Mega Hoops Program

Mega Hoops Program
An Introduction to Canadian Sport for Life
Over the past decade, sport science experts have collected a wealth of research on how to create a
sporting pathway that leads to both higher achievement in sport and greater health for the nation. This
movement has come to be known as Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L). What they have found is a clear –
children who are taught the right things at the right times are not only more likely to remain active later
in life, but are more likely to reach their sporting potential. This is the logic behind the Long-Term
Athlete Development model (LTAD) and the basis for Ontario Basketball’s Mega Hoops Program.
Just as children are taught to read and write, they must learn to be physically literate –to move with
competence and confidence in a wide range of physical activities and environments. Physically literate
children possess the basic skills to be active for life, as well as the capacity to develop a strong athletic
foundation necessary for elite training and performance later in life.
It is recommended that basketball programs for children under the age of 12 place a greater emphasis
on developing fundamental movement skills – running, jumping, sliding, pivoting, balancing etc. – than
on teaching tactics and strategy (offensive sets, zone defences, screens, etc.). Many of these skills can be
practiced and obtained by playing a variety of sports at a young age, and children under the age of 12
should be encouraged to explore and participate in a variety of activities. In short, well-rounded athletes
make even better basketball players.
Ontario Basketball has been working closely with Canada Basketball and leading experts in the field of
sport science and healthy child development to ensure that our programs align with the principles of
LTAD and are providing the best possible sporting experience to our members. Enclosed you will find 10
ready-made, fun-filled practice plans developed by Ontario Basketball with Canadian Sport for Life
principles in mind.
For more information about the Mega Hoops curriculum, training opportunities for coaches, or how to
bring the Mega Hoops program into your school or community group, please contact Melanie Belore,
Ontario Basketball’s Coordinator of Community Development at [email protected],
Mega Hoops FUNdamentals
(ages 6-8 females, 6-9 males)
The goal at this stage of development is to teach fundamental movement skills through basketball in an
enjoyable environment. The coach’s primary goal should be to ensure that all players have a positive
first exposure to the game and experience early success in the sport. The emphasis of practices should
be on developing a strong athletic base, providing children with the necessary skills to reach their full
physical potential later in life. Just as children are taught to read and write, they must learn to be
physically literate – in other words, to develop the skills and confidence to move their bodies in a wide
variety of physical activities. Running, jumping, throwing, agility, balance and coordination are all
fundamental movement skills that should be mastered between the ages of 5 and 12, a crucial training
window for developing physical literacy. Drills and games used at this stage should also be inclusive in
nature, maximize participation, and emphasize skill mastery over competition.
Ontario Basketball recommends that Mega Hoop’s 10 FUNdamental lesson plans be supplemented by
the use of small-sided and modified games at this stage of development. 3-on-3 has been shown to be a
better tool for development than traditional 5-on-5 basketball as it allows for the proper teaching of
movement and spacing concepts, as well as greater involvement in the game for each player (touches
on the ball, number of shots etc.) ultimately leading to greater feelings of competence and enjoyment.
Canada Basketball recommends the following skills be taught at this stage of development:
Taken from Canada Basketball Athlete Development Model, 2008.
Fundamental movement skills
Coordination (throwing & catching)
Proper running technique –forwards,
sideways & backwards
Change of speed and direction
Jumping and landing
Starting and stopping Pivoting-front &
Ball handling
Ball control
Stationary dribbling (low, high, wide)
Movement while dribbling (running,
sliding, walking, change of direction,
starts, stops, low, high)
Fundamental basketball skills
With and without the ball
Ready position
Offence –triple threat stance
Vision – play with eyes up
Passing skills
Stationary & moving passing
Passing to a team mate
Receiving the ball –absorbing
Catching on the move
Catching the ball with 2 hands,
2 eyes, 2 feet
Shooting skills
Squaring feet and shoulders to sight the target
Push with both legs
Follow through (release) – first without ball/then with ball
Close range shots
Lay ups
Basic offensive Concepts
Advancing the ball towards your
offensive basket
Shooting the ball in the basket to
Spacing of players (ideal spacing is 3 to
4 metres)
Cutting of players (away from the ball
or towards the ball)
Basic Defensive Concepts
Recognition of knowing when you are
on defense
Recognition of the person he/she is
Staying between the person you are
guarding and the basket
Focus: Footwork
Activity & Teaching Points
1) Coming to
a two-foot
5 min
5 min
Welcome &
Animal Warm
Success Criteria
Two feet land
Feet shoulder width apart
Knees bent & tracking
over toes with heels on
ground (participants
should be able to see toes
when looking down)
Hips flexed, elbows over
Pre-lesson Activity
Everyone show me
your best ‘grizzly bear’
stance (see Animal
Walk below). Good!
Error detect and correct
using success criteria
where needed
2) Pivoting
Imagine that there is a nail Now who can show me
how to pivot on one
through the toe of your
one of your shoes that you foot? Once you pick a
pivot foot, can you
can rotate around
switch to the other
forwards and backwards
one? Why not? Why is
Initiate movement with
it important to come to
hip (knees, hips &
a two foot stop?
shoulders all move
Pivot foot stays in
constant contact with
Once you choose a ‘pivot
foot’, you cannot switch it
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the
other. Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an
animal is fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted
through heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down.
Hands up (elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back, chest
parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for balance.
Keep hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
Focus: Footwork
Warm Up
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist,
keeping legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until
you are in a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for
two seconds, release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side.
Repeat 5 times.
Dragon Tails
Each player has a pinnie or piece of cloth tucked into his/her shorts, leaving a
small ‘tail’ exposed. Within a designated area, players must attempt to steal
other players ‘tail’ while simultaneously protecting their own. Encourage
players to use their feet to pivot and turn to protect their tails. Blocking with
the arms or hands is not allowed. See who can collect the most tails within a
given amount of time.
