2(12)-B (D)/2017 Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) New Delhi, the}7h March, 2017 OFFICE MEMORANDII.M Sub: Appropriation Act 2017 The undersigrred is directed to state that the Demands for Grants lor 2017'18 may be treated as final as these have been voted by the Lok Sabha without any reduction and the connected Appropriation Bill has also been assented by the President on 246 March, 2017. The corresponding Act has been published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part-II, Section I, dated 246 Mardn, 2017 as Act No. 4 of 2017. M (Amit Bansal) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Ph:2309 3937 To, I 2 J 4 6 7 Financial Advisers of all Ministries/ Departments. Chief Controller of Accounts/ Controller of Accounts of all Ministries/ Departments. Comptroller & Auditor General of India. Controller General of Accounts Controller General of Defence Accounts Plan Finance I & II Division, Department of Expenditure NIC with a request to upload on the website of DEA. 2(12)-ff(gr)/2017 fra ,iTrdq 3{rEF 6T-4 ({ffi Eetr4 ceTFT) ag ftrcfr 27 a; 2011 +rdrtrq TrFT Evq, frfuIJr gfuft-qr 2017 *t r5ara r{ilt 6i :iftq arat arc 5$ oa -6i or Bilr g:n t fu sq zotl-ts f,dtto t dtf,€etT 6Rr ftfiI ffi metfi * Ffi-f-d f'r 4f H rik sre-g FdffiraT Farls-6 6t efi $rfr 6Rr 24 qr+ 2017 d dqft rcra +-t fi ed tr dara :rfuft-q-q sl 2017 *' sB.ft.cq *i. + * s-6rRrd fr-qT rrsT Tic d ffdiqi zq qd zoll +t fiI{f, 3*IrtrRUI, tt TiEe (3rBd iisf,) gl+s, erRtr rRiFR tdl'rlfl 2309 3937 *, r. nefr daa-qt/ha+ptt *' fuf,rqsfrrEfirr 2. IIsq Asr B-riTfi/ffefi drffid/freffilt + *€T 3. a{Kd fr'{iT+- + B-{iTfi 3ik q-6ttsT cfrsro +. rcrlet fi-tiz-+' s. {erl 116l ffiazia-*, e it ffi rfi t-Er e+rrr-tt €'o-E-l vrqls-ar Faa tw tt *c{rq, aqq freir; z. aarrfs, 3tr$ sgtu t fr s-6 $fi-fi 614 frlnl fir i{€Tfd qr 5t avats m'tt t" S. qd.{q{)oal0007/2003-1? {firq1 REGISTF,RED NO. Dt,-(N)01/0007/2003-17 ffi -FI illEtqir T.lte Gs*,ettn of Sludto rtr{lgRul D(IRAORDINARY iIFI II _ qUR I PART II Section qrfrr;R - rorfrR t I PUBLISHED BY AUTI{ORITY d +41 No. 4l NEVY ffi, grsR, qr{ zt, zonrlz t, 1939 (rro') DELHI. FRIDAY, MARCH 24 ge rnrr d fira 1e {er A srfr Separate paging is givcn to this Part tffi f6Tt , 17ICHAMRA 3, 1939 (SAKA) qtrq {q-cl in order that it may be f * sq { ret sr rt r ed as a separate compilaaion MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legislative Department) New Delhi, the 24th March,2OlT lchaitra 3, 1939 (Sa,ta) of Parliament received the assent of the President on the The following Act 24th March, 2017. and is hereby published for general information:- THE APPROPRIAIION ACT, 2017 No. 4 on 2017 I th March,20ll .) AnAct to authorise payment and appropriation ofcertain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund oflndia for the services ofthe financial year 2017- I 8. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-eighth Year of the Republic of lndia as follows:1. This Act may be catled the Appropriation Act, 2017. 