Parts of
a Sentence
Mentor Sentences: Tears streamed down
Laura’s face, and Jane took a step toward
her. The Memory String by Eve Bunting.
Standard- MAFS.OA.1, MAFS.OA.2,
SWBAT- multiply two digit
multiples of 10 by two-digit
multiples of 10; use place value
disks to represent two-digit by
one-digit multiplication; extend
the use of place value disks to
represent three- and four- digit by
one-digit multiplication; multiply
three- and four-digit numbers by
one-digit numbers applying the
standard algorithm; connect the
area model and the partial
products method to the standard
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 3 Lesson 6, 7, 8, 10,
Standard- SC.4.P.12.2
SWBAT- find and
describe the speed of
an object; recognize
that objects move at
different speeds
Resources – Ch 6,
Lesson 2; AIMS
Begin working on
Animal Research
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.7,
SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.C.2.1,
SS.4.C.2.2, SS.G.1.1,
SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.3,
SWBAT-define flora and
fauna and examine
various related terms for
describing plant and
animal life; learn about
Florida’s endangered
species and other species
native to the state.
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 5 –Flora and Fauna
of Florida, utilized in
small groups.
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing Notebook, and Wonders
End of Module 1 Writing Task from Ultimate
Test Prep
Write an informative essay in which you
explain how too much technology can have a
negative effect on our lives when used
Fourth Grade Curriculum Map 2015-2016
Unit 2 – Amazing Animals
Week 7
Unit 2 – Amazing Animals
In this unit students will learn about animals
and their habitats, understand theme,
complete animal projects, and identify
characteristics of lyric poetry and haiku.
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.RI.3.7,
LACC.4.SL.1.1b, LACC.4.RL.1.2, LACC.4.RL.2.5,
LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
SWBAT-determine a theme of a story, drama,
Writing/ Lang. Arts
Organization and Purpose
In this unit, students will learn about
nouns, sentence fluency, figurative
language, and organizational writing.
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10, LACC.4.W.1.3.a,
LACC.3.L.1.1.a, LACC.3.L.1.1.c,
LACC.4.L.1.2.a, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Add action modifiers to improve
preexisting sentences.
Module 3
Plants &
In this unit, students will use place
value understanding to solve muftidigit multiplication and division
Standard- MAFS.OA.1, MAFS.OA.2,
Big Idea – 16 & 17
Heredity and
Standard- SC.4L.16.1,
SWBAT- solve two-step word
problems, including multiplicative
comparison; use multiplication,
addition, or subtraction to solve
SWBAT- understand how
plants reproduce;
recognize that animals
inherit different
Florida Studies
In this using, students
will study and learn
about early explorers
and natives of Florida.
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.2.1,
SS.4.A.3.8, SS.4.G.1.1,
SS.4.G.1.2, SS.G.1.4,
SWBAT-learn about
the first humans and
or poem from details in a text, summarize a
text, Compare and contrast the treatment of
similar themes and topics, use a known root
word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown
Spelling- Fry Words – List 7, Prefixes (T3637)
Apollo 11 Landing
Apollo 11 Landing
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine the
central message the animal is sharing with
the fisherman.
Novel Study – Because of Winn Dixie
Novel Activity: Because of Winn Dixie Lapbook
Standard-LACC.4.RL.3.9, LACC.4.SL.1.1d,
LACC.4.RL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.2.5, LACC.4.RL.1.2, LACC.4.RL4.10
SWBAT-Compare and contrast the treatment of
similar themes and topics, Engage in a range of
collaborative discussions, determine the theme
of a story, drama, or poem from a text,
paraphrase portions of a text read aloud.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 2 Week 2 –
Look Familiar? (T75) The Ant and the
Spell grade appropriate words
Analyze models to understand
strong openings, rewrite the
beginning of a story.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 2 Week 1 –
Animal Tales (T11), The Fisherman and the
Kaha Bird (T16), The Secret Message (T25A)
Essential Question: What are some messages
in animal stories?
Comprehension Strategy – Ask and answer
Comprehension Skill – Theme
Genre – Folktale
Vocabulary Strategy –Root Words
Vocabulary: attracted, dazzling, fabric, greed,
honest, requested, soared, trudged
Leveled Readers: (AP) Cockroach and the
Mouse, (OL) Badger and the Fan, (BL) The
Wings of the Butterfly
Week 8
Unblock, unborn, unchain, unload, recall,
relearn, resell, rewash, rewind, imperfect,
indirect, incorrect, illegal, overact,
overheat, subway, premix, preplan,
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Organization (T30)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T32-33)
multi-step word problems; will solve
division word problems with
remainders; understand and solve
division problems with a remainder
using the array and area models;
understand and solve two-digit
dividend division problems with a
remainder in the ones place by using
number disks
characteristics that may
be affected by the
Resources- Ch 7, Lessons
animals that lived in
Florida; examine the
cultures of the various
tribes that inhabited
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly
– Week 6 –Natives of
Florida, utilized in
small groups.
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 3 Lesson 12, 13, 14, 15,
Mid Module 3 Assessment after
Lesson 13 (D)
Multiplication Benchmark
Assessment 1 (SI)
Grammar: Common and Proper Nouns
Interactive Writing Notebook – “Better
Mentor Sentences: You must study hard,
behave nicely, and get good grades to
show that you’re a good Korean, The
Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing Notebook, and
Standard- LACC.4.W.1.3.b, LACC.4.W.1.3.d,
LACC.4.L.2.3.c, LACC.3.L.1.1.b,
LACC.4.L.1.2.a, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Practice variation in sentence
Spell grade appropriate words
Use dialogue and description to
develop experiences and
events. Show the responses of
characters to situations.
Standard- MAFS.OA.3, MAFS.OA.4,
Standard-- SC.4L.16.3,
SWBAT- find whole number
quotients and remainders; explain
remainders by using place value
understanding and models; solve
division problems with remainders
using the area model; Find factor
pairs for numbers to 100 and use
understanding of factors to define
prime and composite;
SWBAT - recognize that
animals inherit and learn
behaviors; understand
that Florida plants go
through stages called a
life cycle
Resources – Ch 7, Lessons
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.1,
SS.4.A.3.2, SS.4.A.3.7,
SS.4.A.6.1, SS.A.9.1,
SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-study the
explorers who
discovered Florida,
emphasizing Ponce de
Leon and learn about
other Spanish
Grasshopper (T80), Ranita, The Frog Prince
Essential Question: How do animal characters
change familiar stories?
Comprehension Strategy – Ask and answer
Comprehension Skill – Theme
Genre – Drama
Vocabulary Strategy –Context Clues: Antonyms
Vocabulary: alter, annoyed, attitude,
commotion, cranky, familiar, frustrated, selfish,
Leveled Readers: (AL) Saving Green Bird, (OL)
The Prince who Could Fly, (BL) Behind the
Secret Trapdoor
Novel Study – Because of Winn Dixie
Novel Activity: Because of Winn Dixie Lapbook
Spelling- Fry Words – List 8, Diagraphs
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 3 Lesson 18, 19, 21, 22,
explorers who sought
treasures in Florida.
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly
– Week 7 –Spanish
Explorers utilized in
small groups.
Thirty, width, northern, fifth, choose,
touch, chef, change, pitcher, kitchen,
sketched, ketchup, snatch, stretching, rush,
whine, whirl, bring, graph, photo
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Voice (T96)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T96-97)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine how
the characters take on human actions.
Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns (T9899)
Interactive Writing Notebook – “Best
Mentor Sentences: He took a long rope
and tied one end around his waist. How
Spider Got a Think Waist by Joyce Cooper
Book exert:
Week 9
Standard-LACC.4.RI.3.7, LACC.4.RI.3.7,
LACC.4.SL.1.1d, LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RI.1.2, LACC.4.RI.3.7, LACC.4.RI.4.10
SWBAT-interpret information presented
visually, orally, or quantitative; review key
ideas expressed and explain their own ideas
and understanding in light of the discussion,
determine the main ideas of a text, paraphrase
portions of a text read aloud.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 2 Week 3 –
Part of the Whole (T139) Rescuing our Reefs
(T144), The Buffalo are Back (T153A)
Essential Question: How are all living things
Comprehension Strategy – Summarize
Comprehension Skill – Main idea and Key
Genre – Narrative Nonfiction
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing Notebook, and
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10 LACC.4.W.1.3.d,
LACC.4.L.2.3.c, LACC.3.L.1.1.b,
LACC.4.L.1.2.b, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Practice responding to literature
using RAPP and ACE
Spell grade appropriate words
Add supportive details to
Spelling- Fry Words – List 9, Three Letter
Blends (T164-165)
Shred, shriek, shrimp, shrink, script, screw,
screech, straighten, straps, strand, sprout,
sprawl, sprang, splashing, splotch, thrill,
throb, throat, thrift, through
Wonders Writing Activities:
Standard- MAFS.OA.3, MAFS.OA.4,
Standard- SC.4L.16.4,
SWBAT- Divide multiples of 10, 100,
and 1,000 by single-digit numbers;
Explore properties of prime and
composite numbers to 100 by using
multiples; Represent and solve
division problems with up to a threedigit dividend numerically and with
place value disks requiring
decomposing a remainder in the
hundreds place; Represent and solve
three-digit dividend division with
divisors of 2, 3, 4, and 5 numerically;
Solve division problems with a zero
in the dividend or with a zero in the
SWBAT - know the life
cycles of some Florida
animals; explain how
seasons affect plants and
animals in Florida and in
other parts of the country
Resources-Ch 7, Lesson 5;
Ch 8, Lesson 1
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.1,
SS.4.A.3.3, SS.4.A.3.5,
SS.4.A.3.6, SS.A.3.7,
SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-study the sea
battle between the
French and Spanish
over the land that is
now Florida; learn how
conflicts and motives
of the first Florida
settlements, including
battles and the search
for religious freedom.
