september 2016 - Gimli New Horizons

"The Centre will be an asset to the community
by providing a pleasant place for recreation,
relaxation and companionship and by encouraging all members to remain active and socially
connected while maintaining their physical and
mental health"
Gimli New Horizons 55+ Centre Inc,
17 North Colonization Rd, Gimli, was
incorporated in 1974 as a not for
profit / charitable organization.
Yearly Membership Fee (October 2015— October 2016) $20.00 / Person
Remember to dial 204 in front of the number.
Please Remember to dial 204 in front of number
The 2015-2016 Executive & Directors:
Past President
1st Vice
2nd Vice
Jackie Poloski
Dave MacVicar
Lorraine Crawford
Mavis Gerwing
Elaine Einarson
Building / Maintenance
Volunteer Director
Social Committee
Member At Large
Member At Large
Member At Large
Office Staff:
Facility Program Mgr.
Facility Program Asst.
Roger Newman
Roy Clarke
Sharon Staren
Marion Gale
Vera Ralke
Lavona Clarke
William Gale
Ty Van Driel
Jonie Johnson
Chris Mulroy
This is the monthly publication of the Gimli New
Horizons 55+ and is available free of charge at
the Centre and in various locations in town.
It’s purpose is to inform members and other
interested parties of the wide variety of activities
available to all those in the surrounding community age 55 years and over.
Our mailing address is P.O. Box 1821
Gimli, Manitoba, R0C 1B0
We may also be reached through our
email address [email protected],
Our Website:
or by phone at: 204-642-7909
or fax: 204-642-5156
We welcome your questions and comments.
Runs From/To:
Contact Person:
Acrylic Painting
Oct - May
Lorraine MacVicar
All Year
Edna Lavigne
Bridge Contract
All Year
Roman Puzant
Beginners Bridge
Sept - May
Sharon Peichl
Bridge Duplicate
All Year
Roman Puzant
Canasta (Monday)
All Year
Canasta (Friday)
All Year
Sharon Carpenter
Carpet Bowling
Oct – April
Vic Savage
All Year
George Langlois
All Year
The Office
Floor Curling (Thursday)
Sept - April
Jim Richardson
Floor Curling (Friday)
Sept - April
Marg Freund
May - Sept
Dave McNabb
Jam Session
All Year
Pearl Jessup
Line Dance (Mon)
All Year
Marion Huston
Line Dance (Thurs)
All Year
Rose Marie Hess
Perogy Making
Oct - April
Fibre Arts Group
All Year
Denise Wenzel
Tai Chi
All Year
Phyllis Holmes
Texas Hold’ Em
Sept - April
Vaughan Cochrane
Wood Carving
All Year
All Year
Leanne Stevens
Petal Pushers
Ballroom Dancing
Oct - May
Gail Hurak
Circle Dancing
Fred Bieber
All Year
Rachel Brandelius
Horizon Shutterbugs
All Year
Jen Heinrichs
E-Mail: [email protected]
OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Jackie Poloski
Summer is almost over and summer activities like
golf will be winding down and fall activities like floor
curling, Texas Hold’em and Friday lunches will be
getting underway.
As always, summer was busy for everyone. It seems
we have to cram so many outdoor things into the two
or three months of summer that time seems to fly.
I would like to thank DAVE McNabb, Gord Page,
Vera Ralke and JoAnn NcNabb running the Golf program. It's a huge challenge with 70 plus signed up.
As usual, they did a fantastic job.
Board Members are searching for people to sit on
the Board. We would love to have a full slate of Directors.
Remember, you can run for any position, even
If you are interested in serving our membership as a
Board Member, please contact any Board Member or
the office.
The Barn Quilt should be in place by September 1st.
Thanks to everyone involved in this project.
Dates to Remember:
Fall Supper - Sunday, September 18th.
Floor Curling Bonspiel - September 29 & 30th.
