Ching Chatter
Volume XIX, Issue 3
February 2011
Our youngsters will be bringing home Provincial banners from
their OCA competitions held in the Prince Edward County region.
Darrin Harkness’ team of Andrew McGaugh, Jonathan Cassidy and
Roland Clark won the honours in the Fairfield Marriott Challenge &
Meagan Trevail’s team of Kaitlyn Rankin; Ginger Coyle and
Frances Prichard won the Best Western Challenge. They each bested 32 teams in their division by
winning 5 games in 3 days. The banners will be presented in the spring, so come out & support our
Provincial champions.
Congratulations to all teams who competed outside the Club this year – either at an OCA competition, a TCA
competition, or any of the many bonspiels that played host to Ching teams
Chinguacousy Curling Club women, men, mixed, junior and bantam teams have been doing us proud this year
as they represented Ching at a variety of OCA, TCA and other competitions. We have had entries in almost all of
the various sanctioned competitions – and many of the events are still to be played down.
With any luck Ching curlers will continue to do well – so good luck to all.
To recap this year‘s major successes:
Susan Burnside; Meagan Trevail; Torie Boynton and Kaitlyn Rankin represented Ontario and Chinguacousy at
the Dominion Club Champions National competition.
Meagan Trevail went on to field a team (Meagan Trevail; Kaitlyn Rankin; Ginger Coyle and Frances Prichard)
in the Best Western Women‘s competition – coming home the Provincial Winners.
Not to be outdone, Darrin Harkness skipped a new team (Darrin Harkness; Andrew McGaugh; Jonathan Cassidy
and Roland Clark) to his second Provincial championship in the Fairfield Marriot Men‘s event.
Yes, that means we have TWO new banners to go up in the new clubhouse next year.
In addition, Darrin also skipped a different team to the Finals of the 3rd Event of the TCA Goldline Spiel in early
January. (Darrin Harkness; Ryan Pearce; Fraser Brewster and Rick Martin)
Every curler should be encouraged to enter competition. There are so many, many competitions – from
Orangeville to Oshawa to Oakville. There are events for beginners, novice, intermediate and advanced level
curlers – and there are events for all ages – Little Rock, Bantam, Junior, Open, Intermediate, Senior, Masters and
Grand Masters. So take the plunge. Good Luck and Good Curling.
- John Earl and Trudy Burnside
FROM THE PREZ . . . - Chris Nowak
With the arrival of February, can any of us believe how quickly this year has passed!! Next month we are
looking at winding down and hopefully participating in the various league play-offs. Some members have already
mentioned that golfing is on their mind.
I wish to congratulate our latest ―Banner Winners‖—Megan Trevail‗s and Darren Harkness‘ teams. You have
certainly made us extremely proud. I also want to take this opportunity to wish luck to other teams participating in
the upcoming OCA events, as well to all the teams that have competed for our Club in bonspiels or competitions.
Way to go! The Chinguacousy name is being well respected even if many cannot pronounce it.
Remember that the AGM will be held in April which is open for all to attend. Elections are held and Club issues
are discussed. Try to be a part of it as this is your Club. With the new facility to be opened in the spring, it will
pique the interest of all members to know how it is progressing. Be sure to check the website for the date.
EL. – Rachelle Ford
The Tullamore Farms Bonspiel was held at Vic
Park on
Bill Jackson presents trophy to Patricia
January 28th
Keffer, Martin Post, Viki Greenwood &
and 29th.
Dave Greenwood
We thank
our sponsors Bill and Sylvia Jackson for their
continued support and Stu Scheffer (Moving On Real
Estate), our newest sponsor. We are very grateful for
the many donations from local businesses and Ching
Members for our Raffle Table. Special thanks to
Oscar‘s Roadhouse and Don Hlady Curling
1st Place Winners were Dave Greenwood, Viki
Greenwood, Martin Post and Patricia Keffer.