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly
– Week 8 –St.
Vocabulary Strategy –Context Clues
Vocabulary: crumbled, droughts, ecosystem,
extinct, flourished, fragile, imbalance, ripples
Writing Traits: Ideas (T158)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T160161)
Leveled Readers: Saving San Francisco Bay
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine how
animals and plants in the reef’s ecosystem
help eachother.
Novel Study – Because of Winn Dixie
Novel Activity: Because of Winn Dixie Lapbook
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 3 Lesson 25, 26, 27, 28,
Augustine: French vs.
Spanish, utilized in
small groups.
Grammar: Irregular Plural Nouns (T162163)
Unit 2 Week 3 Sentence Fix Ups
Interactive Writing Notebook – Short
Response to Literature
Mentor Sentences: The beating of Lucy’s
heart was so loud she knew everyone
around her could hear it. Spaghetti in a Hot
Dog Bun by Maria Dismondy
Book exert:
Week 10
10/14: End
of 1st 9
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.1b, LACC.4.SL.1.2,
SC.4.L.16.2, LACC.4.RI.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
SC.4.L.17.1, LACC.4.RI.1.2, LACC.4.RI.1.3,
LACC.4.RI.4.10, LACC.4.L.3.4b
SWBAT-explain that although characteristics of
plants and animals are inherited, some
characteristics can be affected by the
environment, determine the main idea of a text
and how it is supported.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 2 Week 4 –
Adapting to Survive (T203), Animal Adaptations
(T208), Spiders (T217A)
Essential Question: What helps an animal
Comprehension Strategy – Summarize
Comprehension Skill – Main idea and Key
Genre – Expository Text
Vocabulary Strategy –Prefixes
Vocabulary: camouflaged, dribbles,
extraordinary, poisonous, pounce, predator,
prey, vibrations
Leveled Readers: Extreme Animals
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing Notebook, and
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10 LACC.4.W.2.4,
LACC.4.L.1.2.b, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Practice using narrative
transitions in the writing
Spell grade appropriate words
Write clear and organized
writing which has a clear order
of ideas.
Spelling- Fry Words – List 10, r-controlled
Vowels (T228-229)
Dart, guard, award, backyard, argue, spark,
target, smart, charge, carpet, warp, door,
fort, morning, stork, cord, worn, stormy,
core, bore
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Organizations (T158)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T224225)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine ways
animals adapt in order to survive.
Standard- MAFS.OA.3, MAFS.MD.3,
SWBAT- Interpret division word
problems as either number of groups
unknown or group size unknown;
Interpret and find whole number
quotients and remainders to solve
one-step division word problems
with larger divisors of 6, 7, 8, and 9;
Multiply two-digit multiples of 10 by
two-digit numbers using a place
value chart; Multiply two-digit
multiples of 10 by two-digit numbers
using the area model; Multiply twodigit by two-digit numbers using four
partial products
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 3 Lesson 31, 32, 34, 35,
Standard- SC.4.L.17.2
SWBAT- describe the
parts of ecosystems and
some examples of
Resources – Ch 8, Lesson
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.1,
SS.4.A.3.2, SS.4.A.3.4,
SS.4.A.3.6, SS.A.3.7,
SS.4.A.4.2, SS.4.A.6.1,
SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,
SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4
SWBAT-learn about
Spanish missionaries
who came to Florida
seeking to bring their
religion to the natives;
discuss the
interactions between
missionaries and
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly
– Week 9 –Spanish
Missions, utilized in
small groups.
Novel Study – Because of Winn Dixie
Novel Activity: Because of Winn Dixie Lapbook
https://lakesafari.lake.k12.fl.us/?g=29df1b5921c4-11e6-a79f-bc305bf44acc - "Harriet
Tubman and Her Escape to Freedom" and
"Steal Away The Harriet Tubman Story"
Grammar: Possessive Nouns (T22-227)
Unit 2 Week 4 Sentence Fix Ups
Interactive Writing Notebook – Narrative
Mentor Sentences: Your eyes are like the
diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead.
The Spider and the Fly by Tony DiTerrlizzi.
Book Video:
Week 11
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.1.c, LACC.4.RL.1.2,
LACC.4.RL.2.5, LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RL.2.5, LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.L.3.5a,
SWBAT-pose or respond to specific questions
to clarify or follow on information, determine
the theme of a story, drama, or poem, identify
similes and metaphors in poetry, identify
characters of lyric poetry and haiku.
Work Day
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 2 Week 5 –
Creative Leaps (T267) Animal Poems (T272),
Animal Poems (T281A), Fog (T21E)
Essential Question: How are writer’s inspired
by animals?
Literary Elements – Meter and Rhyme
Comprehension Skill – Point of View
Genre – Lyric Poetry and Haiku
Vocabulary Strategy –Figurative Language
Vocabulary: brittle, creative, descriptive,
outstretched, POETRY TERMS: metaphor,
meter, rhyme, simile
Leveled Readers: (AL) Putting on an Act, (OL)
The Big One, (BL) Dolphin Cove,
Novel Study – Because of Winn Dixie
Novel Activity: Because of Winn Dixie Lapbook
Performance Task Due :
Because of Winn Dixie Lapbook
Begin Poetry Performance Task:
Poetry Project
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2 Packet,
Interactive Writing Notebook, and
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10, LACC.4.W.1.2.d,
LACC.3.L.1.1.i, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Identify transition words based
on purpose.
Spell grade appropriate words
Use precise language to inform
or explain a topic.
Standard- MAFS.OA.3, MAFS.MD.3,
Standard- SC.4.L.17.3,
SWBAT- Transition from four partial
products to the standard algorithm
for two-digit by two-digit
SWBAT- explain how
energy flows in a food
chain and a food web;
describe how plants,
animals, and humans can
affect the environment
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 3 Lesson 37, 38
End of Module 3 Assessment
Spelling- Suffixes (T292-293)
Post Module 3 Assessment (SI)
Sickly, hardly, quickly, slowly, carefully,
wonderful, beautiful, graceful, spoonful,
darkness, shapeless, ageless, illness,
goodness, spotless, painless, weakness,
darkest, clearest, thoughtful
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Word Choice (T286)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T288289)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine a simile
within a poem and evaluate its meaning.
Grammar: Combining Sentences (T290291)
Unit 2 Week 5 Sentence Fix Ups
Interactive Writing Notebook – Transitions
Mentor Sentences: One of them is taped
up, and his feet look smaller than mine.
Those Shoes by Maribeth Boeltz
Resources- Ch 8, Lessons
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.2,
SS.4.A.3.3, SS.4.A.3.5,
SS.4.A.3.6, SS.A.3.7,
SS.4.A.4.2, SS.4.A.9.1,
SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-identify the
significance of the
Castillo de San Marcos
and surrounding
historical places in St.
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly
– Week 10 –What a
Fort – The Castillo De
San Marcos: utilized in
small groups.
Book Video:
End of Module 2 Writing Task
from Ultimate Test Prep
Write an informative essay in which you
explain why you should consider rescuing a
pet rather than buying one from a store.
Fourth Grade Curriculum Map 2015-2016
Unit 3 – That’s the Spirit!
Unit 3 – That’s the Spirit!
Writing/ Lang. Arts
In this unit students will understand how texts
can be written from different points of view; be
able to describe in depth a character, setting,
or event in a story; listen for purpose and
identify characters of a biography.
In this unit, students will learn how
to identify evidence to support
their ideas and cite them correctly,
as well as review conventions.
In this unit, students will learn
to decompose, add, subtract,
and identify equivalent
Week 12
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.1b, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.RL.4.10,
LACC.4.SL.1.1a, LACC.4.RL.3.4a, LACC.4.L.2.3c
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.3.c, LACC.3.L.1.1.d
and e, LACC.4.L.1.2.a and d
SWBAT-describe in depth a character, setting,
or event in a story or drama, drawing on
specific details in the text; learn meanings of
new vocabulary words; compare and contrast
Evidence and Citations
Module 5
Create and annotate an
expository paragraph
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Social Studies
Rock Cycle
Florida Studies Weekly
In this unit, students will learn
about the establishment of St.
Augustine, understand the
Seminole War.
Standard- MAFS.4.NF.3b,
MAFS.4.NF.4a, MAFS.4.NF.3a
In this unit, students will be
able to classify minerals and
rocks, identify natural
resources, and describe
some of Florida’s resources.
Big Idea 6
Standard- SC.4.E.6.1,
SWBAT- Decompose fractions as
a sum of unit fractions using
tape diagrams; Decompose
fractions as a sum of unit
fractions using tape diagrams;
Decompose non-unit fractions
SWBAT- Describe the three
categories of rocks and
know how they are formed,
identify different properties
of minerals and how
minerals make up rocks.
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.1.3, SS.4.A.1.4, SS.4.A.1.6,
SS.4.A.1.9, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-study about the British
Invasion and French Indian War,
learn about settler hardships.
the point of view from which different stories
are narrated, including the difference between
first and third person narrations.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 3 Week 1 –
At the Library (T166), The Cricket in Times
Square (T178), The Girl and the Chenoo (T196)
Essential Question: How can you make new
friends feel welcome?
