Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt
Stateswoman of the World
here she walked, beauty was always there. She did not
despair of the darkness. She lit a candle. Her glow has
warmed the world.” Our ambassador to the United Nations,
Adlai Stevenson, spoke these words after Eleanor Roosevelt’s
death. As a child, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt did not feel beautiful.
Born: October 11, 1884,
Painfully shy, she was ashamed of her appearance—she thought
in New York
her teeth stuck out. Her own mother nicknamed her “Granny.”
Died: November 7, 1962,
Born rich and privileged in New York City, she adored her father,
in New York
Elliott, but he was in poor health and died when Eleanor was 9.
Famous for: being an
When her mother also got sick and died, Eleanor, at age 10, was
active First Lady, writer,
lecturer, diplomat, and
an orphan left in the care of her “no-nonsense” grandmother.
Sent to boarding school in England, she was smart,
disciplined, and an excellent student. On returning home,
like other wealthy young women of that time, she was expected to attend fancy parties and
do charity work. There was to be no college for Eleanor. But helping the less fortunate made
a lasting impression on her. Compassionate and caring, she soon started impressing her
handsome, popular, distant cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (often called FDR). He enjoyed
sharing ideas with her. The two courted and eventually married on St. Patrick’s Day, 1905. Her
uncle, President Theodore Roosevelt, gave her away.
Eleanor and Franklin had five children. The family spent summers on Campobello Island
in Canada. One day in 1921, after a swim, Franklin became sick with polio. He spent the rest
of his life in a wheelchair. His powerful mother, Sara, wanted him to retire, but Eleanor insisted
that her husband resume his political life. In 1932, FDR was elected President. He held the office
for four terms, spanning the Great Depression and most of World War II. Acting as his eyes,
ears, and legs, Eleanor traveled where FDR couldn’t. At times, she became his conscience, urging
him to do the right thing. Overcoming her own fears, she gave speeches, spoke on the radio, and
wrote books and a newspaper column. During the war, she flew to distant battlefields, paying
visits to the servicemen. After her husband died in office, the new President, Harry Truman,
appointed her a delegate to the United Nations. There she wrote (with others) the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. In 1961, President Kennedy asked her to serve the UN again (the
National Commission on the Status of Women). Eleanor Roosevelt’s greatest achievement was
being a humanitarian, working for the betterment of all people everywhere.
Comprehension-Boosting Crosswords: Famous Americans © Silvia Charlesworth, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Comprehension-Boosting Crosswords
Eleanor Roosevelt
1. President John F.
reappointed Eleanor to the
United Nations.
2. President Harry
made Eleanor Roosevelt a
delegate to the UN.
4. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
afterward was confined to a
5. Eleanor Roosevelt visited
many battlefields during
War II.
6. President
Roosevelt was Eleanor
Roosevelt’s uncle.
10. From the Great
Eleanor was First Lady.
through World War II,
12. Eleanor Roosevelt was her husband’s eyes,
ears, legs, and
14. With others, Eleanor wrote the
Declaration of Human Rights.
16. A good student, Eleanor went to boarding
school in
9. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Eleanor’s husband,
was often called
11. Eleanor was
,which means
sympathetic and caring.
13. A
, which describes Eleanor, cares
about all people everywhere.
15. Eleanor attended parties and did
work, but did not go to college.
17. Eleanor and Franklin raised
18. UN is short for
3. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York
and called
19. “
” was a nickname for Eleanor, given
by her mother.
7. By the age of 10 both of her parents had died
and Eleanor was an
was Eleanor’s powerful motherin-law.
8. Ambassador Stevenson called Eleanor
, but she never thought she was.
Comprehension-Boosting Crosswords: Famous Americans © Silvia Charlesworth, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Answer Key
(page 42)
1. Kennedy
2. Truman
4. polio
5. World
6. Theodore
10. Depression
12. conscience
14. Universal
16. England
3. Eleanor
7. orphan
8. beautiful
9. FDR
11. compassionate
13. humanitarian
15. charity
17. five
18. United
19. Granny
20. Sara
Comprehension-Boosting Crosswords: Famous Americans © Silvia Charlesworth, Scholastic Teaching Resources