The Annual General Meeting - Tuesday, October
4th. at 7 PM
There will be draws and you MUST be present to
19096 115N - Box 1974, Gimli, Manitoba R0C 1B0
Bus: (204) 642-7687
Fax: (204) 642-4397
You can easily judge the character of a man by
how he treats those who can do nothing for him.
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Sunshine & Activities
Members at Large
Jackie Poloski
Dave MacVicar
Lorraine Crawford
Mavis Gerwing
Elaine Einarson
Vera Ralke
Val Adrian
Marion Gale
Roy Clarke
Ty Van Driel
William Gale
Garth Gillespie
NOMINATIONS from the floor can be made, subject
to the following steps;
1) A member can nominate another member or
themselves for any office.
2) The member making the nomination is asked to
stand, nominate the member and state the office
for which the member is being nominated.
3) The nominee must agree to serve.
4) If the person nominated is not present at the
election, a written, witnessed, signed and dated
statement of their agreement to serve must be
first filed with the Presiding Officer before formally being slated as a candidate.
5) A member present must second the nomination.
6) No one can nominate, or second, more than one
person for any given office.
7) If a member is nominated for more than one office, they must select the office for which they
agree to stand. If not elected for that office, the
member has the option to stand for the other office for which they are nominated or withdraw as
a candidate.
Card Yard News and More!
Duplicate Bridge will hold its annual Tournament on
Wednesday, October 5 at 1:00PM.
Cost will be $15.00 per team of 2. Coffee and goodies are
included, and cash prizes will be won by the 3 top scorers.
Please register by calling Roman at 389-5169, or Dale at
642-5178, or Sharon at 642-4492.
Our regular Wednesday evening play at (6pm until October) has been boisterous with 5 full tables of players! Nice
to welcome some summer regulars and guests.
Contract Bridge players on Friday at 1:00 PM welcome
all levels of players, and particularly want to include those
newer to the game and those just getting back to it. No
partner needed to join in with this group.
Beginners Bridge will be offered in October, so please
call Sharon at 642-4492 to arrange the best day for your
lessons! Bridge is a whist game, so if you have played
that, you will catch on very quickly. If you are curious about
the game, join in a lesson or two and get hooked!!
“Do you want to spend an evening alone or
would you rather come out and play Cribbage??”
We play each Thursday and start at 7:00 p.m. sharp
so please arrive by 6:45 p.m.
We play 8 games and finish at 9:30 p.m.
$3.00 for Members, $5.00 for Non Members.
Come join the fun!
Activity Leader Sharon Carpenter
We play at 1:00 p.m. Sharp every Friday and the
door is always open to newcomers. We can play 3
or 4 to a table, so there’s lots of room for everyone.
Come on down for some laughs and good times.
Come and join our friendly group. We start our random team selection at 1pm Sharp so come early,
get your coffee and meet and greet until then. We
continue playing until 3:30 to 4:00 depending on
how the game is going. See you there.
Many people quit looking for work when
they find a job.
Bingo at New Horizons 55+
Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 p.m.
(Residence 642-8432)
P.O. Box 4000, Gimli, MB R0C 1B0
There has been an "awesome" attendance this summer, many "old" summer faces and many newcomers, we welcomed them all !!!!
Two large games, money-wise, the Lucky 7 is
$6000.00 +, and the Star is $5000.00 +, all regular
games are $40.00
Bingo is Wednesday at 7 PM. See you there, --- oh
yeah! coffee is still free! … Edna Lavigne
Dave McNabb
News from the
Seniors Resource Program
The Seniors Resource Program is looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels in the Gimli area.
Delivery is Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 12:30
p.m. We are also looking for volunteers to deliver
Meals on Wheels in the Winnipeg Beach area. Delivery is just one week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday about 11:30 am) in a six month period.
We are also looking for people to do housecleaning
in seniors’ homes in the Gimli / Winnipeg Beach and
surrounding areas. The client provides the cleaning
supplies and will pay the worker directly after each
job. If you are interested in either of the two above
please call the office at 642-7297.