Comprehension Strategy – Visualize
Comprehension Skill – Point of View
Genre – Fantasy
Vocabulary Strategy –Context Clues
Vocabulary: acquaintances, cautiously,
complementary, jumble, logical, scornfully,
scrounging, trustworthy
Leveled Readers: (AP) A New Bear in the
Forest, (OL) Not From Around Here, (BL) Cara
Sky Kingdom
Novel Study – Holes by Louis Sachar
Novel Activity: Holes Activity Journal
Understand how
transitions connect
Spelling- r-controlled Vowels (T3637)
Herb, person, sternly, serpent,
worse, pearl, dirty, birth, shirt,
twirl, swirl, purse, curl, curve, curb,
hurl, turkey, turnip, purpose,
and represent them as a whole
number times a unit fraction
using tape diagrams;
Decompose fractions into sums
of smaller unit fractions using
tape diagrams; Decompose unit
fractions using area models to
show equivalence.
Resources- Ch 3, Lessons 1
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 11 –British
Florida, utilized in small groups.
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 5 Lesson 1-5
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
the aspects of a story that make it
a fantasy.
Grammar: Action Verbs (T34-35)
Assessment: Unit 3, Week 1 FSA Format
Week 13
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.SL.1.1b,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RL.1.1, LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
SWBAT-build background knowledge on
helping communities, identify characteristics of
realistic fiction.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 3 Week 2 –
Aguinaldo (T198), Partaking in Public Service
Essential Question: In what ways can you help
your community?
Comprehension Strategy – Visualize
Comprehension Skill – Point of View
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Expository Paragraph Structure
Mentor Sentences: Poor little
Chang was all out of breath from
saying that great long name, and
he did not think he could say it one
more time. Tikki TIkki Tembo by
Arlene Mosel
Book Video:
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.2.b,
LACC.3.L.1.1.f, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Write an expository
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Understand how strong
words add clarity and
Spelling –Silent Letters (T100-101)
Standard- MAFS.4.NF.1,
Standard- SC.4E.6.2,
SWBAT- Decompose unit
fractions using area models to
show equivalence; Use the area
model and multiplication to
show the equivalence of two
fractions; Use the area model
and multiplication to show the
equivalence of two fractions;
Use the area model and division
to show the equivalence of two
fractions; Use the area model
and division to show the
equivalence of two fractions;
Explain fraction equivalence
SWBAT- know about how
humans use natural
resources and that some
are renewable and some
are not; explain how
weathering and erosion can
change Earth’s surface.
Resources- Ch 3, Lessons 3
and 4
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.1.3, SS.4.A.1.4, SS.4.A.1.6,
SS.4.A.1.9, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-identify the role of
Florida in the American
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 12 –
American Revolution utilized in
small groups.
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy –Context Clues
Vocabulary: assigned, generosity, gingerly,
mature, organizations, residents, scattered,
Wrinkle, wriggle, wrapper, wrench,
answer, knead, knives, known,
kneel, knew, plumber, combs,
thumbs, lambs, condemn, resign,
doubtful, hour, honesty, honor
Leveled Readers: (AL) Playground Buddy, (OL)
Brick by Brick, (BL) Standing Guard
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Word Choice (T94)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
Novel Study – Holes by Louis Sachar
Novel Activity: Holes Activity Journal
Assessment: Unit 3, Week 2 FSA Format
using a tape diagram and the
number line, and relate that to
the use of multiplication and
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 5 Lesson 611
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
ways the community came
together to help each other in the
natural disaster.
Grammar: Verb Tenses (T98-99)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Expository Paragraph
Mentor Sentences: We’ll stay
inside, warm and cozy, while the
snow drifts down in soft white
heaps. Snow Day by Barbara
Book Video:
Week 14
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.1c, LACC.4.RI.1.1,
LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RI.1.3,
LACC.4.RI.1.1, LACC.4.RI.3.8, LACC.4.RI.3.7,
LACC.4.L.2.3c, LACC.4.L.3.5c
SWBAT-Listen for purpose and identify
characters of a biography; build background
knowledge on making a difference; paraphrase
portions of a text.
No School
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 3 Week 3 –
Judy’s Appalachia (T194) Delivering Justice
(T216), Keeping Freedom in the Family (T236)
Essential Question: How can one person make
a difference?
Comprehension Strategy – Reread
Comprehension Skill – Author’s Point of View
Genre – Biography
Vocabulary Strategy –Synonyms and Antonyms
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.2.b,
LACC.3.L.1.1.f, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Carefully read, break
down, and analyze and
exemplar expository
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Understand how
relevant evidence
supports an opinion
Standard- MAFS.4.NF.2
Standard- SC.4.E.6.6
SWBAT- Reason using
benchmarks to compare two
fractions on the number line;
Reason using benchmarks to
compare two fractions on the
number line; Find common units
or number of units to compare
two fractions; Find common
units or number of units to
compare two fractions; Use
visual models to add and
subtract two fractions with the
same units.
SWBAT- describe some
resources available in
Spelling –Soft c and g (T164-165)
Center, once, scene, spice, circus,
cement, police, certain, ounce,
glance, germs, bridge, badge,
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 5 Lesson 1216
Resources – Ch 3, Lesson 5
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.3,
SS.4.A.1.9, SS.4.G.1.1,
SWBAT-study the role of pirates
in Florida history.
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 13 –
Pirates, utilized in small groups.
Vocabulary: boycott, encouragement, fulfill,
injustice, mistreated, protest, qualified,
Leveled Readers: (AL) Jacob Riis, (OL) Jacob
Riis, (BL) Jacob Riis
Novel Study – Holes by Louis Sachar
Novel Activity: Holes Activity Journal
Assessment: Unit 3, Week 3 FSA Format
strange, orange, ginger, wedge,
arrange, sponge, village
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Ideas (T158)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
how Judy made a difference.
Grammar: Main and Helping Verbs
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Descriptive Paragraphs
Mentor Sentences: In 1955 on a
cold December day in
Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks
was coming home from work.
Martin’s Big Words by Doreen
Book Video:
Week 15
Standard-LACC.4.Sl.1.1b, LACC.4.FL.1.2,
LACC.4.RI.1.1, LACC.4.FL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RI.1.3, LACC.4.RI.3.8, LACC.4.RI.4.10
SWBAT-Identify the author’s purpose for
writing as well as the author’s point of view;
paraphrase; explain events that occurred in
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 3 Week 4 –
Words for Change (T208), Abe’s Honest Words
(T240), A New Birth of Freedom (T262)
Essential Question: How can words lead to
Comprehension Strategy – Reread
Comprehension Skill – Author’s Point of View
Genre – Biography
Vocabulary Strategy –Latin and Greek Suffixes
Vocabulary: address, divided, haste, opposed,
perish, proclamation, shattered, tension
Leveled Readers: Nellie Bly
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.2.b,
LACC.3.L.1.1.f, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Write a descriptive
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Write a strong
Spelling –Plurals (T228-229)
Clams, mints, props, arches,
dresses, parents, caves, glasses,
hobbies, engines, couches, arrows,
enemies, babies, ranches, patches,
mistakes, supplies, mosses, armies
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Organization (T222)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
Standard- MAFS.4.NF.3a,
MAFS.4.NF.3d, MAFS.4.NF.1,
Standard- SC.4.E.6.1,
SC.4.E.6,2, SC.4E.6.2,
SC.4.E.6.5, SC.4.E.6.6
SWBAT- Use visual models to
add and subtract two fractions
with the same units, including
subtracting from one whole;
Add and subtract more than two
fractions; Solve word problems
involving addition and
subtraction of fractions; Use
visual models to add two
fractions with related units
using the denominators 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 8, 10, and 12;
SWBAT- Review Rock Cycle
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 5 Lesson 1721
Mid-Module 5 Assessment
(After lesson 21)
Resources – Ch 3 and AIMS
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.3,
SS.4.A.1.4, SS.4.A.1.9, SS.4.G.1.1
SWBAT-study about how Florida
became a territory of the United
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 14 –
Florida Territory, utilized in small
Novel Study – Holes by Louis Sachar
Novel Activity: Holes Activity Journal
Assessment: Unit 3, Week 4 FSA Format
https://lakesafari.lake.k12.fl.us/?g=29df1b5921c4-11e6-a79f-bc305bf44acc - "Perplexing
Points of View" and " Have a Dream Speech"
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Describe
the steps Elizabeth Cady Stanton
went through to help women gain
the right to vote.
Equivalent Fraction/Comparing
Benchmark Assessment (SI)
Grammar: Linking Verbs (T226227)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Descriptive Paragraphs
Mentor Sentences: Willie was as
mad as a hornet when I told Miz
Jackson he didn’t have his
homework. The Honest-toGoodness Truth by Patricia
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Week 16
Week 17
Thanksgiving Break
Standard- LACC.4.Sl.1.1b, LACC.4.FL.1.2,
LACC.4.RI.1.1, LACC.4.FL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RI.1.3, LACC.4.RI.3.8,
SWBAT-Build background knowledge on
feeding the world; reread selections of
persuasive article to increase understanding;
interpret information presented visually, orally,
or quantitatively and explain how the
information contributes to an understanding of
the text in which it appears; read on-level prose
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.2.b,
LACC.3.L.1.1.f, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Read, break down, and
analyze exemplar
sequence paragraphs
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Understand audience
and purpose of a
writing piece
Standard- MAFS.4.NF.1,
MAFS.4.NBT.6, MAFS.4.NF.4a,
SWBAT- Add a fraction less
than 1 to, or subtract a fraction
less than 1 from, a whole
number using decomposition
and visual models; Add and
multiply unit fractions to build
fractions greater than 1 using
visual models; Decompose and
compose fractions greater than
1 to express them in various
forms; Decompose and
Standard- SC.4.E.6.1,
SC.4.E.6,2, SC.4E.6.2,
SC.4.E.6.5, SC.4.E.6.6
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.3,
SS.4.A.1.4, SS.4.A.1.6, SS.4.A.1.6,
SWBAT- Review Rock Cycle
SWBAT-understand Florida
Seminole Indians and conflicts
with settlers.