2nd Place Winners were. Wayne Dickinson, May
Dickinson, Dave Cubitt and Erica Kuehnel
3rd Place Winners were Jim Kelly, Debi Kelly, Stu
Scheffer and Sue Scheffer.
Every curler received a prize and after a Greek menu
catered by P&P Catering, our DJ, Music DeeLite,
entertained us with great dance music.
Thanks again to the Friday 7pm Curlers for their
donations and hard work
MIXED REPORT - Paul Docherty
We have just completed our third draw and most teams
are still fighting for a playoff spot.
Third Draw winners:
Martin Post and Patricia Keffer with rookies
Tim and Lee Crawford
Ray Husain and Farzana Hussain with Merv
and Jane McQuarrie
Friday @ 7 Mike and Jane Renton with Richard and
Raija Swindells
Friday @ 9 Chris
and Tom
with Lynn
and Paul
The Awards Dinner and Dance will be held on March 26th.
Tickets will be available soon.
The Tullamore Bonspiel was a great success thanks to
Rachelle Ford and her Friday at 7 crew
YOUTH CURLING – Wendy & Joe Bodhaine
Playing the game off-ice
Where has the time gone? It is hard to believe that we only have a few more
weeks left of the Youth Curling. In February we will host “Bring a Friend” day on Wednesday, February 9th
and Sunday, February 20th. This gives the children a chance to pass on their knowledge and curling enthusiasm
to their friends.
On February 5th Meghan Stronach, Lucas Dunlop, Spencer Dunlop and Kaylene Bodhaine participated in a
Bantam Bonspiel at the Club at North Halton. The children had a great day and placed 4th overall –
Don‘t forget to mark on your calendar Saturday, March 12 for the annual Parent/Little; Parent/Bantam
Bonspiel. This is a wonderful event for the children and parents. All non-curling parents are welcome and
encouraged to participate. Watch for the sign-up sheet later this month!
The City of Brampton will be holding a free “Try It” Clinic for anyone interested in coming out and learning
the great sport of Curling. No experience needed! No skill level required! Clean shoes and loose clothing are
Date: Monday, February 21st, 2011
Time: 3:30 – 4:30 pm
March Break Curling Clinic:
Kids from ages 7-17 years old are invited to practice their delivery and slide at our March Break Curling Clinic.
New curlers are welcome; bring a friend. Participants require clean running shoes and suitable athletic clothing.
Date: Tuesday, March 15th
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Code: 389421
Fee: $26.20
For more information please contact: (905) 458-6555 Ext. 120 or email [email protected]
The Business Women's league recently completed the second curling series. Playoff spots were won by the
following teams:
Division A
Division B
Division C
Division D
Alison Goring
Heather McGinnity
Zena Colantonio
Sandra Hames
Barbara Diamond
Trudy Burnside
Lynn Wilson
Sharon Walker
The final series is underway, with teams competing for the final 2 playoff spots in each division.
Our BW curlers have been very successful out of the club in the first month of this year!
- The team of Megan Trevail, Ginger Coyle, Kaitlyn Rankin and Frances Pritchard won the Ontario Best
Western Challenge Provincial Finals, earning a banner for Chinguacousy!
- The team of Jannette Trussler, Robbin Coedy, Lynn Rabey and Kim Bayley won the Unionville one day
- Congratulations also to Alison Goring who skipped her competitive team to the Scotties Provincial Finals.
The Business Women will be hosting their annual Krystal Bonspiel on February 19. The theme of the spiel
is "Everything Old is New Again". It should be a really fun day for all the curlers!
DAY LADIES REPORT - Karen Rethoret
With the passing of the season‘s halfway mark, the Day
Ladies are pleased to announce that Ruth Hay’s team of
Isabel Kennedy, Kerry Pomroy and Jean Pether did her
proud during her absence by winning the second draw with
the assistance of Elaine Burroughs. After all the tabulations
by draw master Sheila Little, skip Jean McQueen with Jean
McCrossan Prue, Kerry Pomroy & Debra Robinson won
the third draw.