August 1 - The weather finally caught up with us. Although it
did not rain very much, the lightning and thunder forced us to
cancel for the first time this year.
August 8 - The wind was blowing hard, but it was a warm day,
as seventy golfers were on the course for Partners Day.
First place at plus 7 went to the team of Fred and Vera Ralke
and Garry and Janice Knutson.
Second place at plus 5 on a double countback included Mike
and Emily Devlin and Warren and Denise Wenzel.
Third place also at a plus 5 were Ray Seidal, Rick Adrian, Cindy
Stewart, and Mavis Gerwing.
Closest to the hole on: Number One; Ladies - June Isfeld, Men
- Dave McNabb. Number Seven; Ladies - Jo-Ann Tesarski,
Men - Don Smith.
August 15 - Our afternoon started with sun and a few clouds
as a thunderstorm built in the South. We all finished before any
rain arrived.
First place at plus 8 went to larry Zack, Gord Page, June Isfeld
and Isabella McPherson.
Second place at plus 6 were Bill Delorme, Will Shipman, Linda
Lampshire and Jackie Poloski.
Third place on a countback was the team of Bill Sass, Dale
Campbell, Georgie Rutter and Nancy Allen.
Closest to the hole on: Number One; Ladies - Lil Page, Men Ian Thompson. Number seven; Ladies - No One, Men - Bill
August 22 - It was a very warm and humid day, with some low
and high golf scores.
First place in a tie at plus 7 on a countback went to Ed Lampshire, Reinholt Herschfeld, Cathy Danyluk and Lil Page.
Second place on the countback was the team of Mike Tesarski,
Leona Crothers and Nancy Allen.
Third place at plus 6 included Bill Morrison, Les Despins, Norma
Sharp and Mavis Gerwing.
Closest to the hole on: Number one, Ladies - Lorraine Crawford,
Mens - Bill Morrison. Number seven, Ladies - Marion Joss, Mens
- Al Kist.
August 29 - A very nice day for golf. The scores were not that
great. We did have some wind!
First place in a tie at plus 5 on a countback went to Ray Seidal,
Harvey Rosenbaum, Suzanne Barrow and Linda Lampshire.
Second place on the countback were Al Kist, Will Shipman, Jackie
Poloski and Norma Doerkson.
Third place at a plus 4 included Bernie Plischke, Warren Wenzel,
Vera Ralke and Nancy Allen.
Closest to the hole on: Number one, Ladies - Penny Mahon, Mens
- Bill Sass. Number seven, Ladies - Vivian Boyko, Mens - Rod
Horizon Shutterbugs
Jen Heinrichs
New Horizons Shutterbugs are breaking for 6 weeks
but have been tasked with a fun photo challenge to
work on if they wish. Group members are challenged
with the task of an A-to-Z scavenger hunt, in which
they have to try to find objects in their environment
that resemble letters of the alphabet (but not the actual letters of the alphabet or things arranged to look
like a letter of the alphabet)!
New Horizons Shutterbugs resumes meeting on
Thursday September 29 at 2:00pm, with guest
speaker Duncan Hasker, Senior Manager of Imaging Services at The Lab Works. Duncan will take
us through the various printing and services, including a variety of sizes and substrates available (from
the traditional RA4 print to prints on Canvas or Aluminum). The majority if time will focus on image editing
tips and how to submit better images for processing,
aka “Colour Management”.
As the centre gears up for fall and new members join,
please be patient if you try to get in touch. We will
get back to you in fall when our group is about to resume. In the meantime, remember to capture your
summer experiences and come share them with us in
This project is so important, we can't let things that
are more important interfere with it."
Sharon Peichl
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Eight leaders have stepped
up to the Friday Lunch program! That enables each team
to serve lunch once in eight weeks, which is the ideal
schedule for the program, ensuring no one is overworked,
and therefore we are all well served!!