Resources – Ch 3 and AIMS
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 15 –
Seminole Wars, utilized in small
and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate
rate, and expression on successive readings;
identify the narrator’s point of view and
recognize characteristics of persuasive articles
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 3 Week 5 –
Food Fight (T272), A New Kind of Corn (T281A),
The Pick of the Patch (T281E)
Essential Question: In what ways can advances
in science be helpful or harmful?
Comprehension Strategy – Reread
Comprehension Skill – Author’s Point of View
Genre – Persuasive Article
Vocabulary Strategy –Greek Roots
Vocabulary: advancements, agriculture,
characteristics, concerns, disagreed, inherit,
prevalent, resistance
Leveled Readers: The Battle Against Pests
Novel Study – Holes by Louis Sachar
Novel Activity: Holes Activity Journal
Assessment: Unit 3, Week 5 FSA Format
Spelling –Compound Words (T292293)
Fishbowl, lookout, yardstick,
desktop, campfire, overhead,
waterproof, grandparent, railroad,
snowstorm, loudspeaker,
bookcase, bedroom, blindfold,
newborn, bedspread, yourself,
overdo, clothesline, undertake
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Voice (T286)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
compose fractions greater than
1 to express them in various
forms; Compare fractions
greater than 1 by reasoning
using benchmark fractions.
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 5 Lesson 2226
Adding and Subtracting
Fractions Benchmark
Assessment 1 (SI)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
how genetic modification have
changed how plants grow.
Grammar: Irregular verbs (T290293)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Sequence Paragraphs
Mentor Sentences: The bed is
white and silent, and much life can
hide beneath its blankets. In
November by Cynthia Rylant
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Week 18
Holiday Activities and FSA Review
Holiday Activities and FSA Review
SWBAT- Add A fraction less than
1 to, or subtract a fraction less
than 1 from a whole number
using decomposition and visual
models; Add and multiply unit
fractions to build fractions
greater than one using visual
models; Decompose and
compose fractions greater than
one to express them in various
forms; Compare fractions
greater than one by reasoning
using benchmark fractions;
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS1.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.C.1.1, SS.4.E.1.1,
SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.6.3
SWBAT-study how Florida
became a state after hundreds of
years of French, Spanish, and
British control and study the issue
of slavery in the new state
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 16 –
Florida Statehood, utilized in
small groups.
Compare fractions greater than
one by creating common
numerators and denominators
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 5 Lesson 2227
Week 19
Holiday Activities and FSA Review
Holiday Activities and FSA Review
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS1.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.5.1, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,
SS.4.C.2.2, SS.4.A.6.3
SWBAT- Solve word problems
with line plots; Estimate sums
and differences using
benchmark numbers; Add a
mixed number and a fraction;
Subtract a fraction from a mixed
number; Subtract a mixed
number from a mixed number
SWBAT-learn the definition of
civil war. They will examine
important battles that took place
in Florida and learn about the
Emancipation Proclamation
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 17 –Civil
War, utilized in small groups.
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 5 Lesson 2833
Fourth Grade Curriculum Map 2015-2016
Unit 4 – Fact or Fiction
Unit 4 - Fact or Fiction
Writing/ Lang. Arts
Opinion Writing using
Students will learn to use and cite
sources in response to an opinion
Module 5 & 6
In this unit, students will learn
to decompose, add, subtract,
and identify equivalent
In this unit, students will be
able to understand patterns
in the night sky, describe
moon phases, and how
Earth revolves around the
sun and rotates on its axis.
Big Idea 5
In this unit, students will learn
about unit conversions and
problem solving with metric
In this unit, students will explore
measurement with
Earth and Space
Social Studies
Florida Studies Weekly
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS1.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.5.2, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,
SWBAT-be introduced to the
Reconstruction Period. They will
be introduced to groups like
carpetbaggers and scalawags that
are associated with
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 18 –
Reconstruction, utilized in small
Week 20
Standard-LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RI.2.5,
LACC.4.RF.3.3a, LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.RF.4.4b,
LACC.4.RF.4.4c, LACC.4.RL.1.2,
SWBAT-identify characteristics of narrative
nonfiction; understand how government and
laws protect us every day.
12/21: End
of 2nd 9
Work Day
12/23: No
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 4 Week 1 –
A World without Rules (T238), See How They
Run (T270), The Birth of American Democracy
Essential Question: Why do we need
Comprehension Strategy – Ask and Answer
Comprehension Skill –Cause and Effect
Genre – Narrative Nonfiction
Vocabulary Strategy –Latin Roots
Vocabulary: amendments, commitment,
compromise, democracy, eventually,
legislation, privilege, version
Leveled Readers: A Day in the Senate
Novel Study – Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop
Novel Activity: Fables, Fairytales, and
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.2.b,
LACC.3.L.1.1.a and d,
Write a procedure
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Write an essay that
states an opinion
Spelling – Closed Syllables (T36-37)
Blanket, blossom, dipper, distant,
foggy, fossil, member, nodded,
planner, plastic, rumbles, slender,
summer, swallow, tablet, thriller,
traffic, welcome, willow, witness
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Organization (T32)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
how your school would be without
rules. How do rules assist you at
Grammar: Adjectives (T34-35)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Write a Sequence Paragraph
Mentor Sentences: The mothers
lay out all kinds of cold treats: ice
cream and snow cones and dainty
sweet treats. Snowmen at
Christmas by Caralyn Buehner
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
SWBAT- Subtract mixed
numbers; Find and use a pattern
to calculate the sum of all
fractional parts between 0 and
1. Share and critique peer
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 5 Lesson 3441
End of Module 5 Assessment
Standard- SC.4.E.5.1,
SWBAT- understand that
patterns in the sky stay the
same but appear to change
nightly throughout the year.
Resources – Ch 2, Lesson 1;
AIMS Activities
Leveled Readers: (BL) Earth
and Space. (OL) Earth, Sun
and Stars, (A) An Eclipse
Standard- SS.4.A.6.4, SS.4.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.9.1,
SS.4.E.1.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-study the reasons for the
Spanish-American War and learn
why it is called The Splendid Little
War. Students will learn about
the cities and people that were
significant to the war
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 19 –
Spanish American War, utilized in
small groups.
Week 21
Week 22
1/2: No
nt Day
Winter Break
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4. SL.1.1c,
LACC.4.RL.1.1, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.2.6,
LACC.4.RL.3.7, LACC.4.RL.4.10, LACC.4.RL.2.4,
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.2.b,
LACC.3.L.1.1.a and d,
SWBAT-make, confirm, and revise predictions
to enhance comprehension; make connections
between stories; compare and contrast point of
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 4 Week 2 –
The Timespecs 3000 (T252), Larue for
Mayer(T288), Bringing Government Home
Essential Question: Why do people run for
Comprehension Strategy – Make Predictions
Comprehension Skill –Point of View
Genre – Fantasy
Vocabulary Strategy –Figurative Language
Vocabulary: accompanies, campaign, governor,
intend, opponent, overwhelming, tolerate,
Leveled Readers: (AL) Floozle Dreams , (OL)
The Wolves of Yellowstone, (BL) Krillville
Novel Study – Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop
Novel Activity: Fables, Fairytales, and
Read, break down, and
analyze a sequence
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Vary sentence types to
revise writing
Spelling – Open Syllables (T100101)
Famous, radar, razor, vacancy,
beside, beyond, defend, delay,
demand, prevent, secret, veto,
bison, diver, cider, silence, clover,
spoken, stolen
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
how Bugwort gives dogs a terrible
Grammar: Articles (T98-99)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Write a Sequence Paragraph
Mentor Sentences: Please settle
this soon because they’re driving
Standard- 4.NF.6, 4.NBT.1,
4.MD.1, 4.NF.5, 4.NF.1, 4.NF.7
Standard- SC.4.E.5.2,
SWBAT- use metric
measurement and area models
to represent the decomposition
of one whole into tenths,
fractions greater than 1 and
decimal numbers; represent
mixed numbers; use meters to
model the decomposition of
one whole into hundredths;
model the equivalence of tenths
and hundredths;
SWBAT- describe the
phases of the moon.
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 6 Lessons 1-5
Resources – Ch 2, Lesson 2;
AIMS Activities
Leveled Readers: (BL) Earth
and Space. (OL) Earth, Sun
and Stars, (A) An Eclipse
Standard- SS.4.A.4.1, SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.4.1, DD.4.S.6.3,
SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4
SWBAT-think about different
types of transportation. They will
study the history of
transportation in Florida as well
as inventors who are important in
transportation history.
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 20 –
Modern Transportation, utilized
in small groups.
us CRAZY! The Day the Crayons
Quit by Drew Daywalt
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Week 23
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4. SL.1.1c,
LACC.4.RL.1.1, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.2.6,
LACC.4.RL.3.7, LACC.4.RL.4.10, LACC.4.RL.2.4,
SWBAT-make, confirm, and revise predictions
to enhance comprehension; make connections
between stories; refer to details and examples
from a text.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 4 Week 3 –
The Telephone Mix-Up (T266), The Moon Over
Star (T314), 3..2..1.. We Have Spin Off (T332)
Essential Question: How do inventions and
technology affect your life?