Our league hosted the Winter Freeze bonspiel sponsored
by Al Morris on Wednesday, January 19th and despite a
lack of kitchen facilities, the ladies did a spectacular job on
the food. The winners were from North Halton, skipped by
Ching‘s May Dickinson with Colleen Cicci on the team.
The bonspiel committee is already hard at work preparing
the festivities for the 2-day Spring Thaw Bonspiel. Teams
from far and wide mark their calendars for this one – March
30 – 31!
Congratulations to Rita Betts, Jean McCutcheon, Sheila
Little and Diane Roseheart for winning the 5th event at the
Brampton Rose Bowl Bonspiel in January. Ching Ladies
finished 1 & 2 at the Alliston Lei it On spiel, Jan. 22 with
our own Juli Roslin, Audrey Greenwood, Helen Stennett
and Dorothy McKay placing second to Diane Ketch‘s
Business Women‘s Team – a one, two for Ching!
MINI MAJORS SEASON 20102011 - Nina Szymanska
What fun we had visiting Thornhill, Bayview
and Richmond Hill Curling Clubs! ―We‖ are the
2 teams of Ching leads and seconds who joined
the Mini Majors League this curling season.
The whole object of the league is for beginner
curlers to rotate through all the team positions
and experience play at other clubs. We had 4
matches and our teams put up a good fight
against established and experienced curlers.
At the last match Team 2 managed a win
against a strong Bayview team…well done!
The participants were:
Team 1: Nina Szymanska, Carol Hollingsworth,
Pat Schroeder, Mary Coyle
Team 2: Sharon Felice, Jean McCrossan, Pat
McKinnon, Jean Pether
We look forward to next season when we will
be hosting the other 3 teams for the final match
and lunch in our new clubhouse.
CURLING CLINICS - During our season at Ching CC, we hold a day-long Curl Canada Clinic with
Novice & Intermediate Sections. As well we have four Review Clinics held on Sunday afternoons, two before
Christmas & two after. Our hope is that our membership will take advantage of these events & increase their
knowledge of the game as well as improve their skills. Learning about the game is an ongoing affair that never
ends. We could not hold these clinics without a dedicated group of instructors who volunteer their time &
expertise. Thank you, Rik Aikman, Xandra Busche, John Earl, Liz Harris, Les Kovacs, Agnes McNally, Don
Smith, Wendy & Joe Bodhaine & any others who helped out this year.
- Juli Roslin
MEN’S REPORT - Stuart Craft
Here we are already the second week of February and the curling regular season only has three weeks
to go. The playoff pictures are starting to take shape and there are a couple extra spots available this
draw. Good luck to all teams.
On behalf of the Men‘s League Executive and all of its members, we would like to congratulate Darrin
Harkness and his team of Andrew McGaugh, Jonathan Cassidy and Roland Clarke for their Banner win
at the OCA Fairfield Marriot Challenge in January. This is the second time Darrin has skipped a team to
this championship last winning it in 2009. We would also like to congratulate Team Burnside on their
Provincial Dominion Club championship win and Team Trevail on their Provincial win at the Best
Western Challenge. It has been a very good year for Chinguacousy curling teams. We are looking to
have the official presentation at the Club AGM on April 10th and we will keep you posted once this is
We also would like to wish Team McGaugh the best of luck at the Junior Mixed Provincials in April.
Men‘s appreciation nights will be held Monday Feb. 28th and Tuesday March 1st.
The Wind-up sign-up sheet will be up soon for all in club teams to declare their interest.
The Men’s AGM will be held on Monday March 7th and we will be voting for the new Men‘s
Executive for next year. Those gentlemen wishing to serve on the Executive should contact any of the
current members. The AGM is every member‘s opportunity to participate in the activities that the Men‘s
section provides and the rules concerning the game. It is important that all members attend to ensure the
changes are applied fairly for the betterment of the club.