The first lunch is scheduled for Sept 16. The teams have
preset some menus and all looks good! Some spare help
will be needed particularly in the winter while some of our
working members enjoy southern fare! We have a small
spare list and welcome more names, so please add yours
by signing up at the office. Thanks to you too!
Your comments and suggestions are welcome all year, as
customers or workers. Be sure to let us know – input is
helpful in maintaining the program to suit all our needs.
Please note that the sign-up sheet for Fall Supper Volunteers is posted on the bulletin board at New Horizons. I will look forward to seeing some regulars and
welcome newcomers to get it all ready. Peelers and Slicers
bring your own peeler please. Coffee will be waiting!
Thanks in advance!
Photo by Graham Watson, of his nephew Joshua
Fleming, impressing all with a flying leap!
Tapeworms and Twinkies
A fellow walked into his doctor's office, complaining that he thinks he might have a tapeworm. The
doctor examined the patient and listened to the
symptoms. He concurred with the self-diagnosis.
"I want you to come back tomorrow, to start treatment. And bring a banana and a Twinkie with
you," said the doctor. Despite the seemingly odd
request, our hero complied, and returned the next
day with a banana and a Twinkie. The doctor
said, "Okay, now drop your pants and bend over.
This is going to hurt a bit." Although leery about
the turn of events, the patient dropped his pants
and bent over. The doctor peeled the banana and
with one deft motion rammed it up the guy's rear.
The doctor consulted his watch as our hero
danced around the room shouting at the physician. "Okay, one minute is up, and we have to
complete the second part of the treatment if your
truly want to get rid of this tapeworm," advised
doctor. Despite the pain, the patient does want to
be cured, so complied with the order to bend over
again. The doctor took the Twinkie and rammed
IT up the patient's rear. "Okay, tomorrow I want to
see you here at the same time, and bring another
banana and a Twinkie," ordered the doctor. The
now humbled patient, with tears of pain in his
eyes, nodded his head. The following day, the
same routine ensued. First the doctor rammed up
a banana, waited exactly one minute, then
rammed up a Twinkie. And the next day, and the
next day and the next!! Every day UP went a banana, wait one minute, then UP went a Twinkie.
After one full week of treatments, the doctor finally said, "Well, tomorrow is the LAST day of treatments. I want you to bring in a banana and a
hammer." "Not a Twinkie?" asked the very frightened patient, trying to imagine what a hammer
was going to feel like. "Nope, a hammer," confirmed the doctor.
The last day the doctor said, "Okay, you know the
routine." So the man drops his pants and bends
over. UP goes the banana. The doctor looked at
his watch and picked up the hammer.
One minute passed. Then two minutes. Three.
Four minutes pass.
Suddenly a little head poked out of the patient's
One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small boy into
bed. She was about to turn off the light when he
asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will
you sleep with me tonight?" The mother smiled
and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't dear,"
she said. "I have to sleep in Daddy's room." A
long silence was broken at last by a shaken little
voice saying, "The big sissy."
My husband and I purchased an old home in
Northern New York State from two elderly sisters. Winter was fast approaching and I was concerned about the house's lack of insulation. "If
they could live here all those years, so can we!"
my husband confidently declared. One November night the temperature plunged to below zero,
and we woke up to find interior walls covered
with frost. My husband called the sisters to ask
how they had kept the house warm. After a rather brief conversation, he hung up. "For the past
30 years," he muttered, "they've gone to Florida
The Indians asked their Chief in Autumn if the
Winter was going to be cold or not. Not really
knowing an answer, the chief replies that the
Winter was going to be cold and that the members of the village were to collect wood to be prepared. Being a good leader, he then went to the
next phone booth and called the National Weather Service and asked, "Is this winter to be cold?"