2. From and out of the Consolidated Fund of India there may be paid and applied sums not exceeding those specified in column 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggregate to the sum of seventy-nine lakh sixty-seven thousand five hundred thirty-six crore aDd ninety-nine lakh rupees towards defraying the several charges which will come in the course of payment during the financial year 2017-18 in respect of the seryices spccifled in column 2 of the Schedule. Shon rille Rs.7967536, 99.00.000 Consolidated Fund of India for lhc year 201?- 3. Thc sums authoriscd to be paid and applied from and out of the Coosolidatcd Fund of lndia by lhis Act shall be appropriated lbr the services and purposes expressed in the Schedule in relation to the said year. l 8. TTIE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 2 to Ministries Deparherts in lhe Schedule. such Ministries 4. References to Ministries or Departments in the Schedule are to and-shall' on or January' the 9th b"fot" immediat"ly existing as o, U"fur,-"n,. -2017 as references to the appropriate Ministries or Depanments uf,", tit"t d"t", b" as "onstruJd reconstituted from time !o time. LPART II- SEc. I 3 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY l THE SCHEDULE (Se? sections 2, 3 and 4) ) I 3 Sums No- of lr'oted Services and purposes by Parliament Rs. Depanmeal of Agriculturc. CooP€ration and F:m6'Wclfarc............ Capilal Depanm€nt of Agdcultural Rcsearch aod Educalion.................. .- ........ .... ....... ..' "" Rcvenuc Depatunent of Animal Husbandry DairyiDg a'd FislEics...........................-...... ........ ............... ' Rcveno' Capilal ,1 Depanmcnt of Aiomic E[ergy.... ..-. ........ . " "' Revcnue Capital Ministry of Ayurvcda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani. Siddha and Homo.opathv 6 Departmcfil of Chcmicals and ,| Dcpanmcnt of (AYUSHj Capital ' Revenu' Pctrochemicals CaPital Fcdliscrs....... ..... .... ..... 8 Depatunctrt of Pharmacculicals ...-........ .' 9 Mioistry of Civil Aviadon l0 Ministry of Coa|......... .. 1l Dcpaimc of t2 Revcnue .- Rs. Rs. 52575,57,00,000 ?9,43,00,000 525?5.57,00,000 ? 6800,00,00.000 6800,00,00.000 2877,48.00,000 43,52,00,000 2877.48,00.000 43,52.00.000 13109,36,00,000 6505.58,00,000 1.00,00,000 l3l10.36.00.000 6506,08,00.000 50,00,000 1425,35.00,000 3,30,00.000 1425.35,00,000 273.39,00.000 24.61,00,000 273,39,00,000 1 4264 ,6',1 ,OO .OO0 Capital 6,00,000 247,68,00.000 6,00.000 Capital 781.34.00.000 1920,70,00,000 781.34.00.000 r920,70,00.000 745.r0,00.000 745,10,00.000 700,00,00.000 Department of lndutlrial Policy and Promoliotr ' 151,22,00,000 3599,r9,00,000 9,68,00,000 capiral " Rcvcnue Capital 35192,65,00.000 3386.00.00.000 Depanment t4 Depanm€nt of Tclecommunicalions.. l5 Dep3nment of Co$umer Affairs ...... ...... 16 Deparhent of Food t7 Minislry of Corporale l8 Mininry of Culturc.. l9 Ministry of Defence (Misc.)................... 20 2t Ddence Serviccs (Revc[ue)..... .... ........... "'-" ' R€v€Nre Capital Outlay on Defeftc Services. . ....... ......"""Capilal 22 Dcfence Pensions..................... 23 Ministry of Dcvelopment of North Eastcrn 4314,6I,00.000 3s99,19,00.000 9.68,00,000 250s7,61,00,000 495.00,00.000 13 6,O0.000 l5l,22.00,000 Capilal Posts...... .... 