LEARNING PAUSE: What strategies can you use to protect your ‘tail’ without
your arms or hands? How can you move your feet?
Red Light/Green Light
Have players line-up on the baseline with the Coach at centre court. When the
Coach turns his/her back and calls ‘Green Light’, participants move forward
using a predetermined locomotion (forwards, backwards, sliding sideways, one
foot hop, etc.). When the Coach turns to face the participants and calls ‘Red
Light’, participants must come to a complete stop. Each round, have
participants practice a different jump stop 1) two foot stop 2) one- two stride
stop (one foot lands before the other) 3) stop and forward pivot 4) stop and
reverse pivot.
Four Corner Pivot Drill
Make a large square with pylons and have players form a line at each of the
four corners. On the coaches’ command, the first players in each corner run
into the middle of the square and come to a two-foot stop (soft landing). The
players will then forward pivot on their right foot, until they are facing the
same corner, they will then run back to that corner and slap hands with the
next person in line. The next person repeats the same action. The drill can be
made more fun by having the players all arrive in the middle at the same time
with a jump stop and a ‘High Five’ for the player to the right or left.
LOAD 1: Change directions (forward pivot on the left foot; reverse pivot left &
LOAD 2: Have players dribble into the middle and execute the pivots.
Run Rabbit Run
Player 1 starts at the foul line and Player 2 starts at the baseline. On a signal,
Player 1 tries to run to the opposite baseline without being tagged by player
#2.Player #2 has to try and tag the back of Player #1 before they reach the
opposite foul line. Once #2 hits the opposite foul line, he/she changes direction
and runs back towards the other baseline while trying not to be tagged by
player #3 who’s cue to leave the baseline is when player #2 changes direction.
Focus: Footwork
Continue for a set amount of time.
LOAD 1: Running backwards; side shuffle, two foot hopping, bounding
5 min
Cool down &
LEARNING PAUSE: What is the quickest way to change directions with your
feet? (Decelerate and stop using front foot; Bend knee, turn hips so that
shoulder and head turn in opposite direction; Accelerate)
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on you.
What did you learn today about two foot jump stops and pivoting? What were
you good at? When in a game do you need to stop? What happens if you can’t
stop properly? Why would you pivot in a game? (create space from defender,
create a better passing angle) Turn to a partner and tell them one skill will you
work on for next time.
Focus: Ball Handling
Activity & Teaching Points
Learning Goals:
1) Stationary Ball
5 min
Welcome &
Success Criteria
Athletic Stance (grizzly
bear stance): feet
shoulder width apart,
knees and hips flexed,
butt back and down,
straight back
Eyes up
Dribble ball with
shoulder, elbow, wrist
and fingertips
Non-dribbling arm up to
protect ball
Pre-Lesson Activity
Show me a balanced
stance. (Coach
moves around
nudging players,
trying to throw them
off balance). What
are some strategies
for staying
2) Balance
Wide base
Controlled, fluid
Stable, minimal
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the
other. Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an
animal is fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described
5 min
Warm up
Warm up
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together
Flamingo—balance on one foot, reach down and touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop coming to a two-foot stop each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down, keeping feet shoulder width apart and
weight on back heels. Participants should be able to see toes when looking
down. Hands up and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- lift one leg back and stretch arms out to side for balance. Keep hips
square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—with straight legs, walk forward touching opposite arm to toe
Spiderman-lunge forward keeping knee aligned with toe, bring two hands to
the floor on inside of front foot, quickly switch feet so that back foot is now in
front on opposite side of hands. Repeat 5 times.
Zoo Keeper Tag
Players are paired up according to their abilities, designating one partner to be
a “Zookeeper” and the other an “Animal”. Have all Zoo Keepers go to the
center of the gym, face the center, and cover their eyes. Animals spread out
throughout the gym.
Focus: Ball Handling
On the command “ZOOKEEPERS, FIND YOUR ANIMALS,” Zoo Keepers open
their eyes and must locate and move using the prescribed loco motor
movement to gently tag his/her partner to ‘capture’ them. The Animals
“escape” by moving through space with the selected loco motor movement.
Have partners switch roles and repeat an equal number of times.
Suggested loco motor movements: walking, skipping, horse (galloping), gorilla
(sliding), grasshooper (hopping one foot), kangaroo (jumping two feet),
leaping, cheeta (high knees), etc.
Lava Crossing
Pretend the gym floor is covered in lava. Give each player two sheets of paper
(‘rocks’). Begin by placing one ‘rock’ on the floor and step onto it with one
foot. While maintaining balancing, place the second ‘rock’ on the floor, step
onto it with one foot. Continue until you have crossed to the other side. If you
lose balance and fall into the lava, do 5 jumping jacks and then resume
LEARNING PAUSE: What are some strategies to help you maintain your
Load: Add a time limit for athletes to get to the other side
‘Coach’ Says
Have players find a space on the court with a basketball. The coach will give a
series of instructions. If the instructions are preceded by the phrase “Coach
says”, the participants must perform the action. If the instructions are not
preceded by the phrase “Coach says”, but the participants do the action
anyways, they must do five jumping jacks to return to the game.
-lifting ball off of the ground and above head; balance on tip toes/one foot
-tipping the ball back & forth between your fingers (high above head, low
below knees, out in front)
-dribble high (shoulder), dribble low (below knee)
-dribble while standing on one foot
-forward pivot /reverse pivot
Static Dribbling
Have players form a big circle with the coach in the middle. Begin in an athletic
stance (feet shoulder width apart, knees and hips flexed, elbows over knees).
The foot of the non-dribbling hand should be positioned slightly forward. Push
ball to the floor using shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingertips. Protect the ball by
keeping the non-dribbling shoulder, arm and leg between the ball and the
defensive player (closed stance).