The man on the phone responded, "This Winter
is going to be quite cold indeed." So the Chief
went back to speed up his people to collect even
more wood to be prepared. A week later he
called the National Weather Service again, "Is it
going to be a very cold winter?" "Yes", the man
replied, "it's going to be a very cold Winter." So
the Chief goes back to his people and orders
them to go and find every scrap of wood they
can find. Two weeks later he calls the National
Weather Service again: "Are you absolutely sure
that the Winter is going to be very cold?"
"Absolutely," the man replies, "the Indians are
collecting wood like crazy!"
An eager, but less than bright, young entrepreneur
decides to go into the painting business. So he wanders into the rich part of town, paint brush in hand,
and knocks at the door of a large house. "Good day,
sir. I was wondering if you had any painting you need
done." The owner of the house, a rich man by any
standard, looks speculatively at the painter. He perceives a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, which reminds
him of his own ambition in his younger days. "Hmmm.
Yes, I think my porch needs a coat or two of paint."
The eager young painter rushes off around the side
of the house… Several hours later, he returns to the
front door, his clothes dripping paint, and knocks
again. "Sir, I've finished! But I have to tell you, that
wasn't a porch, it was a Ferarri."
Before you jump to a conclusion, you should check to
see how far you're gonna fall if you're wrong.
Gail Hurak
Dance Instructor, Hilites Article
Debrorah Gaynor-Martens
Professional Dance Instructor
Acrylic Painting Classes
With Lorraine MacVicar
Painting will start up again on Tuesday, Oct. 18
from 1:00 - 4:00 pm
$5.00 / Class, bring your own supplies.
New Horizons 55+ Members Only, but newbies
to painting are welcome.
Ballroom Dancing for Couples is back! We are
very excited to start up again. We had a lot of fun
last season and enjoyed all the social events we
were able to attend to practice our dance moves.
There will be 2 sessions on Tuesdays, starting October 18, 2016.
There will be NO intermediate class until further notice.
Pick your time slot:
Tuesday, at 1:00 PM starts October 18, 2016.
This class is geared for those that would appreciate more repetition/practice and less
moves. Beginners are most welcome.
Tuesday, at 7:00 PM starts October 18, 2016.
This class welcomes new dancers and any
former dancers that want to continue to review what they’ve learned. This class will
also review basic steps and will introduce
new ones.
In October, our classes are geared toward the holiday dances. We will be teaching the more popular
social dances in all levels. East coast swing, slow
fox, regular ballroom fox-trot and waltz. There are
only 8 classes before the Christmas dinner and
dance at New Horizons booked on Dec. 3rd.
We teach dancing for couples to enjoy when you
attend a social event. We will gear our lessons for
fun so that you are comfortable getting up and dancing.
Effective October 2016, the fee will increase by
$1.00. That will be $7 for members that are 55+.
$11.00 for non-members that are 55+.
Vera Ralke
It's so strange that autumn is so beautiful,
but everything is really dying.
September marks the beginning of our Fall/Winter
Season of activities, (i.e., Floor curling, Friday
Lunches, Fall Supper, etc .) I hope that many of you
will come to our Annual Membership BBQ on September 1, starts at 12:00 noon. Renewals and new
members are all welcome. Memberships paid
through the month of September will be eligible for
two Early Bird Membership Draws. The draw will
take place at our Annual General Meeting, being
held on October 4, at 7:00 p.m.
We officially ended our 2015/16 Membership year
with 623 members, 132 of whom were new to the
Centre this year.
See you at the Centre.
As promised, here are the rest of the Board positions available in case you’re interested in getting involved.
Regular Board Positions Available at New
Volunteer Director ...
Co-ordination of volunteers for special events as
A cheerful, naturally outgoing personality would suit
this role well. Normally, it’s a tough job to recruit Volunteers in an organization. New Horizons boasts a list of
260 of it’s members who have said they would volunteer
if asked to do so.
Publicity Director ...
To promote the Centre within the general community.
Generally, the role of Publicity Director is largely a public relations role. Someone who is a confident dealing
with the public would be good at this role.