4,00.000 ?00.00,00.000 4314,55.O0,000 Capilal " Total CaPi|al C3pital '- Clla ged on tIrc Consolidaled Fund 74264,61,O0,O00 4.00,000 -'Rcvcnu' Commcrc of flot 60,00,000 25058.21.00.000 495.00,00,o00 15192.65,00.000 3386,00,00.000 .....-""" Rev'nuc Capital 3723,10,00,000 21,35,00,000 3723,r0,00,000 2l,35.00.000 Distribution.. Revtnuc Capilal 150952,64.00,000 50523,05,00,000 150952.64,00,000 50523.05.00,000 Affans...................... Rev'nuc Capital 4?8.54,00.O00 478.54,00.000 "' Revcnuc 2661,79.00,000 76.68,00,000 2661.79,00.000 ?6.68,00,000 anal Public ....... .... ........... .." " ----" Capital " "- "- .-... ...-.. .. '. "" Revenue Captal 27743,95,00,000 5488.69,00,000 76,00,000 35,00,00.000 195309,04.00,000 86339,95,00,000 r07,34,00,000 Revcnue 85737,3 r,00,000 capital 2084.45,00,000 708,00,00,000 2',t'1 44 .t | .O0 .000 5523,69.00.000 148,06,00,000 195416.38,00,000 86488.01.00,000 2,69.00,000 85740.00.00.000 2084,45,00,000 708,00,o0,000 I PART TTIE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 4 No. Services and PuPoses of voted Charged by Parliament on lhe Consolidated Fund Rs 24 Minisrry of Drinking Warer and Slnitation 25 Midstry of Eanh Sci.nc€ 26 Ministry of Elcctronics and Information Tcchnolo9y... .... . ....... Ministry of Environment' For€sh Clinut€ Chong....-.......... 21 Capital 3690,00,00,000 349,00,00,000 Capital 4002,69,00,000 40,03,00,000 Capital 12648,26,00,000 2150,26.00,000 Capilal rr and 28 Ministry of Extemd Affairs 29 Department 30 Depanment of Exp€nditur€.. 3l Depadment of Financial Services 12 D€pJnmenl of lnve\meot atrd Public Asset of Economic Affairs ' Capilal Capiul Dep3rtm€nt of Reve[ue CaPital ............... 34 DiEct Taxcs 35 Indi€.t 36 Indian Audit and Accouots Depanmcnl Taxes .... Ctr,n.(E,-lnterc . .-..... 39 40 . ...... . . . ." 834.83.00,000 2.43.O0.000 2150,26,00,000 4302.79.00,000 r Departm€nt 44 Deparunent of HealY lndustry ' 45 Depanmenl of Public Entcrpriscs 46 Ministty of Home 41 Cabinet l153.05.00,000 480.00.00.000 2731,99,00,000 16886.02,00,000 44.00.00,000 2,00,o00 834,t5,00,000 2.43,00,000 5881.85.00,000 228.79.00,000 5861,44,00,000 228,0?,00.000 50,00,000 5861,94,00.000 228,0?,00.000 4163-03.00.000 12.6?,00,000 t46,54,00,000 4309,57,00,000 CaPital 538078,i9,00,000 538078,39.00.000 34990,00,00,000 35500,00.00,000 43 12fl8.29,00,000 CaPital r2.67.00.000 5085304,76.00,000 5085304.76.00,000 1ao,00,00,000 35170.00,00,000 103101.i8,00,000 18600,00,00,000 CaPrtal 138601.38,00,000 18600,00,00,000 800.00.00,000 800,00,00,000 47033.65.00.000 3508.81,00,000 47033,65,00,000 Capilal 3508,8I.00,000 r500.00.00,000 1500,00,00.000 of H€alth Rese3rch' "" 3,00,000 5881.85,O0,000 - 42 Afrairs 4002,69,00.000 40.03,00.000 CaPiral .- ....-. .-- Rev€true ' MinisEy of Food Proccssiog lndustlies " ' D.panmcnt of Health and Family welfar' 4t 1690,00.00,000 349.00,00,000 2731.99.00,000 16886.02.00,000 .............. capiral D e bt " "" Tr.nsfcrs to Stat s .... . 'Pensions .. .. I15,00,00,000 4302,79.00,000 n P aY,,e't's' At/ulaED.- R. PaYnent ol 1608,44.00,o00 44,00,00,000 Manasement (DIPAM)"' 33 Rs. 32333.06,00.o00 480.00,00,000 ' Total Rs 32133,06,00,000 I608,44,00,000 I15.00,00,000 984-99.00.000 1615.01.00,000 984.99,00.000 Capilal ' r615,01,00,000 19,38,00,000 19,38,00,000 Capilal 4?77,00,00,000 122,97,00.000 3,00,o00 47?7,03.00,000 322,97,00,000 730,00,00,000 ?30,00,00.000 48 and Nicobar Islands' 49 Andman 50 Chardigarh. 