In stance, practice the following skills:
-Power dribbles: pound the ball as hard as you can into the court
-High (shoulder height)/Low dribbles (below the knee)
-Push-Pull Dribbles – hand behind the ball to push ball toward front knee; hand
in front of the ball to pull the ball toward back knee
Focus: Ball Handling
Load: Players must keep their head up and call out the number of fingers the
coach holds up
Partner Keep-Away
In partners or groups of three, players dribble within a designated area and try
to steal each other’s ball while maintaining their dribble. If the ball is knocked
away, reset and begin again. Encourage players to dribble with their eyes up
while alternating hands, and to keep their non-dribbling arm up to protect the
5 min
Cool down &
Mark out a playing space using pylons or use a designated area on the floor
(e.g., inside 3 pt line, inside key). All players dribble under control within the
space. Players attempt to knock away an opponent’s basketball outside of the
space. If your basketball gets knocked away, five jumping jacks will get you
back in the game.
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on you.
What did you learn today about dribbling? Is it easier or harder to dribble with
your eyes looking at the basketball? Why is it important to keep your eyes
looking up?
Focus: Passing & Catching
Activity & Teaching Points
Learning Goals:
1) Overhand
2) Introduction
to different
types of
Welcome &
Warm up
Success Criteria:
Throwing arm raised above
shoulder and behind head
Step forward with leg opposite to
throwing arm (lead leg)
Weight shift from trail to lead leg
leading to trunk rotation
Fluid follow through
Can you show me
how you would
throw a baseball?
What strategies
help you throw
farther? More
Chest pass
Hold ball at chest height with
What other types
elbows out and two hands on
of throws or
either side of ball
passes do
Step into pass (towards receiver)
while extending arms forward
and pushing the ball at chest level players use?
Ball should come off the
When would you
fingertips on the follow through,
use a chest pass?
ending with palms facing
outwards and thumbs pointing to
When would you
the floor
use a bounce
Bounce pass
Similar techniques to chest pass,
expect ball hits ground 2/3 of the
When would you
distance towards the receiver.
use a one-hand
One-handed push pass
push pass?
Place one hand behind ball and
off-hand supporting along side
Step toward the receiver and
extend the passing arm forward
pushing the ball & following
Skip pass
Like a soccer throw-in, with two
hands on the ball bring ball
behind head.
Step into pass to generate more
power and follow through
releasing it at highest point over
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the other.
Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an animal is
fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described below
Focus: Passing & Catching
Warm up
l Movement
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted through
heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down. Hands up
(elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back, chest
parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for balance. Keep
hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist, keeping
legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until you are in
a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for two seconds,
release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side. Repeat 5 times.
Sharks and Minnows
Select two participants to be the sharks. All remaining participants (minnows)
line up across a baseline. The sharks will start at half court facing the opposite
direction. To start the round have the sharks call out “IT’S LUNCH TIME!”
Minnows must attempt to get from one baseline to the other without getting
caught (lightly tapped). When a minnow is caught they become stationary sharks
to add obstacles for the remaining participants.
Beanbag/Tennis Ball Toss
Partners stand 3-5 feet apart with one beanbag or tennis ball. Players practice
tossing the object back using an overhand throw. Error detect and correct for
proper throwing form.
Load: Challenge players to…
1) Catch with one hand
2) Stand on one leg
3) Take a step back
4) Dribble a basketball while tossing
Wall Passing
Each player finds a space on the wall with a basketball. Have players practice
passing against the wall – bounce pass, chest pass, overhead pass, one-handed
push pass etc.
LOAD 1: Use the bricks or a target on the wall to increase the challenge.
LOAD 2: In groups of 3, first person in line bounce passes the ball to the wall and
then moves out of the way. Next player in line catches the ball and does the
same – the game continues.
Partner Passing
In groups of 2 or 3 with one ball, practice each of the following passes – chest
Focus: Passing & Catching
pass, bounce pass, one-hand push pass, skip pass. The distance between passer
and receiver should be approximately the width of the key (5-7 feet) for this
stage of development. Make sure players are ‘shortening the pass’- both the
passer and receiver should step towards the each other on the pass. Error detect
and correct for proper form.
l Basketball
1) Partner passing on the move. After a pass is made, the passer runs to
touch a pylon or line 5-10 feet behind the passing line. As they come
back to their starting position, instruct players to show a ‘ten-finger
target’ with their hands in order to receive the ball back from their
2) Add a jump stop on the catch.
3) Add various pivots.
4) Call out your partners name on the pass
Crocodile Passing
The object of the game is to teach passing and catching while progressing
towards the hoop. The floor is the ‘water’, which is filled with crocodiles that like
to eat basketballs that drop into it! Players start on the baseline in groups of 2-3
with one ball. The goal is to progress to the opposite end of the floor using only
passes (no dribbling) without letting the ball touch the floor. If the ball touches
the floor it is eaten by the crocodiles and the group has to start over. To start the
player with the ball passes to their partner and moves forward to an open space.
They then pass to a different teammate, advancing forward. Keep passing like
this until the team is close enough to the basket for someone to take a shot.
Cool down &
Use two basketballs.
Challenge the groups to make it to the other end with less passes
Add a time limit to get to the other end
Have groups compete against each other to see who can make it to the
other side the fastest.
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on you.
What types of passes did you learn today?
Can someone tell me when you would use a chest pass, one hand push pass or
skip pass in a game?
What skills that we learn last week did we also use today? (jump stops, pivots)
Why is it important to be able to pass towards the basket like in crocodile
passing? (when you can no longer dribble in a game you need to pass)
Focus: Shooting
Activity & Teaching Points
Learning Goals:
1) Skipping,
Galloping &
5 min
Success Criteria:
Coordinated arm and leg
Consistent speed, height
& distance
Pre-Lesson Activity:
Players line up along
Show me a skip!
Gallop like a horse!
Hop on one leg!
What are the
differences between
these movements?