Activities/Sunshine Director ...
To gather the statistics from each of the activities
monthly, compile and return the info to the office
each month.
A kind hearted and sympathetic person, who tends to be
detail-oriented would do well in this role.
The following Members will be presented with their
“Milestone Membership Pins” at the Membership BBQ
on September 1st:
10 Year Pin
Kathleen Cheong
Cheri Chowen
Kenneth Duthie
Doreen Henrickson
Vicki Hildebrand
Ken Hildebrand
Edward Kustra
Shirley Michaluk
Linda Neufeld
Fred Ralke
Elsie Schmidt
Valerie Shewchuk
Mabel Tinguely
Marion Huston
20 Year Pin
Ausma Ceplis
25 Year Pin
Irene Demchuk
The pin presentation celebrates consecutive
annual membership at the Centre.
Maintenance Director ...
Preventative maintenance and repairs to all existing
features of the building and grounds.
Generally, a person who is handy with tools would find
this role fairly easy to handle. Don’t worry, we have
plumbers and electricians to do the trade-type jobs.
Membership Director ...
Plan, Organize and Host a Membership Barbeque or
other get together in early September of each year
to encourage the renewal of membership for the new
activity year.
Generally, an approachable person with an outgoing
and friendly personality would be well suited for this
Member at Large ...
The idea of this role is to be a liaison between the
general membership and the Board of Directors.
Ideally, the people serving in this role will bring ideas,
suggestions and information from the membership at
15 Year Pin
Marie Smolinski
This year in an effort to encourage more members to attend the
AGM, Horizon Hearing is offering a door prize of an IPad Mini
Tablet—16Gb (that’s about a
$300.00 value).
Entry slips will be available at the door to fill
in, you must be in attendance in order to win.
Marc Palsson
100 - 7th Avenue,
Gimli, MB R0C 1B0
Telephone: (204) 642-9688, Ext. 7001
Fax: (204) 642-8688
Toll Free: 1-877-770-7662 (RONA)
Email: [email protected]
Marg, Mavis & Vera
Sharon Peichl
Hello from your “Dream Team”, Marg Freund, Mavis Gerwing and Vera Ralke. Our 2016-17 Floor
Curling Season is now upon us. Curling starts Friday, September 16th, teams have mostly been
made up and by now all skips have been called and
advised of their team members, phone numbers
and starting time on the 16th. We will try and get
you a copy of the schedule as soon as it is finalized
and prepared, keep an eye out in the second week
of September at the Centre.
If you are a curler and haven’t yet received a call
from your skip, please phone Marg at 204-6427506, Mavis at 204-642-8651 or Vera at 204-6429391 and we can help you out. Vera is responsible
for the Spare List this year, so if you have to miss a
curling game, please let Vera and your Skip know,
so a spare can be lined up for you.
Oh yes, our rocks have all been refurbished and
look brand-new. I’m sure they will all be straight
and true, landing exactly where you want them!!
Many thanks to Fred Ralke for his hard work and
supervision getting these rocks done, and to Linda
& Will Shipman for delivering them to Neepawa for
refinishing and then bringing them back when they
were done.
We look forward to seeing you all on September
A reminder: The annual floor curling spiel is coming
up on September 29 & 30th (two days only this
year). If you are thinking of entering a team, the
Entry Forms are available at New Horizons’ Office
and the deadline is SEPTEMBER 16TH. It is a fun
time with good curling, great food and exceptional
entertainment. Oh yes, the best part is GREAT
Still no action on our painting the containers! So sorry!
Weather and homework has held us down. We hope to
have it done before close up (which must be a long ways
Most of our selections have responded to our care and
look pretty good.
Please give some thought to joining our small group now
or next year. We could use at least 4 new helpers to offer
new ideas and lend a hand when Fall clean up arrives (not
too soon please!!) Feel like painting???? One morning
would do it with several pair of hands!
