Chapter 8 A New Nation (pages 256

Chapter 8
A New Nation (pages 256-272)
Study Guide
State the ideas of the following leaders or political parties:
Alexander Hamilton – first secretary of treasury, federalist that believed in a strong federal
Aaron Burr – Jefferson running mate for vice president during the election of 1796
George Washington – thought political parties would divide the new nation, first president of
United States
Thomas Jefferson – vice president under John Adams, believed that the country should be ruled
by the people
Federalists – supported a national bank, British alliance, protective tariffs, emphasis on
manufacturing, rule by the wealthy class, loose interpretation of the Constitution, and a strong
federal government
Democratic-Republicans – supported rule by the people, strong state governments, emphasis
on agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, French alliance, state banks, and free
Define the following:
War Department – provided for the nation’s defense
Treasury Department – dealt with financial matters
Bill of Rights – the first ten amendments to the Constitution
Judiciary Act of 1789 – established a federal court system with 13 district courts and 3 circuit
courts for this country
National Debt – the amount the nation’s government owed
Treason – the crime of betraying one’s country
Jay’s Treaty – the agreement by the British to withdraw from American soil, also the settlement
of debts, impressment of Americans into the British navy was not part of this treaty, treaty
considered dishonorable by Americans
Dishonorable – bring shame or disgrace
Caucuses – held by political parties to choose their party’s candidate for president
Sedition Act – made it a crime to speak, write, or publish “false, scandalous, and malicious”
criticisms of the government
XYZ affair – named for three French agents that tried to bribe Americans after the seizing of our
ships and cargo headed to Britain
Alien Act – allowed the president to imprison aliens, for those he considered dangerous
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions – claimed the Alien and Sedition Acts violated the
Nullify – legally overturn federal laws considered unconstitutional
*Study guide is to be complete by Friday, 2/3.
*Test date – Wednesday, 2/8