Comprehension Strategy – Make Predictions
Comprehension Skill –Point of View
Genre – Historical Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy –Synonyms
Vocabulary: decade, directing, engineering,
gleaming, scouted, squirmed, technology,
Leveled Readers: (AL) Ron's Radio , (OL) The
Freedom Machine, (BL) A Better Way
Novel Study – Percy Jackson and the Lightning
Novel Activity: Mythology Project
Links: District Blueprint
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.2.b,
LACC.3.L.1.1.a and d,
Read, break down, and
analyze a sequence
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Vary sentence types to
revise writing
Spelling – Vowel Teams (T164-165)
Brain, staircase, domain, praise,
trainer, oatmeal, beneath, repeat,
reveal, increase, sneak, boast,
afloat, croak, compound, discount,
speed, sleeve, sheep, baboon
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
how Bugwort gives dogs a terrible
Grammar: Adjectives that
Compare (T162-163)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Write a Sequence Paragraph
Mentor Sentences: High, wispy,
clouds race in the autumn wind.
Cloud Dance by Tomas Locker
Standard- 4.NF.6, 4.NBT.1,
4.MD.1, 4.NF.5, 4.NF.1, 4.NF.7,
SWBAT- Use the area model
and number line to represent
mixed numbers in fraction and
decimal form; Model mixed
numbers in expanded form and
on the place value chart; Use
understanding of fraction
equivalence to investigate
decimal numbers on the place
value chart expressed in
different units;
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 6 Lessons 6-8
Mid-Module Assessment
Standard- SC..4.E.5.3,
SWBAT- describe how earth
revolves around the sun and
rotates on its axis; describe
how earth's rotation is
related to the apparent
movement of the sun,
moon, and stars.
Resources – Ch 2, Lesson 3;
AIMS Activities
Leveled Readers: (BL) Earth
and Space. (OL) Earth, Sun
and Stars, (A) An Eclipse
Standard- SS.4.A.4.1, SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,
SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4
SWBAT-discuss the importance of
new technology, such as e-mail,
in communication. They will
study some of the major
inventors in the history of
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 21 –
Modern Communication, utilized
in small groups.
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Week 24
Luther King
Jr. Day –
No School
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4. SL.1.1c,
LACC.4.RI.1.3, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RI.1.1,
LACC.4.RI.2.5, LACC.4.RI.3.7, LACC.RI.4.10
SWBAT-explain events and procedures;
paraphrase portions of a text, identify
characteristics of expository text; identify cause
and effect.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 4 Week 4 –
Wonders in the Night Sky (T280), Why Does the
Moon Change Shape? (T336), How it Came to
Be (T352)
Essential Question: How do you explain what
you see in the sky?
Comprehension Strategy – Ask and answer
Comprehension Skill –Cause and Effect
Genre – Expository Text
Vocabulary Strategy –Context Clues
Vocabulary: astronomer, crescent, phases,
rotates, series, sliver, specific, telescope
Leveled Readers: Stargazing
Novel Study – Percy Jackson and the Lightning
Novel Activity: Mythology Project
Links: District Blueprint
https://lakesafari.lake.k12.fl.us/?g=29df1b5921c4-11e6-a79f-bc305bf44acc - "Flight Eye
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.1.g,
LACC.3.L.1.1.f, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Read, break down, and
analyze a compare and
contrast paragraph
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Add formal language to
revise writing
Spelling – r-controlled vowel
syllables (T228-229)
Grocer, pepper, barber, grader,
polar, tanker, singer, enter, odor,
collar, zipper, powder, danger,
cheddar, popular, harbor, anchor,
elevator, daughter, victor
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Voice (T222)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
how the planets stay in motions
around the sun.
Grammar: Comparing More with
Most (T226-227)
Standard-4.NF.7, 4.ND.1,
4.MD.2, 4.NF.5, 4.NF.6, 4.NF.3c
SWBAT- Use the place value
chart and metric measurement
to compare decimals and
answer comparison questions;
use area models and the
number line to compare decimal
numbers and record
comparisons using <, >, and =;
compare and order mixed
numbers in various forms; apply
understanding of fraction
equivalence to add tenths and
hundredths; add decimal
numbers by converting to
fraction form
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 6 Lessons 913
Standard- SC.4.E.5.5
SWBAT- explain how space
exploration has affected
Florida's economy and
Resources – Ch 2, Lesson 4;
AIMS Activities
Leveled Readers: (BL) Earth
and Space. (OL) Earth, Sun
and Stars, (A) An Eclipse
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.7.1, SS.4.A.7.2,
SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.C.2.2, SS.4.G.1.1,
SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4
SWBAT-study World War I and
the ensuing Great Depression.
They will look at Florida’s role in
these events of history.
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 22 –WWI,
utilized in small groups.
Witness Video" and "The Day the Big Easy
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Compare and contrast Close
Reading of Exemplar examples
Mentor Sentences: High, wispy,
clouds race in the autumn wind.
Twilight Comes Twice by Ralph
Book Video:
Week 25
Standard-LACC.4.RI.3.7, LACC.4.SL.1.1b,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.2.5,
SWBAT-identify characteristics of narrative
poetry; Listen for purpose; Talk about how
poets write about success; compare how the
characters of a poem feel.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 4 Week 5 –
Sing to me, The Climb (T294), Swimming to the
Rock, The Moon dust Footprint (T356), Genius,
Winner (T360)
Essential Question: How do writers look at
success in different ways?
Comprehension Strategy – Review
Comprehension Skill –Theme
Genre – Narrative Poem
Vocabulary Strategy –Connotation
Vocabulary: attain, dangling, hovering,
triumph, stanza, connotation, denotation,
Leveled Readers: (AL) Try, Try Again , (OL) The
Math-lete, (BL) The Final
Novel Study – Percy Jackson and the Lightning
Novel Activity: Mythology Project
Song Lyric - Figurative Language Project
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.1.g,
LACC.3.L.1.1.f, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Write a compare and
contrast paragraph
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Add sensory details and
language to writing
Spelling – variant vowel o (T292293
Caught, laws, drawn, strawberry,
straw, awe, shawl, alter, halt,
talking, walker, chalk, stalk, small,
caller, squall, cough, fought,
thought, false
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Word Choice (T286)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
how the planets stay in motions
around the sun.
Grammar: Pronouns and
Homophones (T290-291)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Compare and Contrast Paragraph
Mentor Sentences: He had cleverly
calculated that the boys held
Standard-4.NF.7, 4.ND.1,
4.MD.2, 4.NF.5, 4.NF.6, 4.NF.3c
SWBAT- Solve word problems
involving the addition of
measurements in decimal form;
express money amounts given
in various forms as decimal
numbers; solve word problems
involving money
Teaching Strategies- Engage
New York: Module 6 Lessons 1416
Standard- SC..4.E.5.1,
SC.4.E.5.4, SC.4.E.5.2,
SC.4.E.5.3, SC.4.E.5.5
SWBAT- Review moon
phases, sky patterns, etc.
Resources – Ch 2, AIMS
Leveled Readers: (BL) Earth
and Space. (OL) Earth, Sun
and Stars, (A) An Eclipse
End of Module Assessment
Moon Phases Project
Constellations Project
Standard- SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.7.3,
SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.3,
SS.4.A.7.3, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.C.2.2,
SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SS.4.G.1.4, SS.4.G.1.3
SWBAT-study World War II and
will learn how it brought many
people to Florida. Students will
learn about Eddie Rickenbacker
and the effects of WWII at home
Teaching Strategies- Florida
studies weekly – Week 23 –WWII,
utilized in small groups.
slightly more electoral votes than
the girls. Grace for President by
Kelly DiPucchio
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit
2 Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Fourth Grade Curriculum Map 2015-2016
Unit 5 – Figure It Out
Week 26
Unit 5 - Figure It Out
Writing/ Lang. Arts
In this unit students will
focus on skills including
problem and solution,
cause and effect and
sequencing using
visualization and
summarizing strategies.
LACC.SL.1.1b, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RL.1.1, LACC.4.RL.2.6,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.FL.4.10,
SWBAT- demonstrate their
knowledge of a text problem and
solution using a graphic organizer.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 5
Week 1 – Sadie's Game (T16), Mama
Module 7 & 4 & 2
Social Studies
Energy and Heat
Florida Studies Weekly
In this unit, students will explore
measurement with multiplication
In this unit, students will be able to
define energy and know the forms it
can take; describe sound energy;
recognize that heat flows from hot
to cold objects.
Big Idea 10, 11
In this unit, students will explore
angle measurement and plane
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.3.d, LACC.4.L.1.1.g,
LACC.3.L.1.1.f, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Carefully read, break
down, and analyze an
exemplar problem and
solution paragraph.
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Strengthen and revise an
Spelling – Closed Syllables (T36-37)
Standard- SC.4.P.10.1, SC.4.P.10.2
Standard- 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2
SWBAT- Express metric length, mass
and capacity in terms of a smaller
unit; model and solve addition and
subtraction word problems involving
metric length, mass, and capacity.
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 2 Lesson 1-3
SWBAT- define energy, know forms it
can take, and understand what
energy can do.
Resources – Ch 5, Lesson 1; AIMS
Leveled Readers: (BL) Energy and
Heat. (OL) What is Light, (A)
Electricity's Power
Standard- SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.6.3,
SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.4.1,
SS.4.A.7.1, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.A.6.1,
SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4,
SS.4.G.1.3, SS.4.E.1.1, SS.4.E.1.2
SWBAT-discuss factors that helped
Florida’s population rise
Teaching Strategies- Florida studies
weekly – Week 24 –Florida’s
Population, utilized in small groups.
I'll Give You the World (T25A), What
if it Happened to You? (T25S).