Welcome &
2) Using legs to
Begin in low squat to
generate power
Smooth transfer of force
through legs (elevate in
lower body)
Complete shot with
extension in upper body
into follow through
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the
other. Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an
animal is fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described
5 min
Animal Warm
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted
through heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down.
Hands up (elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back,
chest parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for
balance. Keep hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist,
keeping legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until
you are in a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for
two seconds, release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side.
Repeat 5 times.
Line Tag
Ask for participants to volunteer to be ‘It’. Same rules as a regular game of tag
Focus: Shooting
Warm up
except you can only run on the lines of the floor. The participants who is ‘it’ is
trying to tag those who are not ‘it’ and when they do tag a student, that
student freezes and blocks that line from being travelled until another
participant gives them a high fives which ‘unfreezes’ them. As participants are
moving around the space, the coach calls out various movements (forward,
backwards, skip, shuffle sideways, hopping etc.) and students must move
along the lines accordingly.
Follow the Leader
Have players find a space on the sidelines and baselines around the gym.
Moving in a clockwise direction, lead the following movements
Running Forwards- pump arms and drive knees
Running Backwards – keep center of gravidity (nose over knees, knees over
toes), pump arms and reach back with feet
Skip- opposite leg/arm
One, Two, UP! (Lay-up footwork)- Step right, left, then drive the right knee
and arm up as high as you can. Repeat other side.
Gallop- both feet leave ground for an aerial phase
Hop- single leg hops
Jump- two foot hop (grizzly bear stance- GRR!)
Lateral bounds: push left, right, two foot stop (switch – push right, right, onetwo stop)
Leap Frog
Players form two teams, each in a line spaced 2-3 feet apart facing down
court. Player at the end of the line must ‘leap frog’ over his/her teammates
until the front of the line is reached. New player at the end of the line now
leaps to the front of the line, and so on and so forth.
SAFTEY ALERT** Leap-froggers must take care not to hurt teammates when
passing over top – emphasize safety
Frog Shooting
**If the basket cannot be lowered to an appropriate height, take a hula hoop
and hang it from the rim to create a lower target
The purpose of this is to teach proper shooting form by focusing on
developing power from the legs. Have each participant find a spot along the
three-point line arc with a ball. Demonstrate the following steps of ‘frog
1) Perform a squat; place ten fingers on the ball.
2) Raise the ball to the forehead, keeping the elbow bent at 90 degrees.
The player should be able to look under the ball to see the target at
3) Elevating and pushing up with the legs, release the ball straight up in
the air following through with a “hand in the basket”.
1) Have players shoot towards a target on the wall
Focus: Shooting
2) Have players practice frog shooting at a basket.
3) Challenge them to make a certain number of baskets (5 out of 10 or 3
in a row)
Lay-Up Progression
Footwork: Begin by teaching proper lay-up technique. Have athletes line up
along the baseline without a ball. Begin with teaching the right hand lay-up
footwork. You are allowed to take two steps after you pick up your dribble to
complete a layup. On the right side of the basket your two steps would be
right, left, and then you drive your right knee in the air to jump up, while
shooting the ball with your right hand (pretend your right knee and right hand
are attached by a string as you shoot you pull your knee up). Have athletes
progress from one baseline to the other practicing the right hand lay-up
footwork (ask them to say “right, left, up” as they move down the court.
Switch to practice the left hand lay-up footwork (“left, right, up.”)
Target: Move to basket – introduce the target you shoot at for a lay-up, the
‘magic’ spot on the top corner of the backboard. Practice shooting at the
target without the two steps. On the right side shoot with the right hand and
drive the right knee up together and on the left side shoot with the left hand
while driving the left knee up.
Add one step: From the “block” (closest marking on the lane line) have
athletes take one-step and perform a layup (inside, UP!),
Two Steps: practice putting the footwork (two steps) and lay-up together
(outside, inside, UP!). Practice on both the right and left side.
5 min
Cool down &
1,2,3 Shooting Game
Pair up the players, each player has a ball and send them to a basket. Have
partners line up behind one of the three cones on the floor just outside the
key within the players’ shooting range. First player shoots and counts his/her
points, second player shoots, etc. Players keep track of their points and try to
beat their previous score (1 pt. for a made shot behind cone #1, 2 pts. for a
made shot behind cone #2, 3 pts. for a made shot behind cone #3)
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on
you. What did you learn about shooting today? Was it harder or easier to hit
the basket when you used your legs? How many steps can you take without
dribbling before you take a lay-up? Why do you shoot a lay-up with your
outside hand on the right and left side of the basket respectfully?
Focus: Ball Handling II
Activity & Teaching Points
Learning Goals:
1) Ball control
while moving
Welcome &
Success Criteria:
Stay low and push the ball
out in front of you while
moving forward without
Eyes up
To protect the ball use
your grizzly bear stance
(feet shoulder width apart,
knees and hips flexed, butt
back and down, straight
back, non-dribbling arm up
to protect ball)
Pre-Lesson Activity:
Show me your best
dribble stance
(grizzly bear stance).
What are some
strategies to protect
the ball while
dribbling on the
2) Balance
Use your arms for balance
Controlled, fluid motions
Stable, minimal wavering
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the other.
Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an animal is
fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described below
Warm up
Warm up
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted
through heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down.
Hands up (elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back, chest
parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for balance. Keep
hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist,
keeping legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until
you are in a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for
two seconds, release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side.
Repeat 5 times.
Freeze Tag
All participants have a basketball and are dribbling in this game. Select 2
participants to be “It”. All other participants scatter around the play area. On the
coach’s signal, the “It” students move around the play area, dribbling a
Focus: Ball Handling II
basketball and attempting to lightly tap the other participants. When a
participant is tapped they must stand in the position they were tagged and
become “frozen”. A participant may become unfrozen by having another
participant give them a high five. Once a frozen participant has been unfrozen
he/she may re-enter the game. Switch who is “It” after 2-3 minutes.