Meanwhile enjoy the colorful sights as you arrive, and offer any suggestions at the office.
The Office
The wood chippers are chipping away Fridays from
1:00 to 3:30. Great past-time, great group of people.
We know that communication is a problem, but the
company is not going to discuss it with the employees.
Janice Skene
As many of you know, the Lakeside Quilt Show and
Sale is over for another year. Many of the members
of New Horizons Fibre Arts entered quilts and quilted
items in the show and won prizes. Also, many of the
members volunteered in many areas which made the
show a success. Plans are already being made for
next year and people are planning their entries. We
are also starting to make items for the Christmas sale
in November and of course Christmas gifts. It is hard
to believe that it is less than 4 months until Quilting
Santa shows up to restock our stashes.
We continue to have an excellent turnout on Tuesdays. There are over 30 people on the list and we
have been averaging about 20 in attendance each
week. It is great fun to see each other’s projects,
meet new people and share information. Of course,
Show and Tell is always a highlight.
Some of us did some more fabric painting and others
are planning to make a weekender bag under Nancy’s guidance. The class for the bag is planned for
If you are interested, pop in on Tuesday and see
what it’s all about.
This quilt is made of cloth and thread
To place upon your little bed.
It's not an heirloom just to keep,
But to lie upon as you count sheep.
Or perhaps the floor's the perfect place
For a Doll and Teddy picnic place.
This quilt can be anything you can dream
From Superman's cape to the robe of a
Pretend it's a raft adrift at sea,
Or just cuddle up when you watch TV
So use it up and wear it out.
I promise I won't yell or pout.
Just tell me when its days are through,
And I'll make another one just for you.
Dave MacVicar and Les
Einarson putting up the
now infamous “Barn
Quilt” next to the Cabin
13. Word is that folks
from miles around will
flock to see this newly
erected monument to
Jim Richardson (and his lovely assistant Bev)
Starts Thursday, September 15th, 10:00 – to 12:00.
Please be there early so that you can get on a team.
Everyone is welcome. Come out to practice, to learn,
to just have fun. We will try to mix the teams and mix
the positions played. No pressure, just pleasure.
We need and would welcome a little help in the morning set up. Those who can help, please meet us there
at 9:00 a.m. Thanks and see you there.
To write with a broken pencil is pointless.
Moving Together Tai Chi Gimli
Phyllis Holmes
Reminder: Our Beginners class will start on
Tuesday, September 6 at 9:30 a.m.
The lesson for Beginners will be from 9:30 to
10:00, and at 10 the entire class will do exercises
until 10:30. After 10:30 the class will be for the
more advanced continuing members.
I want to thank all of our previous beginners that
have worked so hard to learn all the Tai Chi steps.
I look forward to them helping with the new beginners.
We hope that everyone has been having a fabulous Summer. It is hard to believe that Autumn is
almost here.
Roy Clarke
Thank heavens for youth and enthusiasm!!
One of our previous youth workers – Matthew
Mazur – returned to help Roy, Lavona and
grandson Logan stain the deck on the west side
of the building. The front entrance railing got a
coat of black spray paint. The day was breezy
and cloudy but the rain managed to stay away
until we were done. Conveniently, we ran out of
stain at the same time we ran out of energy!
Routine monthly maintenance activities were
attended to, as required. Roy will be away from
mid-September until the second week of October. Please advise the office staff of any maintenance requirements during this period of time.
Pearl Jessup
We play & sing at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. All you need is
to be a member and one dollar activity fee every
Bring your instrument and voice, the door is always
open to new comers. Come down for some fun and a
good time.
When I'm not in my right mind, my left
mind gets pretty crowded.
Gimli New
Horizons 55+
Starting September 1, if you renew your
membership before October 1st you will
be entered in a draw to win one of two
2016 memberships FREE ($20.00 Value).
Contest is open to Members who are renewing their memberships and to New
Members as well.