Essential Question: In what ways do
people show they care about each
Comprehension Strategy – Visualize
Comprehension Skill – Character,
setting, plot: Problem and solution.
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy – Words in
Vocabulary: bouquet, emotion,
encircle, express, fussy, portraits,
sparkles, whirl
Leveled Readers: (AL) Saving Stolen
Treasure, (OL) The Perfect Present,
(BL) First Edition
Novel Study – Teddy Bodain by
Melissa Forney
Week 27
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Organization (T30)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Determine how Rich show he
cares about Sadie. Give examples
from the text to support your
Grammar: Adjectives (T34-35)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Problem and Solution Paragraph
Mentor Sentences: Immediately
some scruffy mongrel appeared and
started bothering her. Voices in the
Park by Anthony Brown
Novel Activity: Teddy Bodain Journal
Assessment - Wonders FSA Unit 5
week 1
Links- district blueprint
Book Video:
LACC.SL.1.1b, LACC.SL.1.1c,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.SL.1.2,
LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
LACC.4.FL.4.10, LACC.4.RI.3.7
Standard- LACC.4.W.410,
LACC.4.W.1.1.c, LACC.3.L.1.1.a,
SWBAT- identify the text structcure
of cause and effect and demonstrate
using a graphic organizer.
Blanket, blossom, dipper, distant,
foggy, fossil, member, nodded,
planner, plastic, rumbles, slender,
summer, swallow, tablet, thriller,
traffic, welcome, willow, witness
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 5
Week 2 – My Big Brother, Johny Kaw
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Practice writing a
problem and solution
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Vary Sentence Types and
revise writing
Spelling – Open Syllables (T100-101)
Standard- SC.4.P.10.3,
Standard- 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2
SWBAT- Know and relate metric units
to place value units in order to
express measurements in different
units; use addition and subtraction to
solve multi-step word problems
involving length, mass, and capacity
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 2 Lesson 4-5
End of Module 2 Assessment
SWBAT- describe sound energy and
how it is produced
Resources – Ch 5, Lesson 2; AIMS
Leveled Readers: (BL) Energy and
Heat. (OL) What is Light, (A)
Electricity's Power
Standard- SS.4.E.1.2, SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.3.3, SS.4.A.3.1,
SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SS.4.C.2.2, SS.4.G.1.4
SWBAT-study Florida’s major cities
and their histories. Students will
discuss reasons for big cities as they
compare various cities of Florida.
Teaching Strategies- Florida studies
weekly – Week 25 –Florida’s Cities,
utilized in small groups.
(T80), Apples to Oregon (T89A),
Westward Bound (T89S)
Essential Question: What are some
reasons people moved west?
Comprehension Strategy – Visualize
Comprehension Skill – Cause and
Genre – Tall Tale
Vocabulary Strategy – Words in
Vocabulary: plunging, prospector,
scoffed, settlements, shrivel,
territories, topple, withered.
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. What
makes Apples To Oregon a tall tale?
Use details from the story to support
the features of a tall tale.
Leveled Readers: (AL) The
Adventures of Sal Fink, (OL) The
Great Man of Nebraska, (BL)The Tale
of John Henry
Grammar: Articles (T98-99)
Novel Study – Teddy Bodain by
Melissa Forney
Mentor Sentences: The dentist took
strong hippo tusk and carved a set
to size. George Washington’s Teeth
by Deborah Chandra
Novel Activity: Teddy Bodain Journal
Assessment – Wonders FSA Unit 5
Links http://www.lake.k12.fl.us/cms/lib05/
Week 28
Famous, radar, razor, vacancy,
beside, beyond, defend, delay,
demand, prevent, secret, veto,
bison, diver, cider, silence, clover,
spoken, stolen, tulip
LACC.SL.1.1b, LACC.SL.1.1c,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.SL.1.2,
LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
LACC.4.FL.4.10, LACC.4.RI.3.7
SWBAT-demonstrate knowledge of
cause and effect in a text.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 5
Week 3 – Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Problem and Solution Paragraph
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.2.c, LACC.4.L.1.1.g,
LACC.3.L.1.1.g, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Carefully read, break
down, and analyze an
exemplar cause and
effect paragraph.
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Add transitions to revise
Standard- 4.OA.1, 4.OA.2, 4.MD.1,
4.NBT.5, 4.MD.2, 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.6
SWBAT- Create conversion tables for
length, weight, and capacity units
using measurement tools and use the
tables to solve problems; create
conversion tables for units of time
and use the tables to solve problems;
solve multiplicative comparison word
problems using measurement
conversion tables; solve problems
involving mixed units, capacity,
length, weight, and time.
Standard- SC.4.P.10.1, 4
SWBAT- describe sound energy and
how it is produced.
Resources – Ch 5, Lesson 3; AIMS
Leveled Readers: (BL) Energy and
Heat. (OL) What is Light, (A)
Electricity's Power
Standard- SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4,
SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.3,
SWBAT-learn about conflicts that
the U.S. is involved in to defend
freedom. They will discuss conflicts
around the world and how
Americans feel about these
Teaching Strategies- Florida studies
weekly – Week 26 –Contemporary
Wars, utilized in small groups.
(T144),How Ben Franklin Stole the
Lightning (T153A)
Essential Question: How can
inventions solve problems?
Comprehension Strategy –
Comprehension Skill – Text
Structure: Problem and solution.
Genre – Informational Text:
Spelling – Vowel Teams (T164-165)
Brain, staircase, domain, praise,
trainer, oatmeal, beneath, repeat,
reveal, increase, sneak, boast,
afloat, croak, compound, discount,
speed, sleeve, sheep, baboon
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 7 Lesson 1-9
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
Vocabulary Strategy – Greek Roots
Vocabulary: dizzy, experiment,
genuine, hilarious, mischief,
nowadays, politician, procedure
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine
the problem that sparked
Stephanie’s intervention. How did
the solution help her and others?
Leveled Readers: (AL) The Inventive
Lewis Latimer, (OL) The Inventive
Lewis Latimer, (BL)The Inventive
Lewis Latimer
Grammar: Adjectives that Compare
Novel Study – Teddy Bodain by
Melissa Forney
Mentor Sentences: When the
tunnels narrowed, the ants
crammed Crickwing through one
final tight spot. Crickwing by Janell
Novel Activity: Teddy Bodain Journal
Assessment – Wonders FSA Unit 5
Links ttp://www.lake.k12.fl.us/cms/lib05/F
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Cause and Effect Paragraph
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Week 29
LACC.SL.1.1b, LACC.SL.1.1c,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.SL.1.2,
LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
LACC.4.FL.4.10, LACC.4.RI.3.7
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.2.c, LACC.4.L.1.1.g,
LACC.3.L.1.1.g, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Practice writing a cause
and effect paragraph
Standard- 4.OA.1, 4.OA.2, 4.MD.1,
4.NBT.5, 4.MD.2, 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.6
SWBAT- Use measurement tools to
convert mixed number
measurements to smaller units; Solve
multi-step problems involving
Standard- SC.4.P.11.1, SC.4.P.11.2
SWBAT- recognize that heat flows
from hot objects to cold ones, and
give examples of good and bad
conductors of heat.
Standard- SS.4.C.2.2, SS.4.A.8.1,
SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
Day – No
SWBAT-build background on looking
closely and identifying characteristics
of expository text.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 5
Week 4 –
Your World Up Close (T208), A Drop
of Water (T217A)
Essential Question: What can you
discover when you look closely at
Comprehension Strategy –
Comprehension Skill – Text
Structure: Sequence.
Genre – Informational Text:
Expository Text
Vocabulary Strategy – Words in
Vocabulary: cling, dissolves, gritty,
humid, magnify, microscope, mingle,
Leveled Readers: (AL) Secrets of the
Ice, (OL) Secrets of the Ice, (BL)
Secrets of the Ice
Novel Study – Teddy Bodain by
Melissa Forney
Novel Activity: Teddy Bodain Journal
Assessment – Wonders FSA Unit 5
week 4
Links http://www.cpalms.org/Public/
District Blueprint
district blueprint
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Add formal language to
revise writing
Spelling – r Controlled Vowel
Syllables (T228-229)
Grocer, pepper, barber, grader,
polar, tanker, singer, enter, odor,
collar, zipper, powder, danger,
cheddar, popular, harbor, anchor,
elevator, daughter, victor
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Voice (T222)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Explain
what happens after water
evaporates and rises into the sky.
Give at least two details from the
story to support your answer.
Grammar: Comparing with More
and Most (T226-227)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Cause and Effect Paragraph
Mentor Sentences: She sniffed the
air, which was rich with exquisite
and mysterious smells. Pinduli by
Janell Cannon
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
converting mixed number
measurement to a single unit
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 7 Lesson 10-14
End of Module 7 Assessment
Resources – Ch 5, Lesson 4; AIMS
SWBAT- learn about important men
and women from Florida who have
affected the world in positive ways.
Leveled Readers: (BL) Energy and
Heat. (OL) What is Light, (A)
Electricity's Power
Teaching Strategies- Florida studies
weekly – Week 27 –Contemporary
Florida Men and Women, utilized in
small groups.
Week 30
LACC.SL.1.1b, LACC.SL.1.1c,
LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.SL.1.2,
LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
LACC.4.FL.4.10, LACC.4.RI.3.7
SWBAT-build background on digging
up the past and identifying
characteristics of informational text.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 5
Week 5 –
Where It All Began (T272),
Rediscovering Our Spanish
Beginnings (T281A), History's
Mysteries (T281E)
Essential Question: How can learning
about the past help you understand
the present?
Comprehension Strategy –
Comprehension Skill – Text
Structure: Sequence.