Tightrope Walk
Find a line on the gym floor. Demonstrate how to walk along the line heel-totoe, extending arms out for balance. Have players practice walking along their
‘tightropes’. Challenge players to try walking backwards on tightrope, toe-toheel
Follow the Leader
The coach leads players dribbling around the gym performing the following
-Back peddling
-Sliding sideways
-Dribble high/dribble low
-Crossovers (dribble wide – bounce the ball from hand to hand)
-Change of direction (keeping the ball in the same hand)
Cat and Mouse
Players line up with a partner on opposite sides of the centre line each with a
ball. Each player is designated either a ‘Cat’ or a ‘Mouse’. If the coach calls out
the word ‘Mice!’ all of the Mice must dribble past a designated ‘safety area’
before the ‘Cats’ can tag them. Once tagged, the player must join the other side
until there is either one ‘cat’ or one mouse’ remaining. Re-set to the center line.
Switch, if the coach calls ‘Cats’ they must get to the ‘safety area’ before the Mice
tag them.
Divide the group into two separate teams. One team forms a circle and on the
coach’s command will join hands (creating the ‘mouse trap’). The other players
(the mice), each have a ball and are dribbling outside the circle. The coach tells
the players that the mousetrap is now open (players in the circle not holding
hands), and players freely dribble in and out of the circle between players. When
the ‘mice’ enter the circle, they cannot exit through an adjacent space. When
the coach gives the visual signal for the mousetrap to close, the players in the
circle join hands, trapping any dribblers inside. See how many mice you can trap!
Switch the roles of the teams.
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on you.
What did you learn about dribbling? What different strategies helped you
Cool down &
protect the basketball? How is dribbling to get somewhere different than when
you are stationary with a defender on you? How did dribbling with your eyes up
during mouse trap help you?
Focus: Passing & Catching II
Activity & Teaching Points
Learning Goals:
1) Catching on
the move
Welcome &
Success Criteria:
Showing a ’10-finger target’
to passer
Moving to open space
Stepping towards the passer
to receive
Pre-Lesson Activity:
Show me a 10-finger
passing target. Why
is it important to
always show a
2) Hand-eye
Tracking ball with eyes and
moving ball to hand
Reaction time
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the other.
Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an animal is
fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described below
Warm up
Warm up
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted
through heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down.
Hands up (elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back, chest
parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for balance. Keep
hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist,
keeping legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until
you are in a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for
two seconds, release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side.
Repeat 5 times.
20 Passes
Divide the players into two equal teams. Without dribbling the team on offense
must complete 20 passes in a row within a designated area without a fumble or
travelling or turning over the ball. If the defense knocks the ball down or the
pass is incomplete, it becomes the other team’s ball.
LEARNING PAUSE: What’s working? What skills have we learned that can help
us protect the ball or create space to pass? (pivoting) What happens when our
teammates don’t move to get open? What can help us get open (moving to a
space where the passer can see you. What have we learned about “shortening
the pass” and how is it helpful here?
Focus: Passing & Catching II
1) Count the passes aloud
2) Turnover if do not catch in stance
3) No pass backs (to the person you received from)
4) Once you pass, you must touch a boundary line before re-joining
5) All players are dribbling a ball at the same time
6) Use a different type of ball (tennis works well)
7) Shrink the space
8) Change the type of pass allowed
Flag Tag
Players line up on either sideline with the coach standing in the middle at center
holding a flag or pinnie. Number players off so that each player has a partner
with the same number on the other side. Coach calls out a number – the two
players on either side with this number run forward. Players can earn a point for
their team by A) being the first to grab the flag and bring it back to their side
without being tagged by the opposing player, or B) using fakes to entice their
opponent to step over the centre line before grabbing the flag. Game ends when
one team reaches a set number of points or the team with the most points after
each player has gone.
LOAD: Each player dribbles a ball
Tennis Ball Agility
In groups of three, two players stand 6-10 feet apart holding a tennis ball each,
with the third player standing half way in between in a low, athletic stance. One
of the outside players drops their tennis ball, and the middle player must sprint
to catch. Challenge players to catch the ball after only 1-2 bounces. Have each
player go 3-5 times before switching.
Full Court Partner Passing
Players partner up, forming two lines on the baseline one where it meets the 3
pt line and the other baseline/free throw lane. Players in the outside line
(baseline/3 pt line) begin with the ball. Partners will advance down the length of
the court passing the ball, showing ten finger targets and leading their partner
with the pass. Start slowly and build up speed.
1) Upon receiving stop using either a two foot or one two jump stop before
passing back
2) Indicate the type of pass you would like players to perform (right hand
push pass, left hand push pass, chest pass, bounce pass)
3) Finish a lay-up when you get to the other end
Keep Away
Demonstrate the 5 windows that players can fake and pass through (directly
Focus: Passing & Catching II
beside the ear above the arm, below each arm & overhead). Divide players into
groups of three with one ball. Two partners stand 10 feet apart and one in the
middle defending the ball. The player with the ball uses fakes to pass the ball to
his/her partner. The passer then follows his/her pass and becomes the new
defender on the ball.
Cool down &
LEARNING PAUSE: What happens when you fake through one ‘window’?
(defense reacts and takes it away) What should you do if the defense does not
react to your fake? (make the pass through that window) How does this help
you make a pass?
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on you.
What strategies did you learn for making a pass? Getting open? How does
reacting to the tennis ball drop help you in a basketball game? (you need to be
able to react quickly – on defense and on offense)
Focus: Shooting II
Activity & Teaching Points
Learning Goals:
Success Criteria:
Pre-Lesson Activity:
1) Shooting
Welcome &
Warm up
Can any one share
Phase 1 (Triple threat position):
what some of the
“Ready Position”:
phases of shooting
Stance: Player drops his/her hips
Shooting alignment: knee is aligned
with the ball of the foot. Elbow is 90
degree and in line with knee. Ball in
front of the shoulder.
