ACT 3.1 1. The planned meeting between Hamlet and Ophelia is

ACT 3.1
1. The planned meeting between Hamlet and Ophelia is arranged, spies and all. What does
Polonius give Ophelia to read – and why this specific type of reading? How does
Claudiaus respond to this choice of reading (aside)? Why is this aside significant to us?
2. Read Hamlet's soliloquy carefully (To be or not to be…). Compare the differences of
Hamlet’s mindset from the first and second soliloquies. (Think about the way Hamlet's
mind works within the first two—are the same ideas and thoughts happening here?)
3. Hamlet and Ophelia "Nunnery scene: Why does he want her to get to a nunnery?
(Consider Jephthah’s story – Biblical Allusion). Does he say this out of love or hate or
4. Also in the Nunnery scene: Does Hamlet know that he's being watched? Can you spot a
place in his lines where he might? (NOTE: Remember how he changed his way of
talking to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.)
Act 3.2
1. According to Hamlet’s advice to the player (actor), why is not good for acting to be
“overdone?” What is the purpose of “playing”? What should a play consider?
NOTE: For now, I will omit questions for the long play-within-a-play sequence; but you
should be prepared to discuss how the play-within-the-play mirrors the main plot. Also,
we will discuss the sexual innuendos between Hamlet and Ophelia.
2. Read Hamlet's soliloquy carefully. What is the mood of the soliloquy? (Again think about
the way Hamlet's mind changes from soliloquy to soliloquy) What is happening to
ACT 3.3
1. What warnings about the “cease of majesty” does Rosencrantz explain to Claudius?
How is this both foreshadowing and the outcome of an event of the past?
2. Claudius admits his guilt (to us and to himself): What is “the primal eldest curse” he
speaks of? Why can't Claudius ask for forgiveness from God?
3. Why doesn't Hamlet kill Claudius? [Be prepared to discuss the mirrored thoughts
between Hamlet and Claudius in this moment]
ACT 3.4
1. Read the scene between Hamlet and Gertrude: [Note how her lines “these words like
daggers into my ears” relates to how Hamlet’s father was killed.] Why does the Ghost
appear when it does? How is its sudden appearance different from its appearances in Act
I, and what does this difference suggests? What is its message to Hamlet?
2. What is Gertrude’s agreement with Hamlet?
ACT 4.4
1. Why is Fortinbras's army passing through Denmark? Read Hamlet's soliloquy carefully.
Has he been delaying action, as he says? How does he perceive himself vs. Fortinbras’s
men in relation to honor and death? [NOTE: We will be discussing the concept of
“honor” again, particularly as it represented by the "code of dueling.”]
ACT 4.5
1. In Gertrude’s aside, what do we learn about the state of her soul? What does this say
about holding up false impressions?
2. The court assumes Ophelia's madness is caused by her father's death. Judging from her
songs, what else is on her mind and coming to the surface in her madness? What might
this suggest about her relationship with Hamlet?
3. How does Laertes' approach to revenging his father's death compare to Hamlet's?
ACT 4.7
1. Claudius and Laertes make a secret pact to trick Hamlet into a duel: How will they kill
Hamlet? What does this say about Laertes self notion of “honor,” and how do his actions
compare with Hamlet’s action for revenge?