Genre – Informational Text:
Informational Article
Vocabulary Strategy – Figurative
Vocabulary: archaeology, document,
era, evidence, expedition,
permanent, tremendous, uncover.
Leveled Readers: (AL) History
Detectives, (OL) History Detectives,
(BL) History Detectives
Novel Study – Teddy Bodain by
Melissa Forney
Novel Activity: Teddy Bodain Journal
Assessment - Wonders FSA
unit 5 week 5
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.2.e, LACC.4.L.1.2.c,
LACC.3.L.1.1.g, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Carefully read, break
down, and analyze an
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Strengthen a conclusion
to revise writing
Spelling – Consonant +le Syllables
Pebble, humble, double, gamble,
trouble, uncle, needle, fiddle,
cuddle, cradle, jungle, single,
marble, ramble, tackle, ankle,
freckle, buckle, hustle, tangle
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Organization (T286)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Explain
how archaeology helps us
understand the past. Give at least
two details from the story to support
your answer.
Grammar: Comparing with Good
with Bad(T290-291)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Opinion/Argumentative Paragraph
Mentor Sentences: The lobster in
my lunchbox snapped its claws up in
the air. My School’s a Zoo by Stu
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Interactive Writing
Notebook, and Wonders
Standard- 4.G.1, 4.MD.5
SWBAT- Identify and draw points,
lines, line segments, rays, and angles
to recognize them in various context
and familiar figures; Use right angles
to determine whether angles are
equal to, greater than or less than
right angles. Draw right, obtuse, and
acute angles; Identify, define and
draw perpendicular and parallel lines;
Use a circular protractor to
understand a one-degree angle as
1/360 of a turn. Explore benchmark
and goals using the protractor
Teaching Strategies- Engage New
York: Module 4 Lesson 1-5
Standard- SC.4.P.11.1, SC.4.P.11.2,
SC.4.P.10.1, SC.4.P.10.2, SC.4.P.10.3,
SWBAT- review energy and heat.
Resources – Ch 5, Lesson 4; AIMS
Leveled Readers: (BL) Energy and
Heat. (OL) What is Light, (A)
Electricity's Power
Standard- SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.6.2, SS.4.A.6.3, SS.4.A.9.1,
SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.E.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-discuss the variety of
cultures found in Florida and their
Teaching Strategies- Florida studies
weekly – Week 28 –Floridian MultiCultural Society, utilized in small
District Blueprint
Fourth Grade Curriculum Map 2015-2016
Unit 6 – Past, Present, and Future
Writing/ Lang. Arts
In this unit students will build
background about the past,
present, and future with a focus
on theme, main idea, and key
details, using the strategies of
re-reading and ask and answer
Week 31
Standard-LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.SL.1.1b,
LACC.SL.1.1c, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.1.1,
LACC.4.RL.2.6, LACC.4.RL.1.3,
LACC.4.FL.4.10, LACC.4.RI.3.7
SWBAT-build background on old and
new and identifying characteristics of
historical fiction.
Unit 6 - Past, Present, and
Module 4
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.2.e, LACC.4.L.1.2.c,
LACC.3.L.1.1.g, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Students practice writing an
argumentative paragraph.
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Add strong words to revise
Social Studies
Properties of Matter,
Changes in Matter
Florida Studies
Students will be able to review
various skills and strategies to
prepare for the FSA
In this unit, students will be able to
define energy and know the forms it
can take; describe sound energy;
recognize that heat flows from hot
to cold objects.
Big Idea 8, 9
Standard- 4.MD.5, 4.MD.6
Standard- SC.4.P.8.1
SWBAT- Use varied protractors to
distinguish angle measure from a length
measurement; Measure and draw
angles. Sketch given angle measures and
verify with a protractor; Identify and
measure angles as turns and recognize
them in various contexts
SWBAT- compare objects based on
their physical properties and know
that magnets attract and repel
Teaching Strategies- Engage New York:
Module 4 Lesson 6-8
Resources – Ch 4, Lesson 1; AIMS
Standard- SS.4.A.6.1,
SS.4.E.1.2, SS.4.A.3.1,
SS.4.E.1.2, SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.4.1,
SS.4.A.9.1, SS.4.G.1.1,
SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4
SWBAT-look at the
industries that create jobs
for Floridians. Students
3/10: End
of 3rd 9
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 6
Week 1 –
A Surprise Reunion (T16), The Game of
Silence (T25A), Native Americans:
Yesterday and Today (T250)
Spelling – Words with /en/ (T36)
Mid-Module Assessment
Leveled Readers: (BL) Matter (OL)
Properties of Matter(A) Magnets
Shaken, sunken, eleven, woven, widen,
ridden, proven, often, robin, cousin,
raisin, muffin, penguin, button, reason,
cotton, wagon, dragon, common,
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 29 –Florida’s
Industries, utilized in small
Curriculum Map
Essential Question: How do traditions
connect people?
Comprehension Strategy – Reread
Comprehension Skill – Theme
Genre – Literature: Historical Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy –Connotation and
Vocabulary: ancestors, despised,
endurance, forfeit, honor, intensity,
irritating, retreated.
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Word Choice (T30)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T3233)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine how
children know important things need to
be discussed. Use the text to support
your answer.
Grammar: Adverbs (T34-35)
Interactive Writing Notebook –
Opinion/Argumentative Paragraph
Leveled Readers: (AL) The Visit, (OL) Our
Teacher, the Hero, (BL) Continuing On
Mentor Sentences: Jim searched from
the compass platform on the boat deck
to the boiler rooms at the bottom of the
ship. Titanicat by Stu Smith
Novel Study – Teddy Bodain by Melissa
Book Video: None
Novel Activity: Teddy Bodain Journal
will learn about Florida’s
natural resources.
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Interactive Writing Notebook,
and Wonders
Week 32
Spring Break
Week 31
Standard- LACC. 4.SL.1.1.C,
LACC.4.RI.3.7, LACC.4.RL.1.3, LACC.4.SL.
SWBAT- Identify characteristics of
historical fiction.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 6
Week 2 – "Waiting for Battle Orders"
(T76-T77), "Freedom at Fort Mose (396),
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.2.e, LACC.4.L.1.2.c,
LACC.3.L.1.1.g, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Create specific poetry using a
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Standard- 4.MD.7, 4.G.1, 4.G.2, 4.G.3
SWBAT- Decompose Angles using
pattern blocks; Use the addition of
adjacent angle measures to solve
problems using a symbol for the
unknown angle measure; recognize lines
of symmetry for given two-dimensional
figures; Identify lines symmetric figures
and draw lines of symmetry; Analyzing
Standard- SC.4.P.8.2, SC.4.P.8.1,
SWBAT- demonstrate an
understanding of how matter is
measured; describe the states of
Standard- SS.4.A.4.1,
SS.4.A.1.1, SS.4.A.1.2,
SS.4.A.4.1, SS.4.A.6.1,
SS.4.A.8.3, SS.4.A.9.1,
SS.4.G.1.1, SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-look at Florida’s
Space program and the
importance of Cape
Work Day
"Valley of the Moon" (476), "One Nation,
Many Cultures" (492)
Curriculum Map
Essential Question: Why is it important
to keep a record of the past?
Comprehension Strategy – Reread
Comprehension Skill – Theme (T84)
Genre – Historical Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy – Words in Context
Vocabulary: depicts, detested,
discarded, eldest, ignored, obedience,
refuge, treacherous
Leveled Readers: Nonna's Recipe (OL),
Song and Dance (BL), Mabuhay (AL)
Novel Study – The Lemonade Crime
Novel Activity: Mock Trial
Add sequence words to
revise writing
Spelling – Homophones (T100)
classified triangles based on side length,
angle measure or both
Resources – Ch 4, Lesson 2-3; AIMS
Teaching Strategies- Engage New York:
Module 4 Lesson 9-13
Leveled Readers: (BL) Matter (OL)
Properties of Matter(A) Magnets
Root, route, tail, tale, wade, weighed,
prince, prints, doe, dough, moose,
mousse, we’ve, weave, who’s, whose,
bolder, boulder, patience, patients
Canaveral. Students will
gain knowledge of specific
programs that helped
navigate space.
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 30 –Spaceport of
Planet Earth, utilized in
small groups.
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Organization (T94)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T9697)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine the
reason it was important for Lucius to
keep the diary about his journey.
Grammar: Comparing with Adverbs
Poetry Unit
Mentor Sentences: “It wasn’t us.”
Stewart tried to say, but Mr. Kodinski
wouldn’t listen to us. Chicken Sunday by
Patricia Polacco
Book Video:
Week 34
Standard- LACC.4.RI.3.7,
LACC.4.SL.1.1.C, LACC.4.RI.1.3, LACC.
4.SL.1.3, LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6,
LACC.4.RI.1.3, LACC.4.RI.1.2,
LACC.3.RI.2.5, LACC.4.RI.4.10,
SWBAT- Identify characteristics of
narrative nonfiction.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 6
Week 3 – "Light Through the Ages"
(T140), "The Great Energy Debate"(410),
"Energy Island" ((496), "Of Fire and
Water" (516).