Hands: Shooting hand behind the
ball with bent wrist and weak hand
on the side
Phase 2: “Up”
Stance: Hips drop and legs are still
Shooting alignment: Movement at
shoulder joint to bring the ball up
above the forehead & in front of the
face (elbow at 90 degrees)
** Athlete must be able to target the
rim from underneath the ball**
Hands: Ball sits on fingers like the
top of a table or a waiter carrying a
Phase 3: “In”
Stance: Elevate by pushing up with
Shooting alignment: Extend upper
body and shooting arm
Finish (follow-through) with shooting
hand and fingers pointing in the
direction of the basket
On your toes (jumping when at a
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the other.
Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an animal is
fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described below
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop each time
Focus: Shooting II
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted
through heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down.
Hands up (elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back, chest
parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for balance. Keep
hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist,
keeping legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until
you are in a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for
two seconds, release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side.
Repeat 5 times.
Zoo Keeper Tag
Players are paired up according to their abilities, designating one partner to be a
“Zookeeper” and the other an “Animal”. Have all Zoo Keepers go to the center
of the gym, face the center, and cover their eyes. Animals spread out
throughout the gym.
Warm up
On the command “ZOOKEEPERS, FIND YOUR ANIMALS,” Zoo Keepers open their
eyes and must locate and move using the prescribed loco motor movement to
gently tag his/her partner to ‘capture’ them. The Animals “escape” by moving
through space with the selected loco motor movement. Have partners switch
roles and repeat an equal number of times.
Suggested loco motor movements: walking, skipping, horse (galloping), gorilla
(sliding), grasshopper (hopping one foot), kangaroo (jumping two feet), leaping,
cheetah (high knees), etc.
One, Two, UP! (Review Lay-up footwork)
Have participants space out around the gym (without a basketball). Instruct
them to practice their “one, two, UP!” footwork – step with the right, then the
left, then drive the right knee and arm up as high as you can. Repeat other side.
LEARNING PAUSE: Show your left some love! Use your left hand on the leftFundamental hand side (vice versa on the right-hand side for those who are left-hand
Red Light/Green Light
Have players line-up on the baseline with the Coach at centre court. When the
Coach turns his/her back and calls ‘Green Light’, participants move forward
using a predetermined locomotion (forwards, backwards, sliding sideways, one
foot hop, etc.). When the Coach turns to face the participants and calls ‘Red
Light’, participants must come to a complete stop. Each round, have participants
Focus: Shooting II
practice a different jump stop 1) two foot stop 2) one- two stride stop (one foot
lands before the other) 3) stop and forward pivot 4) stop and reverse pivot.
Form Shooting
***If the basket cannot be lowered to an appropriate height, take a hula hoop
and hang it from the rim to create a lower target
Players stand 2 to 5 feet from the basket and practice their form shooting (Phase
1 (ready), 2 (up), 3 (In). Have players over emphasize the phases by pausing
between each phase to “take a photo” (examine their form).
Load: Challenge players to make a perfect swish (no rim or backboard). Review
Frog Shooting if necessary (See Shooting I)
Dribble Through Cones to Lay-Up
**Review layup progression (Lesson 4)
Starting at the center line put 3 or 4 cones in a line facing the hoop. Use all
hoops and both sides of the hoops. Have the athletes dribble through the cones
(crossing over) with eyes up into a lay-up, keeping the ball in the hand farthest
from the ‘defender’ (cone).
Cool down &
4, 3, 2, 1 Shooting Game
Divide participants into teams. As a team, group must make 4 lay-ups, followed
by 3 shots from the first hash-mark on the lane line (key), 2 shots from the
second hash-mark and 1 shot from the free throw line or elbow. First team
sitting with their hands on their heads is the winner.
Note: Anytime there is competition put into play many players no longer preform
proper shooting form, therefore, be sure to work on form shooting without the
added pressure of a competition
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on you.
What did you learn about shooting form today? What are the three phases of
shooting? Which phase of shooting do we call “triple threat”? (A: Phase 1)
Why do we call it triple & not double threat? (A: Can do three things: pass,
dribble or shoot)
Why must the ball be above & in front of your forehead in phase 2? (A: Target
the rim under the ball – never lose sit of your target) Why is it important to
“show your left some love”?
Focus: Basic Motion Offense Concepts
Practice Section
Learning Goals:
1) Pass, Cut & Fill
Welcome &
Activity & Teaching Points
Success Criteria:
Pre-Lesson Activity:
Movement towards the basket
after a pass
Filling the space closest to the
person with the ball
Reading the defense
If you don’t have the
basketball, what are
some strategies you
can use to get open
for your teammate?
2) Agility
Quick and light on feet
Weight on toes vs. heels
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the
other. Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an
animal is fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described
Animal Warm
Warm up Game
Movement Skill
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted
through heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down.
Hands up (elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back,
chest parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for
balance. Keep hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist,
keeping legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until
you are in a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for
two seconds, release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side.
Repeat 5 times.
Sharks and Minnows
Select two participants to be the sharks. All remaining participants (minnows)
line up across a baseline. The sharks will start at half court facing the opposite
direction. To start the round have the sharks call out “IT’S LUNCH TIME!”
Minnows must attempt to get from one baseline to the other without getting
caught (lightly tapped). When a minnow is caught they become stationary
sharks to add obstacles for the remaining participants.
Players spread out around the court with a ball each. Demonstrate how to
‘self-toss’ the basketball, with one hand on either side of the ball put backspin
on the ball so that it is tossed out in front of you but when it hits the floor to
Focus: Basic Motion Offense Concepts
comes back to you. Have participants practice self-tossing the ball to
themselves, coming to a 1) two foot jump stop 2) stride stop (one-two stop),
and then add front/reverse pivots.