Draw 3 winners were:
A – Andrew McGaugh
B – Dan Dempsey
C – Grant Burnside
D – Alex McQueen
A – John Earl
B – Ron Rosengren
C – Doug Hogg
The Carruthers household has grown by one …..We are now a family
of 5 with the addition of our newly adopted son from China. We would
like to introduce William Weidi Carruthers (he goes by Weidi) to the
Chinguacousy membership who just turned 5 years old on Jan. 6th.
In early Dec. David, I and the girls flew to China to meet Weidi and
welcome him into our family. Weidi was born with a cleft lip and
palate which was repaired when he was 18 months old. Katie and Zoe
have welcomed their little brother into their lives and hearts however
they draw the line at their bedroom. Weidi is your typical little brother who loves to be busy around his
sisters, and the girls are typical older sisters beating him back! Typical sibling mayhem is now the norm
at our house with 3 thriving, busy little kids (ages 8, 6.5 and 5) all in the middle of it. Wonderful!
Dave & Gail are not only coping with a new son, but they are busy organizing a charity bonspiel held at Victoria
Park Arena on Sat. Feb 26th. This open bonspiel will support three different children‘s charities including Sick
Kids Hospital, Impact Poverty whose work is in Ethiopia and China Kidz in China. There will be a silent
auction & a draw table to help with the fundraising. Contact Gail at [email protected] to see if there are any
spaces left.
A New Little Rocker - Melissa Pearce
Carter Taylor Pearce was born on January 23, 2011 at 10:10 a.m. weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces. We have been
talking to him a lot about curling and he seems pretty excited to try once he's a little bigger. Ryan and I would
like to thank you all for you words of advice and support in welcoming our little guy.
A Special Day – Wendy Bodhaine
It was 2010 November 20th and a very special bonspiel for our family. At the
Markdale Golf and Country Club, one very proud Dad/Grandpa entered his ―4
generation team‖. My Dad, Ray, threw lead rocks, my daughter, Jolene, was
second, I viced the games and our skip was Jolene‘s daughter, Kaylene. Dad
was smiling ear-to-ear when he introduced his Great Granddaughter as his Skip!
We all felt very fortunate and blessed that we were all able to curl together.
What a wonderful day and hopefully we can make this an annual event for many
years to come.
Kaylene, Jolene, Wendy & Ray
2 on 2 Bonspiels from 2010 – John Earl
Winner A: Nelson
Zelding & George
Men’s 2 on 2
– presented by Stu Scheffer
Runner-up A: Carl Blacquiere
& Watson Rowe
Winner B: Mark Meacoe
& Alex McQueen
Runner-up B: Tom McLellan
& Al Freeman
Winner A: Stu Scheffer
& Joe Bodhaine
Board 2 on 2
– presented by Chris Nowak
Runner-up A: Meagan Trevail
& Bryan Mitchell
Winner B: Amy
Fedirchuk & Lynda
Runner-up B: Ann Moulton &
Debbie Kusturin
Each year the Chinguacousy Curling Club may recognize one of its members with the Marv White Award. This
award was first handed out in 1977 to honour Marv White who was one of the founding members of the club and
died very shortly after the club opened in the early 70‘s.
The award is given to a member who greatly contributes to the betterment of the club and the game of curling
both on and off the ice. It is awarded to someone who competes within the club with sportsmanship
and enthusiasm and also acts as an ambassador for our club when competing elsewhere at bonspiels or OCA
competitions. In addition, past Marv White Award winners have been seen around the club volunteering
countless hours at the many events we host during the year. You may see the past winners listed on our Ching
website .
The selection committee at present consists of Juli Roslin, Diane Ketch, John Earl & John Keast. As well, the
last year‘s recipient(s) are invited to be on the committee for the following year.
If you wish to nominate a member of our club for this award, please e-mail Juli at [email protected]