Curriculum Map
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Poetry Unit, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.2.e, LACC.4.L.1.2.c,
LACC.3.L.1.1.g, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Create specific poetry using a
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Add transition words to
revise writing
Spelling – Prefixes (T164)
Discourage, disappoint, disbelief,
distrust, disloyal, misplace, mislabel,
mislead, misstep, misnumber, nonfat,
nonfiction, nonsense, nonstop, unable,
Standard- 4.G.1, 4.G.2, 4.G.3
Standard- SC.4.P.8.4, SC.4.P.9.1
SWBAT- Define and construct triangles
from given criteria; Explore symmetry in
triangles; Classify quadrilaterals based
on parallel and perpendicular lines and
the presence or absence of angles of a
specified size; Reason about attributes
to construct quadrilaterals on square or
triangular grid paper
SWBAT- understand how magnets
work, demonstrate an understanding
of how matter changes into
materials with different
Teaching Strategies- Engage New York:
Module 4 Lesson 14-16
End of Module 4 Assessment
Resources – Ch 4, Lesson 4-5; AIMS
Leveled Readers: (BL) Matter (OL)
Properties of Matter(A) Magnets
Standard- SS.4.A.8.4,
SS.4.A.6.1, SS.4.A.1.1,
SS.4.A.1.2, SS.4.A.6.3,
SS.4.G.1.2, SS.4.G.1.4,
SWBAT-study the
importance of tourism as
an industry in Florida
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 31 –Florida’s
Tourist Industry , utilized
in small groups.
Essential Question: How have our
energy resources changed over the
Comprehension Strategy – Ask and
Answer questions
Comprehension Skill – Main idea and
key details T148
Genre – Narrative Nonfiction
Vocabulary Strategy – Latin and Greek
Prefixes (T152)
unplug, uncertain, uncomfortable,
uncover, unclean
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Word Choice (T158)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T160161)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine ways
we can help save energy. Use the text to
support your answer.
Grammar: Negatives (T162-163)
Poetry Unit
Vocabulary: renewable, coincidence,
consequences, consume, converted,
efficient, incredible, installed
Leveled Readers: Planet Power
Mentor Sentences: Many winds whirled
up from between the towers, and he
swayed with them. The Man Who
Walked Between the Towers by Phillip
Novel Study – The Lemonade Crime
Novel Activity: Mock Trial
Week 35
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Poetry Unit, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.SL.1.2.,
LACC.4.SL.1.1.C, LACC.4.RI. 1.2,
LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RI.1.3,
LACC.4.RI.1.2, LACC.4.RI.4.10,
LACC.4.L.2.3.C, LACC.4.L.3.5.B
SWBAT- Identify characteristics of an
expository text.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 6
Week 4 – "All About Money" The History
of Money"(424), "The Big Picture of
Economics" (520), "The Miller's Good
Luck" (532)
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.2.d, LACC.4.L.1.1.e,
LACC.4.L.1.2.b, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Curriculum Map
Spelling – Suffixes (T228)
Essential Question: What has been the
role of money over time?
Comprehension Strategy – Ask and
Answer Questions
Create specific poetry using a
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Add content words to revise
Wireless, sunny, furry, really, hairy,
barely, tasteless, handful, lifeless,
fitness, hopefully, happiness, fullness,
sorrowful, gently sickness, joyfully,
aimless, breathless, certainly
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Word Choice (T222)
Stopped Here
Standard- SS.4.G.1.2,
SWBAT-While reflecting
on important people and
places of Florida, students
will design an itinerary for
the tourists they have
learned about.
Teaching StrategiesFlorida studies weekly –
Week 32 –Florida Review,
utilized in small groups.
Comprehension Skill – Main Idea and
Key Details
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T224225)
Genre – Expository Text
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine the
main idea. How does supply and demand
effect a free market economy?
Vocabulary Strategy – Words In Context
Vocabulary: Currency, economics,
entrepreneur, global, invest,
marketplace, merchandise, transaction
Grammar: Prepositions (T226-227)
Leveled Readers: The Bike Company
Mentor Sentences: The first drops plop
down big, making dust dance all around
us. Come On, Rain! by Karen Hesse
Novel Study – The Lemonade Crime
Novel Activity: Mock Trial
Week 36
Standard- LACC.4.RI.3.7, LACC.4.SL.1.1.B,
LACC.4.RL.1.2, LACC.4.RL.2.5,
LACC.4.SL.1.2, LACC.4.L.6, LACC.4.RL.2.5,
SWBAT- Identify characteristics of free
verse poetry.
Teaching Strategies- Wonders Unit 6
Week 5 – "Papa's Pastry Shop" (T268),
Climbing Blue Hill, My Name is Ivy,
Collage (438), "The Drum, Birdfoot's
Grampa, "My Chinatown" "Growing Up,
My people"
Curriculum Map (Says Unit 2,
Essential Question: What shapes a
person's identity?
Comprehension Strategy – Figurative
Comprehension Skill – Theme
Genre – Free verse poetry
Vocabulary Strategy – Figurative
Vocabulary: Individuality, gobble, mist,
roots, Poetry Terms- Metaphor, imagery,
personification, free verse
Poetry Unit
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Poetry Unit, and Wonders
Standard- LACC.4.W.4.10,
LACC.4.W.1.2.d, LACC.4.L.1.1.e,
LACC.4.L.1.2.b, LACC.4.L.1.2.d
Create specific poetry using a
Spell grade appropriate
words correctly.
Add content words to revise
Spelling – Prefixes and suffixes (T292)
Unchanged, unnamed, restate, reverse,
infrequent, invisible, prepaid, displease,
action, establishment, oversized,
prejudge, interstate, intersect, deflate,
semiweekly, happily, kindness, finally,
Wonders Writing Activities:
Writing Traits: Ideas (T289)
Writing Entry: Writing Every Day (T288289)
RAPP: Evaluate the text. Determine the
main idea. How does supply and demand
effect a free market economy?
Grammar: Using Prepositions (T290291)
Review/End of
Year Projects
Leveled Readers: Hooked (AL),
Homesick for American Samoa (OL, ELL),
Saving Snowdrop (BL),
Novel Study – The Lemonade Crime
Poetry Unit
Mentor Sentences: Richard gave me one
of his extra-rotten, weasel-eyed, greenytoothed grins. My Rotten Redheaded
Older Brother by Patricia Polacco
Novel Activity: Mock Trial
Book Video:
Resources: Mentor Sentence Unit 2
Packet, Poetry Unit, and Wonders
Week 37
Standard- Social Studies Standards
SWBAT- The student uses a variety of
reference materials to gather
information for research.
Teaching Strategies- Strawberry Girl
Essential Question: See LINK:
Standard- LAFS.4.W.2.5,
Spelling Lesson: Wonders – prefixes &
Wonders Writing Activities:
Grammar: Using prepositions; Mentor
Comprehension Strategy – reread
Poetry Unit: Free Verse Poems (Student
Comprehension Skill – ask and answer
Resources: Wonders
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy – context clues
Vocabulary: chapter specific vocabulary
Leveled Readers: n/a
Novel Study – Strawberry Girl
Novel Activity: Novel Study Research
Review/End of
Year Projects
Week 38
Standard- Social Studies Standards
SWBAT- The student uses a variety of
reference materials to gather
information for research.
Teaching Strategies- Strawberry Girl
Standard- LACC.4.W.3.9.a,
Spelling Lesson: Wonders – Unit 6 Week
1-5 Challenge Words (All skills)
Essential Question: See LINK:
Wonders Writing Activities:
Grammar: Adverbs, comparing with
adverbs, negatives, prepositions,
sentences using sentences
Comprehension Strategy – reread
Review/End of
Year Projects
Resources: Wonders
Comprehension Skill – ask and answer
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy – context clues
Vocabulary: chapter specific vocabulary
Leveled Readers: n/a
Novel Study – Strawberry Girl
Novel Activity: Novel Study Research
Fourth Grade Curriculum Map 2015-2016
Unit 7 – Proud To Be Me!
Writing/ Lang. Arts Math
FSA Review
Social Studies
Properties of Matter,
Changes in Matter
Florida Studies Weekly
Week 39
Standard- Social Studies Standards
SWBAT- The student uses a variety of reference materials
to gather information for research.
Research Skills
Teaching Strategies- Strawberry Girl
Essential Question: See LINK:
Comprehension Strategy – reread
Comprehension Skill – ask and answer questions
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Review/End of Year
Vocabulary Strategy – context clues
Vocabulary: chapter specific vocabulary
Leveled Readers: n/a
Novel Study – Strawberry Girl
Week 40
Novel Activity: Novel Study Research Project
Standard- Social Studies Standards
SWBAT- The student uses a variety of reference materials
to gather information for research.
Teaching Strategies- Strawberry Girl
Essential Question: See LINK:
Comprehension Strategy – reread
Comprehension Skill – ask and answer questions
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy – context clues
Vocabulary: chapter specific vocabulary
Leveled Readers: n/a
Novel Study – Strawberry Girl
Novel Activity: Novel Study Research Project
Research Skills
Getting Ready for 5th
Review/End of Year
Week 41
Standard- Social Studies Standards
SWBAT- The student uses a variety of reference materials
to gather information for research.
Research Skills
Getting Ready for 5th
Review/End of Year
Presentation Skills
Getting Ready for 5th
Review/End of Year
Teaching Strategies- Strawberry Girl
Essential Question: See LINK:
Comprehension Strategy – reread
Comprehension Skill – ask and answer questions
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy – context clues
Vocabulary: chapter specific vocabulary
Leveled Readers: n/a
Novel Study – Strawberry Girl
Novel Activity: Novel Study Research Project
Week 42
5/24: Last
day of
5/25 &
5/26: Post
Standard- Social Studies Standards
SWBAT- The student uses a variety of reference materials
to gather information for research.
Teaching Strategies- Strawberry Girl
Essential Question: See LINK:
Comprehension Strategy – reread
Comprehension Skill – ask and answer questions
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy – context clues
Vocabulary: chapter specific vocabulary
Leveled Readers: n/a
Novel Study – Strawberry Girl
Novel Activity: Novel Study Research Project