Ladder Footwork
Use the badminton alleys as your ‘ladders’. Players line up in front of the
ladders and perform the following footwork: High knees/Butt Kicks; 2 foot
hops (inside the lines/outside the line); 1 foot hops (inside/out); Crossovers
Fill the Spot
Set up four pylons in a square, approximately 10-15 feet apart. Four players
are used in the drill and each starts behind a pylon. The player with the ball
passes to the teammate on his/her right or left, and then cuts to the middle
of the square. The closest player to the now empty pylon runs to fill this
space, and the player who cut to the middle fills the now empty pylon which
will result in all the pylons being filled again. The player with the ball now
makes another pass and the pattern repeats.
Principles to remember:
-Pass and cut immediately
-Fill to an open spot
-Ensure positions on either side of the ball are filled
-Assume ‘triple threat’ or ‘grizzly bear’ stance on every catch
-Timing: the ball and player should arrive at the cone at the same time
Basketball Skill
Pass, Cut, Fill
Set up three pylons around the basket- one at the top and one on either wing
(45 - foul line extended outside the 3 pt line). Three players fill each of the
pylon spots, starting with one basketball at the top. The player with the ball
makes a pass to the wing and immediately makes a basket cut to the rim line
showing a ‘ten-finger’ target. The player on the opposite wing fills the next
closest open pylon (at the top). The player who cut to the basket opens up to
the court with his/her back to the basket and fills the open pylon on the wing.
Allow team to score after ‘X’ number of passes.
1) Have a Coach play defense on the top offensive player.
After a pass the Coach gives one of two defensive ‘reads’
a) Jump to the ball = offensive player cuts behind the coach
b) Stay = offensive player cuts in front of the coach
Have coach play guided defense on the wing player who must now move
to get open at the wing and use a one-hand push pass to pass back to the
player cutting to the basket
3) Only allow players to push pass with the hand furthest away from the
Focus: Basic Motion Offense Concepts
Cool down &
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on
you. What are some rules about passing and cutting that we learned? Why is
it important to cut to the basket after you passed? (to make the defense
move, create an opportunity to score on the give and go, to allow space for
my teammate to drive off the wing, to open up space for my other teammate
to cut into space) Why do you fill “the empty spot?” (to maintain spacing –
defense can’t guard two players at once)
Focus: Basic Defensive Concepts
Welcome &
Activity & Teaching Points
Learning Goals:
Success Criteria:
Pre-Lesson Activity:
1) Defensive stance on
the ball/tracing
2) Recognizing when
you are on
defense/the person
you are defending
Athletic Defensive Stance
(grizzly bear stance): feet
shoulder width apart, knees
and hips flexed, butt back
and down, straight back,
elbows over knees, hands
tracing the ball and head up
How do you know
when your team is
on defense?
Staying between the person
you are guarding and the
What are some
important things to
remember when we
are playing defense?
What is the goal
when your team is
on defense?
How can you
prevent the other
team from scoring?
Warm up
Warm up
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—while moving forward hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop
each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted
through heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down.
Hands up (elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back, chest
parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for balance. Keep
hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist, keeping
legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until you are in
a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for two seconds,
release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side. Repeat 5 times.
Dragon Tails
Each player has a pinnie or piece of cloth tucked into his/her shorts, leaving a
small ‘tail’ exposed. Within a designated area, players must attempt to steal
other players ‘tail’ while simultaneously protecting their own. Encourage players
to use their feet to pivot and turn to protect their tails. Blocking with the arms
and hands is not allowed. See who can collect the most tails within a given
Focus: Basic Defensive Concepts
amount of time.
LEARNING PAUSE: What strategies can you use to protect your ‘tail’ without
your arms or hands? How can you move your feet?
How does this activity relate to defense in a game?
Foot Fire and Stance
Athletes spread out in the half court facing coach who is half. Coach yells
“Stance” and the athletes get in a defensive stance and they growl. Athletes
then stutter or foot fire (alternating tapping the feet as quickly as possible on
the spot); point right, left or back and the athletes hip turn and do three
defensive slides in that direction; coach points to the floor and athletes dive on
the floor to grab a loose ball; coach points to the roof and the athletes jump as
high as they can as if grabbing a rebound and they yell “rip” or “ball”. Be
Load: Coach has a ball – when coach “shows shot” athletes closeout with short
Fundamental stutter steps, hand contesting the shot, yell “shot” and then turn to “box-out”
Knee Tag
Development Players pair up and begin in an athletic stance (knees bent, back straight, butt
low to the ground). The object is to slap the inside or outside of your opponent’s
knees as many times as possible within a designated time period.
**SAFETY ALERT- be sure participants keep their heads up to avoid collisions
Defend your Friend
In groups of 4 identify one athlete as “It”. The other three athletes are
“defenders” and line up one behind the other. “It” faces the first person in the
line of three and is trying to tag the last person in the line of three. The two
“defenders” attempt to “defend their friend” (the last person in line) by moving
to protect the last person in line.
After a set time change who is “It” and repeat.
Two players partner up with one ball and two pylons
The pylons are placed approximately 6 feet apart
The 5 second challenge s between the offensive and defensive player. The goal
for the defense is to prevent the offensive player from dribbling through the two
pylons for 5 seconds, while the offensive player tried to dribble through the two
pylons within 5 seconds.
1 on1 in the Funnel
The offense is trying to dribble from point A (one baseline) to point B (other
baseline), while defender is trying to “turn” or prevent the offensive player from
getting to point “B.” The offense must stay within the “funnel” – row of pylons
approximately 6 to 8 feet apart lined up down the sideline.
Load: Set a goal for the number of “turns” – defender wins if they can make the
Focus: Basic Defensive Concepts
offense change direction six times.
Set a time limit – defender is successful if they can defend the offense from
reaching point B for 12 seconds.
Small-space 4 vs. 3
Mark off a small space (approximately 5 x 5 metres)
Four players are on offense vs. 3 on defense.