So drop by the office from Sept 1 to Oct 1
and renew for your chance to WIN!
Draw will take place at the
AGM on Tuesday, October 4th.
Need a good Fitness Routine?
Our sessions are based on low impact aerobics and established walking programs.
We also do upper body workouts that are good for
the arms, back and neck.
Classes are held on Mondays, Wednesday and
Friday Mornings from 9:30 to 11:00.
 Tones Muscle
 Keeps your joints in good working order
 Boosts Metabolism
 Helps Prevent Osteoporosis
 Keeps Your Mind Sharp
 Work out in a group setting
 Provides a Youthful Glow
 Keep your gluteus maximus looking good
Starting September 17th,
Mondays, Wednesdays and SATURDAYS.
Summer’s over, we had fun, we indulged, now
it’s time to shape-up for Christmas...
Auto | Condominiums | Home
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With Four Locations in Winnipeg
Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated,
gruntled, ruly or piccable?
Edna Lavigne
If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?
A flavourful word that says summer is over. I will
over-see perogies again this year, hopefully with the
great help I had last year, people that do the cleanup.
Our first event will be October 4 and 5th,. We will
go all out and make about 300 dozen the fist time;
got a feeling our regular customers are waiting for
the starting date.
Potatoes will be peeled and mashed on Tuesday, and Wednesday is the pinching day.
See you then, Edna Lavigne
Elaine Einarson
We are working on a Bus Tour to Shooting Star Casino for October 11, 12, and 13th, 2016. Please
check the bulletin Board at New Horizons for further
details. A sign-up sheet will be posted or you can
call the office at 642-7909 or Elaine at 642-9495.
Zuzana Busuttil
Lavona Clarke
A Birthday Bash will take place on Saturday,
September 10th for those celebrating a July,
August or September birthday! 5:30 pm to 7:30
pm. Doors open at 5:00 o’clock. Snacks!
Goodies! Beer and/or wine! Come and celebrate your birthday. Or come and celebrate
someone’s birthday. Birthday people get in for
free. For the rest of us, there is a nominal $5
per person charge.
On a personal note, I will be stepping down as
Social Director at the end of September. I encourage any New Horizons Member who likes
to, or has a knack for planning events to step
forward and put their name down for the Directorship on the Board on Oct 4th at the AGM.
Planning events like the Christmas Dinner are
a very important part of the New Horizons
Centre fund-raising efforts. You also get to unleash your creative side and there are usually
a team a folks willing to lend a hand as well.
YOGA - Leanne Stevens
Join us & experience the benefits that practicing yoga can provide. By incorporating mindfulness
with movement we can learn how to move in a way that
promotes health rather than pain. So come join us &
learn how you can take care of your body, mind and spirit.
Join our ongoing groups Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.,
Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. Newcomers are always
welcome. Drop in.
New Horizons Members $7.00,
Non-members $11.00
If you have any questions please contact the instructor
Leanne Stevens at 641-3920 or email
[email protected].
Namaste ~
Eirik Bardal
82 - 5th Avenue,
Gimli, MB R0C 1B1
Grey hair is usually a sign of wisdom.
Fit N’ Fun
Line Dance
9:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
Tai Chi
Fibre Arts
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
1st and 3rd Thursdays each month
7:00 p.m.
Floor Curling
Tai Chi
Contract Bridge
Fit N’ Fun
Circle Dance
Duplicate Bridge
9:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
Starting September 16th
HORIZON Hearing ………..…….
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Floor Curling
10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
Fit N’ Fun
9:30 a.m.
Starting September 17th Fit N’ Fun
moves to Saturdays.
For Appointment call 1-877-300-7507
Next Scheduled day for Horizon Hearing at New Horizons is: SEPTEMBER 14
BELTONE Hearing ………………
For Appointment call 1-800-661-2653
• Next Scheduled day for Beltone at New Horizons 55+ Activity Centre is: SEPT. 28