5l Dadra and Nagar Haveli tr- Cnpilal 67536,60,00,000 11171.64,00,000 E,34,00,000 6.72,00,000 67544.94,00.000 3?36.68,00.000 526,59.00,000 I,00,000 Capital 3736,69,00,000 526,59.00,000 3802,35,00,000 332,85.00,000 35,0s,00,000 Capilal 3837.40.00.000 475,00,00,o00 Capital 686,45,00,000 389,16.00,000 . t42,t 5,00,000 1,00,000 I l r?8.36.00,000 686,46,00,000 389.16.00,000 SEc. tl THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 2 5 3 ums nolexceeding No. of Services and purposes by Parliaftent Vote Charged on the Total Consolidated Fund Rs 52 5l Daman aod Diu ................................ Capilal I288,09,00.O00 capiral r083,26,00,000 165.65.00.O00 Lalshadwccp...--....-......-................... Rs. 2.O0.000 Rs. 1288.11,00,000 296,95,00,O00 1083.26,00.000 165,65,00,000 54 Transfer to DeIhi............................. 758,00,00,000 758,00,00,000 55 Transfer to Puducherry .................. l4l l.0l,00,000 l4l1,0l,00,000 56 Miristry of Housing 57 Dcpartment of School Education and 58 Dcpartmcnt of Highcr Education................ Capital a 72,00,00.o00 ?2,00,00,000 6406,00,00,000 6406,00,00,000 67459,05,00,000 67459.05,00,000 Capital 33079.70,00,000 250,00,00,000 33079,?0,00,000 250,00,00,000 Capiral 4179,90,00,000 29, r0,00,000 4379,90,00,000 29.10,00,000 Capiral ?355,53,00,000 22,85,00.000 7355,53,00,000 3072,39,00,000 3072,39,00,000 1071,27,00,000 Urban Pov€ny Alleviation ..................... Litcracy .......................... 59 60 6l 62 Mrnisrr) of Infonnarion and Broadcasring...... Ministry of Labour and Employmenl Ministry of ....R€venue Capnal Law and Justice EleclioD Comnission Capilal l07l,27,00,000 Mioistry of Micro, Small and Medium EntErpris.s.................................. Capilal 65 Minisry of Mincs... ....... 66 Ministry of Minori.y AffaiN. ..... -... 6l Ministry of Ncw ard Rencwablc Energy ... 6471,36,00,000 10,60,00,000 6471,16,00,000 10,60,00,000 t0.00,000 Capital l?0,00,00,o00 Capiral 10724,54,00.000 90,00,o0.o00 10724,54,00,000 90,00.00,000 - 1054,55,00,000 15E,84,00,000 4025,48,00,000 247,00,00,000 1054,65,00,000 158,84,00,000 4025,48,00,000 170,00,00.000 Capital . 33,00.00,000 247,04,00.000 CH^AaFr--Suprenc Coun o! India -.-64 I13,00,00,000 113,00,00,000 33,00,00,000 68 Ministry of Panchayari Rqi .................. ?90,79,00,000 790,79.O0,000 69 Mitristry of Parliamentary Atfairs ......... l?,88,00,000 17,88,O0.000 '70 Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances and P€nsiotrs . . ... . ... -.. 1266,60,00,000 149,91,00,000 Capital 25310.37.00,000 3847,20,00,000 Ministry of PeEolcum '71 Ministr! of Planning od 25310,37,00,000 3847.20.00.000 252,09,00,000 252,09,00,000 41,00,000 Natural Cas .-.. Capital '74 Minist J 2,O0,O0,000 27,68,O0,000 CBAiaED.-C"rr.al Wgilanc. Co,n,,issiok.. '72 4.49.00,000 43,00,000 I1102.46.00,000 of Power Capiral CHArc!-D.-'Srd, Hous.hold ad A 1271,09,00.000 151,91,00,000 Capital 27,68,00,000 I I102.46,00.000 3708,40,00,000 3708,40,00,000 owaac.s 66,00,00,000 66,00,00,000 '76 l-o[.Sabha................... 