There must always be one defender on the ball. The remaining defenders must
‘deny’ the nest closest pass. Play until a defender gets a stop/steal or the
offensive team reaches 20 passes.
LEARNING PAUSE: What strategies help a defender ‘deny’ the ball? (one hand
extended in imaginary passing lane, stay low with feet shoulder width apart)
Cool down &
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on you.
What did you learn about playing defense today? What is the goal when your
team is on defense? Why is it important for the defender on the ball to trace it?
Why do you want to deny the person you are defending the ball? How do you
play deny defense? Where should you be if you are one pass away from the ball?
Two passes away?
Focus: Decision Making
Practice Section
Welcome &
Learning Goals:
Activity & Teaching Points
Success Criteria:
Pre-Lesson Activity:
1) ‘Reading’ the
defense and
passing to the open
Keeping eyes up, scanning
the floor
Using passing to move the
ball vs. dribbling
Why is it important to
keep your eyes up
when playing
Players line up on the sideline. Demonstrate the ‘animal walk’ with proper
technique. Have players perform the movement from one sideline to the
other. Introduce a new animal walk each day. Coaches: While moving like an
animal is fun, be sure to error detect and correct proper form as described
Animal Warm
Warm up Game
Movement Skill
Horse—gallop, driving same knee & arm up together while moving forward
Flamingo—balance on one foot, hinge forward at the waist, reach down and
touch floor with other hand
Kangaroo—hop on two feet - coming to a two-foot stop each time
Grizzly bear squats – squat down (knees & hips flexed), keeping feet shoulder
width apart and weight evenly distributed on feet (weight slightly shifted
through heels). Participants should be able to see toes when looking down.
Hands up (elbows over knees) and growl loudly like a grizzly bear.
Airplane- bend at hips, base legs slightly bent, lift other leg straight back,
chest parallel to the floor, and stretch arms out to side (thumbs up) for
balance. Keep hips square and hold for 3-5 seconds. Switch legs
Frankenstein—while moving forward kick one leg out straight and use the
opposite arm/fingertips to touch your toe (left leg out – right hand toe touch)
Spiderman- standing with both feet together hinge forward at the waist,
keeping legs straight touch the floor with two hands, walk hands forward until
you are in a plank, bring left foot up beside/outside of your left hand, hold for
two seconds, release foot back into the plank and repeat on the right side.
Repeat 5 times.
Freeze Tag
All participants have a basketball and are dribbling in this game. Select 2
participants to be “It” (put pinnie’s on “It” so they are recognizable). All other
participants scatter around the play area. On the coach’s signal, the “It”
students move around the play area, dribbling a basketball and attempting to
lightly tap the other participants. When a participant is tapped they must
stand in the position they were tagged and become “frozen”. A participant
may become unfrozen by having another participant give them a high five.
Once a frozen participant has been unfrozen he/she may re-enter the game.
Switch who is “It” after 2-3 minutes.
Players spread out around the court with a ball each. Demonstrate how to
‘self-toss’ the basketball, putting backspin on the ball so that it comes back to
you. Have participants practice self-tossing the ball to themselves, coming to
Focus: Decision Making
a 1) two foot jump stop 2) stride stop, and 3) front/reverse pivot.
Four Corners
Set up four pylons in a square, approximately 10-15 feet apart. Have one
player stand at each corner, and one player start in the middle of the square.
The object of the game is for the players on corners to switch spots with each
other without the player in the centre beating them to the pylon. The players
at the pylons score a point for every time they are able to run from one pylon
to the other without the person in the middle beating them to the pylon. If
the player in the middle is able to get to the “open” pylon the odd player out
takes the middle position and the game continues.
LOAD: Add a time limit for the players at the pylons to attempt to switch
Add basketballs for the athletes attempting to switch pylons
**Keep pylons set up for next games
Four Corner Dribble & Pass Decision Making
Place four pylons around the key making a square. Players form a line behind
each of the pylons facing toward the center of the square. The player at the
start of one line has a basketball. Two coaches stand in between the pylons
on opposite sides of the square. The player with the ball initiates the start of
the drill by penetrating into the center of the square at the opposite coach.
The coach will provide a “read” by either stepping to deny the right line or
the left line, blocking one of the passing lanes. The player penetrating must
make the correct “read” by making the decision to make a pass to the player
who is open. After completing the pass the player then fills in behind the line
they passed to. The player who received the ball now penetrates by dribbling
into the center of the square, passing to the player the coach leaves open.
Drill continues for a set amount of time.
Basketball Skill
LOAD: Have players use a cross over step to start their penetration
Do not allow players to use “cross body passes” – they must one-hand push
pass with the hand of the side they are passing to (left hand push pass when
passing to the left line)
Introduce the idea of two passes before re-penetrating (after the initial pass
to player 3 – player 3 then passes to teammate 4 who then penetrates)
4 vs. 3 in the Key
**A continuation of 4 vs. 3 in a ‘small space’ from Lesson 9**
Mark off a small space directly in front of the key/within the 3-point line
Four players are on offense vs. 3 on defense.
There must always be one defender on the ball. The remaining defenders
must ‘deny’ the nest closest pass. Play until a defender gets a stop/steal OR
the offensive team reaches 10 passes OR the offense scores a basket. Change
possession each time a re-set occurs.
LOAD 1: Allow the offensive team to dribble.
Focus: Decision Making
LOAD 2: Progress to 4 vs. 4.
Cool down &
Note: Adjust the ‘advantage’ given to the offensive team depending on the
skill level. For example, 4 vs. 2 provides a great offensive advantage and
therefore easier decision making.
Bring all athletes back to center circle – everyone sitting, eyes and ears on
you. What made it easier to make passes to your teammates? To score? What
is the fastest way to move the ball, using passing or dribbling? What
determined who you can pass to on the court? What have you learned in past
lesson that helps you make good decisions when passing? (e.g., stopping,
pivoting, scanning the floor)