663,1 1,00,000 t,l5,00,000 664,26.00,000 11 RajyaSabha.................. 386,38,00,000 1,02,00,000 387,40,00,000 '78 Secretariar 229.t9,O0,000 229,19.00,000 oI th? Prcsid.nt --------- of rhe \tce-Pr€sidert ... ................. CH^\c.n.-U nion Publie S, ^'ice Conunis sioh.... 5,30,00,000 5,30,00.000 IPARr THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 6 [-SEc. 1] -1 No. voted Sen ices and purPoses of by Pa.rliament Charged on [he Total Coosolidated Fund Rs236461.18.00.000 80 Minislry of Railways... 8l Ministry of Road Transpo( nnd Highwavs 82 Depanmcnl of Rural 8l Depaiment of 84 Depaflmell of Scicncc and Technology lrd . ... . Depadm€ of Scientific and lndusrrial Resafirh..,,,..... ......,... 87 Minisry of Shipping 88 Ministry of Skill Dcvelopment and Entr.preDeurship. . .... ...... . - ' Capital Capital of SPec 9l Departrnetrt 92 Miris(ry of Slatistics and Prognmme lnplcnctrtauon 94 Midstry of Textilcs 2l10,36,00.000 4821.?6.00.000 15.59,00.000 482r,78,00,000 2,00,000 15.59.00,000 Capital 4439,25,00.000 6,7s.00,000 Capital 1668,84,00,000 440,66,00,000 1668,E4,00,000 440.66,00,000 Capital 2?66,11,00,000 2766.11,00,000 250,03.00.000 Capital 6589.78,00,000 318,22.00.000 6s89.78.00,000 318,22.00.000 Capital 822.26,00.000 32,74,00,000 822.26.00,000 Capiral 4937,73,00,000 4154,98.00,000 Capital 4767,49,00,000 4938,13.00,000 60,00.000 40,00,000 41ss.38.00.000 4?67,49.00.000 44.14,00,000 Capital 6r90.98.00.000 6190,98.00.000 35,s2,00,000 35.52,00,000 1839,69,00,000 1,08,00,000 I839,69,00,o00 Ministry of Toudsm Capital 1.08,00,000 l133.23.00.000 96 Mrnistry of Tnbal Afrairs 9',7 Minrslry of Urban DcveloPment 98 Ministrv of wat r R.sources Rivcr Capital '' " Minislry ot Women and Child Developmenl Sporls " " " "" 5269.32.00.000 60.00,00,000 1136.09.00.000 60,00,00,000 Capital 19242.81,00,000 88,30,00,000 90.00.oo.000 l?444.89.00.000 r9332.81.00.o00 Capital 8405,99,00,000 ?99,29.00,000 1,00,00,000 4,00,00,000 8406.99.00,000 803.29.00,000 Capital 22556,02,00,000 38,65,00.000 22556.02.00,000 38.65,00,000 r888.46.00.000 1EE8.46.00,000 54,75,00,000 r?356.59.00.000 Dcvciopment and cang. Rejuv'nadon MinisEy of Youth AffaiA and 170436,63,00.000 5,25,00.000 r70436,63,00.000 5,25,00.000 4439.25.00,000 6.75.00,000 ....-,,, Revenue . ......... 93 19903.48.O0.000 100465.66.00.000 2222,l1,00.000 D€panment of EmPow€rmeflt of Pcrsons Minist-y of Sletl ..... 2222,ll ,00,oo0 ' Depanment of Social Justic. and Empowcnn nt.. ................. .. wirh Disabilities. 100 r00455,66,00,000 2310.36,00,000 86 95 Capital Reso Deparunent of Biotc.hnology . 90 194303,45.00.000 ?36619.41.O0.000 1 9434 1 ,46,00,000 19903,48,00,000 Developmetrt " 85 89 Capital Rs. Rs. 158.23.00,000 38,O1,00,000 Capilal Tor^L: 54,75,00,000 2216531,75,00,000 5751005,24,00,OO0 DR. 7967536,99.00,000 G NARAYANA RAru' Secretary to the Govt. of Indi4' UPLOAD el DELHI-I IOOO2 OF In'DlA PRESS, MINTO ROA D, NEW 10054. DELHl-I PUBLICATIONS, OF AND PUBLISHED B Y THE CONTROLLER gv txa celgneL GMGIPMBND--5514G1-24-3'2017 ulN AGER. GOVERNMENT MANOJ KUMAR
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